Results of polygraph test of Maria Katsaris


[Editor’s note: While the questions asked of Maria Katsaris in this polygraph test are in English – with answers denoted by either a plus or a minus sign – the introduction and discussion are in Spanish.]

[Letterhead of Organizacion Detecta, Caracas, Venezuela]

[Date of exam: 13 June 1978]

La examinada

El dia 13 de junio de 1978 se presento en nuestras oficinas Maria Katsaris, de nacionalidad norteamericano, nacida el 9 de junio de 1953 en el Estado de Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos de Norteamericana, titular del passporte de EEUUA, numero 1899673, siendo sometida, a propia petición a un examen de polígrafo a base de un cuestionario transcrito en el capitulo dos de este informe. [On June 13, 1978, Maria Katsaris, a North American national, born on June 9, 1953 in the State of Pennsylvania, United States of America, presented herself at our offices, holder of the US passport, number 1899673, and was subjected to own request for a polygraph examination based on a questionnaire transcribed in chapter two of this report.]

  1. Has your father told you that you should worship him as an icon unto God? +
  2. Does your father have a history of being under psychotherapy? +
  3. Has your father told you that having sex with your mother was like having sex with a corpse? +
  4. Did your father often hit you with a belt? Did you have black and blue welts as a result? +
  5. Has your father often made racist and racist and ethnic jokes? +
  6. Did Tom [Tim] Stoen call your father an evil bastard? +



  1. Did Tim [Stoem] Stoen tell you that your father would try to leave a terrible vigilante group against your church? +
  2. Did Tim Stoen often advise you against seeing your father? +
  3. Did Tim Stoen often caution you to be very careful with your father? +
  4. Did your father take you to bed with him? Many times? +
  5. Did your father engage in sexual play with his girlfriend in front of you? +
  6. Does your father kiss you on the mouth? Is this a Greek custom as you understand them? +
  7. Were you afraid of your father as a child? +
  8. Are you afraid of your father now? +
  9. When you were a child did you feel that you could refuse anything your father would ask you to do? +
  10. Do you fear that if you were to return to the United States her father would attempt to keep you there? +
  11. Did your father, Steven A. Katsaris, sexually molest you? +
  12. Did your father drink heavily and smoke marijuana? +



  1. Did your father fondle you sexually? +
  2. Did your father have sexual intercourse with you? +

A este cuestionario se agregaron las siguientes preguntas de control. [The following control questions were added to this questionnaire.]

A. Is it false, that your name is Maria Katsaris? –
B. Is it false, that you are born in 1953? –
C. Is today Sunday? –
D. Are you lying in this examination? –
E. Do you love your father? –
F. Do you hate your mother? –
J. Are you trying to lie in this examination? –
K. Did you have sexual pleasure with your father? –
M. Did you enjoy sex with your father? –
N. Do you hate having sex with your father? +
O. Do you like having sex with your father? –
P.Did you have oral sex with your father? +



Q. Did you enjoy oral sex with your father? –
R. Are you hiding something about your mother? –
S. Are you hiding something sexual about your mother? –
T. Have you been raped by your father? +D. Have you told your mother having been raped by your father? +

[Editor’s note: The balance of the document is in Spanish. The translation appears below the text.]

Las respuestas “yes” estan marcadas con el signo + y las “no” con el signo -.

3. El examen:

Se hicieron dos graficás de diez preguntas cada una, agregándose las de control. Las graficás se anexan marcadas I/1 y II/1 respectivamente, llevando el nombre de la examinada y de los examinadores. Se empleo un polígrafo marca Stoelting Executive de tres sensores.

4. Admisiones Valuntarias

Hechas las graficás I/1 y II/1 se precedio a interrogar a la examinda sobre las respuestas de mayor reacción.

Pregunta “T”

Informa que la pregunta le molesto mucho, que se trata de un tema cargado de emoción y repulsión.

Pregunta “Q”

Informa que esta pregunta le molesto mucho.

Pregunta “F”

Informa que no se siente muy cercana a su madre, pero la relación es normal. No siente lo mismo frente a su madre que frente a su padre.



Pregunta “U”

Indica que no va a su madre desde hace ano y medio. Hace dos meses le comunico via radio-teléfono que su padre la había molestado sexualmente, sin decir que había sido violada.

Pregunta 11

Creia que la pregunta se referia a la relación entre su padre y ella en presencia de un tercero, cuando en realidad fue entre su padre y una amiga en presencia de ella.

Pregunta 14

No teme fisicamente a su padre, pero cree que esta puede intentar acción legal contra elle por curatela (conservatorship) y tiene miedo que esto ocurra.

Pregunta “Q”

La idea le causa disgusto.

Pregunta “R”

No recuerda haber ocultado nada sobre su padre. No conoce nada negativo sobre su madre.

Pregunta “T”

Se trata de un tema cargado de emoción y repulsivo para ella.

5. Conclusiones

Se concluye que la examinada dice lo que para ella constituye la verdad a todas las preguntas. Las reacciones analizadas en el capitulo tres del presente informe se consideran suficientemente explicadas.

6. Se anexan copias fotostáticas de las graficas.

/s/ Gabriel Gazso
Gabriel Gazso

English translation:

The “yes” answers are marked with the + sign and the “no” answers with the – sign.

3. The exam:

Two graphs of ten questions each were made, adding the control questions. The graphs are attached marked I/1 and II/1 respectively, bearing the name of the examinee and the examiners. A three-sensor Stoelting Executive brand polygraph was used.

4. Voluntary Admissions

Once graphs I/1 and II/1 were made, the examinee was asked about the responses with the greatest reaction.

Question “T”

She reports that the question bothered her a lot, that it is a topic loaded with emotion and repulsion.

Question “Q”

She reports that this question bothered her a lot.

Question “F”

She reports that she does not feel very close to her mother, but the relationship is normal. She does not feel the same in front of her mother as in front of her father.

Question “U”

She indicates that he has not been to her mother for a year and a half. Two months ago she informed her via radio-telephone that her father had sexually molested her, without saying that she had been raped.

Question 11

She believed the question referred to the relationship between her father and her in the presence of a third party, when in reality it was between her father and a friend in the presence of her.

Question 14

She is not physically afraid of his father, but she believes that her father may take legal action against her for conservatorship and she is afraid that this will happen.

Question “Q”

The idea disgusts her.

Question “R”

She doesn’t remember hiding anything about her father. She doesn’t know anything negative about she mother.

Question “T”

It is an emotionally charged and repulsive topic for her.


It is concluded that the examinee says what for her constitutes the truth to all the questions. The reactions analyzed in chapter three of this report are considered sufficiently explained.

6. Photostatic copies of the graphs are attached.