One Day

(This poem came by way of a recent offering to the Arbor Day Foundation tree memorial to restore forests that have been decimated by fire. With this new growth, I dedicate this poem in loving memory of Christine, Ava, Sandy, Brenda, Joel and Mona.

One day while strolling through a forest vale
may I embrace spiritual presence of family lost long ago.

They were joy and beauty in their being,
as blossoming wild flowers during a surge of spring.

Like the great Sequoias, they were tall in nature,
their branches reaching out touching and comforting
those in need of love, peace and joy.

By and by, while strolling through a forest vale,
may I be surrounded in the fragrance of blossoming
wild flowers and feel the embrace of the great Sequoias’
branches comforting me in loving peace and joy.

(Guy Young is a former member of Peoples Temple. His other article in this edition of the jonestown report is The Johnny Brown I Knew. His previous articles and poems are here. He can be reached at