x-3-e-1 • Anonymous note, Jonestown, November 17, 1978

[Editor’s note: Note typed verbatim, original spellings and punctuation retained, corrections/identifications made where needed]

– Tommorrow the plan will cost tommorrow 2000 more 200cv

– Caharles [Charles Garry] thinks that the press and Congressman should come today,

On the plane, Leo ryan and the Aid [Jackie Speier], Gordon Lindsey [Lindsay], Toni Katsaras [Anthony Katsaris], Jim Cobb, Carol Boyd, Beverly Oliver, Dick Dyer [Dwyer], Charlie Cross [Charles Krause] (Mark [Lane] thinks he is ok), Tim Ritterman [Reiterman], Don Harris, Ron Jarvis, NBC camrera

Plane landed at 3:42 in Ka ituma.

Joan [Pursley] and company got into GWTN [Georgetown] today all are fine asked abt Liane [Harris] seeing Sherwin [Harris] agn.

There are only three people on the plane, and is checking to see who they are. Gordon Lindsey is on the plane.

The people ha to be on the runnway at 2:00

TMike Harris of the SF Chronical called he wanted to know what was going on and sharon [Amos] told him abt everyone being in here and tell them they are watching the show, cong [Congressman] doing what he was doing, want to know how Jim was heard he was ill. The cong when come over and told him he was ill, so apperantly that was – The chronicle said that sharon said that he was to ill to talk to ryan on the radio. He wanted to know Jim was doing and sharon said she wld have to check, he wants to know what RJ has to say even call collect, interested in the sho

Doug Ellice said said this is the greatest thing we have ever done.

She was supposed to call ABC in SF today with the statement and she thinks there will be callsin There in the next coulple of days. Nver got to call, and the statement she has is no good now, so she wants to know what to do. Local press has called, Hamalidin [Mohamed Hamaludin], Curtin.

Sherwin Harris wants to come to Jonestown, and or if he can talk to liane on the radio.