Serial 1557-5

[Editor’s note: This FD-302 interview with Dale Parks appears two different places, as part 5 of Serial 1557 and as part 16 of Serial 1681, the FBI’s 387-page report of January 12, 1979. While each version of the interview had unique deletions – designated by blue type – only in the latter interview was the subject inadvertently identified two times as Dale Parks. The deleted information which is known to the editor is indicated by red type.]


Federal Bureau of Investigation

Date of transcription 1/2/79

An individual, who identified himself as [name deleted] [Dale Edwin Parks] was contacted as he departed Pan Am flight 228 at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFKIA), Queens, New York (NY). At this time, [Parks] was advised of the identities of Special Agent (SA) [name deleted], Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and SA [name deleted], United States Secret Service (USSS). [Parks] was advised that the nature of the interview concerned the assassination of Congressman Leo Ryan and the activities of the People’s Temple. After conferring with Attorney, [name deleted], [Parks] advised that he was willing to provide information to the interviewing Agents.

[Parks] recalled that his first affiliation with Reverend Jim Jones was [Partially released at Serial 1681-16: at the age of [word deleted] when his parents lived in [location deleted]. [Parks] indicated that his parents were taken to hear Jones speak either in [Springfield or South Charleston, Ohio.] [Parks] explained that he saw [Released at Serial 1557-5: Jones] as a good person, concerned for racial equality and healing the sick. [Parks] became an official church member in [date deleted] when Jones was in Redwood Valley, California. He advised that his family moved to Ukiah, California, at this time. [Parks] recalled that Jones had proclaimed that the area of Redwood Valley was a “protective zone” from a nuclear attack. [Parks] stated that he was active in the People’s Temple youth groups [4 lines heavily redacted] [Parks] stated that he also helped Jones and the congregational meetings and with the general organization of the People’s Temple.

[Parks] stated that his parents did not have a title within the People’s Temple. He indicated that his father [Gerald Parks] had been a [half line deleted] in Ukiah, California. [Parks]’s mother, [Patty Parks] had been a [line deleted] Ukiah, California.

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[4-line paragraph on Dale Parks’ education heavily redacted]

[Parks] advised that [Partially released at Serial 1681-16: his wife, [Joyce Touchette Parks] was [word deleted] and in March of 19777, she] went to Jonestown, Guyana. [Parks] stated that he remained in San Francisco and that he was beginning to have doubts about the People’s Temple and Jim Jones. [Parks] stated that he left the church in [July of 1977] [Parks] stated that he was afraid of threats previously made by Jones and was also concerned about his family. He explained that Jim Jones’ wife, Marceline Jones, found in in [him in?] December of 1977 in San Francisco. [Parks] stated that Marceline Jones begged him to return to the People’s Temple and gave him money plus a round-trip airline ticket to Guyana. [Parks] advised that he decided to go to Jonestown to check it out and that he arrived in Jonestown on [January 12, 1978]. Upon his arrival, [Parks] said that he was ushered into the settlement by armed guards, his return trip airlines ticket was taken from him, and all his other possessions were taken from him. [Parks] indicated that he was forced to stay in the Jonestown settlement from the first day he arrived. He stated that he was forced to write letters to people in the United States (US) describing how beautiful it was. He also indicated that Jones forced people to send similar radio messages. [Parks] advised that the mail was also censored. He indicated that Rita Tupper was in charge of the letter writing committee. [Parks] advised that those individuals who did not comply with the rules of the settlement were beaten or made to do things at gunpoint. He also explained that on several occasions, he saw a large snake around one’s neck. [Parks]

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said the beatings were horrible and that they were always for some ridiculous reason. [Parks] indicated that sexual relationships had to be approved by Jones. He described one situation when a Kay Roses [Rosas] and an unknown male, who were caught having sexual relations without having gotten approval from Jones. Jones made an example of them by making them undress in front of the group at the Jonestown pavilion and told to perform sexual intercourse.

[Parks] indicated that church members did sign written oaths of incriminating information. He said this was accomplished in San Francisco when you had to sign a blank piece of paper as you attended the congregational meetings. [Parks] advised that in Jonestown, Jones would make you write incriminating statements about yourself and that it was not dated.

