Untitled, Gordon Lindsay

Gordon Lindsay

Promise[d] Land has turned into a hell hole, a concentration camp, people in the evil clutches of a man who is a cross between [Rev. Sun Myung] Moon and [Charles] Manson. Life consists of mass suicide attempt, beatings till blood is drawn, pressure applied to temples until people fall out, the “box” where children are put, and the well.

There are four choices: live under the inhumane conditions; escape and die in the jungle; escape and be killed by J [Jim Jones]; commit suicide.

According to Debbie Layton – she escaped.

Al and Jeannie Mills left [in] 1975 – afraid of reprisals, told then everyone who left would be killed.

Tim Stoen – says J is worth fifteen million. Stoen himself had an account in his name – sole signator – of over 1 million.

Debbie L. says she was aware of $65,000 per month in Social Security checks signed over to J.

Stoen: “JJ is the most evil man who ever walked. He is cynical, bored with life, money is not his game. He gets his kick out of power. He treats people as pawns. He has a volcanic drive to control.”

Stoen: Nobody in Jonestown or Georgetown is allowed to make phone calls. All mail and all calls are monitored and censored.

According to the pilot who flew Lindsay over the project, Agostini, the jungle is deadly – describes pirhana [piranha], snakes, parasites etc. and portrays it as impenetrable.

p. 6

Nobody can talk to anyone without two other Temple members present. According to Lindsay, request after request to have PT [Peoples Temple] talk to the Enquirer were denied. The Temple house in Georgetown is considered off-limits. Nobody but PT members can be there. All Guyanese, when asked about PT, are tight-lipped.

P. 7

F. Henneke – U.S. State Department, would not shed any light. [Guyana Prime Minister] Burnham and [U.S. Secretary of State] Vance have ignored the 6-page petition which Stoen sent them (and received his return-receipt statement). The petition was signed by 51 people, and names have been added. Dated May 10, 1978. There were serious charges to be ignored by the government.

p. 8

[U.S. embassy officials] Richard Dwyer refused to talk; Richard McCoy refused to talk; Fred Henneke refused to talk, when Gordon Lindsay asked for comments. Goes into Debbie’s background, joining Temple as a young woman and how she had taken her mother to Guyana in hopes she could see a lovely place as she was dying of lung cancer.

p. 10

Rice diet. There are two ways in – one on the boat which JJ owns, the other is an airstrip built by PT. The Matthews Ridge airstrip is a military base which is heavily guarded.

p. 11

Crowded. 75 cabins, 14 people per cabin. Huts have tin roofs. JJ told Debbie she would be arrested if she went back to the U.S. Said the CIA had a conspiracy against the Temple and she would be jailed. Claims JJ propagandized everyone like this.

p. 12

People are allowed to talk to their relatives on the radio phone patch, but every word is monitored by JJ telling them what to say. When Debbie arrived she was put into the fields to do manual labor. People work from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM (a ten hour day). (At the beginning she claimed it was a 12 hour work day). The people go to bed at 1:00 AM and sometimes as late as 4:00 AM after nightly meetings.

p. 13

Nightly meetings start at 7:00 PM. If people are late, they are punished. Describes a Learning Crew supervised by people with arms. You cannot talk or smile on Learning Crew. People who work at the piggery 3 miles from the compound have to run there in the morning.

p. 14

Learning Crew has separate cabins with armed guards. Watched 24 hours. Mentions rice diet again. Chicked [Chicken] once a month.

p. 15

J harps on the chicken consumption – says it costs him $2,000 a meal and the people should appreciate it. Sundays people work from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM. There are 400 seniors and 300 children. Seniors are not made to work in the field but have plots of ground they are expected to work long hours on to make produce. The toddlers play in the dirt. There are 50 babies fenced in an area 10’ x 6’. The children are sick, they all have ringworm, parasites, hair missing, gashing wounds on their legs. Only cassava powder is put on them, there is little or no medication.

