Serial 1376

FBI Airtel

Date 12/18/78

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)

Enclosed for information of FBIHQ are four copies of an FD-302 pertaining to review of records conducted by SA [name deleted]. Also enclosed for information of FBIHQ are four copies of the work papers of SA [name deleted] and four copies of an LHM.

FBIHQ is requested to advise Legat Ottawa and the Social Security Administration of the details contained in these enclosures, and furnish one copy of the LHM and work papers to them.

[Editor’s note: Page 2 consists of a photocopy of a file folder]

[Page 3]

United States Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
San Francisco, California

December 19, 1978

Assassination of United States Congressman Leo J. Ryan
Congressional Assassination Statute

On November 29, 1978, a large wooden box containing approximately 300 file folders was delivered to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), San Francisco. The folders were labeled with the following names and Social Security numbers:

[Editor’s note: The balance of this page, the entirety of the five pages following, and the majority of page 7 list names and Social Security numbers. They appear on the PDF but have not been transcribed here.]

An examination of the contents of these folders revealed the following documents for each individual:

1. Form 1199 – Authorization for Deposit of Social Security Payments

2. Signature card to establish a checking account at Bank of Montréal (CA), 333 California Street, San Francisco, California

[Page 10 of pdf, page 8 of document]

Assassination of United States Congressman Leo J. Ryan
Congressional Assassination Statute

3. Authorizations to transfer funds from individual accounts to Apostolic Corporation and/or Peoples Temple Federal Credit Union savings accounts

4. Bank of Montréal (California) monthly statements (August 1976 through October 1977)

In the majority of cases, the forms were filled in with the individual’s data, but remained unsigned by the individual. Of the bank accounts reviewed, 37 people had funds totaling $57,411 transferred out of their accounts. Of this amount, approximately $33,000 was withdrawn from these individuals accounts by having them sign checks over which were payable to “Cash”. Also, approximately $21,000 was transferred directly from these individuals checking accounts into the savings account of the Apostolic Corporation.

The following bank accounts were utilized to receive funds transferred from these individuals checking accounts once direct deposits were established for their Social Security checks:

Account number Account name
00-2003-0 Apostolic Corporation
10328-4 Peoples Temple Federal Credit Union
0001-022250 California Canadian Bank
00-103624 Check Cashing and Money Order Services Company
1-22003-0 Apostolic Corporation
00-10318-7 Peoples Temple Account No. 28
00-103306 Peoples Temple

A summary of all monthly withdrawals from the individuals checking accounts and an analysis of deposits and withdrawals pertaining to each account on a daily basis are set forth in the work papers of SA [name deleted]. These work papers contain the results of a review of records pertaining to the period August 1976 through October 1977. This review was completed on December 12, 1978.

[Editor’s note: The balance of the pdf consists of handwritten listings of entries to various accounts listed above]