[Parks] advised that Jim Jones did have personal bodyguards and that they were sometimes armed depending on the circumstances. To be a bodyguard meant that you are well trusted and you are able to move about more. [Parks] listed the following individuals as being among Jones’ bodyguards: Jimmy Jones, Jr., Tim Glen Jones, Lou [Lew] Jones, Stephen [Stephan] Jones, Joe Wilson, Bob Kice, Calvin Douglas, John Raphael Cobb, and Pancho [Gary Dartez “Poncho”] Johnson. [Parks] advised that Jimmy Jones and Joe Wilson would take charge in the absence of Jimmy Jones, Jr. [Jim Jones]. [Parks] stated that when Jones called an “Alert” meeting, the Security Force usually was armed.

[Parks] expressed suspicions as to whether Tom Kice was actually involved with the Security Force. [Parks] advised that it never actually appeared that Kice was a security member, in fact, Kice had even been publicly beaten. But now, in view of the fact that Kice was a participant in the Port Kaituma

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airstrip shooting of Congressman Ryan, [Parks] questioned Kice’s role in the settlement. [Parks] stated that Jones had sent Tom Kice to Caracas, Venezuela three days before the shooting. [Parks] advised that Tom Kice was the individual who [shot] [several words deleted] [Parks’ mother] Patricia Parks, at point blank range in the head with a rifle. [Parks] was referring to the shooting at the Port Kaituma airstrip on November 18, 1978.

[Parks] continued with information regarding the Security Force by stating that they were not always armed. [Parks] stated that there was a “secret” security force in addition to those individuals who were known to be security. The secret security was always present spying on the settlement members trying to learn of any derogatory information. [Parks] describe the duties of the Security Force as follows:

1) The roamers – Observe people on suspect list as being “negatives”, which included all those previously brought on pavilion stage or those who had expressed a desire to leave

2) To watch those individuals that were being held against their will

3) To protect the property and watch the gate entrance.

[Parks] stated that Bob Kice was in charge of the daily roaming security. [Parks] identified Danny Marshall, black male, age 19 and Patty Johnson, black female, age 28, as being security force members not previously mentioned. [Parks] indicated that Pancho Johnson would assist Bob Kice and that Johnson was often the personal bodyguard Parks Marceline Jones. Pancho Johnson was a black male, approximately 22-26 years old. [Parks] also listed Bonnie Simon, white female, 30s; Clifford Geig [Gieg], white male, 18-19; and Stanley Geig [Gieg], white male, 16-17, as being members of the Security Force. [Parks] stated that Stanley

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Geig had driven the tractor onto the Port Kaituma airstrip during the November 18th shooting incident. [Parks] was not familiar with the term “Angels”.

[Two lines deleted] [Parks] indicated that the members of the Planning Commission were to be a cross representation of the total membership. He indicated that all of the planning commission members were well trusted by Jim Jones. [Parks] felt that the Planning Commission did not actually exist in Jonestown. [Parks] indicated that the Planning Commission was comprised of approximately 50 people and that they usually met about once a week. [Parks] listed the following individuals as being members of the Planning Commission: Terry Buford, Carolyn Layton, Karen Layton, Sharon Amos, Sandy Bradshaw, Maria Katsaris, Harriet Troop [Tropp], Dick Troop [Tropp], Grace Stoen, Tim Stoen, Joyce Parks, Mike Prokes, Tim Carter, Richard Janero [Janaro], Claire Janero [Janaro], Archie Ijmes [Ijames], Helen Swinney, Cleave Swinney, Beatrice Grubbs, Tom Grubbs, Kay Nelson, Debbie Blakely [Blakey] and Lee Ingram. [Parks] stated that any of Jones’ sons were also allowed to attend the meetings. [Parks] explained that if you were a member of the “Inner Core” of the Planning Commission, you were very trusted. [Parks] specifically mentioned the following individuals as being in the “Inner Core”: Terry Buford, Sandy Bradshaw, Sharon Amos, Maria Katsaris, Carolyn Layton, Karen Layton and Debbie Blakely. [Parks] expressed a great concern over Terry Buford. [Parks] advised that Buford was Jones’ “right arm” and that she was an identical replica of his mind. [Parks] repeatedly stated that she is the most dangerous individual alive. [Parks] stated that the reason Buford is cooperating now is to get us off her back and that she is the one actually responsible for keeping the movement going. [Parks] stated that Buford was not a defector, that she was assigned by Jones to leave the church. [Parks] explained that Buford always followed every command Jones gave to her and that she

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was extremely loyal to the People’s Temple. [Parks] felt that Buford is just using Mark Lane. [Parks] thought that Jones got Mark Lane involved with the People’s Temple because of his notoriety. Lane made several trips to Jonestown, at which time there were always eloquent dinners and shows. [Parks] stated that Mark Lane never really saw what Jonestown was really like.

