July 14, 1978 handwritten report on “Mann”



14/7/78 [July 14, 1978]

1. The personal enquiries are: you must have a boyfriend up there. I have adamantly stated, “no.” Today he got onto a strong issue of me seeing my husband and talking to him on the radio all of the time. Steve Katsaris told him when he was in Guyana one Tom Adams is the radio operator in SF. He kept asking me if he was making trips to Guyana to see me. I was hesitant because I couldn’t remember if I had told him he visited Guyana or not but insisted I had no emotional or physical association with him. I told him he (Tom) had a girlfriend. He (Mann) is very insecure about me even though I have assured him of my absolute love & loyalty & fidelity to him. The variety of my amorous persuers [pursuers] have ranged from Dr. Reid to an unknown minister of government to Cuban doctors to Dr. Mangal to several prominent lawyers to my husband. What a delusional nut!

Of course it didn’t help matters when Tim Carter called me at 12:45 AM.


2. He is now pressing me to go to Barbados. I had one of my attacks and was bedridden all day. He made some caustic remark about “I’d better get my passport.” That is all that was said but the implication was obvious.

3. He came home drunk last night and had just arrived when Tim called. He was in one of his “looking for a fight” moods which made Tim’s call very untimely. I was not able to discuss anything with him without starting a fight. Fortunately all of his insecurity and hostility got directed toward his wife so at 1:30 AM he called her to find out why she hadn’t called him right back after he’d called for her. After talking to her, he passed out.

So much for the last 24 hours.

PS 4. He is trying to rent his house on a 10 year contract to the USAID for $1500/month with a kickback to the guy at AID for renting it of $300/mo.


So of AID takes the contract, the guy who contracts houses for AID will be pocketing $300/mo for 10 years. (Be careful how this is used. He is still tight with the PM and only 2 other people besides me knows about it.) – Both of them are involved in the deal.

One conclusion I drew from this is that he is not planning to come back to Guyana to live, right now anyway.

– Today he went to see one of the PM’s secretaries because he is writing a speech for the PM. [Remaining seven lines of paragraph scribbled through, illegible]