[Editor’s notes: The letters on this page derive from several sources, principally FBI Section 129 • EE-1 • Letters to Dad (N-Z). They were transcribed by Alexandra Prince, a professor of religious studies at Skidmore College, with the assistance of several of their students, principally Melanie Yaeger. Additional letters were transcribed by Danielle Redifer. The editors gratefully acknowledge the invaluable assistance of all of these contributors.]
Undated confession from Don Swinney
I Don Swinney have raped lots of little girls and boys. I prefer the ones under four years old. I’m sorry i killed the last little boy, but i just got carried away. But i must admit it was exciting to see all the blood.
Don Swinney
Undated Temple resignation from Don Swinney
I Don Swinney on [blank space for date] give my resignation as a member of peoples temple. I know jim jones to be a man of the highest esteem and he portrays great principal and character. But i wish to do my own thing and not dedicate my life to this great humenitarian [humanitarian] work
Don Swinney
Letter of November 1977 from Helen Swinney to Cleave Swinney
Wed Nov. 23rd
Hi –
It was good talking to you today – you sounded like you feel good – I am glad you are feeling OK. and doing the things you like – I remember at one time you were thinking you would never get to use the new tools you bought in the States – the tools you said you always wanted but never could afford – tools you thought someone else would get to use – But look at you now, working long hours and feeling good – you can certainly give Father all the thanks because if it were not for him someone else would be using those tools now. Huh?
Well since I am back in the kitchen it keeps one busy, gives me less time to think – the evenings are bad – after dinner I have the kitchen for some one else to dishes, nothing to do except go to the bed room, read or play “ole sal” your game – I dont stay with it like you did so I play a couple times and if I dont win I quit. I just finished a book – I dont have any more to read. I am sending all the books that I have read back – so give them to Joyce – tell her
if she has any more good ones send them to me – looks like I am here for the duration –
I know how you must have felt back in the states all alone with none of our kids around and me gone – Because I never knew I could be so lonesome – I dont care what they say, there is no one can take the place of your own kids and wife or husband. – There is no one you can talk to or confide in – Sometimes I get the feeling (like you said you had when I left you back in the States) just takeing off, but that wouldn’t be fair to you would it? I wont take off so dont worry – Seems I have made my bed so I will lay in it – happy or unhappy for better or worse I guess I get so depressed because I hate people. This house has been full for over two weeks with the same people – this woman and her four sons are the laziest people I have ever been around – Her two oldest boys are 16 years old and they have decided they wait to go back to the States so as for
as I know they are going back – they are waiting on their dad to send them the money for plane fare – the boat is leaving tomorrow and they say they are staying here until their plane ticket arrives (if it does) I resent feeding and washing for lazy ass holes – I well enough of my negative feelings –
Please I would like to know what kind of a mess you found our things in – you never told me where you were staying, there’s a lot I would like to know, but I can’t ask you on the radio – no privacy –
I sure appreciate you sending the vibrator it sure helps my feet – you don’t need to try to find anything else to send to me – I will just do with what I have – it fits any moods –
Well I will close – like I said the boat is suppose to leave tomorrow, but you know how that goes –
Miss you a lot –
Helen [Swinney]
P.S. Sure enough here it is Friday 25th the boat is still here. might make today maybe – – there is another bunch of people coming in tonight – See ya later Helen
I never hear anything about Eva + Jim [Pugh] tell her I said hi.