[Parks] believed that officials of the American Embassy and also the Guyanese Government had been compromised by Jones. [Parks] stated that Jones bribed officials with women and their sexual favors. [Parks] specifically mentioned Paula Adams, white female, 28; Sharon Amos, white female (Jewish), 45 and Debbie Touchette, black female, 25, as being three women he knew that were probably involved in this matter. [Parks] stated that these three individuals spent most of their time in Georgetown. [Parks] also indicated that Tim Carter was used to infiltrate the Concerned Parents Group.

[Parks] did not have any specific information regarding Tim [Jim] Jones’ contact or influence over officials of the State of California. [Parks] did admit that he was very suspicious about the shooting death of Mayor Mascone [George Moscone].

[Parks] advised that Soviet officials had visited Jonestown. He indicated that Jones apparently had entertained ideas of moving the group to the Soviet Union. [Parks] felt that Jones had realized that he had backed himself into a corner and that the People’s Temple settlement was not working out. [Parks] stated that Mike Prokes, Tim Carter and Mike Carter had escaped the mass suicide in possession of a letter to the Soviet Embassy. [Parks] felt that possibly the letter revealed financial disclosures to the Soviets.

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[Parks] estimated that there were more than 50 weapons in Jonestown. He indicated that there was a large variety of weapons including revolvers, automatics, rifles, shotguns. [Parks] indicated that he observed one machine gun. [Parks] stated that the weapons were kept in Hut 14 where John Raphael Conn, Jimmy Jones, Jr., and Joel Cobb lived. [Parks] also advised that weapons were kept in the backside of the warehouse. [Parks] describe the warehouse as being located behind the coordinator’s office. The coordinators were Charles and Joyce Touchette. The Touchettes were in charge of coordinating workdays, agricultural programs, and financial spending. [Parks] further described this location by indicating that it was across from Mr. Muggs’ cage. According to [Parks], Mike Touchette and Stephen Jones also lived at the Coordinator’s Office. [Parks] stated that the Guyanese customs were very relaxed regarding incoming parcels. [Parks] advised that when he arrived, the Guyanese Customs did not check four of his trunks. [Parks] indicated that it was not unusual for contraband to be packed in the bottom of trunks of incoming People’s Temple members.

[Parks] was not aware of any specialized firearms training either in Jonestown or in California. He did advise that Stephen Jones was a sharpshooter.

When questioned regarding the existence of a contingency plan made in the event that Jim Jones or the Peoples Temple was attacked publicly, [Parks] stated that he was not familiar with such a plan. He did acknowledge the fact that Jones had often spoke of “dealing” with defectors. [Parks] stated that Jones often stated that the defectors will get their just reward.

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[Parks] was not aware of any officials, state, federal or international, that have been targeted for assassination.

[Parks] stated that Jones held suicide practice drills. He felt that Jones did this in order to get a feel of what people would do. [Parks] advised that the “White Nights” were actually the emergency sessions called by Jones that would decide whether they would carry out the suicide plan. [Parks] advised that Jones’ suicide plan was his last resort stand against Fascist America and its Imperialism. Jones had taught that instead of allowing them to take our lives, we will take our own lives.

[Parks] did not acknowledge any information regarding a relocation plan except to say that if anyone would know about it then it would be Terry Buford. [Parks] did say that with Jones dead he did not think the People’s Temple movement would continue.

[Parks] provided the following information regarding the shooting at the Port Kaituma airstrip at the assassination of Congressman Ryan:

[Parks] [Ryan?] arrived at Jonestown around 5:00 PM on Friday, November 17, 1978. At this time, everything was going well, as Ryan mingled among the congregation. There was loud applause when Ryan was introduced. The Security Force were not armed, but the “secret” security force was mixed among the congregation. That night, Ryan and some of his aides stayed in Jonestown. Members of the Press stayed at Port Kaituma. Saturday morning, November 18, 1978, a breakfast was held for Ryan and members of the Press. At 11:30 AM, things started to go bad. [Parks] [indicated that he and] [several words deleted]

