Peoples Rally of December 28, 1977

Peoples Rally, Wednesday 28-12-77

Announcements: Don’t let children lay in service without taking them to the bathroom – should take it as your responsibility if you are the closest adult near them.

Song: Garden Crew

Dad said Diane Wilkerson’s mom was trying to give trouble with the Guyana Government – she’s trying to paint Diane as a prostitute and drug user. Dad said she will come through. Even gave Diane a date when she’d be here. Diane a [had] made the mistake of sending her mom a greeting card during Christmas.

Dr. [Vibert] Mingo said he would keep Tim Stoen from staying in country over 1 day – 1 day visa will be issued.

Landlords can discriminate against someone due to his appearance and if he doesn’t like their profession. A young black woman was denied an apartment because the landlord didn’t like lawyers.

Property rights have been set back 40 years. If someone is discriminated in housing they can no longer get a decision appealed – judge upheld this. Court system is making it a dictatorship.

Government giving Dr. [Larry] Schacht a problem – now saying he has to have something else before he can get his license. Dad told them we are tired of being pulled to and fro.

Dad told us about his dad and how his dad used to catch rats one by one. He was called the king of rats – backed him up till he climbed the walls. [illegible] knew it was time to get out. The next thing after that the rats were all over his dad – they had been pushed too far. However, we do have a number of Marxist[s] in the country.

Another rat Dad remembers was in Indiana that would come out and scamper around in the day – very bold. Dad said he didn’t want to kill them and felt there was a way to communicate with rats. When he found one bigger than a cat, he said he would have to do something. The big rat listened to Dad, it looked like a sewer rat. Dad talked with the rat. He put food down the next day and they had left. Dad said if Diane isn’t permitted to come, then we won’t stay – we will be like a rat backed to the wall.

Dad appreciates those who are producing. Some don’t do anything.


Rhonda Page: Doing good – first day with Jan’s [Jan Wilsey] crew.

Mike Simon – Jan’s crew worked overtime kept good attitude.

Dad said he will give government an alternative 11 o’clock tomorrow. We’re having problems with our doctor and pharmacist. Dad said we won’t go through what we did when Griffith [Emmett Griffith Sr.] died and said he wouldn’t put up with it anymore.

Dad said he went to jail with Paul Roberson [Robeson]. Christians try to kill him and set him on fire. They told Dad he couldn’t go to Paul Roberson’s meeting, but he went. They locked them up. Dad said they were being taken to jail when the door opened. Dad walked out and couldn’t let anybody else to jump out with him but one old black lady. The rest just sat there.

Dad warned Partake [Tom Partak] to stay awake because he wasn’t going to be bothered with him tonight. Dad said all the conspirators were linked.

[Sen. Edward] Kennedy selling out. Kissed ass to [Sen. James] Eastland by joining up and becoming a co-signer to the Senate Bill 1. But they voted Eastland to stay in office to keep Kennedy out.

5 motorcycle drivers raped a black woman. She committed suicide 2 days later. Her brother said he would kill those who did it. The police said they couldn’t find the criminals who did it. Dad said if it had been someone black raping a white they would have found them. Reference was made to the case of Joan Little – same type of situation a black woman being raped by her white jailer. When the brother tried to have a showdown with cops they surrounded the building and brother gave up – walked out with his hands up. Dad said he wouldn’t want to go back to a country where a black man just surrenders to police. This happened in San Jose.

Joan Little’s boyfriend turned her in. People are making threats on the CB.

Mozambique’s president Michell [Samora Machell] said the problem was that the revolution didn’t last long enough – should have fought longer – and shed more blood. Dad said we had it easy – it could have been without food. That’s why Rhodesians have been able to run in and out but they are beginning to run them out. It took constant invasion of Rhodesian troops. There are 18 blacks to every 2 whites but the blacks have no political office or hold no positions. No place to shower in their living areas. They worked from sun up to sundown. US troops under pay did all types of tortures to the blacks in Rhodesia. They even made Betto’s [Steve Biko] daughter who was 6 years of age participate in torturing her daddy by pulling on the wire that was tied to his penis. America is mean. Some can’t imagine how mean they are. She had to pull until one ball was cut off. He died 3 days later. Some don’t think it’s their problem. Life is not worth living unless you have freedom. Our families would do the same to us as Diane’s mom did. Our women should not be pregnant, may have to go on front line. Would not be wise to have children at this time. If you are 21 you have 14 years before you need to get pregnant. It has been many here that Dad has had to fight Immigration Dept. over. They didn’t want Bro. [Henry] & Sis. [Mildred] Mercer. Said they were blind. Dad talked to Dr. Reid [Ptolemy Reid, Deputy Prime Minister] and was so mad and told them that they were coming in. Some got here at great expense.

