Applications, permits, firearm licences requested by Eugene Chaikin

H-1-a-8a, p. 9

[Letterhead of the Office of the Commissioner, Police Headquarters, Georgetown, Guyana]


12 December, 1975.

Dear Sir,

Application for Firearm Licence

With reference to your letter on the above subject, I wish to inform you that approval is given for the issue of a firearm licence to the People’s Temple Agricultural Mission to acquire a pistol and for Mrs. Paula Jean Adams to be licensed to use same.

Please advise Mrs. Paula Jean Adams, to get in touch with the office of the Divisional Commander ‘F’ Division, Eve Leary, Kingston in connection with the issuing of the license.

Yours faithfully,
/s/ W.A. Argyle
W.A. Argyle
f. Commissioner of Police.

Mr. Eugene Chaikin,
c/o People’s Temple Agricultural Mission
Port Kaituma,


H-1-a-8b, p. 10, Envelope addressed to Eugene Chaikin


N-1-a-9a, p. 11

[Hand typed letterhead of Guyana Police Force, “A” Division, Brickdam]

AA 11/1/2

11 July 1975.

Dear Sir,

Application for firearm – Eugene Chaikin

I refer to your letter of application which was addressed to the Commissioner of Police seeking permission for Paula Adams to own and use a firearm.

I shall be grateful if you will let me have the address of your Georgetown-based office to expedite the processing of the application.

Yours Cooperatively,
/s/ Shirley Lloyd Davis, AS
S.L. Davis, Asst. Supt.
Assistant Commissioner
‘A’ Division

Mr. Eugene Chaikin,
Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission
Port Kaituma, NWD


N-1-a-9b, p. 12, Envelope addressed to Eugene Chaikin


N-1-a-9c, p. 13

[Carbon copy of letter]

Commissioner of Police,
Police Headquarters,
Eve Leary, Kingston,

Dear Sir;

We hereby make application in the name of our church organization to purchase and carry a pistol for the protection of our personnel.

As you know, we are a religious organization engaged in the pursuit of agriculture in Port Kaituma in the North West Region established since December 1973 by Pastor Jim Jones. It is necessary, however, for us to have a Georgetown based office for administrative and accounting purposes. In connection with the administration of the project which is being executed with the approval and under the general aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture, we have to make fortnightly payments to a staff of approximately sixty-nine at Port Kaituma which means we must draw large sums of cash from the Guyana National Cooperative Bank to transport to our location in the North West Region. In addition to this, we must keep cash in our Georgetown office to effect domestic expenditures which run into several thousand dollars. Indeed, since we have been established here, our premises, including our boat, have been burglarized several times, and one of our personnel was attacked and robbed.

We have thus been advised to apply for  firearm licences and I feel sure that you will handle this application with your customary dispatch. The permit we would wish granted in the name of our organization as hereunder noted, but the actual firearm will be carried solely by our accountant, Ms. Paula Adams whose duties include withdrawal, banking and general safeguarding of our funds.

Yours cooperatively,
Eugene Chaikin
Member of the Board


H-1-a-14 – a-15, pp. 20-21 are a baggage duty slip, dated April 9, 1975, charging Chaikin $281.72 in duties to import two weapons, and a cart note for a pending licence on the guns.


H-1-a-16 – a-18b, pp. 22-25 represent the paperwork for application for an import license, permit and licence to be issued to Eugene Chaikin for a Remington 12-gauge shotgun.


H-1-a-20, p. 27

April 5, 1975

For the consideration of US $162.00 paid in hand I sell and convey to Mrs. Paula Adams, my right, title, and interest to the property described as follows:

2 (two) Remington Model 870 12 gauge, pump-type shotguns, serial numbers as follows: T019759M & S946514M

2 (two) Cleaning kits for 12gauge shotgun

various other items for cleaning and maintenance of said shotguns

/s/ George Donald Beck, Jr.
George Donald Beck, Jr.
400 Empire Drive
Ukiah, California 95482

[notary seal]


H-1-a-21a, p. 28

[Letterhead of the Office of the Commissioner, Police Headquarters, Georgetown, Guyana]


18th December, 1974


Application For Firearm License

With reference to your letter of 4th July, 1974, on the above subject, I have to inform you that approval has been given to you to acquire two (2) shotguns on behalf of the ‘Peoples Temple Christian Church’, Port Kaituma, North West District.

You are required to get in touch with Divisional Commander ‘F’ Division (Eve Leary) who would assist you with the importation of the firearm and issuing of the licenses.

I have the honor to be
Your Obedient Servant
/s/ W. A. Argyle
W. A. Argyle,
for Commissioner of Police.

Mr. Eugene Chaikin,
Director of the Peoples Temple Christian Church,
Port Kaituma, N.W.D.


H-1-a-21b, p. 29, envelope addressed to Eugene Chaikin


H-1-a-22, p. 30

Office of the Assistant Commissioner,
“F” Division,
Police Headquarters,
Eve Leary.
12th July, 1974


I have the honor to acknowledge your letter dated 4th July, 1974, in which you applied for a firearms license and to inform you that your application is receiving attention.

I have the honor to be
Your Obedient Servant
/s/ B. Raghuhi
B. Raghuhi,
Ag. Assistant Commissioner,
“F” Division.

Mr. Eugene Chaikin,
Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission,
Port Kaituma,
North West District


H-1-d-1, p. 69, copy of N-1-a-9c, p. 13