p. 16

There is lots of sickness. Worms; people are de-wormed regularly. D.B. [Debbie Layton Blakey] said she got sick, was given tea to drink and dropped down to 98 lbs. No one can escape because J has people walking around to test people, ask them “Do you want to leave?” If you answer yes, you are punished. Asked about these charges, F. Henneke said he had never personally been to Jonestown, but that any complaints are looked into by the State Department. There have been numerous inquiries.

p. 17

In every case where relatives or friends have sent inquiries or complaints, Henneke says the State Department has sent someone from the Embassy in Georgetown to PT to investigate. Inquiries about brutality etc. None of these persons have confirmed the allegations of brutality or mind control. Our representatives have always given Jonestown advance notice of our arrival. D.B. says that when U.S. representatives arrive, the work day is shortened. Henneke said he had received allegations that all people had signed suicide notes. His answer: not our concern at this stage. All we can do with the investigation, we are doing. There is a long distance between Jonestown and Georgetown. Arrangements have to be made in advance.

p. 18

Re. allegations of “thin, hollow eyes,” Henneke said: “Those reports have not been brought back. People appeared to be healthy, considering they work on agricultural production. But McCoy is not a doctor nor a nutritionist. He is emmanantly [eminently] qualified as a conselor [consular] officer, but he is not qualified to do a psychological analysis. But we have investigated every report.”

p. 19

Henneke: “Debbie Layton’s charges are believable, but they do not trigger any actions by the Embassy in Georgetown.” Re. 3 children held there and Superior Court judges have ordered their return: “Unfortunately, child custody cases are a worldwide phenomenon. The U.S. government is not prepared to intervene.” Re. the question where is the truth about all these charges: “The truth lies with Peoples Temple.”

p. 20

Richard Dwyer was asked same questions and whether he minded being asked about Peoples Temple. Dwyer: “I do mind, Mr. Lindsay. These are American citizens and no officer of government may comment on their activities. (Cites the Privacy of Information act). I suggest that you address yourself to their Representatives in U.S. Congress.”

Richard McCoy confirmed meeting with Steve Katsaris, Maria Katsaris, and Ambassador [Laurence] Mann. But he could not comment on the meeting without the written permission of all participants there. Refused to comment if Maria were strained. Steve Katsaris maintained that McCoy told him something very peculiar was wrong, and that four members of Peoples Temple had accompanied Maria to see her father. But McCoy would not comment to Lindsay.

p. 21

Lindsay describes a verbal exchange between himself and McCoy which boils down to McCoy protecting information he has. Responds: “I will talk when I have clearance – you will have to direct your questions to the State Department.”

p. 22

Debbie L. claims everyone spies on everyone else, everyone is scared of everyone else. Daily routine of torture. “One guy twists a necklace and wraps is [it] around his fist to put pressure on people’s temples. Draws blood.

p. 23

Security Alert Team (S.A.T.) beats people up. The “Box” is 4’x3’ where you are put if you aggravate J by having differences of opinion with him. From one to seven days there – forced to eat food all mixed up together. This is punishment for men and women.

p. 24

Torture for children is “Big Foot” – a 9’ deep well where children are thrown in, caught by adults in the bottom and thrown back up. Kids scream “Thank you Dad” for saving them. This is from 5 to 12 years.

p. 25

One of JJ’s sons had a gun in his cabin because he was on S.A.T. Debbie claims she planned to take his gun and kill herself. When the mass suicide came up, it was because of a crisis where someone outside had spoken unfavorably against PT. This mass suicide was attempted on the night of a visit of a Guyanese minister – he was forced to resign. J called a crisis meeting. All the guns were gotten out and everyone met in the Pavilion. J said there was no hope, brought out medicine and each person took a sip of a red liquid. Each person drank except J who was sitting in an elevated chair watching. Debbie said she was happy – thinking that now it was all over.