Note to Jim Jones from Helen Swinney, July 1978
EE-2-r-3a – 3b
Monday 31-7-78
Jim I am sorry I was so “out of it” the other night when you came in. Cleave [Swinney] had a couple of Valiums and I took one, since I am not used to taking things like that, it really affected me. I didn’t know who you were for a bit and then you were gone. If I remember right you seem to be defending Larry [Schacht], and rightly so – you must have heard what I said about him and some of the other medical crew – Twice I have forced Larry to explain about this arm – Twice he said he didn’t know what to do about it – said he would contact another doctor. I asked if he had done so. He said he had forgotten but promised again he would – several weeks later I reminded him again – again he had forgotten but for sure this time he would do it – at that time, Kay Nelson was flying in to Georgetown and I suggested to him that he send my x-ray in for Dr. Ali to see, said he was glad I thought of that, that was a good idea. I have not heard from him since. So the six weeks were up for this cast to be on. I would to Larry, told him the six weeks were up, so he ordered an x-ray. I was with the x-rays when they were taken to Larry – He looked. Larry Layton said there were no difference no more healing than the previous one. Want to know what was to be done – he just shrugged his shoulders. This made me mad and very hurt – He could have said come in we will talk about it (which I forced him twice before to do) I was hurt over his lack of concern – since I reminded Larry (Sat 29th) that it was time for x-ray (or whatever). I have wished a thousand times I had not of reminded him. I would venture to say I would have gone on for weeks or months before he or any of the staff would have remembered about when the cast should come off, or something done about it.
Now from all indications the arm should have surgery done again – I do not want this because I am sure the insurance does not pay for the same thing twice – I feel too much guilt over this plus the weeks and months I am not able to work and earn my own way. Knowing it cost $1500 a month to feed me, plus the space I take up – I have stopped taking all these vitamins I have been taking, and have sent the remaining ones back to the dispensary since they were not doing any good in the unending [issue?] of this arm. I know how much they must cost.
I will not bother you with any more writing but I have a plan I will do with your approval when you have time for me to tell you. I will not put it in writing because I am sure other people will read it before it gets to you – until then I will only eat every other day which will cut down on some of the food, and it won’t hurt me any.
Helen Swinney
Undated confessions from Kevan Swinney
I Keven Swinney on 19 [blank space for date] give my resignation as a member of Peoples Temple.
I know Jim Jones to be a man of the highest esteem and he protrays great principal and charactor. But I wish to do my own thing and not dedicate my life to this great humanitarian work.
Kevan Swinney
I have stolen motorcycles then wrecked them, and the same with bycycles. Ive burned houses. I have ruined all types of valueables like windows cars, trucks etc… and ive been in a lot of fights. and ive smoked dope.
Keven Swinney
Undated confession from Timothy Swinney
Hi Jim Cobb
How’s tricks? Have you killed that little boy that we kidnapped and raped last week. That sure was fun. Just remember I killed the last one you kill this one and I get the next ok?
See you next week
Your friend allways
Timothy Swinney
Undated resignation from Timothy Swinney
I Timothy Maurice Swinney on [blank space for date] give my resignation as a member of Peoples Temple. I know Jim Jones to be a man of the highest Esteem and he portrays great principle and C character. But I wish to do my own thing and not dedicate my life to this great humanitarian work.
Timothy Swinney
Undated note from Timothy Swinney
Baccus and his brother made a visit to Jonestown. While these Baccus from the saw mill told Charlie he wanted to talk to him in private. He asked Charlie to make a deal for 100,000.00 The same as what he had with me. Charlie and Joyce told him they didn’t know what he was talking about. That anything I did was on my own. That they had turned all there property and money into the church when they came in. Joyce said that when she came in where Charlie and Baccus were talking she felt that she was unwelcome. Charlie said Baccus could not keep his hands off of him. And that is the reason Joyce felt what she did. They both said Baccus left in a good humor. Was not angry at being turned down. I think he has definitely got something going for Charlie. Charlie and Joyce both think so too. They gave this information to Paula.
Tim Swinney
Undated Letter to Jim Jones from Tim Swinney
EE-1-S-445 – S-446, S-227 – S-230
[Editor’s notes: Spelling and grammatical errors in this letter have been retained.
[The page numbers for the first two pages of this letter were supplied by the FBI, but they in fact precede page S-227 on the pdf. The reason for the misnumbering is unknown.]
