C-11-b-16a – C-11-b-18 • Security Duties

[Editor’s notes: This page was transcribed by Alexandra Prince, a professor of Religious Studies at Skidmore College. The editors are grateful for their invaluable work. The documents retain their original spelling, with corrections only for clarity and for names.]


Job Description

Johnny C. Jones – Ast. CAO [Chief Administrative Officer], head personnel director, director of security of I.S.S.,, Tower, and does a rotating security shift. Co-ordinates gen. [generator] & well security.

James Jones – Comm. & equipment and scheduling officer, directly over dispatch. Co-ordinates J.T. Police, cassava mill security, front gate security, boat security, and tent security and does rotating security shift.

Calvin Douglas – Captain of I.S. Patrol & Observation Director and does rotating security shift.

Communications & Scheduling Dept.

Dee Dee Smith – Dispatches for 8 hrs. and does tent scheduling. (est. time for roll call bookkeeping – 1 – 1 1/2 hrs. daily.)

Shirley Ann Edwards –Siapatchges for 8 hrs. and does tent scheduling 1-1 1/2 hrs. Does all typing of schedules.

Donna Briggs – Dispatches for 4 hrs. Takes roll call at residences at 11:00pm & 4:00am (goes to school)

Brenda Jones – Dispatches for 4 hrs. (goes to school)

(part-time) Vellerstine Jones – co-ordinates front gate security. (works another dept. full-time)



(part-time) Alma Thomas – co-ordinates J.T. police force (works in the mending and sewing dept.)

Toi Fonzelle – coordinates front gate security. (works in agricul. dept)

Irene Edwards – co-ordinates boat security. (works in back kitchen)

Tower Security

Ellie Beam – Observation and security over E. [East] House 8hrs. Schedules Gen. & well Security (est. time 1-1 1/2 hrs. daily)

Rosie Ruggerio – Observation and security over E. House 8 hrs.

Cynthia Jackson – [ditto marks]

Patsy Johnson – [ditto marks]

I.S. [Internal Security] Patrol

7am-3pm –  8hrs

Lt. Bob Kice
Eyvonne Hayden James
Jerome Anderson
Bonnie Simon
Poncho Johnson

All above listed personnel is to rove constantly and do roll call checks. Observe crews and community services.

Generator security

Marcie [Marcia] Simon- assigned to generator two as a job assignment due to medical condition. 10pm-5am. 7hrs.



I.S. Patrol (cont’d)

3:00pm-11:00pm  – 8hrs

Shirley Gieg
Bruce Jackson
Tinetra Jackson
Greg Watkins

The above listed do Roll Call Checks, Observe Crews, follow up Generator & Tent Security, and Rove Plan out security Route.


Cleveland Newell
Billy Jackson
Danny Moten
Lew Jones
Chris Jones
Tim Jones (Knight) [Tim Borl [Night] Jones]
Amondo Griffith

All listed above except for Billy & Danny are responsible for the night time security surrounding the central city area. They already have pre-assigned security routes and their time is scheduled to the last minute. They all have pre-assigned duty in case of any emergency. Billy & Danny are responsible for John V. Jones [John Victor Stoen] and Kimo Jones, they also carry the responsibility for Dad’s food.


C-11-b-17a – 17c

[These pages are the typed version of C-11-b-16a – 16c]



Long Term Plan
1. a) Hand to Hand Combat

b) Fighting with weapons (knife, handgun, rifle, etc.)

c) Guerilla training and tactics.

2. a) First aid training classes for security.

3. a) Plan for evacuation

b) Plans for what to do in case of shooting, explosion, or any assault, attack in defence of an kidnapping

Short Term Plan

1. Cutting security routes for east house.
a. as a change of pattern

b. in case of emergency

2. Physical fitness training to get in shape.

3. A better crowd control system for meetings.

4. More Security meetings

a. To get a better understandings of security and what its about

b. To get a better political understanding

5. Roll Call
Check in system where everyone is accounted for at all times which goes into effect July 7, 1978.

6. Getting all schedules of all transportation (planes, trains, boats. etc…)