Edith Roller Journals: April 1978

Transcribed from her handwritten notes by Don Beck

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List of people and groups mentioned in this Journal


1 April 1978 – Saturday

Had breakfast, followed my usual morning routine, which includes: getting a plantain from the vegetable shed to help with my constipation problem.  Brother Bridgewater always gives me one. Lately I’ve been getting one for Helen Love also.  But sometimes I don’t see her at breakfast or lunch, then I usually eat the other plantain as a snack.

Having no classes today, I did my really personal chores, which I have been neglecting somewhat: care of teeth, skin, eyebrows, finger and toe nails.

Made yesterday’s journal entry.

Corrected the papers from the socialism class. Some knowledgeable people are in the area and some who are unable to follow much of the news, judging by their quizzes and their lack of participation in oral activity.

Went to lunch

Got my typewriter out and started a letter to my sisters and Lor [de la Fuente].  I wrote almost three pages. Need to have Rita check it and then I’ll copy it for each.  Tried to keep out any mention of difficulties for shortages, except of writing supplies which I hope Lor will send me.

I found that I could put my chests at the bottom of the bed where they had been, leaving a narrow passage for Terri and Harriet to get by the ladder to the loft. They said it was satisfactory.

As we have had several days without rain.  It has been announced that the bucket brigade would be in action starting at 3.30.  I planned to go down after I had taken the resume of Gene Chaikin. However, about 4.00 we had a pleasant shower and the bucket brigade was called off.

I went to the central area, found Chaikin. I took his resume down while he had treatment in the pavilion for sores on his legs. Chaikin has had an amazing background of different activities. He has also traveled much in all parts of the world. I had forgotten his birthday is the same as mine.  Perhaps this was the basis for my discovery that like me, an intellectual, he was drawn to gardening.  In my case it is an unfulfilled dream as yet.  Gene has also, like me, an independent streak. In both of us, it shows a reclusive nature.

While I was in the pavilion with Gene, Minnie (formerly Buckley) Morrell asked me to correct a letter she had written to a friend in the states. She told of “being with Jim Bogue” (now Morrell) which I had gathered.

Read Teaching as a Subversive Activity until dinnertime.

Again, I thought Jim might have gone into Georgetown, but I saw him in the Radio Room before the Rally.

Went for dinner at 6:00.

Continued to read in the pavilion until the Rally began.

Jim read the news while people gathered for the rally.  Reported that people couldn’t hear because of too much noise.  Inquiries whether need to take a test.  Says people don’t have enough respect for his healing powers. For example, Rose Shelton had massive brain hemorrhages, Trinidad analyzed. Never knew Rose to cry before Jim touched her and healed her.  Rally started at 7.30 with a few songs..

Jim came in at 8.00.

Agricultural Reports
Brother Jim Simpson Chairman.

Cassava Report given by Keith Newsome. He is a 13 year old and assigned to Dick Tropp, precocious but often gives problems (obstreperous).

Garden Crew. Report from Dorothy Buckley.

Troubles over p.a. system.  Jim asks for any criticisms.  Jeff Carey admits feeling sorry for himself. But thinks treatment on Learning Crew inconsistent.  Makes him hostile. He says he still tries to manipulate people by probing.  Jim asking whatever Learning Crew may be probably is not ideal.  And Mark Rhodes and Gleniel [Johnson] who tried to run away into jungle.  Taken to tiger. Acted up again and tried to sell each other out. Jim tries to reason with them and appeal to their sense of responsibility.  Jim describes his __.

Jim calls attention to someone in back and who won’t listen. She’s a child__ ___ ___ socialism won’t be as good as it would otherwise is the understatement of the year to take care of you and those back there. Others such as Charles Diggs and Huey Newton have to remain an internationalist. Angela Davis, never entered her mind socialism would lose.   “The day I die, people will forget me.”  I opened up myself so you’ll open up yourself.

Don Casanova [Sheid] got bit by the chimp [Mr. Muggs].  He can’t stand males. All stay away.  US Ambassador said people in US wanted break Guyanese laws to get in here and do some kidnapping.  “You cut off your channel and I can’t reach you.”

Jim on bucket brigade.  Wished it would rain.  Didn’t have time for water brigade. Had to listen to speeches to be given tonight in Georgetown.  Caught one statement that would have caused a White Night. Guilt I felt on recorders being collected. Microphones they had, they had to be collected.

Jim concerned about taping meeting. Wanted this one.  Don can’t be found. An example of elitism. We’re the talk of Congress, a thousand people made it to the Soviet Union. Fanatical.  That used the church to bring atheism. Paranormal facts confuse people. “It even confuses me.”

Robin Tschetter is honest with money, one in a thousand. Car run over her, not a mark or  injury.  Jim Randolph, Kathy Richardson, Alice Inghram, Tom Adams, Larry Layton, Andy Silver, Leona Collier, Jean Brown.  Why don’t people care? “He’s getting something,” some of you say.  I’m not getting something.  No joy, doesn’t even enjoy his children because he thinks what they have to bear.  Strong sex urges.  Want to hold you, warmth.   And not ___ ___ any other way you come back.

You on Learning Crew, have built up such hostility.  Jim: on Learning Crew, someone mumbling now. “I don’t like shit, I like flowers.”  Have to take care of him (Tim Stoen, take care of him and his wife).  Should have cornered him long ago. Should nail him.  Death would be too good for him. Why didn’t he see goodness?  He’s tried everything.  US Consul hates him now, he’s so devious.

____ to children.  Some ____  that kind of goodness, because must have to be like him.

Lela Murphy.  She’s dead.  __ __ Wasn’t about to rush in and save her from dying. We buried her too close to our water [supply].  [Rev James] Edwards had to dig her up and rebury her.  Bury her just as you’d bury me.  We’ll all be equal in death.

Soviet Union sure Prime Minister is going to go left. Your kids will have more freedom of movement.

Be tough against class enemy.  Describing how he got all charges dropped. This had to do with charges against Joyce Touchette, Tim Carter and others for tearing up subpoenas when first attempt to get John [Stoen] away failed. Jim made it clear, followers at Jonestown would resist in every possible way. What Socialism will do for you. A thousand like you.  We can only be hurt from within.  ___ __ __many people were watching him   __ __ ___ on those sons of bitches  __ __ immoral to destroy __ ____ like them

Andrew Young lifted up his lungs, vote for Rhodesia  ____ _____ ____.  Jim to take no guilt.  _What’s his life worth?

Collaboration of Dr. Pap coming here. Expecting to see Al Touchette none of the operation (Jim never speaks in his own name on the radio. Does not take any glory for himself.) of shipping 13,000 lbs of medicine for our use. 

Michaeleen [Brady] came out of isolation about 10:30 on Jim’s orders. She seems bewildered and says she wants to be a better socialist. Jim explains purpose if not to punish.

Absolute requirement that before you complain tell your own shittiness. Seniors too. Can’t write, then tell somebody.

Have to get those people who go out and talk against us.  No one dares attack us from without. Russia is watching. Russia isn’t going anywhere; she’s not going away. We’ll take care of ourselves when nuclear bomb drops.  Jim asked people to be creative in thinking, of what we would do. 

The two children, Mark Rhodes and X, were brought in after having been taken “to see the tiger.”  They were terrified, claimed they had actually seen him. They had fled unafraid of being tied up, had managed to climb out of a window. They weren’t afraid of wandering in the jungle alone. BUT the “tiger” for some reason terrified them. Jim admired their courage, tried to show them how their actions hurt us, why they should cooperate. 

Jim went into detail about the physical and mental (one of them, Mark, probably the ringleader is designated for the box) pain they suffered and how much he cared for each of us.  He asked for people to tell how they had been affected by his words tonight and a number did.  Irene Mason a senior and blind, who was sitting beside me, said when she was offered three biscuits, she felt she should take only two.  Jim told her to take three as she needed to gain weight.

Supervisors were asked to give a quick run-through of agricultural items, mentioning any break through or special problem.

The rally was dismissed at 12.15. Jim set the time for breakfast an hour and a half later than usual, to be moved up by extending the productive day and hour and a half. But he found the majority preferred to get up as usual and get out the usual time.  He allowed the few who wished to sleep late to do so and make up the time.

I took Irene Mason home. She lived in the small residence on the other end of the compound where [Christine] Bates is.

Only Inez was home. We went to bed about 1.00.  At 1.30 Shirley Ann Edwards and Anitra Greene woke me up with the light and their talking.  I protested.  At 4.00, I was again awakened by a number of people speaking in loud voices outside our cottage. 

I got up to go to the bathroom and protested this too.  When I returned I was told shots had been heard and lights seen.  “You’re near the bush here and strange things are going on.” They had called SAT.


2 April 1978 – Sunday
For breakfast this morning we had cinnamon bread, a hard boiled egg and coffee.

John Harris approached me about typing a statement on his work, pathology, submit it to the steering committee, tomorrow.  He said Jim wanted it done and Dick Tropp suggested he ask me.  I told him I had little time, but under the circumstances, I would do it.  He could find me in the dining room between 7.30 and 8.30 tonight or see me elsewhere.

Jim: on the radio.  Reported a serious accident to a five-year old, Isaac, who is the son of Shirley Ann Edwards (I didn’t know the identity of the child until later). He was hit by a ball bat thrown by Ray McKnight, partner of the former Rose Pearson [McKnight].  Children were standing near the place where the young men were playing ball.  Jim blamed lack of supervision of the child, carelessness of the player and bad vibrations caused by the attitude of some of the people involved.  The child should not have lived, was bleeding in the head, should have been blind.  Jim was calling the Guyana Defense Forces to get a plane to pick up the boy and take him to Georgetown.  He was making a call to get the best of medical help.

I made up my schedule. Activities, then spending a good amount of the day catching up on paper work, typed the list of students in my socialism class, suggesting which should remain in the class and which transferred to a slow learners group. Took the list to Rob Christian’s cottage.

This is the first time I have seen married people’s quarters. About 3 couples live in the cottage, are screened off with curtain. Christians also have office space where Vernetta types and Bob does his engineering work.  He is now making a big map of Africa which by Jim’s direction, will be put up in the pavilion.

I made yesterday’s journal entry.

The field workers had come in for their half day off.  I took my shower, not soon enough to get ahead of a number of children.

I finished the letter to my sisters and took it over to Rita to check it out.

Went next door to see Esther Mueller’s kittens.  There are three but only two were in her cottage.  She complained because she says the people across from her keep the kittens but do not feed them.  She wanted to give me a kitten but I think I would have too much trouble, especially since both Versie [Connesero Perkins] and Ann do not like cats.  I skimmed through Teaching as a Subversive Activity, making notes of a few items I want to remember.

Went to dinner about 4.30. We had rice with pork (more meat than we had formerly had when we had this dish), sweet potatoes.

I went to the pavilion hoping to see Jann, as she had suggested we meet at 6.00 to discuss the classes which we are exchanging on Monday.  While I waited, I started to read Introduction to African Civilizations by John G. Jackson, with an introduction and additional bibliographical notes by John Henrick Clarke.

