Date: 7/30/80
To: Mr. Revell
From: [name deleted]
Subject: RYMUR
PURPOSE: To advise that the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, US House of Representatives, has been provided the opportunity to hear the 11/18/78, voice-enhanced Jonestown “Last Hour” tape, and has received the transcript of the tape.
RECOMMENDATION: None. For information.
DETAILS: By way of background, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, US House of Representatives, requested to hear the 11/18/78, voice-enhanced Jonestown “Last Hour” tape, and to secure a transcript of this tape. With the concurrence of the US Department of Justice (DOJ), and the US Attorney (USA), Northern District of California, FBIHQ advised the committee that their requests would be honored.
On 7/30/80, [name deleted], Staff member, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, US House of Representatives, met with Bureau Supervisor [name deleted] at FBIHQ. Ms. [name deleted] was afforded the opportunity to hear the 11/18/78, voice-enhanced Jonestown “Last Hour” tape, and was provided with a transcript of this tape.