The Writings of the Touchette Family

[Editor’s notes: The letters on this page derive from several sources, principally FBI Section 129 • EE-1 • Letters to Dad (N-Z). They were transcribed by Danielle Redifer. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.]

EE-1-T-94 – T-95

Undated handwritten draft of Albert Touchette

[Editor’s notes: This is a draft of Albert Touchette’s speech for a press conference held by Peoples Temple leadership in Jonestown via ham radio. The audio recording of the press conference, labelled Q736, can be heard here:

[Abbreviations of certain words have been retained, as well as other errors.]

My name is Al Touchette I’m 23 yrs. old. Im living here in J/T. [Jonestown] with family. We have been here for over 3 years & have helped to build J/T from its earliest stages. My sister Mickey Touchette was once in P.T. & has come out telling a lot of lies about us. She says she is concerned about me & my family, that is the biggest lie of all, Mickey showed where she was at several yrs. ago whens he forged checks on my dad, stole money from family & ripped off alot of money from the church. So how can any-body that has done all of this to her family be concerned about us. When Mickey left the church she said she was going out to be a terrorist. Mickey hooked up with a few of her friends who claimed to be commandoes. I’m sure Mickey hasn’t told any of you about their plans to blow up a bridge in Oregon. which our Church reported to the Sheriff of Mendocino County. at the time Mickey & this group finally left the Temple when they couldn’t get anywhere trying to convince other young people to go along with their mad ideas. How she’s coming out talking alot of bunk about People’s Temple & trying to tear down Jim Jones. Its clear that something pretty weird



is going on & I’m sure Mickey is part of the conspiracy that is trying to destroy Jim, & her so called Revolutionary trip was deliberate, to make trouble for the Temple. Mickey has always been a devious person. I hope that some day the truth comes out about Peoples Temple & Jim Jones , about how it has helped young people like myself, how it has given us an Ed. & taught us technical skills like carpentry, plumbing & elec. work that I am now doing & I am also in charge of heavy equip. Jim Jones is the most forgiving man I know, several yrs. ago my dad lies against Jim  Jones to a government agency. & he later admitted that they were lies & that the reason he told them was he felt threatened because his wife & children were members of the church. Now he is one of our best project managers here. Peoples Temple & Jim Jones are the best thing that has ever happened to me. & its a terrible thing when someone in my own family tries to tear it down. All I can say is that the attacks on Jim have made me stronger in my convictions & that goes for the rest of my family as well.



Undated note from Albert Touchette.

I Albert Touchette on 19 give my resignation as a member of Peoples Temple.

I know Jim Jones to be a man of the highest esteem and he portrays great principle and character. But I wish to do my own thing and not dedicate my life to this great humanitarian work.

Albert A. Touchette



Undated note of confession from Albert Touchette.

I Albert Touchette screwed several little girls many times under the age of 4.

Albert Touchette



Undated note from Charlie Touchette

[Editor’s note: Spelling and other errors in this letter have been retained.]

[Handwritten addition at heading of page.] Father I thought you might want me to say something like this to Mickey

Mickey [Touchette] I am not interested in talking to or seeing you untill you will admit that there was no threat made on your life in the parking lot at the thrifty drug store in Ukiah by me or your grandmother

You will also have to admit that you took $300.00 from your mother and myself on the pretense to purchase school uniforms and supplies but instead took the money to cause vicious trouble against this great and noble cause, which has done nothing to cause harm to any one, in fact as you know this cause has helped any living being that Rev Jones has found or even heard was in trouble, or in need.

You also illegally entered our house in Redwood Valley and on doing so you ran over one of our puppy dogs and left it to die.

I would never speak or even think of speaking to you untill you will admit that you and your boy friend were and are a part of a conspiricy to destroy Rev Jones and Peoples Temple

After you will admit to this then I can forgiveness and you would be able to live in this beautiful paradise

The paradise I know you sat in meetings and heard Rev Jones talk about long ago.

His words as always, has come to pass.



Undated letter to Jim Jones from Charlie Touchette.

[Editor’s note: Spelling error and incorrect placement of punctuation marks in this letter have been retained.]

To: Father

From: C. Touchette

Re: Committment

Dear Father,

Today when I said I did not want to leave here I felt a strange reaction from you.

I want you to know that I do not really like it here, however I know this is or could have been the best place in the hole world for us.

I have learned that if we follow your instructions and try to follow your example any-thing can be accomplished. I also decided some years ago to hook my wagon to your star and I am not about to turn back now. The present is a strain, but I know that by being with you the future is going to be great no matter where we are.