Legionnaire disease totaled [illegible, could be “5000”] people – there are three different kinds (strands) of it. They don’t even know what it is. Only in imperialist countries.

Dad asked if there were any questions on what you are following. Dad also mentioned they didn’t want to let Helen Love in. Dad said he has always played “confrontation politics.” We should have a basic instinct that they don’t take one without all of us. Dad has 3 people back in states watching for him in case. Knows when you participated in service and didn’t – those on back rows.

It’s bad back in states. People operated on when it’s not needed. He told how Helen Swinney tried to get money for the commune by staging a fall in a place of business. She went to the best doctor and he told her she needed an operation. She was going to let them operate so she could sue them. Dad advised against it.

Dad says 1/10 doesn’t know what he’s talked about. Everyone should be prepared to answer questions in class of what he has talked about. Don’t be sick or you will be drug out of bed. Every child and adult will be tested.

Senior asked Dad to give her the shits. He said she will have it like she’s never had it before.

Carver [Neal] did a write up on what Dad has said about the FBI. Each house mother and supervisor for dorms should be listen[ing] for those wasting water. Showers a constant water waste. People would give their eyes for water in Los Angeles.

“He that loses his life finds it” (Plato) Some gossip about other folks – Dad said he’s after them.

Warning: Some try to get favors from some folks who doesn’t really like black folks. Who you are close to doesn’t mean anything. You better be a friend of Rob Gieg’s. Some folks get close to others and think they can be a shithead.

Praise: Karen Lindo [Lendo] and Casey Finny [Finney]

Santiago Rosas: Got boxes for seniors when we were on the front line. Washed diapers and went to the garden and wants to wash diapers every half day off.

Jan’s crew – very productive today working on pineapples.

Cassava crew: .12 3/4 section of planting today.

Complaints: (S.A.T. from Patsy [Johnson] and Amondo [Griffith])

Patsy and Amondo said children loud while working in banana tent. Names: Shabaka [Shawn] Baker, Lori Fields, Edward Ford, Patty Dennis, Marvin Janero [Sellers], teacher Lee Ann [Liane Harris] and Patricia [Grunnet]. Supervisor for crew Lisa Wright.

Dad warned everyone is to stay out of Learning Crew area. Some pist [pissed] in plants at their dorm – coming back to visit. You are not to go to Penny [Kerns] or you will be out of line. Go to Dad.

Dad said supervisors will have to set an example. You can’t just sit off and give instructions. High school students complained that the teacher just sat around and gave instructions.

Leann [Liane] Amos: Said if she’s working they won’t work. Dad asked her why she didn’t write this up. – she’s to go to Learning Crew.

L. [Larry] Tupper: Working hard. (Rita [Tupper] asked why didn’t Larry set an example.)

Jimmy Cordell: Says Shanda [Oliver] and Leann don’t work while supervising.

Patty Dennis [Patty Ann McCoy]: Learning Crew – reminded her of her other problems.

Dov [Lundquist]: Learning Crew.

Judy Huston [Houston]: Derek Walker.

Shabaka: Learning Crew

Anitra Green: Said Ben Robinson was playing around and not watching work crew. Patsy said Ben and Sebastian and Willie didn’t work. This was clarified that they were not supposed to be. She said Ben was reading a book.

Ben Robinson: Ben deliberately tried to get off crew. He will go to Rob’s crew – Says he liked underbrushing and fields.

Barbara Smith: Off Learning Crew – will go to Jocelyn’s [Jocelyn Brown Carter] crew.

Rose McKnight: Stays on.

Partake, Tom: He’s been on crew 1 month and 2 weeks.

Dee Dee Smith: Off the learning crew.

Clarence Klingman: Off.

Walter Williams: Off – Will go to Banana Crew – he’s a good worker.

William Klingman:

Keith Wade: Bad attitude – stays on.

Darren Swinney: Off Learning Crew.

Rugina [Regina] Bowser: Good attitude, but not off Learning Crew yet. She went to sleep on water security.

Janet Tupper: Good work. Needs to get chores organized. With Penny at night. She will work with Jocelyn’s crew – report to Penny nights.

Kim Fye: Good attitude – off learning crew.

Dad said Partake held up better than Jair [Baker]. Jair was scared. Said Jair wears shirt open. Big breast for man. Someone remarked every time he passed by they wanted to suck his tits.

