[Editor’s notes: This report was transcribed by Heather Shannon. The editors are grateful to her for her invaluable assistance.
[This document retains its original spellings throughout, with corrections made only when the meaning may otherwise be unclear. In addition, where known, we have added first or last names in brackets to those identified by a single name. It should be noted that a number of names have not been annotated. The name is either unknown, there may be more than one person with that name or – most often the case – the name is in code.]
B-4 b (88)
April 20, 1978
Page 1
from June [Crym]
[Handwriting: “To Mildred [Terri Buford]”]
[Handwriting on duplicate on B-4 b (103): “To Mildred – dupe. copy”]
1. Ranch – Regional program, patient rates – Bonnie [Beck] doesnt think we’ll get the special rates on the program, after going through the third degree with the Board of Health people last week. We’ve always had volunteer labor because of the ownership by the church, etc. The questions asked were “why do you want more money?” There isnt the expense of paid labor, there is already a profit, why do we want more money?
She has to draw up expenditure sheets to show how the income is distributed, into food, sundries, rentç etc. As it is now, the figure for food is 37 cents per person, hardly recongizable in the eyes of the Board of Health. Claire has a personal draw of $12 – $30 per month, hardly realistic in the eyes of business people who dont relate to apostolic life. There are ways of enhancing this expenditure list, which Bonnie intends to do, in hopes of proving that we do need the increased special [text xx’d out] rates in order to provide the special services and operate at a profit.
She has talked privately with the psychologist who has been pushing the special rates; she has asked him not to tell Claire or the others yet that it looks like the ranch will not get the higher rates. He wants to appeal if we dont get the rates; he wants to go to our Congressman [Donald H.] (Clausen); she plays th is [this] down and tries to get him to not pursue it. She is stalling the Board of Health until she can draw up the expenditure sheets, which are due no more than 2 more weeks. Martha and I both agree with her that the figures need more work. Also, she suggests adding a depreciation fund; i.e., a fundfor anticipating depreciation of equipment, such as setting aside funds for repairs or new van, cars, etc.
2. We’ve received a bill from the Bonding Sevice to renew the annual estate bond on Anthony Lopez’s guardianship case. Ask [Eugene] Chaikin if we should pay it. $20. [Handwriting: “It is not for Jones bill, but we might pay to avoid attn – Tim. E. [Eugene]”]
3. Pets Unlimited – We were sued, as you know. Garry called the Deputy City Attorney who had sent us the summons. She said it was policy to send summons to all parties to the action regardless of involvement. Garry left a note with her to call him if she thought we needed representation at the hearing. Otherwise he didn’t plan on doing anything else. He suggested we call Pets and see what they were going to do, but thought we should sit on it basically. He wasnt too optimistic about our getting our money back. [Handwriting: “Not our problem. E.”]
4. Canoe case – They never responded to our letter demanding delivery of the canoes. Garry said we should send the whole file to the Post Office Fraud Division and see if they have anything on these people. And let him know what they say. Should wedo this? [Handwriting: “Yes, E.”]
B-4 b (89)
Law Office Report #28 [#27]
April 20, 1978
page 2
From June
5. Clara Johnson’s niece [aunt], Syola Williams, had a court case going, and we have received notice from the attorney that he is dropping the case because he never received any response to his letters from Clara. He is filing a motion in the court to withdraw from the case. See attached. I am not familiar with this case. What are we to do with this. [Handwriting: “It is so we can sell her house. We ought now to have her deed [illegible word, likely “title”] someone else to fight the title dispute. E”]
6. Rob Gieg had a bus accident last year, in which he was hit in an intersection by a car that ran a red light, swerved to avoid hitting him and hit another car as weell. Now the driver of the car that ran the red light is suing Rob, and P.T. Bonnie called the Brown Brothers Adjusters here in SF, who is our representative in the case it turns out that Mayfield never reported the accident when it happeed to Brown Bros. Brown Bros. has been told that Rob is in S. A. [South America]. Harold’s file on the accident has the dmv form filled out by Rob, notes of calling Mayfield, and an unsigned statement by Rob. Brown Bros. would be the ones that would defend us in this, but if you want us to talk to Eric about it, we will. [Handwriting: “Get to Mayfield to get our carrier to defend us. E“]
7. Don Jackson had a bus accident last year; Brown Bros. (?) is on the other side in this one, say they served him with a lawsuit 1/15/78. They have been told that he left for S.A. 10/25/77 and has been there ever since and we have no one here who accepted for him. They were threatening default judgment because he had not responded. The insurance man has said they may need official proof from the Embassy in Georgetown of Rob’s presence there. Dont [text xx’d out] know th is for certain yet. [Handwriting: “Our Insc. carrier should be defending us, don’t really care about, and Don as our driver.”]