Anything you want me to do, any place, you want me to go, any mission you want me on, I am comitted to you.

Sincerely yours,

Charlie T.



Confession of Charles Touchette, September 9, 1977.

[Editor’s note: Lack of punctuation marks retained.]                                                                                              

I Charles E Touchette do swear that about March 1974, in Ukiah, California I swore to kill Mickey Jean Touchette

Charles E. Touchette

September 9, 1977



Undated confession from Charlie Touchette.

[Editor’s note: The spelling error in this note has been retained.]

On April 6, 1974, I stoled $3449.00 from the offering room of Peoples Temple Christian Church at Redwood Valley, California

Charles E Touchette



Undated note from Debbie Touchette.

I, Deborah R. Touchette on 19 give my resignation as a member of Peoples Temple.

I know Jim Jones to be a man of the highest esteem and he portrays great principle and character. But I wish to do my own thing and not dedicate my life to this great humanitarian work.

Deborah R. Touchette



Undated note to Jim Jones from Joyce Touchette.

[Editor’s note: Lack of punctuation marks has been retained.]

I am sorry Dad – I will not behave in such a way again – There is no defense – I could have been much kinder.

I jumped at Karen [Layton] also Sylvia Grubbs

There is enough fish –

No one is doing without

I am sorry

Joyce Touchette



Undated note of resignation from Joyce Touchette.

I Joyce Touchette on 19 give my resignation as a member of Peoples Temple.

I know Jim Jones to be a man of the highest esteem and he portrays great principle and character. But I wish to do my own thing and not dedicate my life to this great humanitarian work.

Joyce Touchette



Undated confession from Joyce Touchette.

[Editor’s note: Spelling error in this letter has been retained.]

I Joyce Touchette am the treasurer of Peoples Temple Agriculture Mission in Guyana. I have adjusted the book to cover up my [unintelligible word].

While here in Guyana I got mixed up with the wrong people. Chris Lewis and I met them through doing roro. So I’m the one who had to suport our habit. I’m so totally hooked on drugs now. I have taken some $30,000.00.

 Joyce Touchette


EE-1-T-22 – T-24

Undated letter to Jim Jones from Mike Touchette

[Editor’s note: Spelling and grammatical errors in this letter have been retained.]

To Jim

Fr. Mike Touchette

I do not care if I live or die, but when things happen like Isac Edwards or some white I perfer to die, but to think about dieing or getting ready to die does not bother me at all.

If anything would ever happen to you I feel I would follow who ever would be put into your place. I would feel obligated to help get the enemies of the people. The way I would try to kill off the enemies, is try to get them in a meeting, and blow myself up. If I could not get them all together, I would try to shoot them since I am a desent shot.

I made myself beleive before I got involved in a relationship with Debbie, that if she ever turned traitor in any way, would kill her and I still feel that way.

Theres really nothing I miss about



the states. The only thing that I would want from there is the food. But I would never sell out for it.

The sexual feelings I have for childern, is that some of the little girls who I consider cute, I would like to screw. Some of the little boys I would like to suck.

I don’t feel any strange sexual feelings for women, at times I feel like I want to screw Debbie in the ass. Which I know is because I want to be screwed in the ass. Men in general do not really interest me, except for the times I want to be screwed. To me thats all it would be for, because men who display the usual male attitude, really pisses me off. I feel I wish I could have been a woman, because of males and myself.

At first when I started to carrying a gun, I got real ego fullfillment because I felt it made me look trusted. Now its more of a pain in the ass



than anything else. I only wish at times, we would have a chance to use them. If something would happen to you I would help do away with those here who would cause trouble starting with Charlie. And then consider if not do away with myself because of the guilt I have about you.

Socialism to me is being able to think about the time when all the workers of the world will be their own owners of industries. To be able to hear that places like Cambodia, Africa and all over the world there will be no more hungry babies or wars. And no more God.

Threats back in the states would be if the IRS blocked the funds and our own people causes internal trouble.

Threats here are internal trouble and some punk who might get to much power in Georgetown and wouldn’t like us.

Mike Touchette


EE-1-T-27 – T-29

Letter to Jim Jones from Mike Touchette.

[Editor’s note: Spelling and grammatical errors in this letter have been retained.]

Wed. 21st

To Jim,

 I just wanted to say good bye to you, and to tell you not to worry about me this time in town. Because I will do my job and not give any one trouble.

