Yugoslavian Embassy Visit to them 13/2/78 [February 13, 1978] (Sharon [Amos] & Tim [Carter])
– we talked to the second secretary Rieko Bogoyevich
– he said he could arrange for us to meet the Ambassador but they’ve been a little busy/ they’ve had a delegation from Yugoslavkia/ there are just 3 of them here, himself, the Ambassador and a man who takes care of the building
– he said that the structure of Yugoslavia is based on self-management/ businesses allow for self-management by the workers
– churches are allowed to have their own programs, they can have their own schools/ people can set up their own communities/ even the Gypsies are allowed to do their own thing and have their own schools
– I asked them if they would be willing to take a bunch of immigrants/ he said that immigrants are not generally flocked to Yugoslavia in large numbers because it is not a highly developed country/ it’s a middle-developed country,
– but when I asked if they would take a bunch of people in, he said “why not”/ I mentioned that we were interested in being in Guyana and wanted to help here but just wanted to know their policy
– they have room for people and wouldn’t mind people coming and starting their own community and their own school/ they don’t have licensing of schools or govt. regulation of schools
– they have no regulations or rules against churches
– they wanted to be totally independent of USSR and that’s why they got into self-management because they felt people would be motivated if they can manage their own companies, and even art is set up on a self-management basis
– he would like to visit Jonestown
G-2-e-1b – [Reverse side of page 1a is a portion of news article about Charles Garry visit to Jonestown]