Buford Answers to personality survey, 1975

[Editor’s note: This document consists of a printed sheet with 30 questions and five pages of handwritten answers. For ease of reading the questions will be placed alongside the answers.

[Teri Buford wrote her age as 23, which meant this document was likely prepared in 1975. Despite the notation that this questionnaire was generated by St. Joseph’s Parish, the tone of most of the questions suggests it came from Peoples Temple.

[The questions are similar to those asked of Temple PR spokesperson, Mike Prokes, which may be found here.]

St. Joseph’s Parish Council Questionnaire

  1. Who are your best friends in and out of the church?

Sharon Amos

  1. Who are you jealous of?

People who are not hyper like me.

  1. What do you think about heaven, reincarnation?

don’t think about it.

  1. When and why have you thought about suicide?

Think about it as a realistic action should the police apprehend me and the church would be involved unless I were dead.

  1. What you think about living and working in the Mission Field?

I think it is a constructive thing. I felt rather useless when I was there.

  1. What fears do you think you need to overcome?

Fear of having things broken into and the church getting in trouble.

  1. What are your greatest weaknesses?

irrational paranoia

  1. What does the word God mean to you?

nothing—don’t believe—

  1. What are your greatest strengths?


  1. Why are you a member of this church?

only answer to the assholes outside the church

  1. What are your greatest temptations?

To drop out of school—to manipulate my way out.

  1. Who is Father: do you see him as Savior, Creator, or both?

The only socialist alive — the only fun, honest, caring person I’ve ever known.

  1. What are your sexual feelings and attractions to the pastor?

A very warm caring experience but I don’t judge his love and respect by it.

  1. List your three closest relatives and give their addresses and relations to you.

C.T. Buford, 104 Heather Lane, [illegible] Pennsylvania. (I don’t know any others.)

  1. Are you on good terms with your natural family?


  1. What are your hostilities to the pastor?


  1. What do you think about apostolic living?

The only answer

  1. Do you see our heavenly father as creator?


  1. Tell about any feelings of guilt you have and what the guilt is about.

Father stopping me from a long jail sentence because of my mistake

  1. Do you believe in life after death? If so, in what form?

Don’t think about it.

  1. What do you think about the church discipline?

Its good

  1. What criticisms do you have of the church and/or leadership?

Need more organization

  1. What are the main teachings of the church?


  1. When and why did you last think about leaving the church? What kept you from leaving?

Don’t think about leaving it.

  1. What is your main or only purpose for living?

This cause

  1. How was the world created?

I don’t know—combustion theory

  1. What are your fears of the heavenly father?

Not afraid—all he does is kind.

  1. What do you think about immortal life?

don’t think about it

  1. What are your hostilities to the pastor? [Editor’s note: Question duplicates 16]

I feel like I let him down a lot, no natural hostilities

  1. What are the best things about this church?

Structure, care, involvement with the mass without losing sight of the individual.