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were talking about escape. Richard Clark and Donna [Diane] Louie had already left, pretending to be going on a picnic. [several words deleted] [observed someone digging in the bush near the location where the [name deleted[ family had buried some clothes. [Parks] advised they had previously hidden some clothes for a future escape. At] this point, [several words deleted] thought their plan to leave had been discovered. Edith Parks began talking to newsman and Ryan about leaving the Jonestown settlement. Pancho Johnson and Marceline Jones came to [several words deleted] [and told him what Edith Parks was doing.] Johnson and Jones attempted to bribe them to stay and stop talking about wanting to leave. [Several words deleted] that they should not believe the bribe being offered by Marceline Jones. [Dale Parks] explained that they confronted Jim Jones with their real problems, the poor living conditions, [his mother] was ill nourished, and the inequality. [Parks] stated to Jones, “If this is your idea of Socialism, I want no part of it”. These events took place at approximately 1:30 PM. [The Parks family then went with Mark Lane to their cottage to gather their possessions.] Jim Jones reacted by giving them “fake” hugs and telling them that they were always welcome back and that they would be given $5000 for expenses. At 2:30 PM, [Dale Parks] indicated that there was a total of 15 defectors. Those individuals were: Brenda Parks, Chris O’Neal, Gerald Parks, Juanita Bogue, Tracy Parks, Tom Bogue, Edith Bogue, Monica Bagby, Harold Cordell, James Bogue, Teena Bogue, Dale Parks, Edith Parks, Patricia Parks and Vern Gosney. In addition to the defectors leaving, there was Congressman Ryan, his aides, Press members and concerned relatives, who had come to Jonestown. At this last-minute before the dump truck departed, Larry Layton jumped on the truck indicating that he wanted to leave. Layton did not have any luggage or additional clothing. Everyone was very suspicious of Larry Layton. [Dale Parks] advised that he previously observed Larry Layton talking with Jim Jones before he jumped onto the dump truck. According to [Parks], the attempted stabbing of Ryan occurred while the defectors were

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waiting on the dump truck. Ryan was still in the settlement with Charles Garry and Mark Lane. Apparently Ryan was discussing with Lane and Garry about making arrangements for the other families, who wanted to leave Jonestown. Don Sly was reported to have been the individual attempted to stab Ryan. After Ryan finally arrived at the truck, they were ready to leave. [Parks] explained that the truck started to pull away but got stuck in the mud. [Parks] felt this was done on purpose as a delay tactic. A caterpillar truck was summoned to pull them out. When the dump truck arrived at the entrance gate of the Jonestown settlement, Joe Wilson jumped onto the side of the truck. Wilson lifted everyone in the truck very hatefully, according to [Parks]. Wilson may have been looking for his wife and child, who actually had left earlier in the day on a picnic. When they got to the Port Kaituma airport, according to [Parks], one individual observed Joe Wilson shake hands with Larry Layton and hand him a gun. [Dale Parks] stated that the following people got onto the small plane: Monica Bagby, Larry Layton, Vern Gosney, Tracy Parks, Dale Parks and the pilot. According to [Parks], Larry Layton insisted on getting into this plane and sitting behind the pilot. As this plane began to taxi down the runway, [Parks] could see another trailer approaching the airstrip. [Parks] [begged the pilot not to take off.] At this time, Ryan was on the ground boarding the larger plane. [Parks] indicated that the shooting started with shots being fired from those individuals in the trailer. [Parks] identify the following people as being in the trailer:

Tom Kice, Sr. – white male, 40s
Bob Kice – white male, 35
Ronnie James – black male, 20
Ronnie [Elihu] Dennis – black male, 18
Ernest [Earnest] Jones – black male, 60s
Stanley Geig [Gieg] – white male, 18
Joe Wilson – white [black] male

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Stanley Geig was the driver of the vehicle. [Half line deleted related to the death of Patty Parks] [got shot in the leg] and then was shot at point-blank range in the back of the head. When the shooting started at the larger plane, the pilot of the small plane began to slow down. [Parks] observed Larry Layton beginning to reach into his pants. [Parks] began shouting to the pilot to stop the plane and get out. At this point, Layton pulled out a gun and began shooting at individuals in the small plane. Layton’s first shot hit Monica Bagby. The second shot hit Vern Gosney. [Dale Parks] stated that Layton pointed the gun at [Parks], pulled the trigger but the gun misfired. Layton then fired his fourth shot at Monica Bagby, wounding her for the second time. Layton fired a fifth shot, again wounding Vern Gosney. [words deleted] [realizing that he had not been shot, started fighting Layton. [Parks] was able to wrestle the gun from Layton and [Parks] hit Layton with the gun. [Parks] advised that he got out of the plane and ran into the bush.] During this time, shooting was still going on at the larger plane. [Parks] stated that after the shooting, the tractor trailer sped away from the scene. [[Parks] went back to the shooting scene and] observed some of the defectors getting off of the larger plane. [[Parks] observed his mother, who had been shot to death. [Parks] then] took five of the children and ran into the bush. [Parks] advised that during this entire incident, that there were several Guyanese soldiers nearby but they gave no assistance. [Parks] explained that he did not actually witness the shootings at the larger plane.