p. 26

The red liquid was to take 45 minutes to work. Maria Katsaris went around telling trusted people to act like they fainted. Debbie said she knew then that J had put up a “dummy run” and after 45 minutes he said he was sorry he had to do it, but he had to see who would run. Debbie claims Carolyn Layton fed sleeping pills to two of the favored children – John Stoen and Jim Prokes (Carolyn’s son by a brief marriage to Mike Prokes). She said she would rather have the children asleep when she had to shoot them.

p. 27

J likes thin people. You have to be thin to please him. But thin does not apply to him. He associates fat with being capitalistic and having a love of worldly things. But he has put on weight being there. He has moved into a compound with Maria Katsaris and Carolyn Layton and the two children. He has a huge bed covered with mosquito netting. The only bed with mosquito mesh on it.

Mosquitoes are bad at Jonestown – Debbie says everyone is bitten. J has a refrigerator in his room with meat, fresh fruit, eggs etc. C.L. [Carolyn Layton] and M.K. [Maria Katsaris] eat with J, have snacks etc. Charles Krug wine, Jack Daniels on hand, because J loves Booze. He is hypoglycemic and needs lots of protein, and nobody questions it anyhow because he is the leader and the people think the leader has to be fit to lead.

p. 28

24 people to a cabin. There are relationships and families, but people share a narrow bunk. You only see your own children between 6 and 10 PM and there are meetings from 7:00 PM on.

p. 29

Everyone who has left the Temple Lindsay has talked to says J is a compulsive talker. There is a PA system which goes on for 6 hours per day and he reads the news, changing it to scare people. Everyone is afraid of escaping because the whole world is against Peoples Temple, according to J, so then what is the point of leaving?

J talks and confronts people in meetings. Debbie says the proper way to take confrontation, or torture, is to not fight back, stand and let it happen until the breaking point.

p. 30

Pregnant women are forced to work in the fields until the last days. One lady Debbie said gave birth a few minutes after leaving the fields. She was the financial secretary and saw the coffers. $65,000 in Social Security checks signed over to J. Then Lindsay says she told him a story that “smacks of Hitler” – children confessing to J about their parents. One man figured a way to get out to Venezuela and his 13-year-old son was told of the plan and that he would be going. He told J. J held a crisis meeting over that, it went on hours until 5:00 AM. The man’s brother held a gun to his head and threatened to kill him. J would not allow that, but talked and talked.

P. 31

Visitors come occasionally, the work day is shortened and the meals get better. Everyone puts on the front of being in utopia. Two others reinforced Debbie’s stories according to Lindsay: Al & Jeannie Mills. These two were in the church six years until it became oppressive.

p. 32

Claim that they had to sign blank sheets of paper and incriminating statements, therefore they changed their names.

J at first took offerings as free will. Then he demanded 15%. Then 25% – then demanded people turn over all they had to be a true follower. People sold their homes, property. Mills claimed they had given $150,000 worth.

p. 33

Planning Commission, which Mills were on, consisted of beatings in public and blood was drawn. Al was the photographer for the church. He took photos of a man who had been beaten in the face and was told to take the picture by J to show people and make a lesson of the person. He was in charge of prayer cloths, oil, etc. Claim that $20,000 per month came in, at least $18,000 per month profit from this.

p. 34

They left with the beatings, when they became oppressive. First it was the belt, then switch, then electrical cord. J asked some of the members who had been former slaves to construct a cat-o’-nine-tails. Then they used a wooden paddle full strength. People got from one to 150 hits. Their daughter was beaten 75 times. The reason they did not speak out is fear of the crowd, which would turn on you and brutalize you if you did not go along.

p. 35

Debbie Layton escaped by plotting over a long period of time to get sent into Georgetown. She never mentioned wanting to leave. She worked in the radio room and made subtle hints to J that the people in Georgetown were making mistakes in passing messages. J suggested that she go to town to help with the radio there. One night there was a cultural show and everyone was gone. She stayed and volunteered to do the radio.

