Philip Blakey application for immigration into Guyana


Information can be supplied by persons desirous of immigration into Guyana.

  1. Full name (Block Capitals, surnames first): BLAKEY, GEORGE PHILIP
  2. Address: 6260 Eastside Calpella Road Calpella 99482 California USA
  3. Nationality: British
  4. Date of Birth: November 1, 1953
  5. Place of Birth: Netherton Northside, England
  6. Profession, trade or occupation: Warehouseman
  7. Married or single: Married
  8. Wife’s (Husband’s) name and nationality: Deborah June (Layton) USA
  9. Names and dates of birth of dependent children: None
  10. Schools and other educational institutions attended and periods of attendance: Ackworth School Pontefract, Yorkshire, England 9/64-6/70 Passed 8 “O” Levels
  11. Academic, Professional, Technical, and other qualifications: General Labor, Small Truck Driver
  12. Assets (including cash): Assets to be imputed to People’s Temple Agricultural Mission (which has leased land under the Government’s FCH program).
  13. State whether you are prepared to work and live in the interior of Guyana: Yes.
  14. Details of any farming experience: Grew up on a farm for 17 years, raised cows, cash crops such as cereals, hay, turnips.

Declaration: I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief the foregoing statements are true and made in good faith.

/s/ Philip Blakey

The applicant is also required to submit, together with the information furnished above, a certificate from the police authority of the country (or countries) where he (she) has been resident during the last ten (10) years, to the effect that there has been no conviction against him (her).