While I was down river with the boat Clifford Gieg and Herbert Newell showed a lot of responsibility in handling the boat and money. They made sure every thing was accounted for and money was received.

When coming up the river we had a box of sandwiches. After Patty [Cartmell] got off the boat Clifford took it on as a personal thing to sell every sandwich. I got the feeling from Clifford, that he had a heavy responsibility with the money and he did not like to joke about it.



Some ideas I had concerning the boat and our store.

  1. Put a tarpe over the end.
  2. Serve Kool-Aid, a better sandwich because these tasted like they had started to spoil. And if at all possibable a variety of pastries.
  3. Charge a handling charge for the cargo.
  4. I feel if we opened a movie and served drinks and other snacks we would make a bundle. And do this a couple times a week.

 I don’t feel I was in the store long enough to make any suggestions, but one thing I can safly say its a total nut house. I felt a general warmness come from the people to Patty and Raviena [Rheaviana Beam]. The store is very nice.

The only other I should say is the news that Patty got for the store,



boat, and Georgetown are very shitty. They were to brief. And incomplete with a lot of things I had a question all the time after reading it. Were as Patty got the same news from Teresia King [Teresa King] and it was to the point. She explaned things in such a way that it was self explanitory. If Teresia can do it, I would like to see her be the one to give out the news. People here said the news posted in J.T. [Jonestown] is the same type of shitty stuff we got.

Even though you have all the reason in the world to worry about trators, and bad behavior in town, I will do my job and not cause any trouble.

Tell Steve I said hi.

Thank you.

Your Son

Mike Touchette



Undated note to Jim Jones from Mike Touchette

[Editor’s note: Spelling error and lack of punctuation in this letter have been retained. This appears to be part of a longer letter.]


Not want to return to Jonestown.

From now on I will be sure to get you news like the cost of the 2 CATS.

I’m really sorry because I thought I passed it on so it would get to you. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some anser on getting cost reduced on them.

Thank you

Mike Touchette


EE-1-T-117 – T-121

Letter to Jim Jones from Mike Touchette, March 18, 1978.

[Editor’s note: Spelling and other errors in this letter have been retained.]

To: Jim

FR: Mike Touchette

I feel guilt for alot of things, and all I will do is list most of them. The girl I was dating in Indiana got pregnant shortly after we moved, and there’s always the feeling I have a child being raised by a racist. I don’t know if it is my child or not but its one hell of a possibility, and I hate to think about it. States I have some guilt for my waste of my own time not giving it work projects, and for wasteing money. I use to buy steaks on a pay day and a beer now and then. I feel what I should have done is paid for living expense, and turned the rest in.

The guilt I have for my actions in GeorgeT. Most of my actions (moodiness and being lazy) were based on 1. Money 2. Debbie [Touchette] and 3. the CATS. The thing with the money is that I would try to save as best as I could and rationalize buying myself food or going to a movie. The way how I made up for it is by showing it as cab money or try to pick up a extra receipt some where. That is one place in the money keeping that needs a better system. As far as my actions go with Debbie is that when she would start acting like she was too good for me or like it was wrong for her to talk to me or be seen with me then I got rather nasty to her and every one else. I think her treating me like this was a big factor in my actions. Not having sex did effect me but not as bad as the other. The involement with the CATS have given me lots of guilt, because I feel I am responsible for them having to go in there. And what compounds it is when they came out here and didn’t work just right.



I feel while they were at CAT I could have spent more time there. I do feel we could do the same work now if we had to. One of them is working very well, but the other is still having problems.

I have alot of guilt concerning the farm. I think it could have been built alot faster, and not having to worry about food or housing for our people. At least thats how I feel about it.

I also feel very guilty for my ability to be a leader. I haven’t gotten back involed with the Socialist classes, the comittee that handles the shop and tractor drivers, and I’ve stayed away from Steering Committee. And I’ haven’t been a leader in any way shape or form. It really bothers me to hear and see people do you like they do, and the ones who might be able to help out a Little just sit back and watch, when I really should be out front. My work is part of the leadership I should be taking on. What I have done is that I am usually 1 hr. late to work, and mess around 1 or 2 hours during the course of the day. I have picked this up a considerdible amount but I still need to work on it. What I would like to do is take charge of the classes since I was appointed chairperson and do something to step that up. Hold regular committee meetings concerning shop, and start to attend Steering meetings. And where ever else I can step in and help you.

