(Editor’s note: This document appears both as pages A1-A-1a – 1b in the FBI Section 97 Q-1 on Paula Adams, and as N-1-c-6k – 6l in Section 95 N-1 on Letters to Jim Jones.)
[Handwritten notes: “Keep a Xerox for us” “No letterhead”]
instructions: retype on plain white paper using a diversion typewriter. to go to all ministers in government. Xerox, add enclosure.
Page 1
- change risked to received (received a citation for contempt)
- Add: Whether it will be enforced or not, only time will tell.
Page 2
- she was favorably inclined
- widely discussed and substantiated even in the major…
- (now maintenance administrator at the…
Page 3
- to Northern California in the mid-1960s…
- The Police Chief, though holding…
- as well as his and his members’ excellent law-abiding behavior.
- not be disposed to document it today
- who has since been expelled from the Washington Press Corps for accepting bribes for US corporate interests…
- add this sentence: Lester Kinsolving, the reporter in question, has slandered any number of black leaders, organizations, and even third-world nations.
Page 4
- after making the visa application (and subsequently canceling the trip)
- Eliminate the note at the end of second paragraph (about not being able to carry out travel plans)
Page 5
- she was not at all understanding of his…
- she thought that her son was risking his life to be involved
- she was questioned in front of her fellow employees at her place of employment…
- Later, due to Jim’s constant example
- was speaking positively about socialist countries she had visited. Some of our parishioners followed them after they noticed they had been discovered and took down the license plate of the car
- through the District Attorney and a U-Rental Car agency
- Mr. Steve Gavin
- told us that “Jim, this time you have gone too far.”
- a close friend of Jim Jones
- who will be visiting here soon.
Page 6
- As US courts proved has been done with others…
- it has kept on several ordinary parishioners who were never directly involved with national movements for social change.
Page 7
- to harass and ruin all black elected officials…
- Democratic California State Assemblyman Willie Brown, who has never been more supportive
- (at end of Maher paragraph, add:) In fact, Maher just spoke with Jim Jones via amateur radio the other evening, assuring him of his and numerous other Californians’ love and support.
- and many, many more…
Page 8
- elderly people, including her own mother…
- in a prejudiced media, in spite of producing polygraph tests to prove the validity of our charges – a typical pattern.
- a recent issue of Ebony
- (who at one time, it has been stated by the press and the FBI, collaborated with the FBI, along with Roy Wilkins, to help destroy Dr. Martin Luther King).
- We find it hard to believe that Mr. Carter…
Page 9
- and was himself harassed and investigated, and had to resign in good conscience
- Many of these are people of all races who express…
- a young man who is an officer in the US Air Force…
Page 10
Add the following paragraph before the very last paragraph:
Obviously by now you have been made aware of our consistent practice of cooperative living and elimination of racism, elitism, sexism and ‘age-ism’ in an atmosphere of total peace, where families never even employ corporal punishment in rearing their children. We have no violence or coercion of any kind, and total freedom of movement and the best of food, houseing, recreation and excellent medical care. One of the prominent Guyana government officials recently said that we were the only US group that really has licked the racial problem totally and we indeed have done so.