Notes by Mike Prokes


Notes by Mike Prokes

[Editor’s note: Spelling errors and abbreviations spelled out]

Dr. Goodlett read over herbs. People like him taken in by Jagan [illegible two word insertion] Send Sun Reporter. Accused of participating in election which government would be more likely to carry on [illegible two words]. Volunteered to work extra hours/That’s she was owed by the place more than she ever dreamed of.

Send SR and everywhere – There is a chance to redeem yourself offering

Prefer not taking a penny but just to show our gratitude to people of Guyana & US people

8R1 [HAM radio call letters]: Ask Charlie about sprinkler system for garden

7867 seal kits


Joyce needs onions, garlic, chili powder, cheese – check with Joyce

Joyce: Butter, cooking oil, flour, rice (white &/or brown), baking powder, mustard, soy sauce, ketchup, peanut butter, Trac II & Double Edge blades, bran, powdered milk, evaporated milk, vanilla, custard powder, neuter or acidic acid fruit base, bleach, plastic bags, parcel, detergent, seasoning

– Have 259 gallons of bleach now but afraid to send

– Need footlocker, crates. Put handles on crates

√ Where is order for knives – ask Tish

√ Where is order for grinding wheels

√ ask Jean Brown if personalities of MA & MV were sent & items for decorating new house. 25 Molly bolts and screws

5796 & 5795 – stayed in Georgetown. Should have been sent on to US

Find – Status on 7892. Electrical. Equipment to wire cottages. MA has pricing feedback on it. Ask Carolyn about buying food for Albatross

US * Get # off Freanel Lens. Honey extractor  5923 (passed to US 10/24)



Send more booze.