B-4 b (90): 4/1/78 Invoice to Walter J. Jones from Eugene B. Chaikin for $20 for the premium renewal for Guardianship of Vincent Lopez , Jr. [Typed note: “If this matter is closed please send cancellation evidence as soon as possible”]
B-4 b (91-95): Motion to withdraw as attorney of record for Charles Turner in Syola Williams case.
B-4 b (96): Letter to Clara Johnson from Robert L. Dicker
August 15, 1977
Ms. Clara Johnson
1435 Alvarado Terrace
Los Angeles, CA 90006Re: Williams vs. Turner
Dear Ms. Johnson:
Charles Turner is being represented by an attorney who has contacted me.
Mr. Turner claims that Mrs. Williams is his wife and that he has an ownership interest in the property, having paid taxes and other items for a number of years.
It is going to be necessary to get a lot more information than I have now.
Additionally, as you might imagine, what started off as a simple unlawful detainer proceeding, is now going to end up to be a case of a substantially different complexion, and for that reason, I feel it is very important that we get together, that I be furnished all of the facts and information, and that we arrive at a mutually agreeable fee schedule.
Awaiting word from you, I remain,
Very truly yours,
Robert L. Dicker
B-4 b (97): Letter to Clara Johnson from Robert L. Dicker
August 29, 1977
Ms. Clara Johnson
1435 Alvarado Terrace
Los Angeles, CA 90006Re: Williams vs. Turner
Dear Ms. Johnson:
Please find enclosed herein, copy of letter dated August 19, 1977 from Attorney Bash along with copy of Marriage Certificate.
It is imperative that you contact me so we can discuss this case in more detail.
Awaiting word from you, I remain,
Very truly yours,
Dicker & Dicker
By Robert L. Dicker
B-4 b (98): Letter to Clara Johnson from Robert L. Dicker [Handwriting: “12/22 when is my Appt?”]
November 15, 1977
Ms. Clara Johnson
1435 Alvarado Terrace, Apt. 207
Los Angeles, CA 90006Dear Mrs. Johnson:
I am receiving some pressure from the attorney for Mr. Turner and we are going to have to resolve this case one way or the other.
Needless to say, I was employed by you to represent your aunt and it is with the furtherance of her interests that I am most concerned. However, in order to protect her to the extent the law permits, I must have full and complete explanations to the questions which have been raised so that I can offer intelligent and meaningful advice.
In addition to the above, I believe we should have a better understanding as to the fees which we are going to charge so that you may know in advance what is involved.
With the above thoughts in mind, I would suggest that you contact me at your earliest convenience so that we can arrange for an appointment and move ahead with this matter.
Awaiting word from you, I remain,
Very truly yours,
Robert L. Dicker
B-4 b (99): Memorandum to Clara Johnson from Robert L. Dicker
DATE: January 12, 1978
FILE: 5968Clara Johnson
1435 Alvarado Terrace, Apt. 207
Los Angeles, CA 90006SUBJECT: Williams V. Turner
Dear Mrs. Johnson:
I have repeatedly tried to phone you regarding the above matter, but all of my attempts have failed. Please phone this office at your convenience so that we may arrange an appointment to discuss this matter.