Not seeing Jann [Gurvich] in the pavilion, I asked for and found her in the dining area.  I briefly explained to her what I had been doing in the advanced class and she told me of her activities in the intermediate group I will take over from her.

During the dinner hour Isaac [Rhodes] on a stretcher was loaded by the medical team on the tractor trailer, with attendants, taken to Port Kaituma to be flown to Georgetown.  Jim kept us posted on details during the day, since the plane was coming in, it would bring about seven people who were waiting for transportation to Jonestown.

Jim said some of the people coming in, one in particular, had already given trouble in Georgetown and it was necessary to have a special meeting tonight to confront them.

I went home and changed clothes, came back for the meeting which started at 7:30. Although we have new benches which have been constructed, I had difficulty in finding a seat.

Victor Jara’s records played while a crowd assembled.

Our entertainers last night won the audience. Jim had worked on them to emphasize socialist content. US Embassy officials were there.

Jim: Had to charter plane for Isaac to take him to Georgetown. Isaac’s plane was on maneuvers, neurologist waiting in Georgetown, another in States.  Have to get special clearance to go to Cuba.  Cost may come to $25,000.  Jim planned for efforts to make money.  Government has released some of our money. They are still holding $50,000. This is part of Social Security checks.

Jim on atmosphere surrounding accident today, capitalist sport. Like being caught up in a game.  Someone should have taken care of that child.

Question on music: Jim objects to working to rock. Jim expressed his opinion on music and enjoying art.  The beat of rock is destructive of brain cells possibly. Anyway, he’s positive it harms the hearing.

New people enter.  Jim denounced bullshit going on; people expecting to see freeways or Hollywood , creature comforts.

Robert Paul called on floor. Making women pregnant.  She’s bothering the church because he gave her his destination.  Jim had trouble in pressing him down.  He had a wife here.  He admitted to have sex with the woman.  Jim asked him what trouble he caused in Georgetown.  He denied it.  Lee says he wanted a ___ if he ___.  Paul is slippery; he admitted that this is not a ___ ___ ____.

We brought in a movie to show. 

Jim about music: says people who want this bourgeois shit to prove you can’t find any singers who haven’t sold out. Questions on Christine Lucientes, she said she knew tape recorders would be taken away. She says she wrote him a note. She was cleared from a charge she took other’s clothes. Christine Lucientes had remarked that she survived her own; was expected more to be said about what Rita Lenin had mentioned to me. That she and others in that cottage took advantages; they had sandwiches and coffee which are furnished for night work; that they sat around talking and typed letters at night when it disturbed her sleep. These charges were not aired. Probably the matter is being taken care of in another way.

[Robert] Paul took seat of one of the entertainers, 70 year old Moms Mabley [likley Bertha Cook]. His wife attacks him–playing around while she worked to support her babies.

The discussion on music was carried on for a short time between other matters.  Jim was quite firm that we could not have music of any form who was not a supporter of socialism and minority rights and if this meant listening only to Victor Jara, then that is all we should listen to.  He said he knew most people didn’t agree with him on this. But it wouldn’t be a bad thing for the world if all were like him.

Jerry [Gerald] Parks said he didn’t like the food. He was going to test us before a young handicapped man he sponsored should come. He said he wanted to look it over. He says he only couldn’t eat highly seasoned food. His people are on the way. His daughter is coming too. Jerry says Johnny Jones [Brown] told him better to see what the situation is.  Young man, he’s epileptic.  Jim says everybody adjusts. Everybody who talked about going back to straighten things out turned traitor. For example, Tim Stoen, Rosemary Williams.

Jim talks to Parks on collapse of States, dying nation, floods, nuclear wars, economic collapse, think of your child. What does it matter what happens to you?  Your child will grow up here.  Jim speaks of his healing power.  I should not have to do that because someone is careless.

Jim released Marvin Janaro [Sellers], Laura Johnston and Jeff Carey from Learning Crew.  Walter Williams doesn’t like to take orders.  Jim says he willingly took orders when his life was being saved. Jim takes orders 24 hours a day. Doing things he doesn’t want to do. Today he would have liked to get some sleep, but then we had Isaac’s emergency with the injured boy.

Kay Rosas was rebellious, refused to do what Penny [Kerns] said. Irvin Perkins Jr. and Ricardo Arterberry threw rocks.  Anitra Green made sarcastic remarks.  Kay got snake around the neck.  She was sent out to meet the tiger.

Dessie Jordan ___ ___ ___ warning.

Tommy Bogue up for goofing off on woodcutting crew.  Juanita and Edith [Bogue] berate him for misbehaviors, remind him of Jim saving him from jail, but he was constantly in trouble. Recommend them to use a cross-cut saw which will keep them alive.

Kay comes back so ____from seeing the tiger and then laughs and smiles. She is kissing everybody.

Johnson excused to go to nurse ___.   And ____ didn’t come ___ until the next day.

Bad report on Jerome Anderson. He’s on front gate. Jim asks counselors to talk to him.

Meeting ended about 12.15

Before the other residents arrived, Inez and I had a conversation about the day’s events. She knew the details about the accident to Isaac.

3 April 1978 – Monday
Before she left this morning, Inez told me Ann and two of her man-friends came in the cottage late, at about 1.30 and their talking woke her up. She complained, but they persisted for five minutes. Ann did not seem particularly concerned about the accident which, without Jim, would have taken the life of her child, nor of the enormous expense his treatment would entail. Like me, she thinks Ann is very shallow and does not care much for the boy.

Went to breakfast and followed the usual morning routine. I had to wait an interminable time for my medication and had forgotten to bring any work with me. 

John Harris did not come to give me the material he wanted typed. Somebody told me they thought he had troubles with his back.

I worked for a short time on my journal.

Went to lunch at 11.30.

Only a few people came to the adult reading class. Jim was on the p.a. system with the news for a good part of time during which, the class practiced writing and printing. I spent the next part of the period reading some poetry to them from the elementary school textbooks we have. One in particular has good selections and the vocabulary level is about what the class can manage.

Nancy Clay has a sore wrist and I told her not to try to write.

I washed a few items, mostly so I wouldn’t run out of underwear, scrubbed my tennis shoes and intended to hang them in the sun, hoping to get rid of the athlete’s foot spores which are apparently in them.  It started to rain so I hastily hung them up after one rinse. 

The rain came down heavily and continued on and on all afternoon. Though it made it hard to get to class, it was cool all afternoon and the effect seemed to be soothing on the students in my classes.

Dick called an English teachers’ meeting for 3.00.  Only Jann and I were there and others late.  He described what he is doing in Shirley’s class which he is helping her teach. He is requiring numerous details in the study of the world, using the almanacs mostly so far.  He is keeping very close track of problems other teachers are having particularly attendance and behavior.

In the first class, Jerome [Anderson] was on the front gate, Ronnie [Dennis] was absent, Kenny [Reed] was back from Learning Crew, Willie [Malone] is on Learning Crew.  The others did fairly well studying the map of Africa.

In the second class (which Jann had trouble with) I used the atlases and globe and had them work too on the countries of Africa.  I had no trouble with them in spite of Jann’s warnings about them. I have many a final warning.

Emma Hill reported to me, asked for test in my class.  She has been using the atlas and almanac, with very poor understanding of what I was quizzing. The same was true for the assignment I gave her on reading and summarizing.  I am afraid her high school preparation has been very bad. I counted on her to give me material for use in my other classes but don’t think she can.

Hadn’t seen John Harris [Peter Holmes] all day. I was at dinner and saw him then.  As I had heard he had had physical trouble, didn’t have his material ready and if he had had it, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Later I heard the Steering Committee, for which he had wanted the typing, wasn’t meeting until tomorrow as we have Rally on Wednesday and not Tuesday.

I went home to get materials for my evening class.

After Jim finished the news, I gathered my adult class for 7.30.  I didn’t expect many because of the rain but six came, most fairly good readers.  Jim came around the tents and looked in on us. I used the elementary texts and the members read aloud with discussion.

At home I read Introduction to African Civilizations for about an hour.

Went to bed at 11:00.


4 April 1978 – Tuesday
Had breakfast and pursued usual morning routine.

Made Journal entries.

Looked over class papers. Couldn’t make much of what remedial class did and decided to start over with lists of African countries.

Went for lunch at 11.30.

Attendance at my adult reading class was good. The students seem to be making progress.

Jim made an announcement that the US has adopted a boycott policy, denying oil to Guyana. Georgetown is without power.  Our oil supplies will be affected and stringent measures will have to be taken to cope with the shortage. One of these will be cutting down on the use of lights.

I stayed at the library and listed the African countries alphabetically, using the recent atlas.

Took my shower
Read Introduction to African Civilizations a short while.

Met my 4.00 o’clock class. I started by having the students give news items. Some were good. Yolanda [Brown] and Loreatha [Buckley] made no contributions.

With the 4:45 class, I started with news items. Only a few had contributions. The class decided to test me by various means with inattention and mild disturbance and I demonstrated better behavior, specifying what I did not allow and I told them I would report them to teachers’ meeting if they gave me trouble. I explained the intensive study we were going to make of the African nations, starting with them because events were moving fast in that part of the world.  I wrote on the board the alphabetical list of the countries, which they copied.

I had asked Emma Hill to attend the 2nd period class, as I thought she could learn what she had not been able to get by herself. But for some reason she could not.  I told her to see me when I had my night class.

I ate dinner. Returned to the cottage and prepared for my evening class.

The attendance was good at the evening class.  We listened to Jim as he gave the news. Then I explained the plan to have a class on Saturday at noon.  I started to review metaphors.

The Steering Committee had just begun its meeting in the rice tent next to us when we heard Jim’s voice calling on a traitor named Richardel Perkins to come to the rice tent for a confrontation.  The place was soon changed to the pavilion and all the membership was called to attend, so we broke off the class meeting.

Richardell Perkins turned out to be a woman, mother of several boys and a girl.  Two of the boys, Jerome and Marice Anderson, I have in my remedial class.  Jerome, though talkative is liked by most people and often does security, at the front gate.  Marice is quiet, dull and somebody had told me had suffered badly from drugs.  The complaint against Richardell was that she had said she wouldn’t have come to Jonestown if she had known we’d have to go without lights; she said she knew they would take your (Jerome’s apparently) music away from you. It seemed as if Jerome had reported the remarks. In the ensuing discussion it was developed that she had deprived the children of basic needs.  They had to come to the temple for a meal.  In favor of her husband, who had even had sex with her when she was recovering from a hysterectomy, she also had sex with her husband’s brother, though she claimed unconvincingly that she was raped.  Her husband is now serving time on a murder charge but she had been urging temple efforts to get him out of jail and bring him to Jonestown.  She had slept with her boys though denying she had sex relations with them.

Her attitude was bad and Rose Shelton, angered by the pain caused to Jim, beat up on her followed by others. Jim told security to limit those getting through to her to seniors and to control the attacks carefully. Jim put Richardell on Learning Crew.

