Serial 2018

FBI Airtel

Date 3/23/79

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)
FROM: SAC, SAN FRANCISCO (89-250) (P) (SQ. 10)

Re San Francisco airtel to Bureau, 2/21/79.

Enclosed for the Bureau are 2 copies of index of Guyana evidence received from Guyana at San Francisco on 12/29/78, 2 copies of evidence under separate cover.

For information of Bureau, 7 crates received in initial shipment have been categorized by San Francisco and separated into portfolios. As of this date, under separate communication, San Francisco has furnished remainder of evidence not previously furnished through referenced communication.

Bureau is being furnished 2 complete copies at this time, one company is been furnished for the Bureau to disseminate to the Department of Justice. For information, Bureau evidence is being shipped in 12 separate packages, one complete set is contained in packages marked 1 – 6 and seven copies contain the packages marked 7 – 12.

One complete copy being furnished to Secret Service locally.

Bureau requested to furnish one complete set with index to Department of Justice.

“Armed and dangerous. Suicidal tendencies”

[Editor’s note: This website’s introduction to Guyana Evidence – both Part I included with this serial, and Part II located at serial 2233 – may be found here. The contents of the two parts of the Guyana Evidence may be found here.]