Fundraising letters, November 1978


Promotional Letter from Jim Jones to Peoples Temple, early November 1978

[letterhead of Jim Jones]

[handwritten notation: “A Special Message from Pastor Jones”]

Dearest Family,

The month of November brings the coming winter along with the Thanksgiving holiday. The pioneers who celebrated the first Thanksgiving in this country did so knowing that many hardships lay ahead. Yet they set aside a special time to express their gratitude. And in that spirit of sharing and cooperation they found a new hope and inspiration to carry on.

Here at Peoples Temple, we celebrate Thanksgiving by pausing to express our gratitude, keeping our goals firmly in sight, because GRATITUDE IS THE KEY TO OUR BLESSINGS. It is important to demonstrate our gratitude through giving…and there are many ways to give. The message of Thanksgiving is that we give out of the thankfulness of our hearts, because we believe in what we’re doing. As the Scriptures say, “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully; every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver. God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that ye, always having sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work.”—II Corinthians 9:6-8.

All things are possible to those who believe, and in Jonestown we have made a model of what can be accomplished through faith and dedication to principle. Each day the children grow more self-assured, blossoming in all their beauty and creativity, free to express themselves, and so healthy and happy. The seniors seem to have grown younger. We are so grateful for their wisdom. They are a very important part of life here. There is no distance between the young and the old—the little children look forward eagerly to their daily visit to the seniors’ homes! The medical clinic has been compared to Dr. Schweitzer’s hospital in Africa; all around us for many miles into the forest, are Amerindian families whose babies have been saved or who have been made well and whole through the work of our medical staff and Dr. Larry Schacht.

But greater than this, Family, a dream has been REAL in Jonestown. A dream of brotherhood and harmony that is being seen by more people every day, and carried to all the corners of the globe, by amazed visitors. In each and every one of these blessings, YOU, dear one, have played a part—through your giving, through your faith, and just in wanting it to come about!

As I meditate over the special requests that I have received from you recently, my heart and mind are very much with you. How right you are to want the simple things that everyone is entitled to: the best health care possible, peace in your lives, to care and be cared for by others around you; and freedom—freedom from financial worries, from loneliness, freedom from self-doubt and despair. This freedom is something you deserve! I have great faith in the power of Love to meet your every good desire. I know that many have already been blessed with the things they needed.



Now it is very important that you write to me this month, so that I can continue the highest possible contact with you. There is a special meditation sheet provided for you to use. Also, for this month of November, until the end of the month, begin each meditation (at 6 in the morning or evening), by thinking of three things for which you are grateful.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to express your gratitude and strengthen your point of contact with the Spirit of Love.

With love,
Pastor Jim Jones



[Transcriber’s note: The author of the letter may be Temple leader Florida Johnson.]

Handwritten Letter from Janice White of Peoples Temple to Congregation

Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ
Jim Jones, Pastor

Dear Intercessory Family,

We can truly be grateful, because Pastor Jim Jones dared to believe that Jonestown could be and worked to make it a reality. Just as he believes that the Power of Love can heal, and cares enough to identify — to feel our pains, as if they were his own, believing that God, Love, will restore us… And it has worked – thousands upon thousands of times, as we have documented!

Dear Ones, in more ways than you can know, your offerings to this wonderful ministry are seeds planted in the richest soil, of future blessings for you and your loved ones. The special offering amount for this month is $27.33, if you are able to give that amount. But of course, any amount is welcome, and if you are unable to give, Pastor Jones welcomes your letters and will gladly meditate for your needs. Especially this month, as he has asked, be sure to write to him, whether or not you are able to send any offering.

Yours in faith,
Janice White

P.S. Family! We can use all of the Blue Chip Stamps or S&H Green Stamps, that you can send. They are very much needed to get supplies for our clinic and school in S. America.