Jerry Parks was out on the floor again because he was still saying he didn’t like it here.   He had also claimed he couldn’t work because of a mental condition.  Jim told of Mao’s giving the inmates of a mental hospital the choice of working or being shot. Jim emphasized that we don’t believe in mental illness.  He told Jerry, “You’re going to make it.” No one was leaving until all our people are here.  Angered members beat at Jerry too.  He went to Learning Crew also.

Magaline Lyles was next on the floor. She is the mother of Gloria Rosa, companion of Santiago. She had insisted on special treatment for her newest grandchild, supported by Gloria. Santiago took the floor against her. She wants to leave.

Stanley Clayton and Ellen Klingman were observed spending the night together. Stanley’s companion, a young black woman, is with the musicians in Georgetown. Ellen works in the bakery where she was reported giving treats to her men friends in the guise of testing food samples. Stanley admitted he felt no attraction for Ellen and Ellen said she was not sure of Mike Klingman’s affection for her.  They were put on Learning Crew. A substitute was found for Ellen in the bakery.  Jim said that no one is indispensable.

Michaeleen Brady’s attitude and behavior, after her experience in isolation, is still reprehensible.  She took a cutlass to one of the security officers.  After berating her, Jim ordered her to smile.

Jim had suggested several senior women when the guards could let through to pummel wrong doers. To get white representation he called upon Edith Cordell and then “Professor Roller.”  Rose started to hit Michaeleen, joined by Lu Esther Lewis and then I went up and struck her. I was criticized by several onlookers for not striking her hard enough.

Nancy Jones was next on the floor.

Jim, who was in very bad physical condition, had to take nitroglycerine tonight.  He was very angry at having our activities, and his own interrupted by the necessity of constantly dealing with offenders.  He explained the serious situation caused by the oil boycotts of Guyana.  A restriction on use of electricity was announced.  Our efforts should be directed at sending some of our people to Africa to help the countries there obtain their freedom. This is the first time I have heard of Jim refer to the idea, which is similar to the one I had written to him at the time of the last White Night, proposing our young people should help socialists in Africa.

So that the Steering Committee would not have to suffer from notbeing able to take care of its agenda, Jim went through the items seeking information and making quick decisions on the basis of cost.

The meeting was ended at 12:15.

I read for a few minutes after getting in waiting for others to come in.  Inez was in. Ann was talking to men friends outside. Versie and Anitra had not come in.  I turned off the light. Versie arrived and turned on the light and Ann came in.  They began to talk. Inez told me in the morning that Anitra had been present to although I didn’t know it at the time.  I knew Inez had gone to bed, wished for quiet.  I made demand that the light be turned off and conversation cease.  It was 1:00 o’clock. If there was an instance of such inconsideration again I was going to write it up and we could go to counseling on it.  I referred to Ann’s neglect of her child.  She reacted with hostility.

I was a long time going to sleep.


5 April 1978 – Wednesday
Inez thought I made a mistake speaking to our cottage mates as I did last night. She believed that they would behave bull headedly worse than before. Later in the school office she told me she had heard counseling was scheduled for our household tonight, but I heard nothing more about this all day.

After breakfast, I waited for my medication an hour and a half.  The medical office is dispensing medications in the dining room area and today they gave out numbered slips, but they got the numbers mixed up.  I usually write while waiting for meds but in this setting, different people set down and waited for me.  I did get a chance to read the news items which are posted on the wall of one of the buildings.

My watch won’t run at all today.  I have been having trouble with it.

At home and made yesterday’s journal entry.

We didn’t have lunch today since the community was two hours late, though I got up much later than usual.

Went to my reading class at 12.15; a large number came and did well.  I read a few phonetic rhymes to the class at the end.

Took my shower.

Finished my journal writing. Then I prepared for my classes. I am having trouble keeping
their papers in order.  In addition to my records of each high school and adult class, I collect the materials all students have prepared as they have no place to keep it. These and all supplies (papers, pencils, chalkboard erasers, chalk and so on) are in my top crate.

In my first period class I talked with them about my reason for concentrating on Africa at the present time, reminding them of Jim’s remark on the possibility we might send some young people there to help in liberation movements.  It seemed to me Jerome was depressed over last night’s confrontation with his mother.  Marice reacts dully to all stimuli. So I can’t tell about his mood.  Jerome questioned me about last night’s altercation with my cottage mates.  He is, I think, afraid of Anitra. He said I shouldn’t have charged Ann with “dumping” her child.  I replied merely that it was true. I had the class list all the African countries they could remember.  Ronnie Dennis, who had been absent, came at the end of the class and told me he had had to get ready to unload the boat.

I started the second period class with news items.  Most did not have any but Mary Griffith astonished me by explaining an item in detail and with emotion. I then let the students choose sides and the two teams took turns putting the names of African countries on the board. They seemed to be enjoying the contest. Somewhere half way through the class a rumor spread through the school tent that the class period was over and most of my students left like a flash.  Anitra, who is in the class, did well and seemed to show no resentment towards me.

Tropp announced a high school teachers’ meeting for 6.00.  I quickly got my dinner and ate it.

Tropp wants a weekly quiz in all classes.  Grades are also desirable.  We are to be firm with students with regard to behavior and class work.  The teachers report any unusual behavior.  I mistakenly thought it had been Kenny Reed who had taken off to prepare for going to the boat and so reported students who were subject to questioning.  Had to appear one by one, and Kenny was one of them.  He of course said it had been Ronnie.  Tropp warned me not to make such errors.

I returned to the cottage and put socks on for attending the socialism teachers meeting.

The teachers and co-teachers attended the meeting along with several visitors.  We took notes as various people volunteered news items. Questions, explanations, and comments were given. We then volunteered items on the general topic of ‘guilt,’ as raised by Jim on Saturday.  He had asked us to ascertain the understanding of what he had said that we would have considerable discussion about using The Introduction to Socialism by [left blank by Edith].

Consensus was that it was necessary to give some theoretical basis for understanding socialism but that some imaginative techniques must be used to supplement the book.  The class lasted from 7.00 to 10.00.  I spent 15 min more explaining to Vern Gosney the conflict involving Ethiopia and Somalia.

I just had time to get to bed before 11:00 when I expected the lights to be put off.  I don’t know whether they were or not. Only Inez was home.

When the others came home an hour or so later, I was aware of them, but they did not turn on the light, nor talk loudly.


6 April 1978 – Thursday
Had breakfast and followed morning routine.

Made yesterday’s journal entry.

Got some file folders (used) from the school office.  Labeled different folders with names of my classes including the socialism class and sorted out all the materials I have collected, both students and my own.  All has been in a state of great disorganization, making teaching more difficult.

Went to lunch.

Had good attendance in the adult reading class. After practicing writing and sounding the letters we have had the class play a little game, taking turns using words with each initial sound.  They enjoyed this very much.

Took my shower.

Did my hand laundry, using a pail in which our cottage members had been soaking dirty socks for a couple of weeks and another I found at the water outlet, where there are benches.

Read Introduction to African Civilizations for half an hour.

Stopped at the school office to get a recent almanac. (Tropp ordered several for our present concentration on geography and world politics and economics). All had been already checked out.

A heavy rainstorm came up and I was stranded for at least 15 minutes, unable to get to class.  When I did venture out, I found that both Kenny Reed and Ronnie Dennis were on the boat probably, Billie Jones was helping with incoming supplies in the tent.  I looked for the atlas we had been using. It was probably in use, tried to find elementary geography books, but there don’t seem to be any.  I did find some books on recent events in Africa, but on short notice I didn’t know how to use them in this remedial group.  Consequently I just allowed them to converse. Newhuanda Darnes has been taking an interest in this class (it seems). She said she liked to learn about Africa, so I told her she could stay. For medical reasons she is not attending school.

Rain started up again as the second hour class began.  Class members who had been in Georgetown were present today. The class was consequently large and somewhat unruly.  I had to speak sharply to them again.  I told them they would have a writing lesson on current events tomorrow and that each one was to bring in one they understood or one they did not understand.  We then played the game they had yesterday, naming all the countries of Africa.  As a class they did quite well, even some who had missed previous work on Africa.

Tropp announced a teachers’ meeting for 6.00. I got my dinner and ate it.

The rain was still coming down. I went to the pavilion. I was afraid Tropp was going to remark adversely on my being late to my first class, but he said nothing. We merely discussed problems we had. Tropp touched on the need for reading materials in the remedial group.

I read Introduction to African Civilizations in the pavilion for some time, hoping for the rain to let up.  My hair and clothes were wet.  I was sitting near Lisa Layton and another woman who agreed to save my seat and I went home.  As I had washed all the clothes I am currently using, I had to get into my bottom locker and find some others into which to change. And of course I wore my raincoat back.

My seat was in the front row, behind the Learning Crew.

[word “shoats” upper left corner.]

Started a little late.  Announcements. Songs.

Agricultural reports:
Citrus Report  Becky Flowers. 1000 trees that would produce in 3-5 years, exceeding our needs. Seeds we wanted, did not germinate. Don’t know why.  Discovered oranges rotting on the trees. All are to be replaced.
Chemical control-Ernestine Blair: asked about using fly traps. Discussion on ___ ___ __  says some [fly traps] in toilets may not be harmful. Poison used does not kill them as mosquitoes have developed resistance. Putting shit on sheets proposed. Burning contents after hours recommended, kill maggots. This suggestion to be tried out.

Seniors Garden-Selika [Bordenave] reported. Jim said we are falling down on Gardens. Selika thought he said seniors fell.  She said she hadn’t heard about it.

Livestock-Guy Mitchell. Discussion about hog feed. Jack Beam reported on producing our own feed. From locally procured items.  Grower near Georgetown uses a mixture that involves shipping in products. Locally produced products are still deficient in vitamins and trace minerals.  Stock here is genetically deficient, because animals need to resist heat. Have to bring in good resistance, while we bring in good animals. Use supplements. 

Mike Carter reported can’t get ___ in Georgetown because of power shortage. US trying too bring Guyana to its knees on the news broadcasts he has been giving details.  In order to get a loan from the International Monetary Fund, Guyana would be compelled to adopt measures contrary to it socialistic policy, such as letting foreign capitalists in to export the bauxite mines and when they refused, the US put restrictions on its imports.  One on generator that it is severely harming its power production.  Georgetown was without water and without lights ___ ___ ___ would have to accept living in a war economy, Jim said.
_____ _____ ______ _____ a good day to die is a cry we should adapt. 

For most part ____ our people in Georgetown, ninety of them, are very little trouble.  Marcy’s government [contacts] made arrangements to turn on lights just for our program.

Order for hog and chicken feed described by Jack will be put in tomorrow. 

Poultry-Rob Gieg. 780 chicks brought in Saturday. Many lost (76). Apparently same sickness as last time.

Jim on radio reported family has asked for an arrest order for Ida May Nichols, judge has issued it.

Jim: we made $13,000 on red shirts for Young Socialist League.  Still cheaper than they can get elsewhere.

Discussion on raising our own chicks.

Little animals-Marcus Anderson.  Applause because a student gave the report.