I feel I have alot to do with Steve’s [Stephan Jones] attitude and actions. The reason why I say



this is because on one occasion when I first came home I asked Steve why people were calling you Dad. After he told me why I said I would never call you Dad because of him and the rest of his brothers. Plus I added a few comments about some people who I feel kiss up to you and never do any real amount of work and call themselfs Jones and call you dad. Theres been other things I have asked him that hit a soft spot and since you talked to me about him I try not to get any thing started, where bad attitude will be the result. I really think I can empathise with his hostile attitude towards people who never leave you alone or you having to do things with people to make them happy so they will stay and not cause trouble. Because to me it kind of reminds me of some show or something, where you constantly have to put your self on show, by where you have to say just the right things or you have to look just the right way, act and treat people a certain way or else they will start getting negative, because you might not look just right or say or do something that would lead to someones treason. Where as far as I’m concerned I really don’t car. How you say or do any thing, and this is why I think you started P.C.. I really can understand where Steve is coming from because it makes me hostile as hell when I stop to think or even see people who do this. All they are doing in my eyes is just judgeing you by their commitment. Then they are no longer committed to the cause of Communism, but are committed to you as a person in stead of to you as their



cause, you are the Cause of Communism. To me if something would happen to you, I feel I would go on and follow the next person.

When I said I don’t call you Dad its because I feel I can atleast be one person who doesn’t take that from Steve and the others. How ever I do call you Dad to all the children, because I feel they need to feel as close to you as possibable. I don’t want to sound like your not my Dad, because you are – in that all Charlie has ever shown me is a FootBall star or some one without any brains just all mussel. You have shown me all the love and treat me like I’m something other than a sports jock.

I think I can actually say I have no true sexual feelings towards you. Because all I have ever looked to you is my Leader and Dad. And I really feel I owe you some thing, for all you have done for me. I am actually talking about your Love and you changeing my mind. And how I feel I can pay you back in a small way is pick up my responsibility and my committment. I don’t know if I could ever do anything or not, but if something ever came up, I will be one of the first at yours, Mothers, or Steve and the boys side to protect or defend any of you any way. I don’t think I could ever do anything better than you or Steve, but I feel I will be by your side, what ever the circumstance.

The way how I’m going to handle my guilt is by improving my responsibility in work, and over all being a leader.

As far as my feelings go concerning Debbie I feel I really haven’t been all that good of a friend to her. Because in the States, I fulled around with Michelle Wagner, Becky Flowers, and Lena Flowers.

I haven’t and I don’t plain to run out on her down here. I feel I have one hell of a responsibility to her. Because I have done her wrong in the past by


EE-1- T-121

running out on her and treating her bad. I’m glad she moved to town because of one reason, that it made me look to her as something more than a object. Because I feel I look to her now as a person and I try not to come off so much as male but more so as a person. Even though we don’t have all that much sex like in a 7 month period we screwed 3 or 5 times. This is from the time I was in town till she left last week. I don’t think are relationship is based all that much sex because if it were I would have gone out on her. But instead I feel close as hell to her and have some sort of an oblegation to her. I like her very much and theres not a person I know who I would really like or have some sort of a relationship with. Because if it would end with myself and Debbie, there would not be another. Thats another reason why I’m glad she’s like she is because I’m really under the oppinion that I do not have her under my thumb and at any time we would stop our relationship or she would want to live with someone else.

I’m sorry I took up so much time.

Thank you very much

Mike Touchette



Undated note from Mike Touchette.

[Editor’s note: The spelling error in this note has been retained.]

I have stollen roughly $3000 from Jim Jones and Peoples Temple.

Michael Jon Touchette



Undated letter of resignation from Mike Touchette.

[Editor’s note: Spelling errors in this letter have been retained.]

I Michael Jon Touchette give my resignation as a member of Peoples Temple.

I know Jim Jones to be a man of the highest esteem and he protrays great principal and character. But I wish to do my own thing and not dedicat my life to this great humanitarian work.

Michael Jon Touchette


EE-1-T-85 – T-86

Letter to Jim Jones from Michelle Touchette, January 31, 1977.



What I have stolen in the past, here, was: two or three times when the boat has come in I have taken shampoo, soap, & lotion that was to be used for P.R. purposes. I also ate sardines & some candy that came in.

When I went into the bakery, I fixed eggs, bread, & ate more than anyone else when they fixed cakes, cookies, or special things for guests. When I fix Steven [Stephan Jones]

 Milo I drink more than a taste to see if it’s O.K.

