Internal Temple Financial Notes, 1978




From Laura Johnston

  1. Maria, send a list of all people who have direct mail system for Social Security checks, especially those coming here, and those on the first tour.
  2. Have the April checks come for Jane Owens, Alfreda Kendall, Ruth Atkins and Emmett Griffith? Let us know immediately so we can file for lost checks.
  3. Laurie Efrein should get a huge supply of Social Security form #SSA-1425F and send them immediately.

CAREFUL HOW THIS IS READ – Be sure the parents on welfare are sure to have children here taken off of any welfare cases. (Both those here, and those coming on the first trip must be followed through with)



Maria and/or Teri
From Jean
AUGUST 5, 1978

  1. Barbara Hoyer’s closing check bounced and we are out some $2600.00. It is wreaking havoc with our checking account. Please see that she writes out another check and leaves the amount open so we can find out what her actual balance is in getting out. Please do right away. Thanks. (If she does not have any checks with her, please have her write an appropriate letter. Thanks.)
  3. [Handwritten addition] What to do with Jim & Marcie’s Mendocino Co. Savings Bank acct.


b-3 – b-6

[Check for $2600.00 from Barbara Hoyer, and Notice of Non-Sufficient Funds; additional pages related to bounced check]

Balance of 31-b consists of handwritten notes on memo paper



[Handwritten chart with check marks for months of 1974 and 1975]


b-8 – b-9


June –

Please check out advise disposition of the following:

  1. Check with Barbara Hoyer regarding California disability payment for Elsie Bell SS# 427-46-7548. Payments have not been received since January 77.
  2. Check with Jean Brown regarding Teamsters Union Pension payment to Jack Darlington Barron.
  3. Check Real Property file on 40 acres land in Marshall Texas ownership in name of Claude & Lue Dimple Goodspeed.
  4. Check with Betty McCann re: 2 Life Insurance Policies for Mercedes M. Guidry.
  5. Check file Real Estate (Gene Chaikin) re: Edre Johnson inherited property in Phoenix, Arizona.
  6. Has Stock (6 shares ITT Tommie Keaton been sold.
  7. Check Real Estate file 164 acres in Palmdale, California in name of Callie Mitchell.
  8. [blank]




  1. Gladys Johnson
  2. [illegible name]
  3. Geraldine Bailey
  4. Eugenia Genandt
  5. Lillian Alexander (Lillie Mitchell)
  6. Edith Delany [Delaney]



Talk to Jan Gurbage [Jann Gurvich]

  1. Julia Birkley’s legal case – auto accident, Furniture & Coin Theft
  2. Bernice Thomas, Re: Hit & Run Case
  3. [blank]



Social Security being held

  1. Julia Birkley
  2. Hazel Dashiell – since 8-77
  3. Has change of address been initiated re: cont. of SS [continuation of Social Security]
  4. Heloise Hall
  5. Rosie Mae Hines
  6. David Jackson
  7. Jessie Johnson 8-77
  8. Helen Ford



Need for more outlet to take place of [illegible word]



Real Property – Jim McElvane

  1. Ernestine Blair – “sell as is” 747 – 747 ½ e. 56th St.
  2. 222 W. 88th St. LA – sell as is, also get in touch with and get back to work for Calif. Fed. Sav., 45th & Broadway. Owe bank over 100 – [illegible line]
  3. Sell Betha Cook’s property: as is for whatever
  4. Claude & Lue Dimple Goodspeed burial plot in Evergreen Cemetery Lake the same mortuary to sell
  5. Run large ad sell acreage at best offer for cash
  6. Check with daughter re: disposition of property – Supposed to be an escrow – find out which escrow – when



Are you collecting rent for Eddie Washington’s property?