Farm manager-Rev James Edwards: reported on peanut meeting. Being planted too close. Everything you plant, make sure you save seed. Jack Barron so busy with bricks and sorrel, propose we put Jeffery in charge of peanuts.  Mike Carter says price of seeds is prohibitive.  Jim: bring in with luggage. Analysts should have been thinking of making toys of then.  Jeffery [Carey] proposal up to analysts; he is willing.

Jim: Our denomination told us that Tim Stoen and conspiracy are coming after our property (church in the states) by May 1.

New shakes we are manufacturing displayed.  We can sell them as well as use them.

Rheaviana. 2 bags, 24 pounds of rice were stolen from trailer when Stanley Gieg lost it on the road, while he checked on flat tire.  They know who did it. Will take steps to get it back.  Tangerines were on the truck.  Weren’t on it when it came back.  Poncho and two others confess they ate them; they were on the truck.  ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ security were on boat, broke into fruit and took quantities.  Only three or so confess, ___ ___ start to tell on others. Poncho [Johnson] was one; Jimmy Jones confessed.  Finally others come up.  Jim said he is going on a two day fast which he is not supposed to do. 

Mike Lund was drinking tea in the kitchen.  He confessed he was doing it today too.   Although one of the fruit eaters at length said he would fast for 2 days, Jim would not change his mind nor give them any other punishment.  He told him, he hated the events of the other night when people were beaten, although some were assigned to do it.  He always hoped to reach us by love and example. He implied how such theft as it is often fruit but taken from the community. He had to import expensive vitamins for pregnant women know now and with regard to Mike, he had been doing extra work which he had not mentioned when called up for the tea drinking.

Pearl Land was having a fit because some bug was bothering her.  Jim said she was having a medical problem. He said she is very stubborn.  Jim said __ __ to sit down.

___ violence test time.  But it excites a great many people.  They won’t turn to goodness.

Jim with reference to the child in the hospital in Georgetown. Jim risked our relations with Georgetown by insisting that our people had to be with him day and night.  The hospital had not come that far forward on the road to socialism to leave a five-year old alone to its personnel. When he was told the child wouldn’t take his water, Jim said he had to take it.  You don’t leave something like that to the will of the child.

Kim ___ ___ ___ ___about  ___ ___ ___ involved in the __ ___ ___ __ _ __ ___ jealousy ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _ _ else I’d be happy if he made her happy.

Back to agricultural follow-ups: What to do in heavy rain?  Continue to work, get away from trees.

Marcus Anderson: bad with teachers. Called a woman a “pussy.” Got a warning.

Janice Johnson. How she was affected about Stanley. She says she didn’t let it affect her. She has been to Georgetown about her eye. Jim praised her.

Jim: Seniors who said, “ Go ahead, write me up.” One, Chlotile Butler, refused to clap tonight. Said she had nothing to clap about.  Lillian Malloy for saying “write me up”  Butler got judgment; will wish she had clapped.  Be in bed and cant get out of it.  Jim relented and had her tell everyone she met, of something she was grateful for.

Shirley Williams and former companion Ben. He continues to bother her. He has shown growth, living with her present companion, doesn’t bother him.

A number of children on Learning Crew for using violence against each other.

Michaeleen Brady back to box.

Willie Malone. Bad attitude with supervisors. Jim talked to him. Unhappy because he hasn’t heard from mother.  Jim says he loves him.

Tom Partak gets extra candy. Better attitude.

Marice Anderson wants Margarite Romano to adopt him and change his name. Granted.

Dov Lundquist gets praises for planting trees around a cottage. Jim said: This is why we’re here. This boy back in the States was going to wind up in an institution.

The meeting ended at 1.00.  I was in bed by 1.30.


7 April 1978 – Friday
Because we were late last night, this morning’s schedule allowed for two hours more sleep.  But I got up only one hour later than usual.

Had breakfast and followed my usual morning routine.  Received my medication after little waiting. The medical office has a new format designed to be simplify its operating in giving medication and I assume seeing those in need of treatment.

At home I made yesterday’s journal entry.

Made some preparations for my classes. Just checked out a 1978 almanac early. The other teachers, especially Tropp, have been getting them first, also the recent atlas, with the result that I have nothing from which to teach my remedial class.

No lunch was served at 12:15.  I met with the adult reading class.  Some were late as Barbara Walker was conducting her adult exercise class at the beginning of our period.  The class members are trying hard, some against considerable odds, especially in writing.

I did some basic chores and washed my hair today.

In my first classe I followed a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and getting them back; a lot of  inattention and talking, tardiness and so on.  Billy Jones had some excuse, as usual, for being late. Several people were sleepy. I used the almanac and we started learning some facts on the different African countries.  Some members of the class showed an interest and learned.

I moved the second period class to the pavilion where I had them write on a news item. I gave them a choice on giving details on one they understood. Or asking questions on one they didn’t understand.  Some students finished early.  Got them to go to the library and read.

We had no rain today.

I read Introduction to African Civilizations a short while.

Political Enlightenment classes were at 7.15.  Don Jackson, except for taking roll and votes and so on, let me conduct the class. I handed back the class’s papers and gave the right answers. We intended to spend the first half having the class members discuss individually the talk Jim gave on Saturday night on guilt and responsibility and the second half on news items.  However, by the time each person spoke we had no more time left.  The attitude of the class was good. We were out at 8:45.

I climbed on my bed and read Introduction to African Civilizations an hour.  Jim, his news broadcasts have been emphasizing the study of Africa, as in his talks at the rallies and has even touched on early African history. 

Inez was asleep. I went to bed at 10.30.  When the others came in at 11.00 there was a little conversation.  At 1.00 the p.a. system woke me up calling Ann and perhaps Anitra for security duty.


8 April 1978 – Saturday
Had breakfast. Helen Love told me that a woman, fat, whose first name is Julia [Birkley] in her next dorm (she was moved in order to make room for Learning Crew) had distributed ripe papaya to her friends this morning. She didn’t know where she got it and didn’t get any. Thursday evening when it had rained I came across Dorothy Worley moving a chair into the pavilion.  I helped her. She said she had asked a young man to help us, but he said he might slip. At the water fountain I met Marcy and told her of these items. I told her I would get more details.

My bowels were loose today. I have had mostly normal movements lately.

Made yesterday’s journal entry.

I had tried to get some almanacs from the Book Depository to work on lesson plans for my classes but there were none. Jann had borrowed one from me yesterday but I had not used it.

I looked through my teacher’s materials which were shipped from San Francisco and sorted out some which I might be able to use for my classes here.  I made ___ ___ to my ____ meeting.

My ___ think he’s in  ___ more trouble than usually _____ ____.  I was late getting to the central area.  I was too late to eat lunch before my class.

I hastily gathered some reference books and a few reading books.  I intended to show the class the resources of the library. About ten people came, half from my daytime reading class and half from the evening adult class.

I had invited Shirley Fields, as she had stated that she felt now was a time she should become involved in some other activity.  She kept moving in and running out.  I couldn’t make out whether she was bored or had other things she had to do.  I started discussing the categories of language arts studies and the difference between teaching adults and children how to read.  I am afraid I hadn’t touched upon much that particularly interested them when Jim started to read the news. They had to go back to work when he was finished.

I took my shower.

Moved my foot lockers out and rearranged some of the contents so as to be more room for my school materials and journal in the top one. I then typed my journal, starting with the 13 August 1977 entry, the first I made since starting to keep it again. This is the first effort I have made to type up the record.  I realize finding time to do it is going to be difficult, plus the problem of lack of privacy.  I intend to talk the project over with Carolyn Layton at a later time and find out whether she wants to arrange for storage of the completed sections and to dispose of waste paper.

I typed from about 2:00 to 5:00.  I typed also a memo to Jim on some of my thoughts on music. What I preferred and the names of some works which dealt with liberation and revolution.

It looked like rain and Anitra, who was going to help prepare chickens for dinner tonight, asked if she could borrow my raincoat.  She said she would return it so that I could go to dinner. She did not however and I wore my shower cap to the rally.

[written at top corner of page: deficit- W for adult class]

Jim read news. Voice not clear. Crowd very disrespectful.  I spoke to Rev James Edwards and he told me it was a tape.

Heavy rain began to fall.

Congregation singing.

Part of the program given in Georgetown was performed for us, everyone in costume.

Jim came in about 9:30. Jim said US government interfering with our own Social Security checks again.  He named about 10 or 12 people.  Jim: not coincidence that enemy chose to interfere with lights and water, when we were giving program in Georgetown.  Guyana is under siege. Be grateful for all socialism can do.  He spoke on love and cooperation. Called for questions.

Jim explained economic situation in capitalistic countries. Patchwork could help US trade deficit but each country looks after itself. Reference to Japan and West Germany.

Jim: first of this month our school will be recognized. Port Kaituma School built with us in mind.  Board of Education has nothing but praise for us.

Child: Question on oil in Algeria, poor economy?

We will be getting Soviet movies for free.

Jim: Obvious trade was between Japan and US. Some predict real war.

Jim: dangerous patterns of sex discrimination.  Reports released. Madeleine Murray O’Hare [activist for Atheism, separation church and state] taking movement out of the US. Atheists have no rights to exist according to Supreme Court.

[Dr. Cheddi] Jagan received honors from Soviets. US courting him. May be deciding to live with Guyanese rapprochement with Soviet Union. Rhodesia falling to forces of Patriotic Front. Soviet Aid being given to latter. Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia sending in supplies. Algeria backing Spanish Sahara freedom movement. Morocco one of the few fascist countries left. Canary Islands in revolt. Anything can be stirred up in Africa at any moment.  What’s going to happen when the US loses important resources in South Africa? Namibia is going to be free. Zaire in trouble. Belgian Congo. Lamumba drug for miles there. Government is tottering. Mob___ is dead.

All black school administrators removed in San Francisco.  Black teachers fired. Black housing authority people fired. Amos Brown took over Third Baptist.  [Carlton] Goodlett getting nervous. Thad Brown indicted. Tax collector, charged with fraud, taking meter money.

Child, Alfred March, question on Stalin. Jim says, lad is a marvelous reader but gets information from American books.  Stalin and Trotsky had differences, but Stalin proven right. Need Soviet resources. Soviet Union has proven its humanistic tendencies.  Jim recommends lingering on essential elements. Don’t move too fast on news events.

Jim points out: Difference between studying the Bible and socialism. All would have been standing in here if [I] were talking on heaven. You hate me because I make you face the truth. You would have liked seeing me in a Cadillac and fancy clothes.  Some people would rather listen to bullshit, worrying about what you gave up. 

[Edith’s notes page top: left: Mc Call  right: Runnels history?]

You would have given it up if they burned your house down.  We could have left that woman alive for two years (Lela Murphy).

John A Jones, Carter said US cutting back on bombs.  USSR wants it in black and white.  If they don’t sign genocide pact, not make neutron bomb, they’re going to make super bomb.

Jim read list of praises.  Got extra candy.

Eldridge Cleaver has joined Islam. He was Baptist preacher four weeks ago.

Third World countries with oil next on US sites because of fear of communism cultivated.

