Temple Letter to Fred Wills, 11/76

[Editor’s note: This document also appears at BB-32-a – 32-a-3.]


Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ
P.O. Box 893 Georgetown, Guyana

November 24, 1976

Honourable Minister Fred Wills,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Carmichael Street, Cummingsburg,

Dear Comrade Minister Wills;

This letter is a confirmation to our conversation today (24th Nov., 1976) regarding the visit of Bishop Jim Jones and party of five (5) persons from the United States on the 28th and 20th of December, 1976.

The Bishop, Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally of California, Assistant District Attorney of San Francisco Timothy Stoen, the head of the U.S. Council of Churches, and one of the Bishop’s Associate Ministers Reverend [Michael] Prokes will be staying at our office in Georgetown located at 121 Third Street, Alberttown.

The following is the itinerary for Bishop Jones and his entourage.

28th December, 1976

  1. Arrival at Timehri International Airport in the early morning hours.
  2. Tour of the Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission at Jonestown, Port Kaituma, North West region; to fly into the farm in the morning, to tour the farm, to have lunch, and to return to Georgetown in the afternoon.

29th December, 1976

  1. Meeting with the Prime Minister at 10:30 a.m.
  2. Luncheon to be held by the Deputy Prime Minister [text crossed out] for Bishop Jones’ and his entourage.
  3. Tour the University of Guyana.
  4. Reception to be held in Bishop Jones’ honor by Sir Lionel Luckhoo.


Page 2 – Bishop Jim Jones’ December Trip to Guyana

30th December, 1976

  1. Return to United States of Lt. Governor Dymally, Assistant District Attorney of San Francisco Timothy Stoen, and Head of the U.S. Council of Churches.
  2. Bishop Jones to return to the Peoples Temple farm for a few extra days and to depart to the United States at a time to be specified at a later date.

The following will be needed, as per our discussion, for the bishop’s visit.

28th December, 1976

  1. Protocol to meet the aircraft that the Bishop and entourage arrive on.
  2. Transport of entourage from Timehri International to Georgetown Peoples Temple office at 121 Third Street, Alberttown.
  3. Transportation for entourage to Ogle Airfield for flight to the Peoples Temple farm at Jonestown, Port Kaituma, North West Region.
  4. Air transportation in the morning for the Bishop and entourage and the Honourable Minister Fred Wills to the Peoples Temple farm and return flight to Ogle Airfield in the afternoon.
  5. Transportation from Ogle Airfield to Peoples Temple’s Georgetown office.

29th December, 1976

  1. Transportation to meeting at 10:30 a.m. with the Prime Minister.
  2. Transportation to luncheon being held by Deputy Prime Minister [text crossed out]
  3. Tour organized for Bishop’s party to visit the University of Guyana after the luncheon. This was as a special request of the Lt. Governor.
  4. Transportation to and from the University of Guyana.
  5. Transportation to and from reception to be held by Sir Lionel Luckhoo in honour of Bishop Jones that night (time to be submitted when determined).

30th December, 1976

  1. Protocol and transportation for the departure of the Honourable Lt. Governor Dymally, the District Attorney Timothy Stoen, and the Head of the U.S. Council of Churches (in the morning).


Page 3 – Bishop Jim Jones’ December Trip to Guyana

To be determined at a later date.

  1. Protocol and transportation for the departure of Bishop Jones and Associate Minister Michael Prokes.

Thank you sincerely for your personal attention to Bishop Jones’s visit.

Co-operatively yours,
Deborah Touchette,
Administrative Secretary