This page comprises Firearm Licences issued by the Government of Guyana under the Firearms Ordinance, Chapter 3451. The text of the form reads as follows:
Licence is hereby granted to [blank] of [blank] to possess a firearm(s) and ammunition described hereunder until the last day of December, [blank], subject to the following conditions and to such additional conditions as may be endorsed on the back of this Licence:
(a) that all reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure the safe custody of the firearm(s) described in, and ammunition authorized to be held by, this license; and
(b) that the loss of the firearm(s) or any ammunition shall be reported immediately to the police;
(c) that the disposal of the firearm(s) or any ammunition by any means whatsoever shall be reported to the police; and
(d) that any change of address of the holder shall be reported immediately to the police.
The form then has spaces to be filled out. For firearms: Description; Maker’s Name; and Number or Mark. For Ammunition: Type; Caliber; Quantity Authorized.
H-1-a-2, p. 3
For Firearm Licence 87384, handwritten note at top of form: “To be used by Al Simon, Lou [Lew] Jones, Tim Carter, José Simon, Jim Jones Jr., Johnny Jones, Stephan Jones, Darrel Devers, Karl Barnett, Tim Jones, Bruce Oliver, Johnny Cobb, Emmett Griffith, Walter Williams. Previous lic. no. 78449/77.”
Licence granted to The People’s Temple Agricultural Project, American, Port Kaituma, NWD.
Good until the last day of December, 1978
Firearm description: 12 gauge, S.B. Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: TO 19755M, F 1846 F on apron, barrel & stock F 1845 F.
Ammunition: Type: Cartridges. Caliber: 12 gauge. Quantity Authorized: 100 Rds. One hundred.
Date: 3-5-78 [May 3, 1978]
H-1-a-3 (p. 4) is duplicate of H-1-a-2
H-1-a-4, p. 5
[handwritten notation at top of page: “To be used by Al Simon, Lou [Lew] Jones, Tim Carter, José Simon, Jim Jones Jr., Johnny Jones, Stephan Jones, Darrel Devers, Karl Barnett, Tim Jones, Bruce Oliver, Johnny Cobb, Emmett Griffith, Walter Williams. Previous lic. no. 78448/77.””]
For Firearm Licence 87383
Licence granted to The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, American, Port Kaituma, N.W.D.
Good until the last day of December, 1978
Firearm description: 12 gauge S.B. Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: S 946514 M, on stock, barrel & apron. F 1845 F
Ammunition: Type: Cartridges. Caliber : 12. Quantity Authorized: 100 Rds. One hundred.
Date: 3-5-78 [May 3, 1978]
H-1-a-5 (p. 6) is duplicate of H-1-a-4
H-1-a-6, p. 7
For Firearm Licence 87390, [illegible word] 91F/122/78, d/d 20-1-77.
Licence granted to Cde. [Comrade] Michael Touchette, Associate Minister for Peoples Temple Agr. Mission, Port Kaituma
Good until the last day of December, 1978
Firearm description: . 22 caliber Auto Rifle. Maker’s Name: [blank]. Number: 53921 on frame.
Ammunition: Type: Ball. Caliber : .22. Quantity Authorized: 100 Rds. One hundred.
Date: 5-5-78 [May 5, 1978]
H-1-a-7 (p. 8) is duplicate of H-1-a-6
H-1-a-12, p. 18
[handwritten notation at top of page: “91F/127/74, dd. 18.12.74”]
For Firearm Licence 69356
Licence granted to Chaikin, Eugene, Peoples Temple Christian Church, Port Kaituma, North West District
Good until the last day of December, 1975
Firearm description: S.b. 12 bore Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: S 946514 M, F 1845 F on lock, barrel & apron.
Ammunition: Type: Shot. Caliber : 12. Quantity Authorized: (100) One hundred.
Date: 9-4-75 [April 9, 1975]
H-1-a-13 (p. 19) contains identical information for licence number 69357, for shotgun number TO 19755A1, F 1846 F on lock, barrel & apron.
H-1-b-1a, p. 35
[handwritten notation at top of page: “Previous License No. 69356/7”]
For Firearm Licence 60800
Licence granted to Eugene Chaikin (People’s Temple Church), Port Kaituma, North West District
Good until the last day of December, 1976
Firearm description: S.B.B.L. Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: S 946514 M, F 1845 F on lock, barrel & apron.
Ammunition: Type: Cartridges. Caliber : 12. Quantity Authorized: 100 Rounds.
Date: 25/3/76 [March 25, 1976]
H-1-b-1b, p. 36
[handwritten notation at top of page: “Previous License No. 69357/75”]
For Firearm Licence 60800
Licence granted to Eugene Chaikin (People’s Temple Church), Port Kaituma, North West District
Good until the last day of December, 1976
Firearm description: S.B.B.L. Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: TO 19755M, F 1846 F on lock, barrel & apron
Ammunition: Type: Cartridges. Caliber : 12. Quantity Authorized: 100 Rounds.
Date: 25/3/76 [March 25, 1976]
H-1-b-1c, p. 37
[handwritten notation at top of page: “New Firearm, 9/F/127/74, dd 18.12.74”]
For Firearm Licence 69357
Licence granted to Chakin, Eugene (Peoples Temple Christian Church), Port Kaituma, North West District
Good until the last day of December, 1975
Firearm description: S.B. 12 bore Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: TO 19755M, F 1846 F on lock, barrel & apron
Ammunition: Type: Shot. Caliber : 12. Quantity Authorized: (100) One hundred.
Date: 9/4/75 [April 9, 1975]
Reverse side, p. 38:
Handwritten note: “Permit #30251 received on 9-4-75 for purchase of (100) one hundred 12-bore cartridges.”
H-1-b-1d, p. 39
[handwritten notation at top of page: “New Firearm, 9/F/127/74, dd 18.12.74”]
For Firearm Licence 69356
Licence granted to Chakin, Eugene (Peoples Temple Christian Church), Port Kaituma, North West District
Good until the last day of December, 1975
Firearm description: S.B. 12 bore Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: S 946514 M, F 1845 F on lock, barrel & apron
Ammunition: Type: Shot. Caliber : 12. Quantity Authorized: (100) One hundred.
Date: 9/4/75 [April 9, 1975]
Reverse side, p. 40:
Handwritten note: “Permit #[illegible] issued on 9-4-75 for purchase of (100) one hundred 12-bore cartridges.”
H-1-b-2, p. 41
[handwritten notation at top of page: “Previous Licence No. 60800/76”]
For Firearm Licence 76848
Licence granted to Eugene Chikin (Peoples Temple denomination), of Port Kaituma, NWD
Good until the last day of December, 1977
Firearm description: S.B.B.L. Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: S 946514 M, F 1845 F on lock, barrel & apron
Ammunition: Type: Cartridges. Caliber : 12 gauge. Quantity Authorized: 100 Rounds.
Date: 11/9/77 [September 11, 1977]
H-1-b-3, p. 42
[handwritten notation at top of page: “Previous Licence 76801/76”]
For Firearm Licence 76849
Licence granted to Eugene Chaikin, Peoples Temple denomination, Port Kaituma, North West District
Good until the last day of December, 1977
Firearm description: S.B.B.L. Shotgun. Maker’s Name: Remington. Number: TO 19755M, F 1846 F on lock, barrel & apron
Ammunition: Type: Cartridges. Caliber : 12 gauge. Quantity Authorized: 100 Rounds.
Date: 11/9/77 [September 11, 1977]