C-11-d-17 • Undated Agricultural Notes


  1. Cut bottom off banana suckers to increase height of leaves above gropund.
  2. For wooden water reservoir, use Wallab staves at Bookers Distilleries at High and Robb Street, see Mr. Foster.
  3. For snake bite, especially Laboria, Grate Bitter cassava and apply directly on the wound.
  4. Book available at the Dept. of Forestry Conservation. Name of book “Timbers of Guyana” by Dennis Basil Fanshaw. It identifies trees and gives their use for about 600 trees.
  5. To locate water in the wilds look for the manicola palm.
  6. Pandanga Cherry is wild in Jungle. And asipico tree looks like the Star apple, it is wild in Guyana.
  7. Corner facings on building keep out rain.
  8. Pick sorrel clean and it will bear again.
  9. Dry sorrel sells for $2.00 per lb. in Georgetown.
  10. Sorrel petals can be steamed to extract the juice.
  11. Lime juice disolves egg shells.
  12. Film “20th Century Alchemist”, 40 minutes shows is growing, insecticides, Wind mills, Organic manure and life cycle.
  13. Varieties of peanuts Virginia bunching, AK-17-High yield.



Diane Lundquist and Maude Perkins


All 5 dorms – see each dorm supervisor.



Cottages and surrounding cottage areas.


Odel [Odell] Rhodes – Sanitation Spraying

Supervisor – Marie Lawrence

Tentative insecticide control of flies and mosquitoes spraying plan:

This operation is scheduled to [be] carried out four times weekly. Twice during daylight hours spent twice on the early morning hours, and the night spring will promote ability to spray for flies when they are at rest and should reduce the fly population considerably.

Tentative days scheduled:

Tuesdays and Saturdays for day spraying and Wednesdays (p.m.) and Fridays (p.m.) About 2:00 AM.

Sanitation construction and repair jobs are all channeled through Sanitation Committee to Marie Lawrence, who in turn will report to the coordinators.

Roster for Sanitation Committee:

Dr. Larry Schacht – Medical Consultant
Tim Carter – Medical Coordinator
Marie Lawrence – Director Of Sanitation
Phillis [Phyllis] Chaikin – Medical Consultant
Ollie Harrington – Co-Director For Kitchen
Ernestine Blair – Research Secretary & Inspector
Don Fields – Medical Consultant
Selika Bordenave – Inspector & Bro. [Henry] Mercer – JT Police Rep.




  1. Ernestine Blair
  2. Marie Lawrence
  3. Selika Bordenave
  4. Don Fields



Piggery  – chicken compound – Cassava Mill – check for sanitation and safety violations, fly control, etc.
Persons to contact at Piggery: Wanda Swinney
Person at chicken compound – Bro. [Tomie] Keaton
Person at Cassava Mill – Ernestine March.
These people will be held accountable if sanitation and/or safety violations are discovered are not amended after a warning.


Saw Mill – Tool Room – Laundry: Persons to contact:
Saw Mill – Diane McKnight, Paul McCann or Ray Jones


Warehouse, Mug’s [Mr. Muggs’] cage and yard. Persons responsible for cleaning and maintenance: Warehouse: Bev Livingston & Bob Christian – Mug’s cage & yard – Joyce Touchette.


Garden – Baby Nursery – Dorm #3 & Toddler counter.
Garden: Eugene Chaikin and Jack Baron [Barron],
Baby Nursery: Irra Johnson & Loretta Chavis.
Toddler nursey –

(Please turn over)