Carole Pickering letter to Lester Kinsolving,
12 September 1972



Sept. 12, 1972

Dear Les;

Enclosed is another article I discovered after dispatching first one. I’ve checked and State Board of Psychology Examiners secured legal opinion from Ind. Attorney General which said they had no cause to prosecute because Jones didn’t use the title “psychologist”. State medical people say there handcuffed because no state laws authorizing prosecution against “faith healers.” Dr. Reilley, mentioned in the enclosed clipping, said yesterday Stoen and made personal visit to her here after this story appeared, pleading Jones’ cause and asking that psychology board abandon any thoughts of prosecution. She said she’s had no further word from Stoen, other than a prediction by him – at the time of his visit – that it was “unlikely” Jones would return to Indianapolis to preach. I’ll keep in touch –

/s/ Carole