Jair Baker: Back on Learning Crew and with Penny – messed up on Jocelyn’s crew.

Willie Malone: Too much playing around – must stop it or he will go with Ben.

Vincent Lopez – Learning Crew. Playing when Albert [Touchette] said for him to work with crew.

Leticia Jackson: Acting out at school – broke a ruler and blamed it on Lisa. She didn’t change after she said she would in teacher’s meeting, but instead gave teachers a hard time.

Tracy Stone: Junior High problem – Learning Crew and take a walk.

Eileen Jackson: picks – ridicules others, argues too much. Learning Crew.

Karen Horn [Harms]: Pairs off with Eileen – problem for crew.

Stanley Gieg: Attitude improved when he was off the truck. But now that he’s back on, he’s back to his same self. Needs to spend less time chit-chatting – he does half-ass work. Dad said Stan thought he had it in with Jack Beam and here he thinks he has it in with Charlie [Touchette]. Poor behavior with black leadership. Dad warned Stan to associate with blacks – better pleasing to us if you do, Dad said. Learning Crew.

Stan’s brother told him he would disown him if he got on the floor about racism again. (Clifford [Gieg])

Ed Crenshaw [Hallmon] will drive truck in replacement of Stan.

Wayne McCall: Bad worker. Not honest enough about what he did – Learning Crew.

Edward Ford: Playing around – wasn’t working. Another Chance this time.

Lori Fields: Says she could have worked harder but she didn’t. Dad said the word could she shouldn’t used. However given another Chance.

Dad said capitalists say socialists won’t work hard. We have to prove them a lie. We say we have the solution so we should produce more than anyone else.

Dad said be sure you pick friends on the right basis. Charlie said Stanley did hit the man and Dad said he would not go and didn’t do it.

Jimmy Cordell – another high school student – Given another Chance

Joel Jones (Cobb): Didn’t work hard – got water and wasn’t supposed to – will try to work hard and will improve. Chance

M. [Mauri] Janero: Hard worker – No discipline – Chance

Billy Bush: He said he worked lousy – one more Chance.

Alfreda March: Worked good in morning – afternoon bad – Chance no discipline.

Judy Huston: Said she could have work 10% better. Could have showed a better example. Chance no discipline.

Carver Neal – Good worker – no discipline – Chance

Tom Kice Jr.: Thought he worked hard – yelled out criticism – he did work hard. No discipline – Chance

James Baisy: Feels he worked good – 5 minutes late. Don Jackson told him to cut the grass – he wouldn’t do what he was told as instructed. He put a “J” on the ground – no discipline – given a Chance

Keith Guy: He didn’t put his initial in the ground. Chance


Cassava: Mary Wotherspoon: Feels job could be handled by someone older. Quick to criticize – doesn’t confront people – she’ll do it herself instead of making them do their job.

Aaron Hendricks: Good worker some problem but given another. Chance

Tommy Anderson: Good worker – works fast when he wants to – too many breaks and too chauvinistic.

Medical Staff:

Phillis [Phyllis Chaikin] needs to share her point of view with other people. Phillis agreed that she hadn’t been doing this.

Dad said no condescending people together.

Terri Jones will be out of the toddler program for the time being. Other problem in medical – some not liking particular people.

Annie Moore: Says nurses don’t respond to the doctor.

Dad ask who reports on pharmacist.

Electrical Crew: Producing well lately. Out of supplies at the moment, and have placed an order with Georgetown. Terry was asked to push on that.

People should look for fires at night everyone shouldn’t be messing with electricity unless you know what you are doing. It’s a miracle that we haven’t had a fire.

Dad said we should have some fire drills. (Lee Ingram for Fire Marshall)

Chuck Kuykendall [Kirkendall], Doug Sanders, and Lee Ingram: Some are having problems with their wiring – doesn’t remember what to do or how to do it. Dad said they will be given a chance (Kuykendall). Some slow in house wiring – likes to talk. One gets too easily carried in conversation – works well, but doesn’t work with them all the time but when he does slow, has to get used to it. Figures out some problems – likes to take the easy route. Neatness is a part of a good electrician.

Tracy Stone: Returned from his walk – says the jungle is bad – says he doesn’t want to go back.

Dad said some adults are creeping up to go into the jungle also.

Chris Rozynko gave a good evaluation of himself. Said he likes to put in additional things in work to be sure – sometimes not really needed. Sloppy about cleaning up.