Tim Swinney
I think death would be nice. Might be uncomfortable getting there but nice. I have been shot once so that for me would be the best way to go. I have a fear of being cut. To me that would be a hard way to die. Also water drowning. Especially salt water and sharks. I have what I think is the plan to get our enemies. If someone were to be put in isolation and completley programed no matter how long it takes. I don’t mean one week I mean if it takes a month then O.K. Then that person or persons could go back and at a time or release word could do it to our enemies I would volunter for that. I don’t think I have done all I could for
this family. Things you have asked me to do such as with Smitty [Walter “Smitty” Jones]. All of that probably could have been avoided if I had tried harder. Whenever something comes up about Grace [Stoen] or Tim [Stoen] I feel extremely bad about it. So I will volunteer for that. I really beleive that is the only way to get them. Because if someone goes up there to do this to our enemies, I believe without programing there might be to much emotion or whatever and that might cause a hasty shot or premature blast or whatever.
If anything happened to Dad and a leader did not come up such as Steve [Stephan Jones] or someone Dad chose it would be time to die
any way possible. If any of my blood relatives turned traitor I would kill them on the spot. I think about everything I used to do back in the states. I miss R.C. cola and taco chips most of all. If I could get some for everyone here then I would do so. I have did without for so long until it doesn’t bother me anymore. I believe my sexual preference as of late has been women. In the past it has been men children and women. I am so inadiquate in my screwing that jacking off actually does me better than anything other than a blowjob.
When I am carrying a gun
I feel more secure. I believe it most certainly is a penis symbol. With me it is anyway. I get to feeling bad about it sometime and wonder if I should carry a gun at all. I get to feeling like someone (when I am carrying a gun) thinks I might try to shoot you and that make me feel like a peice of shit. I would if I could tear legs arms and whatever else off of anyone I caught trying to kill you and watch them bleed to death. I ain’t much but I do have a good leader and I would not like to lose him.
Socialism to me is a stepping stone to Communism. Necessary I think. News this wk. Natvies…500 parading. The crowd throwing
eggs, tomatoes at them. Police moving on crowd making them stop. A judge making speech. Kill anyone doing anything wrong portable gallows. Hang on the spot Edie Amin [Idi Amin, Ugandan politician] playing footsie with U.S. Russia tired of U.S. shit said we had the neutron in the 50s and could assemble one in 96 hours better stop messing around. USSR spending millions on e.s.p. a group can move locomotive. I wasn’t here last week so I don’t know what all the news is. I talked to Kevan [Grubbs] about the news last night on the way to the boat and this is what I got. Threats for our people in the states. First threat are the traitors and the stuff they get started
That is getting people put into custody I can’t remember the name for it. Saying they don’t know what they are doing so on. Fascism dictatorship concentration camps, arrest orders for most people here. CIA FBI harassment. Some here CIA lackies messing with us. Internal idiots, traitors, spys White nights. But a friendly man spy eating tiger. Sex….
Sorry this is late…it won’t happen again.
Thank you Dad
Tim Swinney
EE-1-S-192 – S-194
Undated letter to Jim Jones from Wanda Swinney
[Editor’s note: Abbreviations, spelling and other minor errors have been retained.]
Letter from Wanda Swinney
Some of the reasons we left the U.S. were because it is a capitalistic nation and we are Socialists, and trying to learn more of Socialism. The U.S. survives on its fascist/racism where white supremacy rules. The longest undeclared war ever known is the one that America has carried on with the Blacks for over 200 years. Recently they came out with the cliometric system where a leading economist, stated that the US economy is failing to such a degree that it couldn’t exist much longer with the quaint treads of bankruptcy it now has. His theory was that there was going to have to be a ruling, elite class and a slave class to do all the work & produce whatever needed. This racist also stated that since the Blacks & other minorities were of lower intelligence than whites they should be put back into slavery and that slavery was the place they were truly happy. Dr Kinner [unknown name] came out against the fascist/racist regime in America and stated that the US was fastly approaching a race war where the Blacks & minorities are on one side & the whites on the other. He was imprisoned for this and died there for his beliefs and statements.
