Temple memos on publicity, mid-1977


REPORT – from Dick Tropp

TV taping:  going well, we have crated up a TV set, player, and a box of tapes. Many, many more will follow. Would appreciate any suggestions for programs that they might want. I am enclosing a recent copy of TV Guide for suggestions.

Library: Collecting and weeding out books. Trying to select a good general collection, some of everything, good books, all age levels, etc. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Records: Will be taking down a few boxes of records.

Magazine subscriptions: Are there any magazines/newspapers that you would like to receive. I will have them transferred to Guyana when we pull out. Here are some to consider:

New Times
New West
Psychology Today
SF Chronicle
Seven Days
NY Times
Christian Science Monitor

Any particular types of books, information, manuals, etc.? Will be checking on diamond mining and gold-mining next week.

I can bring or mail down boxes of recent magazines (last few months) if people want them for general reading, though they’re dated. Have lots of back issues of New Times that have lots of good articles.

I have sent along with Rose [Shelton] a bunch of newspapers and clippings of last few days that Jim might want to look through. Most important news is Nazis in SF. This shows quite well how bad it’s getting. Note especially that the store they set up was doing brisk business selling literature before they got burned down.


Might be good (since Father is going to be gone so long, and the tapes we have can only keep up the impression that he is “in and out” for a limited time, if at all among some members) [deleted words: “might be good”] for Jim to read over the radio a message to the congregation about how he his [is] making preparations, etc.

Should final “press release” go to all of our friends (extensive list: politicians, ministers, community leaders, etc.) as well as to the media? Or should this be in the form of a separate letter?




Publications is at a standstill in terms of production at the moment. Though the presses and darkroom are both operational we have begun to crate some of the equipment and pack up supplies already. We are waiting on clearance from the finance committee to purchase the rest of the materials we need. This should amount to approximately $3500.00. When we get these supplies in we can finish the crating.

What to do with our paper stock here is a major consideration at the moment. We have a large stock on hand. If we crate it and ship it ourselves it would be cheaper than buying the same amount from a paper company at today’s prices and having them ship it to us. What we need to know is what the cost of paper and envelopes is in bulk quantities in Guyana? From what I have been told it is very expensive because it has to be imported. If someone could check this out for us in Georgetown by asking some of the local printers we could make a decision.

Another consideration is where we are going to put this equipment when we arrive. Paper, film, and plates need to be kept under cool and dry conditions. Press equipment also requires adequate temperature control to operate properly, especially in a humid climate. We had a question as to whether or not we should think about purchasing a dehumidifier or air conditioner here to ship over there. (Possibly a refrigerator could be sent from here from one of our homes to store the film in if there is nothing available over there.)

We planned to send the mailing list, testimony files, and picture and negative files over locked up in there [their] respective filing cabinets by air freight for security reasons. A copy of the mailing list can be sent too so that people can use it to write letters from until we get set up overseas. We also plan on sending three pieces of delicate equipment airfreight: the letters office memory typewriter, the composer, and the addressing machine. The rest of the equipment should make it alright by sea.

The people here are in good spirits and looking forward to going, and having a chance to earn some money to support us through commercial printer.

/s/ Clancey [Tim Clancey]



PHONES REPORT received from Jane Mutschman [Mutschmann]

written up by Kathy Tropp

A lot of calls have come in requesting our support for the demonstration  being staged by  handicapped downtown. The 504 Committee, representing the handicapped, Mike Fultz, has called as well as the SF Council of Churches, Norman Leach. Mike Prokes has been handling calls.

No suspicious people at door.

Many calls have come in about the Bay Guardian article, all favorable; from intellectuals, whites.

The Golden Gate Democratic Club wants Jim to be Guest of Honor at luncheon, along with Sheriff Honigsto [Hongisto], Gaines, and Freitas. Prokes talked to them.

Will Battle (SF Police Dept.) called wanting to know Johnny Brown was still in the church. Did Johnny leave some loose ends…

No calls from schools, after Sharon Amos talked to all the attendance people explaining the transfers.

Several individuals have called with requests of Jim re: housing problems. Apparently not affiliated with any groups, just wanting help from Housing Authority.



PHONES cont,

defense committee for Asalam Shakur called (Muslim) and wanted to put an article in the paper, but it was too late.

As far as out [our] people on the phones, Jane thinks Vernell should not be on the phones if she can be gotten off. She doesn’t write up anything on her shift, Jane is apprehensive about what might be coming in when she is on the phones.



From : Jean B. [Brown]

Letter about P.L. [Promised Land], copy of April Forum, and other enclosures sent these people.


  1. Jim Smith, 575 Appleberry Dr., San Rafael, 94903 Pastor Open Door church, interested in starting up various human service programs and the kind of ministry we are doing. Legal services, overnight houses, food co-op etc. Raising peoples consciousness with rallies for causes. Asked for April issue of Forum. Letter sent and Forum.
  2. Claudia Kruse, 674 Douglas Ave., San Francisco (563-5800 ext 44 or 647-3308) Works at Westside Lodge where she met a man who said he knew Jimmie Jones. Wanted to come to service. Will send letter and info about FL [Freedom Land]. White, early 30’s or late 20’s.
  3. Pat Devine, 1125 18th St., San Francisco, CA 824-6807 White, 20’s wants to come to service. Met “someone” at political rally who told her about PT. Also saw Bay Guardian article. Did not talk freely.
  4. Judith Barnett, 640 Turks St., #42, San Francisco, CA 94102. White, 30’s, said she read Bay Guardian article about Peoples Forum and looked everywhere for it. Would like us to send a copy.
  5. Al Rice, 59 Bolinas St., Ross, CA 94957. 457-2514. Read article in Guardian, wants to come to service. Letter and info about the FL sent to him.
  6. Lacy Ramsey, 100-A Edison, Corte Madera, CA 924-7418, 863-5790. She is white, wants to come to service. Thinks people are looking for something positive to turn to. Works at children’s center at Lutheran Church on Market St. Children of Parents who are in the prisons in Bay Area. Goes to Glide [Methodist Church].Letter and info about PL sent.
  7. Nancy Hainer, PO Box 276, Valinas, CA 686-1720. Wite, 30’s. Read Bay Guardian article and wants to come to service. Sending letter and info about PL.
  8. Jane Gurley, PO Box 372, Richmond, CA read Bay Guardian. Asks for material on our church. Sounds worthy of a visit, but always perplexed to know identity of people involved in any movement. Requests that we sent her the names and addresses of our incorporators. Self-addressed envelope enclosed. Delighted we have the courage to attack the CIA. Never in human history such a corrupt organization organized by consent of and with connivance of the US government. Betrays and degrades men for economic purpose. Asks for schedule of services. Unless otherwise instructed, will send letter and other select PR flyers.

[Handwritten footnote: “Also: letters going out to people mentioned in April Forum, and some include donations.”]