Serial 1369

FBI Airtel

Date 12/7/78

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)
FROM: SAC, NEWARK (89-147) (P) (CRA)
00: San Francisco

Re Bureau teletype to Newark, 12/1/78, and Indianapolis teletype to Newark, 12/5/78.

Enclosed for San Francisco are the original and one copy and for the Bureau to copies of an FD-302 reflecting the interview of [name deleted].

It should be noted that [name deleted] requested her identity be protected because she feels that she and her family may be the subject of personal retaliation on the part of members of the Peoples Temple.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Date of transcription 12/7/78

[paragraph providing name, address and telephone number highly redacted]

[Name deleted] was advised of the official identity of the interviewing Agent and that the interview concerned her involvement with the Peoples Temple. Prior to the start of the interview, [Name deleted] requested that her identity be protected because she feared personal retaliation from members of the Peoples Temple.

[Name deleted] was questioned in accordance with a list of prepared questions and furnished the following information:

[Name deleted] advised that she had no knowledge of any weapons acquired by the Peoples Temple.

She further advised that she had no knowledge of any types of firearms training received by members of the Peoples Temple.

[Name deleted] further stated that she was not aware of any threats to harm public officials or present and former members of the Peoples Temple.

[Name deleted] advised that she had no information with regard to the caching of weapons or money by Jim Jones.

She stated that she did not know of any discussions or plans with regard to retaliation by Jones. She advised that she had no knowledge of any persons who were set up as a target for murder by Jones.

[Name deleted] stated that in 1971, Jones formed a governing body within the Peoples Temple which was called “The Board.” She advised that as of 1973, the following individuals were members of the Board:

Archie Ijames
Larry Layton
Carolyn Layton

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Karen Layton
Linda Amor [Amos]
Jack Beam
Tim and Grace Stone [Stoen]
Mike Cartmell
Suzanne Jones – daughter of Jim Jones
Lynn Jones

[Name deleted] advised that she did not know of the existence of any security force. She stated that she was not familiar with the term “The Angels.” She advised that she has no knowledge of any members of the Jonestown Basketball Team, since she was never in Jonestown.

[Name deleted] advised that she had no knowledge of any bribery or influence peddling by members of the Peoples Temple.

[Name deleted] advised that she had no knowledge of any plans or discussions with regard to the assassination of Congressman Ryan.

[Name deleted] advised that she has no knowledge of the existence of suicide drills or the existence of any assassination squad.

[Name deleted] advised that she first became familiar with Jim Jones at the age of two years old which he lived in Indianapolis, Indiana. She advised that in 1967 when she was 13 years old, she moved to San Francisco to live with a woman named [Name deleted]. She stated that [Name deleted] was affiliated with the Peoples Temple. She stated that she subsequently lived in a Peoples Temple dormitory while attending Santa Rosa Community College. She stated that in November, 1972, she left the Peoples Temple, however, was persuaded by her ex-husband to return to the Peoples Temple in January, 1973. She stated that upon her return she was considered by other members to be unfaithful and untrustworthy. She stated that the Peoples Temple had moved toward heavy Catharism [catharsis] and constant interrogation of members. [Name deleted] advised that she left the Peoples Temple in August, 1973, and after being telephonically harassed by members she left California in April, 1974, and has had no contact with any members of the Peoples

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Temple since that time.

[Name deleted] advised that she had no knowledge of any Peoples Temple members being involved in criminal activity nor any knowledge of the existence of a radio or radio code used by Peoples Temple members.