p. 36

That night she called her sister. She promised to write her sister a long letter. Each week after that she went to the Pegasus Hotel to call her sister. She did not have a passport because they are taken from people on arrival. One day McCoy told her that if anyone needed an emergency passport for medical treatment they could get one from the Embassy in half an hour. Her sister wired a ticket to Georgetown Pan Am office. Debbie went to McCoy and got the passport. A non-member drove her to the Pegasus to meet McCoy’s deputy who drove her to the airport.

p. 37

There she met Peoples Temple members picking up some new arrivals. She told them she was on a secret mission. But she did not have the proper Guyanese tax clearance, so she had to return. She went to the Tower Hotel and stayed the night there alone. The deputy who drove her to the airport was Dan Webber. She was followed by Temple members the next day. She decided to call J personally to show she was not afraid to talk to him. She called from the Embassy. Told him she wanted to settle down and have a family. J had told her she was egotistical, naïve, and could not find happiness.

p. 38

He said she would be arrested upon returning to the U.S. and suggested she go to England or to Russia and pave the way for Peoples Temple to go there. McCoy assured her she would not be arrested because she was not on any wanted list.

When she returned to the U.S. she refused to talk to anyone. She had a friend guard her 24 hours a day. Lindsay asked her if she were fabricating any of her story. She said: “What have I got to gain?” Asked if people could leave Jonestown, how many would go, she said everybody but about 10 people would leave.

p. 39

National Enquirer talk to 12 former members, and all had similar stories. All said members were expected to have complete and undying faith in J. They were forced to sell homes, turn over all their money, experienced beatings in L.A. and S.F. Also confirmed that the L.A. Temple was sold and the S.F. one is up for sale.

Among others he talked to were Tim Stoen, Jim Cobb, Steven Katsaris.

p. 40

Tim Stoen used to live the good life. He was interested in Peoples Temple in October 1969, because he wanted to see if man could create a real community free of racism, based on equality. He thought he had found that in J. He was real idealistic. He was disturbed by the conditions of the U.S. in 1968 – King and Kennedy assassinations, alienation and distrust in America. J made him feel guilty about driving a Porsche. He joined the Temple and gave up his dream of being in politics. He bought his clothes at the Salvation Army thrift shop and turned over $70,000 to the church. When he broke from the church, he did not have a penny to his name.

p. 41

He spent several years with blinders on his eyes, but now there is not one facet of Peoples Temple he refuses to talk about. When J took their son to Guyana, Stoen knew it was futile to protest. The son was sent without Stoen’s permission or knowledge. It was legal because three or four years earlier he and his wife had signed consents so that if the child were to go on trips with the church and the parents couldn’t make it, a child would be cared for in an emergency. Everyone had to sign generalized powers of attorney over to J.

p. 42

J even claimed to be the father of John. The birth certificate states Stoens are – Grace and Tim. There have been two court hearings, one is now pending an a Superior Court judge in S.F. had ordered the child to the U.A. [U.S.] (Frank Finnegan). Three paragraphs follow which quote from the court order.

Lindsay says it is hard to believe that the level-headed, intelligent Stoen could get himself painted into such a corner.

p. 43

Stoen says he slowly started to question when beatings took place. Says he didn’t go to services and only caught the tail-end of meetings. He rationalized the beatings because he saw JJ letting himself get beat as well, though not as hard as others. In October 1978 [1976] J sent John to Guyana, and Tim joined him at Christmastime with [California Lieutenant Governor] Mervyn Dymally.

p. 44

Stoen could not take John back because J had guards on him. Stoen left and was determined to return. He did so February 16, 1977. He resigned the grand jury hearings/proceedings he was involved in. In late February J flew to Port Kaituma and accused Stoen of working for the CIA. Stoen left in March to think things over. Knowing he could not get John out, he went to London. There he was tracked down by a Peoples Temple member who had a message from Jim: “We’re going to move these people… I need you.” Stoen says the old J magic worked again and he promised to go back for 3 months. While there he saw lots of John – comments how wonderful it was to hold John and have him fall asleep in his arms.