Banana Crew:

Danny Kutulas: Honest evaluation of himself – away from crew.

Conni Fitch: Wrote her own evaluation – says she complains a lot hostile and bitches. Commended for honest evaluation of herself.

Nancy Sines:

Teresa King:

Pat Rhea: Doesn’t work as hard. Talks. Wants to go to electrical Department.

Gary Tyler: Not enough work to keep busy. Spends time trying to look busy. Dad said Scott sent regards to Gary with a warm feeling.

Charles Marshall: Good worker – quiet.

Rosa Ruggiero: Needs to pick up pace.

Aleda Santiago: Working good – pick up pace – lot of talk. Chance. Given a warning. Some say she’s good since she’s been back from Learning Crew.

Tim Knight [Night]: Working with coals with Freeze-Dried [Kivin Earl Smith].

Dad said crews should cross-reference with other crews for better evaluations.

Tommy Bogue: Wasting time going to and fro.

Loretha Buckley: Chance

Summary: No one feels they will be on the crew for long. They plan to move on to other skills – not interested. Some days they are late starting and poor planning. Dad says he wants scrutiny. Supervisors are to push harder – don’t need the good guy role.

Other medical comments: Doctor made someone cry – yelled at them.

Colis [Corlis] Boutte:

Barbara Farrell: Doesn’t follow through – will sit until given next assignment.

Ruby Johnson: Does her work, but doesn’t associate with rest.

Joyce Parks: Slow to see weakness.

Sharon Jones [Sharon Rose Cobb]: Cooperative – not medically orientated though a nurse.

Loretta: Overpowered by Ira/chart findings not done. They will be getting things in shape.

Sylvia Grubbs: Yelled at by doctor – started to cry.

Luna Buckley: Good worker – doesn’t attend class.

Sue Gerald (Knots) [Susan Jerram Noxon]: Concern about her taking stethoscope. Dad asked her if she had a history of kleptomania. She said no. She said she’s taken aspirin before and bananas. Blood pressure cups. Hard worker. Dad mentioned that 109 pieces of silverware had been found under dining room.

Dan asked about who would be responsible for silverware count.

Renée McMurray [McMurry] will do this.

Steve Addison: Wants to be lab tech. and study hematology.

Ruth Lowry: Good but doesn’t come out much.

Don Fields: (Phyllis will give him his evaluation orally)

Phyllis Chaikin: Says she needs more organization and communicate with Judy and Renée more.

Annie Moore: Defends self – hard worker – didn’t take action in certain situation – complains about Don but doesn’t confront him.

Judy I. [Ijames]: Passive – snotty, but tries to keep it down.

Liz Ruggiero: Abscesses didn’t get best attention.

Joyce Rozynko: Hard worker – temper.

Lois Ponce [Ponts]: Critical – developing an alliance with Shirley Fields. Dad asked about this. Shirley says they have discussed cases they have been working on. Lois wants to work along [alone] too much.

Dee Dee Macon: Works well – doesn’t participate in needs of patients. Doesn’t notice enough.

N. Darns [Najuandrienne Darnes]: Works well at night. Asked to help take seniors to service, can make better use of extra time. – Warning to keep violence down.

Renée [Rennie] Kice: Good on treatment table. Confronts Phyllis on valid points. Relates in an alliance.

N. Darnes & Constance Harris: Warned about alliance – cool it.


Two were called out:

Hazel Newell – problem with kidneys – will be taken care of. Hazel was in the kitchen at the time, but Dad said he would take care of it.

Mary Bailey: Dad called out one of Mary’s children’s names. He saved two of her children’s lives.

Dad mentioned that Lew [Jones] did not hit Raymond McKnight as there had been some question on today. Raymond fell off the porch. Dad added that Lew takes a lot of time with Raymond and is very fond of him.

PA Announcements: 30-12-77

Therman Guy & Chris Newell: Both playing around – threw shoes on roof in cottage. Could have ruined roof when they climbed on it. Learning Crew

PA Announcements: 31-12-77

Lee Ingram – Fire Marshall for Jonestown

Dad said medical department made statements about evaluations said the medical dept. was demoralized – Dad said they are not above the rest of the people and they are no more important than someone in agricultural. Dad said they had no time to meet about it. Asked for self criticisms. Received: Rennie Kice – admitted alliances – feels she should work in garden.


Dad said he was satisfied with all self criticisms from medical staff except for one – had to be in by tonight.

Problems in Peoples Rally will be handled fast – Learning Crew will be result.

Dad said to have entertainment ready.