Sell – sell her property for whatever [illegible words]

Jim [McElvane] See if you can sell Carol Ann Young 2nd TD – 28% or less whatever or see if church would pay off [illegible words]

28/4/78 [April 28, 1978]

  1. Call for vesting on property at 208 W. 42nd Place, Los Angeles, Calif
  2. Put an “as is” all-cash best offer for Odenia Roberson property on 107th St. LA

Vee [Hollins]

Call O’Connor Mortuary, Burial Plans Dept & ask if Burial Plan held by Doris Howard has any cash value


b-16 – 17

Ask re: Medical Insurance payments that are deducted from SS [Social Security]

  1. Willie Graham
  2. Talk to Emiline Re: Bank account book [balance of entry illegible]
  3. Joicy Clark – Find last known address for him. Should Joicy write?
  4. Captured Arlander Cole write sister Ada Redmon SF
  5. Talked to “Millie further re: employment at Fort Benning, Ga. [balance of entry illegible]
  6. Letter to SS regarding earnings
  7. Tish will [balance of entry illegible]
  8. Magnolia Harris – date applied [balance of entry illegible]
  9. Talk to Johnny Re: Osialee Hilton B/A [bank account?]
  10. Talk to Osialee Hilton re: Mary Rubin collecting money owed her – How much
  11. Laura Johnson [Johnston] has papers relative to Civil Service – SS re: Eartis Jeffrey
  12. Malahey Johnson – get address for Loan Star Steel Patient Fund – Write re: pension, no check since 6-77
  13. Robert Johnson – Letter to Waterfront Employees ICWU to change beneficiary. Get address from L.J. [Laura Johnston]
  14. Have Ruby N. Johnson write brother & son re:
  15. Talk to Essie Mae Townes – see if she has papers re: sale of R/E [real estate]
  16. Write Re: SS Dis payment [balance of entry illegible]
  17. Letter to Veterans Re: VA Pension # 05125823 SSN 459-03-8056 Theo Williams\
  18. Need to check with Estelle McCoy [balance of entry illegible]


b-18 – b-19

During Revolution period, burden of responsibility for all attachment should be minimum wherever possible

If we would think Revolution 1st and personal gratification 2nd our dependency as women on the male would not be as for approval would become totally unnecessary

It is my opinion that most of us have been too long caught up in the “I’m not worth much unless some male is blowing smoke up my ass” syndrome. And the male knows it and usually all he is doing is that will you & whatever else he can get away with doing so.

Our emotions are one of our greatest handicaps. It prevents us from thinking clearly.

I’ve heard it said that many times that all alliances are counterrevolutionary so it stands to reason that the very unstable emotional abuse between male & female would be at the top of the list. We witnessed that every day here.

What motivation is necessary to help keep our minds on Revolution & Building our base year instead of centuries of by play who we think wants to relate to us.

If we put as much thought into how & what to do to help build here as we do in preparing ourselves for some relationship, the revolution could be won much sooner.



  1. Vivian Anderson – Needs change of address for SS,

Needs check with Alice re: Bank account – gave checkbook to Alice

  1. Annie Mae Harris – Change of add for SS
  2. Roberta Wade needs change of add for SS – # in other luggage not arrived



  1. Check pills Houston to ascertain if she checked on SS for Martha Souder, need spouse SS# which she can do
  2. Did she change her address for SS for Vivian Anderson
  3. June check Real Estate file for 5 acres land in Louisiana in the name of Mary Rodgers.



To Maria:

Were these funds obtained?

  1. Osialee Hilton – Bank acc’t, Bank of America – 48th & Santa Barbara, bal. approx. 500
  2. Helen Ford (Love) (Heavenly Love), SS – state stopped when she came to Guyana
  3. [blank]


b-23 [blank page with three figures out of context]



Income Tax

  1. Barbara Farrell
  2. Esther Dillard
  3. Mary L. Shavers [line crossed out]




Hills Brothers Coffee Inc.
2 Harrison Street
San Francisco, Calif

Re:  Marshall Farris
Company Insurance
SS# 429-06-3245


Please use this letter as authorization to change the beneficiary on Marshall Farris, former employee’s Insurance Policy with your company. The current beneficiary is [blank]. The new beneficiary is [blank].




  1. Syola Willliams – Bank Account
  2. Charlotte King – Safety Dep
  3. Christine Bates – Property & Safety Dep Box in her name belonging to son
  4. Letter to Bank
    1. LeFlora [Le Flora] Townes 1749
    2. Dorothy Simpson 1139.62.

Ask Harriet [Tropp] if she gave feedback to Don re: apartment house in LA. Ad in pay for possible tenant if not cost [sold?]



Melita Gipin should be able to come over. Exie Eleby should come now. Also, Bessie Proby should come


b-28 [blank]




Work at Fort Benning, Georgia at officers mess from – approximately 20 years from 1902 [correct date unknown] under Millie Cunningham. Retirement benefits in lump sum has never received


b-30 [blank]