Law Office Report 41, July 17, 1978

[Editor’s notes: This report was transcribed by Heather Shannon. The editors are grateful for her invaluable assistance.

[Where known, we have added first or last names in brackets to those identified by a single name. It should be noted that a number of names have not been annotated. The name is either unknown, there may be more than one person with that name or – most often the case – the name is in code.]

B-4 d (100)


Law Office Report #41
July 17, 1978
from June [Crym]
page 1

1. See attached notice we received re Steve Addision [Addison] when Betty wrote infor W-2.
2. Oliver Morgan got an extension of time to file IRS return til October 16, 1978.
3. See attached re Guy & Beverly Mitchell for 1977 return.

[Handwriting: “copy given to Tish”]
[Handwriting on duplicate B-4 d (104): “copy given to Tish 7/23”]

B-4 d (101): Letter from California notifying no record of payment found for Steve Addison

B-4 d (102): Application for filing extension for Oliver Morgan