Letter to Guyana government from Joyce Parks


18 August 1977

Honorable Prime Minister Forbes Burnham
Office of the Prime Minister
Public Buildings
Georgetown, Guyana

Dear Honorable Prime Minister:

I understand one of our people has written to you recently and apprised you of the situation Rev. Jim Jones and Peoples Temple are facing in the US. Some of us thought we should assure you again that we will never speak publicly about US governmental policy, and we will always speak supportively about Guyana and cooperative socialism.

With deep regret, we also feel we must say that, from our experiences, it is necessary to be very, very careful regarding possible contact with reactionary elements in the states. We’ve been told by people from the highest level, almost in fear and trembling, to be very concerned about what is going on. The hostility and rancor there are immense, with only two exceptions of significance (President Carter and Andrew Young) representing change.

It distresses us immensely, not only for our own sake, to hear these people tell us that all of our problems began with our support for the government of Guyana. People who have caused the most trouble have been real provocateurs, a Trotskyite element given to anarchistic radicalism and terrorism. They have really been too much to behold.

We have many affidavits from people both inside and outside our own organization about each of the individuals involved. We don’t wish to destroy anyone’s reputation – these were taken simply as a defense against provocateurs. Our attorney said we needed them. They are available to you if you ever need them. We are terrorized that the US might do something to betray Guyana, which we have grown to love immensely.

It is ironic that reactionary newspapers are using terrorist radicals! A very strange marriage, to be sure. They want to trigger outright confrontation in the public mind with people who uphold socialism as a way of life. Andrew Young was brazen enough to state his views, and you know what an attack he has come under, despite his statements supportive of the US. The television media has been particularly involved, and always paints Guyana in the ugliest terms.

Obviously, the attack is based on the ideals that you have established and intend to live by and that we have likewise espoused and practiced, because it never started until our support for Guyana was made public. We certainly don’t believe any of the allegations against Guyana, as referenced to by Lt. Governor [Mervyn] Dymally in his letter of 3 August.

It is good, in a way, that all of this has happened. It has only made us more determined to stand in life or death with the goals of socialism. We pledge this.

We are enclosing some additional letters from our supporters which were forwarded to us by our comrades in the States. We could actually show you a suitcase full



of such letters, but I’m just sending samples from the more sensitive and influential community leaders – and may have missed some of those. These samples even show support by people who do not necessarily have the same political view as ours.

I’m also enclosing for your interest an article which appeared in the Chicago Tribune. It was brought to our attention by someone who recognized its relevance to our present situation. Considering that Dr. [Martin Luther] King commitment to his last hours speaking out against the exploitation of the Third World, with particular reference to the Vietnam fiasco, it is not surprising that the dramatization discussed in this article misrepresented his commitment, which was played down by the play-it-safe liberals.

On the positive side, we thought you might like to know that the wife of Guyana’s Ambassador to the United Nations brought a beautiful multi-racial child to us in Jonestown. It had practically expired from physical need. She was greatly concerned for its future, and thought Jonestown would be a good place for it. We are happy to be adding this child and other Guyanese children to our beautiful rainbow family of so many adopted children, and will give them the best possible home.

This is really our function here, not getting involved in political matters, which relieve entirely up to you. We will however, try to keep you informed as we hear things that seem important to you.

Cooperatively yours,
Joyce A. Parks, RN
Medical Practitioner

cc: Dr. Ptolemy Reid
Cabinet Ministers
Ministers of State