p. 45

In May, 1977, Stoen went back into the jungle with John. He worked hard there. Says you cannot use the word “happiness” because when J is around he makes you feel guilty for the sins of the world, but he enjoyed it there. Stoen says he returned to the U.S. in June, 1977, and there had to face questions that were still being raised in the media.

Stoen says he believes that the U.S. is the best society the world has known. And at Peoples Temple he spent too much time concentrating on injustices and alienation. In the U.S. he has met loving, kind people.

p. 46

He called his wife and she said J had accused her of keeping John locked in a closet. He said, “Honey, I’m coming in and taking on Jones.” I have been fighting ever since.”

Said he almost let himself get arrested in Georgetown when he went there after the child; he was told to leave and “I let the emotions and bitterness get the better of me –I lost my judgment.”

Lindsay says, “Tears well up in Tim Stoen’s eyes as he looks at the picture of John in his office, and he says, ‘John, this is your dad in San Francisco, and I love you. We’re working everything out to get you free, to come back here where you will be healthy and happy… Something in me says that is the way things are going to turn out.’”

p. 47

Stoen contends that J has 15 million. Says at one time in 1975, J had told Stoen that “we have made our goal” – which, according to Stoen, was $10 million. Claims that between 1975 and 1978 J has accumulated $5 million more. Only one person, J, knows everything because J operates on the “need to know” philosophy and he would never tell any one person everything. Stoen says he helped set up the Guyanese banking system for the Temple, but J would never let him know the names of the bank accounts. And as Stoen is not a curious person, he never asked.

p. 48

There is extensive sex within the church. Stoen believes J is brutal and anti-woman. Claimed by J that only he can provide women with sexual experiences; he is sleeping with C.L. and M.K. Marceline, his wife, lives in a communal hut. There has also been sex in and with the government of Guyana. According to Stoen, Paula Adams has a relationship with Mann and taped them while they wer [were] making love.

p. 49

Paula was ordered by J to record their conversations while making love and get something on Mann to prove that he wasn’t a principled socialist. Paul Adams played the tape in Stoen’s presence. C.L. transcribed it and the tape was given to Debbie T. [Touchette] who (as J’s personal PR person) handed it to [Guyana Deputy Prime Minister Polemy] Reid. This is cited as a typical “divide and conquer” tactic.

p. 50

Mann was not available to comment (per Gordon Lindsay). Friends of J include: [San Francisco Mayor George] Moscone (who appointed him to the Housing Commission), Brown, Dymally (who visited) and Rosalyn Carter.

Steve Katsaris’ daughter called him a child molester.

p. 51

He took a lie detector test to prove that the charge was false. Says that the more his daughter became close to the church, the more closed she became with him. Describes the happy days together when Maria was at home, how when she soloed on her first flight she was so proud she gave her dad her license.

p. 52

Maria called from Georgetown to tell him she would be there a couple of weeks, then was extended a few more weeks. S.K. [Steve Katsaris] contacted S.F. Temple to tell Maria he was going to visit her. Then he said he got threats on the phone, got cold responses from Maria, and then he started to worry about his daughter’s being in trouble.

p. 53

He got a radio patch from Maria saying that even if he came to Guyana she would not see him. So he went to Washington, D.C., to the Guyanese Embassy, and he was given the freedom to visit Guyana.

p. 54

McCoy had a transcript for him when he arrived, a tape delivered by Paul Adams from Maria saying he was a child molester. He describes how he went to Washington, D.C. and talked to Senators and Congressmen, and that he learned Maria was so trusted in the church she had upwards of $20,000 in her closet in her room.

