Police Department
City of Huntington Beach
December 7, 1978
Detachment 403
Dover Air Force Base
DE 19901
Concerning your investigation of the Jonestown incident, this Department is requesting your assistance in helping to determine if the following subjects were among the residents of that community returned to the United States.
[Information on two individuals of interest deleted]
This Department holds a $100,000 warrant for [name deleted] charging Felony Child Stealing and Burglary. The Federal Bureau of Investigation also warrant for the same subject charging Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution.
[Name of subject and child deleted] is known to carry knives, and poses a threat to the safety of the child.
[Name deleted] has been known to frequent communes throughout the United States, and we feel that the Jonestown situation would closely parallel some of her beliefs.
Enclosed are photographs and flyers.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours,
[name deleted]
Detective Sergeant
Investigation Division