Serial 2295



To: SAC, San Francisco (89-250)
From: Director, FBI

Enclosed for San Francisco are two copies of a letter dated 8/1/79 from Ms. [name deleted] to Congressman Bill Royer.

For information San Francisco on 8/29/79, James A. Aiello, Administrative Assistant to US Congressman Royer, California, made available a copy of the enclosed letter to FBIHQ.

Review of this letter indicates Ms. [name deleted] is setting forth details of her efforts to secure custody of [name deleted]. Ms. [name deleted] also indicates this information has been previously furnished to the San Francisco Office.

Copies of this letter are forwarded to San Francisco for your information. Mr. Aiello stated no response or other acknowledgment of Ms. [name deleted] letter is required.

NOTE: on 8/8/79, James A. Aiello, Administrative Assistant to US Congressman Royer, California, telephonically contacted FBIHQ and advised he had received instant letter from Ms. [name deleted]. Mr. Aiello stated he wished to furnish FBI a copy of Ms. [name deleted] letter for information purposes only. He stated no acknowledgment of Ms. [name deleted] letter is required as is no further acknowledgment to Congressman Royer’s office. Copies of Ms. [name deleted] letter forwarded to San Francisco for their information.