Continuing with the racial genocide in America is the fact that every American city has a ghetto with the poorest & the most wretched housing. The housing projects can easily be roped off and guared by the racist police. The police & armed forces are so racist that they have made provisions to control the Blacks on their forces & get rid of them when trouble comes. One of the ethnic weapons used against minorities & poor whites is food & water chemical poisons. They have studied the chemical make-up of minorities & can put chemicals in food & water that will kill off whatever ethnic group they want & never phase the rich white ruling
class. The water & food supplies could be easily tapped & they have even practiced or tried out their theories on some areas. The fascist gov’t has not only prepared the ghettos into ready-made concentration camps, but have large scale ones constructed such as Santa Rita [jail in California], and the one outside of Bakersfield. The McCarthy Act has never been repealed so they can use this at anytime to round-up aliens & any minority & put them into these concentration camps. It is a known fact that train box cars are strategically located, just waiting the signal for when people will be herded like animals into these camps. The fascist gov’t recently passed S.B. 1427 which allows the police to arrest anyone they so choose for not answering a question in the manner they think is right. The police can drum up any charge they so like, framing you & make it all legal, minorities don’t have a chance with this law. The police already had the “No-Knock” law where they can break & enter your property & home without your permission to seize property & arrest you. It also lowered the death penalty to 4 years.
Another racist law passed, was the Bakke Decision which bars all blacks & other minorities from attending college. This means there wouldn’t be any Blacks allowed to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, businessmen. It is a general attempt by the white supremacists to keep Blacks down as slaves.
The neutron bomb is one of the latest ethnic weapon that the U.S. has come out with. This bomb can be controlled to such a degree of yardage & feet that it can be used inside cities to kill whatever minority group they wanted. It will not do property damage, even so much that it won’t move a book or shake a glass of water off a table. Right along with this bomb & the chemical poisons, they also have nerve gases that will kill only minorities.
Nuclear war is a constant threat also & here in Socialist Guyana we are safe from the radiation fall-out if war does break out. The U.S., Brazil, and the Union of South Africa are the only countries
that have refused to sign a Ethnic Peace Treaty. In fact the U.S. & England got together & gave the Union of So. Africa a nuclear reactor so now they can make a bomb and it is gravely feared that they do have one now.
The Soviet Union has a laser beam that will stop all bombs fired & it looks like they will have to use it. It is also feared that the U.S. has missiles in satellites circling the earth that can be fired. China has prepared for nuclear war by building under-ground cities that are safe from the bomb that will protect all of the Chinese population. In America, there are only bomb shelters for a few of the most important white Govt officials & rich white pigs.
The economy of fascist capitalist America is very unstable & could go at anytime. Just a couple of weeks ago the value of the American dollar was dropped on the world stock exchange.
We were also in danger of earthquakes that would drop entire portions of San Francisco & Los Angeles into the ocean. There is a drought that you stated would last for several more years that is causing a tremendous water & consequent food shortage. Here in Guyana we will never have to worry about water & we can grow our own food.
Since you, precious Father, have provided a place for us here in Socialist Guyana, there is no limit to what we can do if we follow your teachings and put them into practice. Not only can we have a Socialist Jones-town but we will someday be able to reach out to assist other impoverished countries that need food, medical aide, etc. so they get their start in Socialism.
Thank you Father for the privilege of being here with you.
Wanda Swinney
EE-1-S-236 – S-237
Undated letter to Jim Jones from Wanda Swinney.
[Editor’s note: Abbreviations, spelling and other minor errors have been retained.]
I believe in Socialism & Communism as the only true way to live where all people are equal, in all facets, and all properties and means of production are owned by the people, where there is no racism, no economic or educational divisions, but all are on an equal basis. I hate capitalism and all the hatred, fascism, racism & poverty & suffering that goes along with that wretched septum where only the very rich & elite peoples have what they need & they live off the oppression of the minorities like [illegible word, could be “blacks”].
I hate the wars & all the evil weapons that the Capitalists ease on the minorities.
Father you have taught me the beauty
of Socialism of loving, sharing & helping each other. I am tired of running from these bastards & would & want to stay here & fight & die if necessary. If there is a chance in another country where our children seniors & all minorities can be free, I want to fight for that too.
I am ashamed of my color of white, & have been every since you have me the awareness of racism etc. I feel I owe you & this family so very much, my very life & that of my sons. Because I am white, if there is any way my life can be used to save the family, I beg you to let me do so.
Thank you precious Father,
Wanda Swinney