Law Office Report 39, July 8, 1978

[Editor’s notes: This report was transcribed by Heather Shannon. The editors are grateful for her invaluable assistance.

[This document retains its original spellings throughout, with corrections made only when the meaning may otherwise be unclear. In addition, where known, we have added first or last names in brackets to those identified by a single name. It should be noted that a number of names have not been annotated. The name is either unknown, there may be more than one person with that name or – most often the case – the name is in code.]

B-4 d (22)


Law Office Report #39
July 8, 1978
from June [Crym]
page 1
[Handwriting: “copy given to Ted”]


Attached notices have been received in the mail, being passed on to you:

1. Ray and Agnes Jones, re 1973 return – see the bottom where it says that the period for claiming an overpayment appears to have expired before received your claim. We will notify you if your claim is disallowed, Does this mean that Ray and Agnes may not get their refunds because it’s so late in filing? See attached Section 1645 of IRS Master Tax Guide:

2. Guy and Beverly Mitchell – verification of social security number or name. We are getting a bunch of these this year – is this something new??

3. Still waiting for tax returns back from you on Barbara Hoyer, Carol & Richmond Stahl, Tim and Mary Lou Clancy, others. For awhile there I was getting taxes regularly but have not recently. Meanwhile, we are still waiting on W-2’s, have received none.

4. Kris [Christine] Kice – She needs to reduce the amount of taxes taken out of her salary per month. Her check fluctuates, depending on the amount of hours she works; she’s been working a lot of overtime and will continue to, doing about one or two double shifts per week. She would be getting more money from this if they didnt take out so much taxes. SO, since she now only claims herself as a dependent, can she 1. claim Tom Kice and Tommy as dependents? Can this be done by making out monthly checks to them as proof of support? Sending thoxse checks over for cashing there? Or could she set up some kind of direct deposit system so the money would go direct to GT? She would like an answer right away because she’s putting in lot of extra hours and as of how the money is wasted because it goes right back to the employer in taxes. See attached copies of the most recent checks she’s earned which show deduction of taxes, [text xx’d out] and her own explanation. BARBARA HOYER IS ALSO BRINGING A COPY OF THIS WITH HER: HOPEFULLY BETWEEN BARBARA AND THIS REPORT, KRIS WILL GET AN ANSWER SOON.

B-4 d (23): IRS letter to Forest [Ray] and Agnes Jones re: overpayment claim

B-4 d (24): Photocopy of U.S. Master Tax Guide, section 1645

B-4 d (25): IRS letter to Guy and Beverly Mitchell to verify their social security number or name

B-4 d (26): Wage statement for Christine Kice

B-4 d (27)

[Handwritten letter]
To: Terry Buford
From: Chris Kice
Re: taxes – need to reduce amt. of taxes taken out of my salary per month.

Started work @M Mt. Zion on 5/15/78
Occupation: Registered nurse
From 5/15/78-7/1/78
Made 3265.37 gross
2305.56 net
950.76 taxes

I claim only myself as a dependent.


1. Can I claim Tom Kice +/or Tommy as dependents?
2. Can this be done by making out monthly checks to them as proof of support?
3. Please outline [crossed out] be specific about your answer + necessary details.