Very truly yours,
Robert L. Dicker
B-4 b (100): Letter to Clara Johnson from Robert L. Dicker
March 29, 1978
Ms. Clara Johnson
1435 Alvarado Terrace, Apt. 207
Los Angeles, CA 90006Re: Williams vs. Turner
Dear Mrs. Johnson:
Since I have not heard from you with respect to my letter of February 27, 1978, I no longer consider this office as representing either you or your aunt, Syola Williams, any further.
Please arrange to have another attorney take care of this matter.
As I explained to you on so many occasions, we need your cooperation and we have not received it.
So that any rights which you or your aunt may have in this matter are not prejudiced, I sincerely recommend that you immediately retain another attorney and advised me who he is, and I shall gladly send to him my entire file along with an executed Substitution of Attorneys.
Remember, any further delay in this matter will only add to whatever loss you have suffered by the delay that has taken place thus far.
Very truly yours,
Robert L. Dicker
B-4 b (101): Proof of service by mail of motion to withdraw as attorney of record for Syola Williams
B-4 b (102): B-4 b (100)
B-4 b (103-117): Duplicate of B-4 b (88-102)
B-4 b (118)
[Handwriting: “Caroline Layton given 5-20”]
[Top half of page is text which has been typed over twice, and therefore illegible]
last 3 lines of page 1–WE LOSE THE RENTAL REBATE OF $35 on any that use the out of country address. It then becomes mandatory to prove that they were in the country through Dec 31…which is not always easy, and is seldom true.. most of the folk [text xx’d out] came down last year.
Page 2 item 2–We can start to have them write their own… it is not necessary, since the signature is what matters…so we can do that.
item 3–Danny is writing letter.. copy to Tish [Leroy]..
4–I sent instructions on this..correct; ok deduct what is gone. they can have been junked or given away, which is likely what happens5) JANARO AUDIT–I asked for and again ask for the canceled checks to be sent down here THERE ISNO LAW SAYS THEIR RECORDS HAVE TO BEON THE PREMISES.. Tell Bonnie to get out of that! She seems determined to handle that, and if she does I can tell you right now it will end up with a barrel of taxes owed by P.T. PLEASE GET THOSE CANCELD CHECKS OUT OF THERE!!! We will send back and handle via corres-
B-4 b (118) second page:
pondence with the auditors. DO NOT ASK THE AUDITORS WHAT THEY WANT!!! Wait until they “ask” for what they want… It is taking entirely too long to get me those records! I AM ASKING FOR THE 1976 records. I cannot file a 77 return without them – nor WILL I FILE A 77 RETURN WITHOUT THEM. It would be a gross error in judgment. Yes, most of records are here – I STILL WANT THE CANCELED CHECKS WHICH YOU CAN SAY THAT RICHARD AUTOMATICALLY PACKED WITH HIS BUSINESS PAPERS, SINCE HE PLANNED TO FILE RETURN FROM HERE.
On this one, will have him mail it from Georgetown… and will try to get another address there that he can use. She may have already cost us a fortune by the messing she has done so far. I just want to keep it from bleeding over into the UNRELATED BUSINESS INCOME which can go against P. T. and give the government immediate cause of action to attach all of our properties… I cannot seem to get this point through to anyone. CAROLYN: PLEASE ADVISE DAD OF THIS FACTOR… Tim Stoen could be pressing this audit… and at this point we must behave totally defensively!
I DO NOT WANT XEROX COPIES SENT. I WANT THE ORIGINALS, AND DO NOT WANT XEROX COPIES LEFT FOR THE TAX PEOPLE TO LOCATE AND FIND… Claire is in touch with her husband in So Amer and is trying to locate where they are – there or here, meanwhile, she needs an extension until she can get it all together… IF SHE CANNOT GET IT… then I would transfer title of the business and get her out of that country!!! YOU MAY GET A LAW THERE REQUIRING TAX CLEARANCE TO GET OUT OF THE COUNTRY TOO BEFORE VERY LONG. IF THEY ARE DOING IT IN GUYANA, WHY WOULD NOT THE CIA TRY IT ON THUS… WE HAD BETTER CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY!!
I want Claire to delay as long as possible… at least until she is out of there, or the place is sold… And she is out of there