p. 55

Marie’s signature was on secret accounts. Mann said he had talked to Bishop Jones and he would be welcome to come and visit Maria. Then he describes the visit with McCoy, Mann, himself, Maria and for people with her from the Temple. Describes Maria as rigid, making standardized statements.

p. 56-57

Says she looked sleep-deprived or look like she was on drugs. Ollked [Looked] bad. Re. suicide note, which he had asked her if she were forced to sign, she only responded: “Who is your source? Reveal your source of information.”

p. 58

Continues describing visit. Again claims she had standardized replies to his sincere questions.

p. 59

Maria called from Caracas to tell him the [that] she had taken a lie detector test and it proved she was telling truth about molestation and he should call off the lawsuit, or he would be embarrassed.

p. 60

Jim Cobb left 1973. J said he should wear long coats and act like he was carrying a gun; he was big and served as a guard. He claims to have been hit with a belt. Now his family is in Guyana; names each one and gives ages. States he has filed a lawsuit against PT.

p. 61

Permission to visit Jonestown and JJ was denied to Enquirer. The reporter was forced to leave the country. His wife received a call that her husband “would not come out of this alive.”

According to Charles Garry, the only spokesman for Peoples Temple, no one can speak to members of the press in S.F. or Guyana but to him. So Lindsay interviewed Garry.

p. 62

Garry says he was treated well in Jonestown. But regarding Debbie Layton’s charges, when Lindsay said, “Did you know about…” Garry said, “This must be off the record, but…” Lindsay said that 80% of the interview, which was 2 hours, was “off the record” and Charles Garry finally admitted: “I can neither confirm nor deny the reports you have.”

July 19 National Enquirer was approached by Steve Ramirez of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. Investigator. As for Enquirer’s help in the case against J – the office had received a complaint from Wade and Mabel Medlock that PT had extorted real property worth $100,000.00 from them. Ramirez said this was not the only complaint of extortion he had received. Said a major fraud was involved, and he hoped to file a case in two weeks. Ramirez said, “If I do, we will have to look into extradition as J is in Guyana.” Said that with the National Enquirer helping, the story could be brought to national attention. The Enquirer agreed to hand over files for use by the bureau.

end part 1

Part II


p. 1

Arrived at Timehri airport with photographer Cyril Maitland. Immigration officials were said to be in the pay of JJ to check on people coming into the country. Well, according to Lindsay’s experience, this must be true; it was told to him by former members.

p. 2

They were frisked on arrival. Officials went through everything they had with them. Confiscated legal documents they had on P.T. Sec. Baird of Ministry of Home Affairs said they should see him for the return of the papers.

p. 3

They saw a man named Hutton Archer of the Ministry of Home Affairs who asked if they were planning to write anything of a political nature. It would take 2 to 3 days to contact Bishop Jones about their going to Jonestown. Archer said as long as they were not doing anything political they should have no problem. But then Baird informed them that the matter had been taken to a higher authority and that he had bad news for them – they would not be allowed to stay in Guyana and were to leave on the next plane.

p. 4

A man named Thorn laughed and asked if he could give documents which had been confiscated. Said they would make really good reading about Bishop Jones. McCoy told him he could not help, that Lindsay would have to see the British Embassy (he is a Britisher).

p. 5

We were told unless we left the country we would be thrown in jail. They went to Trinidad where they hired a pilot to fly them over the project. Name Randal Agostini. They circled over the place 11 times.

People ran for cover when the plane flew over. Said there was a message communicated on the radio at the time of their flight over. It was that they needed some more rat poison to take care of the rhodents [rodents] because “they are at our front doorstep.”

end part II

Part III

p. 1

Minister John V. Moore: “If I were Stoen’s I would think about kidnapping John. If I were Stoens, I would be concerned. I spoke to John Stoen. He is a charming child. He’s bright, and J is keeping the child in Jonestown because it is in the best interest of the child.”