Regarding the use of the radio at the People’s Temple settlement, [Parks] could only advise that Mike Carter would know the codes.

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[Parks] advised that he did not have any knowledge of a “hit list” or of individuals to be assassinated.

When questioned about the possible existence of a primitive nuclear device or bomb at Jonestown, [Parks] recalled an incident in a Planning Commission session in San Francisco, California, when Jim Jones spoke about an explosion on a train that had been carrying military ammunition. [Parks] vaguely remembered something Jones said about a large bomb, but could not provide any additional information.

[Parks] advised that when Jim Jones held “white nights” that he often stated that public officials and Peoples Temple defectors should be assassinated. According to [Parks], Jones had always indicated that he had people to take care of that. Jones would lash out against defectors with such statements as: “If I have to crawl after them myself or if I have to get the Mafia, I will get the defectors”. Jones spoke to the congregation that Congressman Ryan was bad, that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was behind him and that the CIA wanted to overthrow the People’s Temple. [Parks] explained that Jim Jones had no intention of letting Congressman Ryan visit Jonestown. [Parks] felt that Jones’ real plan was to have Larry Layton make arrangements to cause the crash of Ryan’s plane before he got to Jonestown. [Parks] also indicated that everyone in the congregation was forced to sign a petition against having Ryan come to Jonestown. Apparently, individuals were made to sign the petition but did not know what it stated. The petition was presented to Congressman Ryan by Sharon Amos.

[Parks] provided the following information about Dr. Lawrence [Laurence] Schacht:

Schacht had attended medical school in Guadalajara, Mexico. Schacht came to the People’s Temple with emotional problems and addicted to drugs. Jim Jones took Schacht in and got him off of drug dependency. Jones apparently sent Schacht

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to school to finish his medical training. According to [Parks], Schacht was very poor at putting what he learned to practical use. Jones made Schacht publicly admit that they had sexual relations together, [Parks] indicated that Schacht even told him that this was true. Schacht was not a licensed Medical Doctor and he had not satisfied any residency requirements. Schacht used the following drugs as control substances: Thorazine, Valium and Librium. The Extended Care Unit was used to discipline individuals in the Jonestown settlement. Drug therapy and brainwashing techniques were extensive. Thorazine was often put in milkshakes, but not necessarily done by the medical department. [Parks] indicated that Annie Moore (sister of Carolyn Layton) was the individual who had access to all drugs. Schacht had to make requests through Annie Moore. [Parks] had no knowledge regarding the presence of cyanide at the Jonestown settlement.

[Parks] indicated that Tom Grubbs was the individual that had developed the boxes used to discipline children by placing them in solitary confinement. These boxes were destroyed after Debbie Blakely returned to the US and expose their use.

[Parks] advised that he had no personal knowledge of the mass suicides on November 18, 1978, but that [2 names deleted, likely among the following: Tim Carter, Mike Carter, Odell Rhodes and Stanley Clayton] had been witnesses:

[Parks] gave descriptions of the following People’s Temple members:

1) Tim Jones – white male, basketball team, security force, planning commission, violent

2) Jimmy Jones, Jr., – Black male, basketball team, security force, planning commission, violent

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3) Eddy [Eddie] Crenshaw – black male, drove trucks, boat off loading crew, had heard that Crenshaw wanted to leave

4) Herbert Newell – black male, basketball team, security force

5) Johnny Cobb – black male, basketball team, security force, violent

6) Johnny Jones – black male, former John Brown of San Francisco, knew a lot of government officials, ran public arena for Jones in Jonestown

7) Mark Cordell – white male, basketball team, security force

8) Jim MacElvane [McElvane] – black male, head of People’s Temple security in the US, mainly in San Francisco, brother of Kay Nelson