I feel a lot of guilt for doing this & I can honestly say that I haven’t taken anything since that meeting when you said we should feel guilt.

I’ve taken advantage of you,



all the love that you show me. I’m sure I’ve stolen more but I can’t remember. I’m very sorry & I’ll prove it to you by working harder.

Thank you, Dad

Michelle Touchette



Undated letter to Jim Jones from Michelle Touchette.

[Editor’s note: Spelling and other errors in this letter have been retained.]

Dead Dad,

I haven’t been feeling too good about me & Steven [Stephan Jones], I still care for him & I feel I always will. But I don’t want to have anything to do with him. It’s really hard for me to get over him when Lisa [likely Wright] is calling herself Mrs. Steven Gandhi Jones & flaunting her & Steven in front of my face. Right now I don’t want to have a relationship with him or anyone else. I want to know if I could go into Georgetown for awhile and help Debbie Touchette. It seems like I’m running away but I want to get him off my mind & in Georgetown I will be productive. I hate G/Town so I know I’m not going there because I like it. If you don’t want me to, that will be alright.

Thank you Dad,

Michelle Touchette


EE-1-T-131 – T-133

Undated letter to Jim Jones from Michelle Touchette.

[Editor’s note: Spelling and other errors in this letter have been retained.]


I’m writing you this letter to let you know my feelings about Steven. I haven’t talked to him or even seen him since you & I have talked.

I know that he has a certain obligation he feels towards people & he feels sorry for them But at times I get really hostil towards him because I don’t think he needs to be as nice to them as he does. They just walk over his kindness & loyalty he has towards them.

When I’m an ass hole to him or I’m in a bad mood he will run back to Lisa [likely Wright] or in the States it was Robin [Tschetter]. But I can’t say that I blame him because I have never told him what was wrong. I always felt he had enough problems of his own. And I’ve never wanted him to feel sorry for me or obligated to me. Some-times I felt like crying & telling him how much I love him but I would think about it & I felt he would feel sorry for me, like I really need him & then he would feel a certain obligation to me.

It was a mistake for me to move out of the room but I was tired of seeing Lisa around and I also wanted to see if he was really loyal to me because I knew that once I left, Lisa would eventually start coming into the room. I wanted to see if Steven would let her keep coming in. If his loyalty to me is based on me living with him in order for him not to mess with anybody else then I don’t want that But I guess I have to take into consideration the position he has, which I always want to forget.

I’ve always felt that when our relationship wasn’t going right, it was because I would never express my feelings to him, which I know is unfair to him. So I’ve never really



understood why he likes me as much as he does. If I was Steven I would have already given up on me a long time ago.

I have a lot of growing up to do, I know I’m a very jealous person. I really can’t say that I hate Lisa for liking Steven because I do. But what makes me mad about her is that she doesn’t care who she hurts just as long as she gets him. I’ve seen this kind of attitude in alot of people recently & it really depresses me. But Im being hypocritical because I’m trying to get Steven & not worrying about Lisa’s feelings.

Ive always felt Steven will have the role that you have, always trying to meet peoples needs But I’ve never wanted to except this, knowing that I will have to share him with people like Marcy has had to with you. And seeing your pain you get with people messing over you. This has made me distant with Steven & hesitant to marry him if the opportunity had ever arisen. I don’t want to except the responsibilities that Marcy has with you. And I know that Steven will get hurt worse & so will I.

I love him more then anyone else, & if anyone else ever did come along which I don’t think is possible, I would always have Steven the deepest & closest to my heart. Right now I don’t want to have a relationship with him. He’s happy driving the Cats & I don’t think he wants to have any peticular obligation to anyone. I feel really guilty about him, I feel he needs me in some sort of way & I don’t feel I can fullfill his needs. I know he expects me to treat him nice but when I do I get my hopes up that we will get together but then I get hurt seeing him with Lisa as much as he is. If I stay away from him then what ever he has with Lisa he won’t feel guilty or think



he owes me anything. This hurts me very, very much. But right now I don’t know if we’re going to live or die & my thoughts are caught up in Steven, whether I’m going to get him, Lisa, or who ever & I’m trying to get over that. I’m sorry if I have let you down in anyway but this is how I feel. If you want me to keep trying for him I will.

I’m really sorry about the length of this letter but I wanted you to know some of my feelings.

Thank you,

Michelle Touchette



Undated note from Vince Touchette [unknown person]

From Vince Touchette

I believe socialism will win and can’t be stop from what they are planing to do and die for what they believe in.

Thank you father

Vince Touchette