FF-10 – Non-contextual notes


Carolyn Looman


1973 – Houston, Phile [Philadelphia], Chi [Chicago]

1974 – Houston, Phile, NY (Brooklyn), Chi, St. Louis

1976 – June – Houston, Phile, NY, Cleve[land], Detroit, Chi = end 7/4 RV

3 tripd on 1st Calif ‘76

  1. I went off to USA from L. to Phile, NY & I stayed in NY & went to Europe
  2. I left in Houston, [balance of entry illegible]
  3. May:




Hester Johnson, 83, senile?

Left & took her suitcase – she has done it at least once a month. Any Washington was her roommate. Both were packed to go to f.l. [Freedom land] – she left notes – Hester didn’t go. Not abnormal. 2 1/2 weeks she would travel regularly. Took her big suitcase. 3 weeks ago she told her friends she was going to LA.