[Editor’s notes: This report was transcribed by Heather Shannon. The editors are grateful for her invaluable assistance.
[This document retains its original spellings throughout, with corrections made only when the meaning may otherwise be unclear. In addition, where known, we have added first or last names in brackets to those identified by a single name. It should be noted that a number of names have not been annotated. The name is either unknown, there may be more than one person with that name or – most often the case – the name is in code.]
B-4 d (1)
[Handwriting: “To Mildred [Terri Buford]”]
Law Office Report #38
July 8, 1978
from June [Crym]
page 1
1. Attached is copy of lawsuit being filed next week by Pete against Blanche. The idea is to cut Blanche off at the pass with the injunction, assuming the court would grant the order to show cause and enjoin Blanche from representing or working with ex members, etc. This would tie up the 3 suits brought by Blanche,
2. [text xx’d out] Willits Fuel situation: Monday Rob Tarver, Don Beck, and realtor Haycock will go to Bob Peters on whose property the pumps are stored, and discuss the fuel pumps; Rob will take a tap to see if there is any fuel left and how much; Haycock has a possible buyer.
3. Attached is original [Handwriting: “original” crossed out, “copy” written] new birth certificate for Donna Lacy, this makes the adoption of Donna by Georgia Lacy official and final. This should be kept securely with records there. I’m sure Mrs. Lacy would be very pleased to see it; she went through a lot to get it. [Handwriting: “(original kept here in James’ records.)”]
4. Clara Johnson/Syola Williams suit – attached is bill from the attorney, For you to handle however you want it to be done.
5. Cleve Swinney – attached is original [Handwriting: “original” crossed out, “copy” written] Social Security Award which should be kept there for Cleve’s records.
6. 1752 McKinnon Street [Avenue], SF – reported on Bedford’s last report which went over with Gloria this week; new news: Bedford listed it today with local realtor, realtor gave favorable report and thinks it will sell easily. Using Edwards’ power of attorney for listing agreement, property consists of 2 lots and is listed to be sold for one piece, listed at $24,000, cash, 10% commission to realtor.
7. See law office report #30, dated May 13, 1978, item 3. Irvin informed me last week that one of the items that was removed belonged to Blanche. Somehow communications got mistaken and mixed up because it has always been our position not to move that one, not to keep it in our pantry but close by at our neighbor’s kitchen. What has happened is that that one was dealt with exactly as the others were, ended up in the Mission district; Irvin was careful [text xx’d out] of the cold air and wore gloves [Handwriting: “gloves” underlined] and warm coat [text xx’d out] but doesn’t remember if he removed the plates from the dinner table
8. Apostolic Corp: We have received attached Request for Past Due Return. How do you propose to handle this? Before this reaches you I will have put this over the radio and possibly consulted Walter; I know Walter’s first question will be, well did you file taxes for 1977? Why not? Whatever Walter will do will be a stalling operation, I would assume; this should be discussed by Chet and Cheryl and Evelyns mother and Mildred and whoever else…Martha and I are speechless as usual, struck dumb, youmight say…
B-4 d (2)
Law Office Report #38
July 8, 1978
from June
page 2
9. Edith Cordell bill – in tracking down how much Medi-Cal and Medicare has paid on a bill she owes to Dr. Morton Rosenblum, [text xx’d out] Joanne Davis has traced down that a $28.80 Medicare check was sent over for Edith’s endorsement, and we have no record of it being returned here after endorsement. Would someone please check this out ? Dr. Rosenblum sends his bills c/o Peoples Temple. Also, if you do get [text xx’d out] Medicare or Medi-Cal checks for people to endorse, I assume you do send them back to us, don’t you? Once they’re endorsed, they have to be used to pay off the medical bill – and cashing Medicare or Medi-Cal checks over there would look strange, I should think.
10. Mildred asked for a report on Lee Ann Thompson, Kay Rosas’ little girl. The child’s legal guardian is Marie Mills, who is still trying to get her foster children to be legally hers and away [text xx’d out] from jurisdiction of the court so she can take them over. Marie’s attitude is very positive; she participates in service all the time, helps Lorie with the letters when we have letters in service, sings in the choir, plays the piano as back up for Jean Alexander. The child is in a good family situation, she has 7 other sisters and brothers aging from age 5 all the way up to 16. Two of the foster children are impossible legal problems; [text xx’d out] they are 16 and 13 and their paretns are very hostile to the church, live in Arizona, and have already asked for their children back but the children won’t go. As far as Marie going over, it will be a long time because she WILL NOT give up the foster children, and she is gradually trying to get them, one by one, for herself. This last week she went to court and won in a freedom from custody and control case for one little one, age 6, a foster child who is now going to be adopted by her. She has first preference and has been assured there should be no problem. The whole thing with Marie is time. Since the kids are wards of the court, she cant just pick [text xx’d out] up and leave. I dont think she would mind if we sent over Lee Ann, ff that’s why your asking. It would be one less mouth to feed and she has a lot of them, plus ar alcoholic husband. As far as structure, Lee Ann does well in her present situation, probably would be difficult to handle if she went over alone, for awhile at least, because she has never liked her mother and wanted to change her name to Mills when Marie took her. The guardianship is one of person and estate, so preferably the estate should be terminated before Lee Ann goes over. The case is a Los Angeles case so I guess Frolich would have to do it. The estate is AFDC and that is all. I dont know why you are asking, but if you have in mind sending her on ahead, let me know and I will talk to Marie about it.
B-4 d (3): Letter from attorney William J. O’Keeffe to Georgia Lee Lacy
B-4 d (4): Birth certificate for Donna Louise Lacy
B-4 d (5): Charges to Clara Johnson for legal services re: Williams v. Turner
B-4 d (6): Social Security Award certificate for Cleave L. Swinney
B-4 d (7): Letter from California Franchise Tax Board regarding past due return for Apostolic Corporation
B-4 d (8-21): Duplicates of B-4 d (1-7)