Jim told of Patriotic Front fighting for Rhodesian freedom.  There is one white for every forty blacks. It is an inhumane regime which cannot last. Nkomo and Mugabe the leaders.

Jim told Janice Johnson ___ ___ ___ still in her. Stanley Clayton better be good to get off Learning Crew.  The doctor ____ ____ you, he will not ____ ____  ____ jurisdiction. ____ ____  “No shit.”  Jim ____  ____ Washington ____ ____ praise Jesus.  He says, some people down here very upset at not making _____ _____ Santiago’s wife, Kay Rosas ___ ____ ____ Mark Rhodes __ Santiago’s wife. Kay Rosas…

Pearl Land put on learning crew. __ ___ Mike Simon did not care about sprinkling poison on pig’s feet.  Had resentment against Ernestine Blair.  Vincent Lopez working hard in class. Jim danced with one lad who was shy. Vincent Lopez reluctant to dance.  Jim worried about people who let pride and embarrassment stand in their way.  Could they be trusted to go and fight?

Isaac Edwards released without any after effects or blindness.  Much rejoicing.

Lists of people to sign documents were read in groups.  Had to wait to sign after dismissal.  I was among them.  I had also to sign some documents for social security.

Meeting out at about 12.15.

After the meeting I went to the school tent where Tish Leroy and Harold Bogue were getting signatures on income tax forms. Although I had signed the last revision, they thought they had misplaced it, so I had to sign again.  The boat is leaving tonight and income tax forms have to be put on it.

The cottage was quiet when I returned all the residents being in bed or not in yet.  I prepared for bed.


9 April 1978 – Sunday
Had biscuits, gravy, hard-boiled egg and coffee for breakfast.

Checked out an almanac from the book depository. The one I used Friday I lent to Jann who gave it to Liane Harris. Latter had kept it whole weekend though they were supposed to be checked in each day.  I worked with it all morning, listing basic information and statistics on each country, to use in my classes.  I had to return the almanac by 1:00.

When the Inspector came around I suggested she report Patty McCoy for her bed, on which she tumbles her clothing and bedding and also to report dirty dishes.

Made out my activities schedule for the week.

Took my shower.

Had hoped to type in my journal this afternoon but this proved unfeasible.  When I returned to the cottage, the work day was over.  Ann and Anitra and several of their friends were using sheets to curtain off their side of the room.  Ann scrubbed the floor on their side, Anitra was reluctant to scrub on our side, but did it.  Someone took a light plastic bag which I use for washing clothes, probably to use as a raincoat last night.  I mentioned to Anitra that she returned my raincoat late last night and put the wet raincoat on my bed.

I read Introduction to African Civilizations. Inez brought her grandson, Lesley Wagner’s child [Jakari Wilson] in.

I went to eat at 4.00.  Today we had fried chicken, a biscuit, rice and sweet potatoes.  I had a leg and back, an excellent piece.

On Sundays Dr. Schacht sees patients from Port Kaituma.  We were told that 10 were here today.  They were served dinner and some did not eat much.  Their plates were left on the table and Jerry Ray [Jerome Rhea] and others ate the chicken from them. Joyce Touchette warned them they were risking diseases we don’t have,

I went to the pavilion to wait for Jann whom I was supposed to see at 6.00. The band was playing and I couldn’t concentrate on my reading so I moved to the library which was almost deserted.  I read Introduction to African Civilizations for an hour or so.

I thought I saw Jan going towards her living quarters and tried to find her. Someone told me she had gone up river with Patty Cartmell and party.  I knew she had seen the Job Change committee.

Not finding Jann, I returned to my cottage, talked a while with Inez who was there alone. She referred to Michelle who is still in the states.  She said Michelle [Wagner] was very eager “not” to lose her second baby, as she did her first, Dannielle [Dawnyelle]. Dannielle, her child by Don Fitch, was raised by Barbara Cordell.  I didn’t know whether Inez meant that Michelle would object to the nursery program. The parents have the child, in the evenings and on Sunday afternoons.

I returned to the central area where I stood in a long line for my treat (fudge today). Then I saw the movie being shown, “Children of the Damned,” and old English-made science fiction one. Dick Tropp commented and Jim came in at the end, both on the socialist implications of the film.

I went home a little after 10.00.  My mirror had been removed from my side of the room for the use of our other residents.  “That takes brass.” Inez commented.

I read Introduction to African Civilizations until I went to bed at 11.00.


10 April  1978 – Monday
Had a disastrous day.

After breakfast, I endured a 1-1/2 hour wait for my medications.

As a result of my oral report to Marcy about what Helen Love had told me concerning a woman in her dorm who gave handouts of ripe papaya, I find that Marcy has conducted an investigation.  Both Helen and the accused woman, who may work at the vegetable shed, were angry with me. Apparently the papaya was given to only one other person, Selika [Bordenave] who also spoke to me.  The latter however was not upset. She said she was constipated and needed it.  Brother Bridgewater, when I went to get my usual plantain, asked me if I had a right to it, revealing that Marcy may have gone into the side of the vegetable shed in the matter. I decided that unless the incident was brought on the floor tonight as an instance of special privilege, I would write a report to Marcy confessing of my own procurement of plantains.

I obtained an almanac from the school office and continued my notes on African countries.’’ Ate lunch.

At my adult class, I had increased attendance.  I think partly because Barbara has discontinued her adult classes or some of them and a few of her students have come over to my class.  I decided because of Jim’s emphasis on political and geographical study and because some of these new students have at best a basic knowledge of reading and writing, to give a little of such information each day. The students liked that.

Worked some more with the almanac until class time.

At the beginning of my first class, Jim began a broadcast. He read most of my memo on music adding a few comments of his own. He’s had some significant comments on our agricultural production which is lower than that of Guyanese farmers raising the same crops. Although we have advantages such as fertilizer and machinery, most of the blame Jim put on our pulling out agricultural supervisors before they have had time to get experience and wanted this to end.  He then made some remarks on details concerning our power situation.  I insisted the class remain quiet during the broadcast. They put their heads down on the table and probably slept.

During my second class Jim continued with the broadcast but we went ahead with the material on Zaire I had prepared.  I had left back the pencils to give the students, so I wrote the info on the board and discussed it.  Some were interested, but others were inattentive.’’

I had dinner, then went to the cottage and changed clothes for the rally.  I try to wear pants and socks to all evening meetings, especially in the pavilion, where the floor is dirty, to protect my legs and feet from insects.

Jim’s broadcast on the news, agricultural production and so on, had been taped and was played as many of the gathering audience stood in front of the maps of Africa, Guyana and South America. Looking at the places he mentioned.

Jim, when he entered, was distressed at the inattention he had observed, especially of the leadership.  Many had been late; many were playing and joking. His own health is in a precarious state.  His blood pressure was very high and he had an excruciating pain in his head.  The doctor says he has small strokes in his head.  He mispronounces some words.

Jim named several who held positions of trust and had not paid attention during the news. Carol Kerns and Jocelyn Brown [Carter] were among them.  Jim ascertained their lack of knowledge about current events. He questioned Jocelyn on her behavior in Georgetown, where she had not followed instructions and was responsible for an accident. Jim conducted an oral examination on the news.  Some, including children, had followed his broadcasts carefully.  Joe Beam [Helle] was one who received praise for his knowledge, although he cannot walk and his body is wracked with pain, Joe sat beside me on a wooden bench during the rally and was very uncomfortable.

Jim remarked that another man was introduced in Janice Johnson, had her come up and he told her who it was. In a few minutes he revealed to the audience that it was the doctor.  Jim called upon Stanley [Clayton] asking whether he was surprised that Janice no longer felt bound to him. He admitted that he was.  Jim said “You have learned what life is like.”

A young woman ([Joyce] McIntyre) who had been placed recently in the security force had participated in a meeting discussing what should be done in certain emergency situations. She had discussed the information with several people.  Recommendation of the individual to the post was at fault.  Jim allowed the appointed seniors, including myself, to pummel her.

A young man, of age, had violated a 12 year old girl and she had screamed.  Counselors had exercised great care to ensure she was not psychologically damaged.  Jim permitted her to strike her molester.

Laura Johnston was put back on Learning Crew. She works slowly and talks too much.  Willie Malone was on the floor in serious flaunting of authority and had even argued with Mother.  After he was firmly reprimanded by Jim, Johnny Jones and others, an effort was made to convince him that his method of response to his problems is inappropriate.  I received the impression that Willie has not heard from Beulah and that she may have left the Temple, but I could not learn the facts.

Michaeleen Brady is back “in the box.”  Barbara Walker is also in the box.  No details were given about the latter. I had heard that one of her classes was discontinued.

Jim said Tom Partak wanted to change his name to Tom Smith and he now wanted to stay here.

At this point one of the guards asked to see what I was writing.  I gave him the notes I had been taking.  I don’t know whether this was because of the unusual sensitivity of the notes involving the security breech or whether because Jim had directed it be done.  I heard nothing more about it.

The meeting was dismissed at 2.15.

When I got home I heard Ann Edwards behind the curtains talking with a man.  I didn’t know whether Anitra was in bed nor whether Patty was home. Both might have been asleep.  Inez was aware of the situation too. She said, “This should be written up.”  I agreed. At 2.45 as Ann and her friend were still talking, I asked her to send him home, as I could not get to sleep.  They both went out and I went to sleep, did not hear Ann come in.


11 April 1978 – Tuesday
Had breakfast and followed my morning routine.

When I returned to the cottage, I typed the memo on Ann’s behavior, not only that she entertained men in the cottage, but that she and others talked late without consideration for others. I also wrote an account on the papaya incident, telling of my own acceptance of plantain and sharing them with Helen Love.

I ate lunch and turned in the memo on the papaya at Marcy’s cottage, which is near the medical and kitchen area. She was not there.

A considerable number of people attended the adult reading class today and were grateful for the instruction.

I had a shower.

Made yesterday’s journal entry.

I have had trouble lately keeping the correct time, as my watch doesn’t work well.  The dining room area clock is erratic. Today because my clock was slow, I was late to my first period class. I was firm with the students however, gave them some material on Africa, which I put up on the board, for them to copy.

I talked to the second period class regarding their responsibility and mine, considering our leader’s state of health, and the privilege we have of being permitted to study and attend classes. They all listened and were well behaved for the rest of the period.

We had a teachers’ meeting after classes while eating. Jann told me about it but did not come.  People in the pavilion were clustered around the map while a tape of the first part of last night’s rally was played.  Dick said he planned a teacher’s conference on Thursday.  Students were to be sent to their project areas. The object is a serious evaluation of all the students.

I took all the plates back to the kitchen and returned to my cottage.

Tonight we had a mandatory meeting of all women 12 and over from 7.00 to 8.00.  The name of the organization is to be Women’s Revolutionary Socialist Movement. Marcy and Anita Kelly [Kelley] presided. Debbie Jensen [Schroeder] told about a few famous women in US history, both white and black. The junior high girls sang “Rebel Girl” by Joe Hill. There was discussion on what we wanted to accomplish. Various speakers indicated that the purpose is to give all our women a sense of their own worth so that they won’t measure themselves by their relationship to a man. Those who have a problem of any kind were asked to turn them in to certain people by next week and we will discuss them next week.