Mrs. Moore: Though she says Debbie Layton is lying, she said: “there are always paranoid people in the church. They are nutsies and some group is trying to wipe them (P.T.) out.” Later Mrs. Moore said: “J is probably doing something wrong in the eyes of the court.”

p. 2

Quotes Moores: positive comments for several paragraphs. Asked about Debbie Layton, Mr. Moore said: “I would call her credibility good, honest. No, I am not calling her a liar.”

Barbara Moore: “I don’t know why J doesn’t return John Stoen. I expect I would be concerned if I were the parents. But is [it] doesn’t bother me. The law doesn’t always tell the truth.”

p. 3

[California Congressman] Paul McCloskey, when he heard what Debbie Layton claimed, said “Get all the information to me you can and I will raise holy hell. Cy Vance is a friend of mine and I’ll be glad to force the issue beyond where I have forced it before.” He is well-versed in the case of Tim Stoen. McCloskey is described as outraged that the State Department takes the position that the child custody is a matter of civil litigation between two parties who are U.S. citizens, and will not intervene. He states that it seems the State Department ought to intervene because the child has some rights, too.

p. 5

Lindsay repeats that the State Department has been unresponsive. It is frustrating that the State Department cannot intervene in civil matters. That hundreds of letters saying that the U.S. Congress ought to stay out of the affair. These are from Peoples Temple members; they show blind obedience to a religious leader – compares to Moon. If this JJ is a disciple of God, he doesn’t prove it to me (Lindsay).

p. 6

Vivian Davis was a nice person, tells she has daughters there and feels happy with their lives and well-being. But her replies, according to Lindsay, were cryptic and brief.

p. 7

When Lindsay questioned her about 3 children being there outside the law – the woman said she did not know of it.

p. 8

Talks to two “agents” who are not to be named. [Handwritten notation] Designated in original copy not to be named. [Underlined names] Carol Zell and Frank Anderson. Describes Zell’s observations of her boyfriend Anderson and how it was for him when he left the Temple years ago. Frank described J as being charismatic, and that he was in awe of him. Gave his money. There were guards at the door. When he left he had wild nightmares and could not cope with the guilt he felt.

p. 9

The woman coached him out of his guilt feelings and his self-recriminations for having left the Temple. She claims he still keeps a red cloth on him which J gave him. He refuses to talk and refuse to come to the phone when Lindsay asked to talk to him.

p. 10-11 though p. 15

Kathy Hunter episode is recounted, just paraphrased from the Press Democrat article. Her trip to Georgetown, the “terror” etc. which the Temple allegedly caused her. Stars [Starts] off saying how brotherhood was J’s original teaching, how she was drawn to that, and how intelligent and witty J was. Said she spoke to Tim Clancey from the Temple and asked [text cut off?]

p. 16

Tim Stoen was in Jonestown May 20, 1977. He says that the term “steaming jungle” is not an exaggeration but actuality. Said he was a super idealist and had a martyr complex. Lived in a dormitory while in Jonestown. Had no privacy. Primitive conditions which no person with a taste for civilization would like, it would wear on a person.

p. 17

Agostini said from an expert’s eye, there are about 60 small huts; if there are 1200 people there, then that makes it 14 to a hut. Said a man named Roy Singh had contacted him in Georgetown. [Handwritten notation] (in original copy not to be named)

Said he had heard through the grapevine that he was going to do a story on the Temple. Lindsay asked if he could tape the man. Singh said “If you put me on tape, and customs searches you, they will confiscate it and they are bound to recognize me and my life won’t be worth a thing.” Singh said a great deal of money (about one million) had passed between J and Burnham. Also says that a cashe [cache] of arms had arrived in Georgetown and were shipped on to Jonestown.

Said from the air it appears like a prison yard. Everyone is wearing the same dark uniform.

The story ends with Lindsay flying off and watching the camp swallowed up by the formidable jungle.