An extended McElvane/Nelson Family Tree appears here. The tree below indicates only the lines of direct descent to those who died in Jonestown. While it includes numerous relatives not associated with Peoples Temple, it also excludes a number of relatives not included in the direct line. The managers of this website thank Emily Yaden Schneider for her research in preparing this tree.
Mystah Emmet McElvane ƒ m. Emma Wright ƒ |
Enola Marthenya “Kay” (McElvane) Nelson m. Arthur McGee ƒ |
Juanell Louise McGee Smart * m. Bartley Fain ƒ m. Alfred Laufton Smart ƒ |
Tinetra LaDese Fain m. Garry Dartez “Poncho” Johnson (see also Rodgers) |
Alfred Laufton Smart, Jr. |
Scott Cameron Smart |
Teri Lynn Smart |
James Nelson McElvane |
The key for symbols and colored type in these Family Trees appears here.