I read Introduction to African Civilizations. Went to bed at 11:00.


12 April 1978 – Wednesday
Had breakfast and went through my morning routine. It took an hour for me to get my medication.

When I returned home I decided to spend all available free time typing my journal.  I want to have a conference shortly with Carolyn Layton on the subject of my journal, the security aspect plus possible storage by the Temple and I’d like to get some of it in final form. Besides, if I am going to do it, I want to begin to catch up.  This section on which I have notes–begins on 14th August 1977. I pushed out my two crates, using them for a desk and typed until I went to lunch. 

Went to my adult reading class, because of the increased size of the group, the fact that most of them already can write and the desirability of giving them some political and geographical knowledge so as to better understand Jim’s talks, I have decided to drop the teaching of writing. I will give half the time to reading and the other half to politics and geography.  The class was agreeable to this arrangement.

I returned to the cottage and continued typing in my journal.  I had some difficulties. The left hand margin would not remain firm. I made mistakes in indentation. I decided not to try to correct such details.

About 3.30 as I was preparing to put my equipment away and leave for class, an alert came over the p.a. system.  I put on pants, socks, took water, my clipboard and clock, my pillow and went to the pavilion. I was fortunate enough to get a good seat with a back and quite near the front. I took no notes.

One of the first matters taken care of was calling of Janice Johnson and Stanley Clayton on the floor.  Janice had gone to Jim to tell him that she “felt sorry for Stanley.” It developed that Stanley had come to her begging her to give him another chance.  It also seemed that she had not admired Larry Schacht’s physical type, apparently thinking highly of Stanley’s.  Jim was aghast at her traditional female attitude. He tested Stanley’s intellectual interests by asking him questions on current events.  Stanley’s mind was vacant on these subjects.  I wondered what he and Janice found to talk about.

Jim stated that several problems had arisen. The quest of our doctor’s and pharmacist’s certification was still not settled and they were requested to report for a hearing at a certain date. “They are not going.”  This demand seems to be limited to a tougher line being followed by the government.  Our school as a part of the Guyanese system is to be approved as of the 21st of this month and this may be endangered.

Prime Minister Burnham with several of his government has gone to Soviet Russia.  Reid, who is our best friend, is seriously ill. Some of Burnham’s party, the P.N.C. are disapproving of the trip to Russia and there is said to be an attempt to adopt a new constitution and policies which would be inimical to our group. 

There was talk of a merger, which Russia desired between the PNC and the PPP. The latter’s condemnation for Cheddi Jagan,  Jagan was said to be so angry at the prospect of a new constitution, that he overturned his desk and scattered his papers.  There is danger of an attempted take-over by a fascist group which would invade our property.

The US is back of this difficulty. The International Monetary Fund, to which Guyana had applied for a loan, under the control of the US, had put unacceptable conditions on the giving of the loan in order to secure favorable treatment for capitalist business interests. Guyana had refused. Pressure which resulted in Georgetown’s being with out power for lights and water had been put on Guyana.

We had made radio request for our people in Georgetown to establish contact with government informants (the chief one, Mingo) with the Soviet and Cuban embassies.

Radio communication broke down and representatives on the tractor were sent to Port Kaituma to use the telephone link.

Dinner was served in the pavilion.

Discussion on various points was carried on all night. We will put up as much resistance as possible to any invasion but we don’t have the weapons to prevail in the end.  We regret to have to fight Guyanese soldiers but the Guyanese army is not sufficiently politicized not to follow fascist orders.

We have another alternative to revolutionary suicide. We could establish bases in the jungle, take with us medical supplies, food and equipment as long as our fuel lasts. We would have to eventually carry our young children and the handicapped and seniors.  We would live on hunting and fishing and trade with native tribes moving towards an area where we could find a refuse, such as Peru.  Jim ordered work to begin on preparation of ways into the jungle.

A demonstration of those purporting to be concerned relatives of Temple members, alleged to be mistreated, held against their will and so forth, was held in San Francisco on the Temple steps.  Some threw rocks into the parking lot.  They presented a petition which was foolishly received by Hue Fortson. Practically all those known to be our enemies were in the group. (Jim read their names.)  They plan a demonstration in LA tomorrow night.  Jim stated it was obvious that they have outside support.  Tim Stoen has a fine office furnished to him which he never uses. They must get travel funds. Tim is the ringleader.

After an appeal to seniors to take the pressure off dedicated, gifted young people like Terri Buford, I sent up a note to Jim.

The assembly was put under strict discipline.  We were not to go anywhere outside the bounds of the community.  Only a few essential workers will be on their jobs tomorrow.

The meeting was dismissed at 5:00 am.


13 April 1978 – Thursday
I was up at 10:00

I did some laundry and hung it up.

Went for breakfast.

The meeting in the pavilion was resumed at 12:00.  I again had a good seat.

Jim said the situation had improved.  The doctor’s certification had been approved. Cuba had agreed to our group settling there if necessary.  Jim had formally approved purchase of a boat which would go that far and it would hold all our people and provisions necessary.

The Soviet Union stated they did not believe the Guyanese government will go to the right. They are cautious in their support for us, because they fear the outreach of nuclear war.  The Tass (Soviet news organization) representing this area of the world will be coming to visit us.

As it developed, time on the floor was divided between those who spoke on the question of going to Cuba and those who made proposals about what to do about our enemies. Jim started by asking the audience to vote on whether they thought we should accept the Cuban invitation. He explained that they might interview us and not take every individual, for instance those with a criminal record, seniors who believed in God.  They do not look with favor on the practice of homosexuality though it is no longer treated as a crime. (in the Soviet Union it is not tolerated). Jim himself would not enter Cuba unless all our members are admitted. However, we could not expect to remain as a group with him as a leader.  We would have to assimilate.  Jim described the country in detail as he had observed it.  There is some elitism there but no racism.  They are 10 years ahead of Guyana in amenities.

As for taking measures against our enemies in the states, Jim said he had received few volunteers.  He did receive more in the course of the meeting.

Planning continued on countering the demonstration planned in LA by relatives of the members. The loyalty and talents of our members in LA were commented on.  I sent up a note about Beulah Pendleton, as I did not want to upset Willie Malone in case she has lost interest in coming to Guyana.  Michelle Davis [Wagner], Inez Wagner’s daughter was mentioned.  She is the companion of LC Davis and has a baby.  Several people believed she may not come as she has a liking for bourgeois comforts. LC was quoted as saying that he would come only if he could work for an airline in Georgetown.  Michelle is supposed to come in two weeks but her departure may be speeded up to ensure getting her here.  Inez was questioned and that she admitted Michelle’s shortcomings.  She was rather defensive.

Breaking up the opponents’ demonstration physically seemed to be contemplated, though the lawyers warned of the risks of all of them.

We had a break at 6.00 for dinner and rest, were told not to go to the cottage area.  Dinner was good, with some excellent greens and a fruit salad of banana, pineapple, and papaya.  After eating. I offered to relieve Teresa King in the library where she watched to see that people did not walk off with books, nor children get out of order the books on the shelves. When Teresa returned I read Introduction to African Civilizations sitting on a table at the end of the pavilion. The sunset was particularly beautiful this evening..

We reassembled at 7.30.  I had the same seat but on one side was Chlotile Butler, who is fussy about everything and she was discontented all through the meeting about the room I was taking, although she had a bag beside her.

The discussion continued on the points taken up this morning.  I waited for a long time to speak.  I was preceded by Carrie Langston whom Jim questioned on her attitude to him. She said she was so grateful to him and she would do anything for him.  She believed he was God and didn’t want to go anywhere he would not be the leader.  He told the members that it was because of such seniors as she that he would not go to Cuba unless they could go, but it was the very answers she gave which might exclude her. He stated that if one his seniors was excluded he would not accept residence in Cuba though others could enter. He and the excluded one would sail on the boat until they died.

Realizing that his remarks would be overwhelmingly influential in persuading the crowd not to favor Cuba at all, I stated that we should negotiate for admittance of all, but that   believed there were certain advantages of going to Cuba. (1) Our leader would have more people for his tremendous talents in the field of international communism; (2) our young people would have more opportunity to serve in some of the struggles for freedom in Africa, as an example, I mentioned that the necessity of learning Spanish might be hard on some.  Jim did not hear my complete statement as he was conferring with somebody. Jann Gurvich had apparently not listened to me after wisely pointing out there would be nationalism and jealousy to prevent from using his abilities; she agreed as if I had spoken of education and professional opportunities for the youth.  Jim took another vote and a very few favored going to Cuba.  It was not pointed out then that the alternate might be putting to sleep all of our children with concomitant damage to world communism.

With regard to our action on the Temple demonstration, all methods of breaking it up seemed to have been rejected.  There had been much spoken about the crimes and deviations of various “concerned” parents and relatives.  For instance, Maria Katsaris had been frequently molested by her father; Mark Wagner had pictures of his father with nude women; Liz Forman had had sex with a minor in her custody; Tim Stoen is a transvestite; Vicki Moore had had sex with her sons seen by her other son.

I sent up a suggestion that a leaflet be printed, listing these crimes and deviations to be distributed at the meeting and made available to the TV cameras, making us of this kind of material had obviously already been considered as Jim said there would of course be   placcards. A decision on any other kind of action was not announced if made.

Jim called all those whose relatives were on the steps (of the San Francisco Temple) to recommend what should be done with them.  All said, “Kill them.” Usually offering to do it by various colorful means.  The only one to arouse any protest was a proposal by Larry Jones (Tupper) that Mr. Tupper and all the others should be put in a big white church and that we burn the church down.  One senior objected, seemingly because of concern for the church, not Mr. Tupper.

Those who had testified as to misdeeds of their relatives were asked by the Radio Room to give in the information, so I presume those were to be made use of.

We were dismissed at 1.30.

The day had resembled Sunday in San Francisco with a temple meeting at 12.00, dinner and evening meeting at 7.30.

I went to bed at 2.00.


14 April 1978 – Friday
The morning schedule started two hours late.

I had breakfast and performed my usual morning routine.

As usual when the morning schedule is compressed, the medical department has trouble fitting in all treatments and medications. Although I registered early, I waited two hours to get my Premarin pill.

I lent my book, Introduction to African Civilizations, to Marion Campbell, a senior who takes a great deal of interest in the news. She wanted to prepare for an assignment for political enlightenment class.

No lunch was served, so I wrote on my journal until 12.00.

Classes had been dismissed and students sent to work projects, but I met my adult reading class as usual, for half the time I continued with the phonetic reading exercises.  Then I talked to them about the political crisis in Guyanese politics, explaining how we were involved with relations between Guyana, the US and the Soviet Union.

Announcements have been made before and after the alert about the necessity of counteracting the stealing (of people’s personal possessions) which has been going on and cannot be tolerated. An amnesty is being offered for the return of others’ property by noon tomorrow. After that, inspections will be made, unannounced, of each person’s possessions.  In addition, all are required to turning an inventory of their personal possessions by noon tomorrow to the warehouse. This will be used in checking stolen goods and check for issuance of new items.

