Letter to Annie Moore from father


May 31, 1978

Dear Annie,

It was so good to be with you. I was glad that we arrived on your birthday and could have our little celebration.

We were glad to meet Larry [Schacht] and your other friends and co-workers. The medical set-up is impressive. You have a heavy responsibility, and I know that you do you work thoroughly.

You are also getting some parenting experience with Kimo [Jim Jon Prokes] and Jon [John Victor Stoen] and the others.

I guess that Mike [Prokes] told you of the trouble we had getting on the plane at Matthews Ridge. It looked for a while as though we’d have to stay over a night, and hope to catch the plane the next day.

Mom’s been tired since we left Guyana. She recuperates slowly. Those mosquitoes really leave her poisoned. Some of the bites are just now going away.

We have a great church retreat last weekend with lots of children, parents, single adults, older parents. The young woman who gave the leadership was, just a year ago, struggling to pull herself together after a painful divorce. The 150 at the retreat made self-portraits on paper plates, and a man stuck them in the pews Sunday morning. Those faces really did fill up an empty sanctuary.

Would you mentioned to Carolyn [Layton] that I feel that Jean Brown has been under a lot of pressure. I wonder if she has been on the front lines and is suffering from battle fatigue. She might need a rest or visit to the Project. People in SF have to take the day-to-day guff, especially those who relate to the media. I simply mention this, because everyone needs a rest from pressures from time to time. Others of you take the guff, but you get the immediate satisfactions of being at the Project.

Becky will quit work this fall to go to school. She has a Teaching Fellowship which will cover the tuition. She’ll also teach two or three courses at night school. She’ll also need to borrow to get through her MA program.

The news conference today was interesting. I was a little apprehensive, because I did not know the kinds of questions they might ask. We had never met Charles Gary [Garry]. You surely are well represented with him.

Darrell Darling is in Bolivia working out a program between that conference and ours to deal with hunger. The church (nationally) has raised millions for hunger, a portion of which goes to change those policies in states and Washington which have a direct bearing on the distribution of wealth and food. Darrell will be moving to Santa Cruz in July to become pastor there. Lefty Shulz who has been campus minister at SF State will come to Davis as pastor.



We expect to be around all summer. Doug, my associate, and his family will be gone for two months. We’ve been looking for a student intern, but may not be able to find one. We’ll probably bring grandma here after Conference to stay through as much of the summer as she would like.

We are proud of you, dear. Keep up the good work!

Love, Dad