9) Billy Oliver – black male, security force, mother had come with Ryan as a concerned relative

10) Steve [Stephan] Jones – white male, Jones’ natural son, basketball team, security force, planning commission

11) Lee Ingram – black male, basketball team, security force, managed basketball team, husband of Sandy Bradshaw, violent

12) Chris O’Neal – white male, work in buck [brick] factory

13) Calvin Douglas – black male, basketball team, security force, violent

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14) Cleveland Newell – black male, basketball team, security force

15) Bonnie Simon – white female, security force, married to Al Simon

16) Paul McCann – white male, off loading crew, working in agriculture, reserved security

17) Pauline Groot – white female, electrical crew, research medical department, intelligent

18) Tom Grubbs – white male, school principal, developed discipline boxes

19) Marie Rankin, also known as (AKA) Puckett –was on drugs, had criminal record.

20) Terri Buford – white female, planning commission, Jones’ “right arm”, most dangerous individual alive

21) Jean Brown – white female, in San Francisco, very high in Public Relations, planning commission

22) Rennie Kice – black female, planning commission, wife of Bob Kice, worked in medical drugs and supplies

23) Lora [Laura] Johnston

24) Vera Young – black female, in San Francisco temple, planning commission

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25) June Crym – white female, in San Francisco temple

26) Mike Prokes – white male, ex-CBS reporter, top public relations representative to Guyanese Government, planning commission, violent – capable under order

27) Tim Carter – white male, higher than Mike Prokes in Public Relations, violent – capable under order

28) Sandra Ingram, a.k.a. Bradshaw – white female, Lee Ingram’s wife, very loyal, planning commission, Jones’ mistress

29) Judy Flowers – black female, San Francisco temple secretary of membership

30) Jim and Harriet Randolph – white male, white female, in charge of all people leaving San Francisco to Jonestown, Harriet Randolph identical with Harriet Tropp [Tropp], who had some law experience

31) Leona Collier – black female, in San Francisco, major membership secretary, visited Jonestown often, made others abide by rules but never did herself, made thousands of dollars for Jones by recruiting blacks, important to Jim Jones

32) Burrell Wilson – black male, basketball team

33) Claire Janaro – white female, never lived in Jonestown, planning commission, on ship “Albatross”, had been purchasing agent in Ukiah, California for People’s Temple

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34) Richard Janaro – white male, planning commission, on ship “Albatross”, public relations and purchasing agent

35) Don and Bonnie Beck – both white, college trained, in San Francisco, very loyal, on planning commission

36) Marie [Maria] Katsaris – white female, Greek, Jones’ mistress

37) Paul [Paula] Adams – white female, planning commission

38) Tish Leroy – white female, planning commission, head of accounting department, general inventory and balancing

39) Chuck Beikman – white male, charged with murder of Amos, very violent, cannot read or write

40) Joyce Touchette – white female, planning commission, coordinator at Jonestown

41) Charlie Touchette – white male, husband of Joyce Touchette, on ship “Albatross”, planning commission, coordinator in Jonestown of purchasing of equipment

42) Michelle Touchette – daughter of Joyce and Charlie Touchette, planning commission

43) Mike Touchette – white male, son of Joyce and Charlie Touchette, basketball team, violent, close to Steve Jones

44) Stanley Clayton – black male, witness to suicides, worked in kitchen

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45) Larry Layton – white male, charged with murder of five people, planning commission, very close to Jim Jones, sat next to Jones on pulpit

46) Vera Ingram – left a long time ago, daughter of Alice Ingram, who managed the warehouse

47) Albert Touchette – white male, 18-19, basketball team, violent, coordinator with father, Charlie Touchette

48) Mike Carter – white male, brother of Tim Carter, planning commission, worked on radio

49) Bruce Oliver – black male, 18-20, security force, violent, observed with weapon

[Parks] also advised that Terri Buford, Patty Cartmell, Sandy Bradshaw, Sharon Amos, Carolyn Layton, Karen Layton, Rita Tupper and Christina Lucianos [Christine Lucientes] all had sexual relationships with Jim Jones. Jones referred to these individuals as his “staff”. These staff members would divide up the California area and gather information on the membership. Cards were kept to assist Jones in the fake healings. The staff would go through your personal belongings and use the information obtained for Jones to make revelations.

[Parks] provided the following information about himself:

[Balance of page 18 and entirety of page 19, detailing information on physical description, education, occupation, and family members heavily redacted]