An announcement was made by Jim during the afternoon, which I did not clearly hear, concerning Cottage No. 48, but Rita told me what was said. It was in response to my memo, but did not mention my name.  The cottage was given a warning which means all residents could be on the floor for another infraction of rules.  Three main points were made: men should not be entertained in women’s cottages and vice-versa.  Sheets are $15 apiece and should not be used as curtains.  Residents should be considerate and not disturb older people. Anitra arrived half an hour after the announcement and took the sheets down.

Preparations were made for the Tass reporter who is coming to visit:  a thorough clean-up and beautification.

I went to dinner.

Socialist teachers met for an hour and a half, beginning at 7.00. Rob Christian presided with Dick Tropp and Jann Gurvich giving demonstrations of particular portions.  Jim gave instructions to concentrate on the Soviet Union with the expectation that the Tass reporter will visit the classes.  Tropp gave information on the history, development of the Soviet Union with contributions from various class members. We then turned to the role of the Soviet Union in various liberation struggles in Cuba and Africa. Jann gave a summary of some of these at the board.

While we were meeting we were informed on the p.a. system that some of the relatives of members here were organizing an invasion by mercenaries to “take” these members dead or alive.  Donna Ponts father and the parents of the Olivers were specifically named.  The entire area was put under strict security controls. Some of the seniors were gathering in the pavilion and Vern Gosney, with whom I walked home, said it was a pre-alert situation.  I expected that we might have an alert tonight.

As Marion still has my Introduction to African Civilizations book, I had obtained from the Book Depository, Why Johnny Can’t Learn and Ivan Can by Mike Davidow. I skimmed through this before going to bed.  It contains some interesting information on the Soviet curricula and brings together the alarming statistics on the US political system.

Ann did not come home before I went to sleep, so I did not find out what effect the announcement on Cottage No. 48 had on her.  Anitra’s attitude seems improved.

I went to bed at 11.00.


15 April 1978 – Saturday
After breakfast and my morning routine, I spent the morning making out my inventory. I went through all my possessions and listed them. Then got out my typewriter and typed the list up.  Versie and Inez had done theirs last night.  I don’t know if and when the others did theirs. I turned mine in on the way to lunch at 12:15 and was complimented by Bev Livingston for its good appearance.  I had lunch.  I did not attempt to hold my class, as preparations were being made for the visit of the Tass reporter.
Worked on my journal. I had fallen behind on it during the crisis.

During the day I learned that when our boat leaves tomorrow, Carolyn Layton, Dick Tropp, Tom Grubbs, and Harriet Tropp are going in for an educational seminar in connection with our school’s acceptance as part of the Guyanese school system.

The news over the p.a. system was good. The Guyanese government will repel any kind of attack by mercenaries, is authorizing us additional ammunition for our use. And is appealing for our participation in the coming elections.  It was announced that Soviet Russia, where Burnham has arrived, will give economic assistance to Guyana.  They have already supplied a generator so that the lights and crisis in Georgetown is over. I tried to take an hour’s nap but only succeeded in dozing a bit.

Went for dinner at 6:00.  The schedule for the Tass reporter’s visit and evening activities had not been clear.  Finally Jann said that an hour after the arrival of the guests was announced, we would have our political enlightenment classes.  Before that the band would give a concert.  If the guests had not arrived by 9:00, political enlightenment classes would be held tomorrow.

I went to the pavilion. Jerry Geraldine Bailey, who has some authority over seating asked me to help integrate in the row behind the one reserved for guests.  I went home for my socialist class material, then sat in the spot assigned to me next to [Lovie] Jean Lucas and read Introduction to African Civilizations, which Marian had given back to me.

Movies were also shown in the dining tent and I went down for awhile to see a film showing African animals, but it had not started when the guest arrived.

The band rehearsal was interesting, but I did not care for the concert itself, which started when the guests arrived.  It was an hour or so before they were brought to the pavilion.  Then dinner was served to them at the back and they never did occupy the seats in front.  Jim and his staff conferred with them over dinner.  Jim later complained the band music was so loud they couldn’t hear each other.

At the end of the concert, we were told to go home quietly. Directly thereafter we received word not to go to bed but to be prepared to retire.

I lay down. After about an hour we had to return to the pavilion. We were cautioned to keep noise down as the Russians were resting.

The matter of Bruce Oliver had to be dealt with, his paranoia regarding his companion, Shanda Oliver, while he was in Georgetown.  He had believed unfounded rumors about her and Tim Jones.  In the meantime he had been unfaithful with Karen Lendo. Shanda had broken off their relationship.  Bruce’s chauvinistic and immature attitude about women was revealed.  His mother had encouraged his childishness. Jim also criticized women who move in on their best friend’s man. Later he admitted this situation would not be remedied until the population of male and female was more equalized. And this he proposed to do perhaps by the admittance of Chileans.

Bruce’s brother, Billy said that Bruce had accepted expensive gifts from their mother while he, Billy, had refused them.  Billy was praised by Jim for having as a companion, Cynthia Davis who had been a Lesbian.

Though Jim thought it was too much, Bruce prepared for himself a three month ban on any sexual relationship. This was agreed upon.

The regulations regarding sex came up for review.  Daisy Stroud [Lee] has moved from quarters she occupied with Bobby Stroud, although they are continuing sexual relations, she may be pregnant.  Jim was dubious whether such an arrangement was conducive to good child rearing.  Though, ideally, complete freedom of sex activity should be allowed, the Russians reported that when they experimented with it, it disrupted family life.

The subject was open to debate. Several arguments for allowing relationships when the parties lived in different quarters were heard.  The difficulty of enforcing birth control measures was an issue.  Said Jim: “We simply cannot afford any more babies now.” The desirability of talking and learning what each other’s ideas and principles are was continually emphasized by Jim. The final vote was to leave the regulations as they are.

Jim asked all those who had been violating the three-month ban on sex to confess and receive amnesty; if they did not, they would suffer a severe penalty when found out.  As far as I could see, no one confessed except Shirley Ann Edwards and Amondo Griffith, who were already known.

The meeting ended at 3.00 and I was in bed by 3.30.


16 April 1978 –  Sunday
We were on a two-hour late schedule. I had breakfast around 10.00:  2 doughnuts with frosting, rice mixed with egg and coffee.

I made out my schedule of activities and wrote in my journal

Over the p.a., Jim released all or most of the people on the Learning Crew outside the usual routine.  The sound was not loud, so as not to attract the attention of the Tass man and I could not hear whether those on Learning Crew have to go back and when the Tass visit is over.

Jim and the staff conferred in the pavilion with the Tass reporter most of the day.  They seemed to do very little touring of the facilities but I heard he took pictures of a type which would show our project ___. I heard him described as a “nice man” but Sharon Amos told me we were years ahead of the Russians in socialist development. I believe she meant in personality type.  He himself appears to be an examplar of elitism.  He was said to have been astonished at our lack of refinements. Where was our TV?

Harriet is not going to Georgetown.  Jim did not think it wise to deplete the staff too much.

The work day ended at 3.30 and I stayed in the dining pavilion.  Did not know what
the schedule was and I wanted to be there when dinner was served. I worked on lessons
while I waited.

Talked to Edith Parks  who came in on the boat with the Russians.  ____ _____ ____Jerry Parks and grandmother of Brenda Parks.  She had been quite ill since her arrival.  Her blood pressure dropped drastically.  She blames the heat. She said the Russians was seasick on the boat.  Edith Cordell was in the dining tent too waiting for dinner. She lives in a cottage with two young women, a nursery school teacher and a medical worker.  They talk and turn the lights on late at night, disapprove of her discipline of Mark [Gosney], make remarks such as “What do you expect of an old woman?” One while menstruating sat on her bed and bled all over it.  I told her to write it up.

Dinner was served at 6.00.  We had cassava curried with pieces of chicken and okra.

Socialist classes were at 7.30.  Word was passed around that the Russian visitors were resting but that he would give us a signal within a few minutes of closing time which would warn us the guests were starting around to observe classes.

Don Jackson obviously wanted to be the one who was teaching while we were visited bit the Russians. I therefore offered to start with the news items and he taught the material on the Soviet Union.  I however volunteered with items now and then.  Jim announced when we were within 15 minutes of closing. He and the guest came through but did not stop to hear what we were doing.  Jim explained what we were doing. I was told he was taken to observe a demonstration class taught by Harriet Tropp.

The classes ended about 9:00 o’clock.  It was announced that a film on the Great Revolution would be shown in the dining room pavilion and then two other films, “The Children of the Damned” and one on Africa.  Treats would be passed out there too. I noticed that Jim, his staff and the guests resumed talking in the pavilion while the band played there.

I wanted to see the Soviet film, but after standing in line for treats – cookies this week – I decided not to wait.

I returned to the cottage, read Introduction to African Civilizations.  Inez came home too. We went to bed at 11:00.

I was awakened by talking and laughing outside our door. I waited some time for this to stop but it went on. It was 12.30. I got up, saw Shirley Ann Edwards and her young man friend whose name I did not even know yet.  I protested the noise.  They denied being loud. I told them they woke me up and I’m writing them up.  The male friend retaliated with obscenities; his leaving remark being to call me a “chicken ass.” I protested again. Two SAT men came up and I told them what was the trouble and they did nothing. (I think Ann’s friend is a member of SAT).  I went to the toilet. When I returned the four were still there. I repeated my complaint. The young man said I was a “filthy bitch” very angrily.  I don’t remember Ann saying anything.

It took me a long time to go to sleep. At about 1:00 someone came with a flashlight looking for Laura Johnston to do her security shift. She was off Learning Crew but wasn’t home. She told me later she was cutting up fish which came on the boat.

The staff next door was noisy too. They were making arrangements for people and materials to go on the boat which was leaving at 4:00.  I went to the toilet a second time and asked them if they could be quieter.  They were pleasant about it.


17 April 1978 – Monday
We were on the normal schedule today, except that I learned in the afternoon that high school classes would not meet and students were to go to their work project.  Everyone was quite tense from the strain of the past few days. 

I had breakfast and got my medications without much delay.

The Russian and his wife returned to Georgetown by plane.  On several sides I heard he was not used to roughing it.  Lisa Layton who I knew had been introduced to the couple told me the wife spoke no English, which surprised her.  I think Lisa was to be used as an interpreter in German, but she said the woman spoke only high school German.

I washed clothes.

Ate lunch.

Met my adult reading class.  I announced the class on the p.a. system and the largest number I have had yet came.  I had just the right number of books.  I started with a phonetics review of the sounds we have had so far, drilled on the newest one: “r”, then went on to start a lesson on Mozambique.

Took my shower.  As the athlete’s foot fungus has broken out again on my toes, I went to the pavilion for treatment from Margaret James.  She told me that the Medical Office had asked her to send people with blisters to the clinic, as it is believed that this is a different kind of fungus.  I was told to go at 4.00.

