Personal Reflections, November 2010

The articles below offer a wide range of perspectives on the life of Peoples Temple, the deaths in Jonestown, and the 32 years that have passed. All were written by former members and relatives of the people who died. While each individual story brings a powerful voice to any consideration of the events of 18 November 1978, their totality contributes to an even more important – if sometimes cacophonous – body of work. For that reason, these stories may also be found on our growing online collection of perspectives here.

We invite other members and families of Peoples Temple – whatever your views on the tragedy of Jonestown and the factors that led to its end – to join in this chorus. Contact us at or so that we may add your story.

1. The Architecture Of Jonestown, by Laura Johnston Kohl
2. A Child’s Life in the Temple, by Denise Davenport Fabrizio
3. A Mother-In-Law’s Blues, by Mike Cartmell
4. Poison in Jonestown, by Laura Johnston Kohl
5. My Experience with Jim Jones and Peoples Temple, by Dan Harpe
6. Self disclosure, by Andy Silver
7. Who Are the Victims of Peoples Temple? by Laura Johnston Kohl
8. Two Poems, by Vicki Perry
9. Southern Living and Peoples Temple, by Lela Howard
10. The Jonestown Poets
1. Survivors’ Rights, by Teri Buford O’Shea
2. Fiction of Presence, by Teri Buford O’Shea
3. Human Journey, by Jordan Vilchez
4. Hammering, by Garrett Lambrev
5. Many Springs Have Passed, by Guy Brewster Young