B-1-Affidavits on 8 Revolutionaries


File folder labelled  “Agent Provocateur – Jim Cobb”



[Editor’s note: This is a draft affidavit that includes numerous handwritten – and illegible – suggested changes to it. In the interest of clarity, this has been transcribed in the original form. In addition, typographical errors have been corrected.]



  1. I, Deborah Touchette, being dully sworn declare:

Jim Cobb, a former member of Peoples Temple, took his pants down in our college dormitory and made all the men look at him. He had a definite problem of needingto feel

Wife & husband swapping was not unusual in their dailycurriculum.

Terri Pietila (as was known by young victims) is a child molester. Children have written unsigned statements of Terri attacking them in the night while they were asleep, which has left them mentally scarred for life.

John Biddulph would always bring home radio or amplifying equipment. On numerous occasions he bragged on the amount of albums& clocks he had taken. He said he hated capitalism and wanted to destroy the system. He always practiced with guns in the evenings and set up dummy people who would someday be destroyed. As a group, they were often planning the assassination of the President. They would go over the whole plan as though it were to take place tomorrow. John Biddulph [changed to Wayne Pietila and Jim Conn] used to brag about the amount of government leaders he would kill because of his ability to be on target.

Jim Cobb used to collect army materiel such as knives, boots, canteens, fatigues etc. He also had a collection of guns that grew by donations from John Biddulph & Wayne Pietila. They always tried to lead young people to believe that one day they were going to start a revolution. Jim Cobb tried to be extremely domineering & forceful with people that he felt he could control. Wayne Pietila & Jim Cobb used to lead us on hikes while teaching woods survival. They would often say (while putting people’s heads at the point of a gun barrel) be prepared for every surprise.

Wayne Pietila, Terri’s husband was also a child molester. Long after their marriage had began, Wayne would date twelve (12) and thirteen (13) year old girls. He was once caught in a car having sexual intercourse with a thirteen (13) year old girl. Wayne admitted other perversions in a fit of confessions. He mentioned spending sometime on a farm and sexually abusing a female sheep. He described vividly his feelings of enjoyment and expressed the desire to do it again.



Wayne & Terri Pietila used to take children to bed with them at night, posing as a mother & Father figure. It was later found that they were molesting the children and telling them never to say anything about it.

It had been a warm night, but the morning was cool enough for sleeping. I woke several times through the night to banging in the distance. It seemed strange that none of the four young couples I share the house with were there, but sleep soon overtook curiosity and back to bed I went.

That same day Jim Cobb, Micky Touchette, Wayne Pietila, Terri Pietila, Vera & John Biddulph & Lena Flowers & Tom Podgorski left the house with the army equip. they had stored (including guns). The phone wires had been cut & many personal belongings of my own had been taken, as well as those of Wayne’s dad, Tom Kice Sr.

Micky Touchette had approached Mike & I the day before about our involvement with Peoples Temple. She had asked us, didn’t it seem so wasted doing humanitarian work with Jim Jones instead of fighting a revolution? When Mike Touchette & I disagreed with her, and would not respond to her probing, she finally walked away. It was not until she had left that I realized the intent of her approach. She had hoped to persuade us to leave and join their so-called revolution.

/s/ Deborah Touchette


B-1-d-2a – 2d

Draft points for inclusion in affidavit by Larry Schacht

Jim Cobb always lied to us & said that the college students were the vanguard of a new Revolution that he proposed to lead. He organized & led militaristic maneuvers in the hills around Ukiah.

During our all-night meetings before exams, Jim Cobb said these meetings aren’t bullshit.

Wayne threatened to slap the shit out of Denise Buckmaster, called her a liberal, white bitch.

Mickey Touchette was very irresponsible. She wrecked several cars, including Wayne’s.

Jim Cobb organized a lot of diversions from school work.



Jim Cobb sat with

Wayne Pietela advocated violent overthrow of government of USA. He taught classes in guerrilla warfare & idolized Che Guevara & was always quick to say he would perform violent acts for his beliefs.

Larry Schacht

Jim Cobb had no regard for others. Set off a firecracker in the dining room table without warning, while I was sitting there.

I was making A’s until he forced me & others to stay up all night & couldn’t study for tests. He destroyed morale in the dorms with these encounter sessions.



Like playing baseball in the backyard & pulling stunts on the other students. Tennis balls were thrown at heads because of the violent atmosphere created by Jim Cobb & his supporters.

Jim Cobb stole library books from Sonoma State College & bragged to us about his techniques of deception.

Jeanette Kearns [Kern] masturbated with the vegetables in the refrigerator & put them back afterwards.

Jim Cobb told several of our new church members that he was really turned on by a female student before he came to the church who stuck her boobs into his back while he was at his locker. This kind of talk was not a good example for us.



[Signature of Larry Schacht]



[Editor’s note: This is a handwritten draft of an affidavit by Anita Kelley which appears at entry B5c(42) at https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=109191, and at entry FF-9-B-25 at https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=109018.]

July 28, 1977

Beatrice Lawson – Atty at Law – Los Angeles – Beatrice is a cousin of mine who works for a law firm in Los Angeles, California. I was visiting in her room one night in the Spring of 1977 when I saw the remains of a half smoked marijuana cigarette lying on her end table in the living room. This was also witnessed by Lee Ingram and Gene Chaikin.

Elsie Victoria Moore – LVN – is my natural sister. She used to have a “massage parlor” in Indianapolis, Indiana, which was raided by the police and she was arrested because she and her employees were giving sexual favors to the customers.

Faith Kice, LVN – I was acquainted with Faith during the time I was dating my former husband. Faith is to offer us condoms and encourage us to have sex. This was early in our relationship.

Jim Cobb – He organized groups of young people between the years 1968-1971 and taught classes and tactics in guerrilla warfare and violent revolution. He constantly promoted the idea of a violent overthrow of the government. One day, Jim had spent the night as a houseguest in our home, and he got into my bed uninvited and tried to have sex with me although he did not succeed.



[Editor’s note: This is a handwritten draft of an affidavit by Anita Kelley which appears at entry B5c(44) at https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=109191, and at entry FF-9-B-63 at https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=109018.]

[July 28, 1977]

Mike Kelley – I was married to him from June 1970 to Oct. 1974. June 1975, our divorce was finalized. During that time, Mike stole items such as office supplies, a micrometer, a warning horn and electrical supplies from the Masonite Corporation where he worked. Mike left home one day and did not return for two weeks. When he did return, he could talk of nothing else but the homosexual relationships and experiences he had while he was gone. During the time that we were married, Mike had a relationship (sexual) with another man, he told me about it and at the same time encouraged me to have another sexual relationship with a coworker at Georgia-Pacific, where he was then working, although he denied it. In the summer of 1974, Mike began sleeping with a woman who was almost twice my age. Consequently I left him and he moved in with Rose Gieg.

During the time that I was married to Mike, he told me that I was warped emotionally because I did not like certain sexual positions with him, and because I disliked oral sex.

During the last month that I was with Mike, I did not have a job, and was totally dependent on him, yet he refused to give me any money for groceries, gas, or laundry.


d-4a & b

[These pages are illegible.]


d-5a & 5b =already online at https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=109018, at FF-9-B-30


d-6 =already online at https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=109018, at FF-9-B-38 & 40


d-7 =already online at https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=109018, at FF-9-B-34