I wrote up a report on the incident last night involving Ann Edwards and her friend whose name I think is Amondo Griffiths.  I had been told to turn it in to the Radio Room but Paula told me none of the counselors was there. I could turn the report in to Christine Lucientes, which I did.

I worked on my journal during the afternoon.

I went to the clinic at 4:00 to have the nurses look at the fungus on my toes.  Judy Ijames put some disinfectants and ointment on it and bandaged it.  I have to have treatment twice a day.

Went to dinner at 6:00. It was very good. We had fried fish, rice, okra, a fritter made of cassava meal, and a fruit salad with pineapple and papaya.

Changed clothes for the rally at 7:30.  It was too late to get a good seat in the front section.

Dale Parks made announcements.  I announced a meeting of the adult class tomorrow afternoon after the women’s meeting.

A press conference was to be held at about 10.00 our time in San Francisco at Charles Garry’s office, in which the Temple planned statements to rebut the accusations being made by the so-called “Concerned Relatives.” We heard a rehearsal of the statements to be sent on radio by our people whose relatives were making charges.  Harriet Tropp made the opening statement. Those giving damaging testimony were Mark Wagner, Maria Katsaris, Wesley Breidenbach, Liane Harris, Donna Ponts, Billy Oliver, Chris Rozynko, Magnolia Harris, Al Touchette, Mary Griffith (concerning her granddaughter Dana Truss), Carol Kerns, Bob Davis (re: Liz Forman), Barbara Simon, Cassandra Minor, Christine Young (Cobb), Marceline Jones who said she was going to sue for defamation of character of Jim Jones.  Several connections and changes were made. Those involved retired to rehearse the final version.  The conference was to start in about an hour.

Marcy said that some mothers were not picking up their babies on Sunday, thus depriving the staff of the nursery of their half-day off.  If the mothers didn’t care any more than that about their babies, perhaps their babies should be given to someone who will love them.

Another incident concerning the young man Jerry Wilson, recently involved in the rape case was heard.  Jim ordered him not to even look like he was interested in sex until his work is proven.

Jim said he was sorely displeased by the piggery area during the Tass reporter’s visit.  There was disorder, junk, and mud holes.  The pig areas were dirty.  The chickery looked good. There was further testimony on offensive compost pits,  flies swarming. The hogs and cows were not shown to good effect.  The Tass man was not impressed. He was however, overwhelmed by the medical services, particularly by “all those Guyanese getting treatment.”  Jim wanted an inspection committee to go over to the piggery.

Jim said also that the staff left him high and dry at a crucial point in the talks with the Tass man on the black plight in the US.  Jim brought up their interest in sex.  “Many of you guys want sex with out responsibility.

At this time Jim went to observe the radio conference. The meeting was to be conducted without microphones. Probably so as not to interfere with the radio transmissions.  Johnny Jones presided.

Agricultural reports were heard.  Russ Moton  told of a disease in the kidney beans.  The crop rotation plan starts this week. Becky Flowers is working in soil analysis, is doing very well.

Ernestine Blair said that all who handle insecticides must take vitamin C.

Guy Mitchell on the piggery said diarrhea in the pigs was caused by the commercial feed. An additional holding pen is being built.  He needs hay for feed, as the rainy season is approaching.  There was a discussion about fuel for burning to control maggots.  A hog disease caused by the hogs having their feet in water was giving trouble.  Rats are infesting bags of sugar, rice, and cassava stored in the area.  Johnny Jones will check out the situation.

Rob Gieg reporting on the chickenry, gave a report on recent mortality. I was not able to hear everything and missed some details.  Jack is in Georgetown to help with problems. The last batch of chickens are getting weak, one month from slaughter time.  They should be brought up and killed so that they don’t lose weight.

John Harris is establishing a pathology laboratory, intended to do all the lab work for
different departments such as agriculture and medical.  He will ask Steering Committee for a site.

Praises were read: Janet Lenin’s organized for watering the kidney beans.  Some brothers worked in the kitchen so that the sisters could attend the women’s meeting.  Chris O’Neal, a new brother, worked 15 hours straight on the fish brought in on the boat.  (I’d been introduced to Chris. Edith Parks told me he had been in the temple only about four months. He lived in Ukiah. He suffers from grand mal epilepsy and lost a great many jobs because of this.  He is a friend of Brenda, Dale Parks’ sister.)

Rose McKnight (formerly Pearson) gained ten pounds while on the crash diet.  She took extra food from people and put sugar in her tea.  Rose and the persons who gave her food were on the floor.  She is a compulsive eater.  It was reiterated: do not give extra food to people who have a weight problem.

Ellen Klingman does not get along with fellow workers in the bakery. Stanley Clayton has infractions for being late and taking liberties on hours.

Jim had returned after the press conference.  He reported that all the reporters did not even take notes. As he had predicted, the capitalist press would not print any of the press conference matter.  The press was silent on the issue of sending mercenaries to Guyana, an independent country where they were going to use violence. They can’t say anything because they’re guilty of conspiring to commit a crime.  It was a San Francisco paper, the Chronicle, which announced the intention to hire and send mercenaries to kill and kidnap.

Jim remarked on the relationship matters which was to be voted on again and decided tonight that there has to be a unit somewhere which can spread to the large community, a family.  It was common knowledge that some are cheating on the regulations.  Men are getting a cocky ass attitude. As for women who encourage the attitude, “You little bitches, I’m going to come down on you hard.” We’re running out of birth control pills.  We just can’t have any more babies.  Mr Strut Ass walks up and down doing anything while you do all the work.

Another vote was taken on relationship regulations. Many seemed to believe, Jim said, that if they don’t vote for the regulation, they don’t have to abide by it; they can do as they please. This is not true. What the majority votes for has to be enforced on all.  The vote was over-whelmingly for the present regulations.

Jim had to call out the last black leader he had in the states, Hue Fortson, who can’t choose between two women.  He was married. He’s worried about Rhonda now. She is now interested in Eric Upshaw.  Betty Moore is said to be Eric’s girlfriend before. Eric when told Betty was pregnant said, “Hell no. I won’t marry her.”  He didn’t believe it was his baby. Shanda is in Georgetown.  Hue called collect from San Francisco.

Christa Amos was up for Learning Crew on recommendation of the teachers. She had a fight with William Klingman.  Jim reviewed the case. Christa feels jealous of her brother Martin who receives praise all the time.  Jim said she was in no way inferior to Martin. They are both geniuses.  People should stop giving Martin so much attention.  Jim has heard the details of the fight she had with William who has a past pattern.  William had taken her shoe, which was theft, an act of violence as all are required to wear shoes.  Where was the teacher supervision when this happened?  Jim pointed out that month after month, Christa lives without her mother who is serving the cause in Georgetown.  Jim decided Christa is released from Learning Crew. William stays on.

Marcy insisted on Stanley Gieg telling what happened to him.  He had been shocked by an electric drill, his hair was torn off.  But because of Jim, the bit didn’t go into his head.  This happened Thursday and he hadn’t testified about it.  Jim spoke of the danger of not giving thanks for miracles. We need a special period for gratitude on the p.a. system. 

Jim said any women coming in on a relationship is going to be severely disciplined.  He requested that Betty Moore’s case be the first heard at the women’s meeting tomorrow.

Maria Katsaris’ brought to me to sign, the first Social Security check I have received.  There were two checks and I believe they must cover payments for three months, which would make them up to date.

The meeting was dismissed about 1.00.

I went to bed at 1.30.


18 April 1978 – Tuesday
The schedule started two hours late. We had no lunch and worked through to 7.00.

I had breakfast.

Because of the shortened day, the nurses could not give me treatment for my foot until afternoon.

I have a pair of pants which are too loose in the waist. Bates advised me to take them too the seamstress in the laundry and have her take them up and put tabs on them so that I can wear them with a belt.  This woman is named Alma Thomas.  While she pinned them up, she told me something of her life.  Her mother gave her to a Jewish couple to raise. They were in show business and she accompanied them taking a Spanish name for stage appearances.  When an adult, she worked for Jews who ran a clothing shop and she learned how to alter clothes.

I borrowed a hammer from the tool shop. Versie had gotten me some nails and in the cottage I put up a Mexican picture over the bed, given me as a present long ago by Lorraine [de la Fuente, friend from SF State] or one of the de la Fuente family.

Jonestown had some visitors today from the Health Department at Mathews Ridge, I was told. Calls came early for Harriet and Terri to meet with them.

The adult reading class has grown quite large.  I am introducing some new games, like procedures from the teachers manual. Almost all are doing well.

An announcement was made that again high school classes would not meet.

I took my shower.

Typed in my journal from 2.00 to 4.00.

Read Introduction to African Civilizations for a few minutes.

Had dinner early. We had tamale pie.

Registered for treatment at 6.00. Was not admitted to the clinic until nearly 7.00.  Had to stand most of the time as people eating dinner occupied the benches. Talked to Rita at some length.

Emma Hill had spoken to me last night at the rally about getting another assignment. She didn’t know how to complete the first one.  I gave her some hints and told her to see me today either after my class or while I waited at the clinic.  I was still very unimpressed about the woman.  Inez told me she had walked off from the library with an almanac. When I questioned her she told me half-truths.  She also revealed she had discussed her college plan with Jim and maneuvered to get his blessing on them, which I fear she will attempt to use in some way.  I told her what to do on my first assignment and gave her special directions on reading about Africa.  She seemed rather dismayed about the amount of work expected.

Sue Noxon treated and bandaged my foot. 

At 7.00 was the women’s movement meeting. A film from the Soviet Union brought by the Tass representative was shown first.  It was on the Soviet woman and had some romantic aspects, criticized by our female leaders as an attempt to appeal to a wider audience or as signs that the Soviets, though founders of communism, were not as advanced as later groups such as ours.

There was discussion about male chauvinism and women’s concept of themselves, Betty Moore being used as an object lesson. It was agreed that very severe treatment would be accorded to a woman who moved in on another woman’s man.  The meeting ended after an hour, at 8.30.

I met with some of the members of my adult class in Language Arts which has been able to have few meetings for some time.  I used some of the reading books for school of which we have several copies and the class members read more stories and poems aloud.  We were through at 9.30.

I read Introduction to African Civilizations.

Went to bed at 11.00.


19 April 1978 – Wednesday
After breakfast I registered for both mediation and treatment for my foot and received them both.

Wrote in my journal.

Rita brought me a letter from Patti Chastain which had no doubt come with a passenger. She gave no particular news, except to say they were all waiting eagerly to come over.

I had lunch.

Then taught my adult class.  I had a new student who already has some education.  I reviewed the sounds we have had already. Spent the second half of the period telling the class of recent political events in Mozambique.

Had my shower.

Worked on my journal again.

Went for dinner at 5:30. We had chicken (these were the ones Jim had killed early as they were failing and would have lost weight), greens, pineapple. No starch was served with this meal.  I believe I heard Jim say on the p.a. system that he wanted more variety in the menus and in recent days we have had it.

Had my foot treated.  Wanda took take care of me this time. On Lisa Layton’s advice I spoke to Joyce Parks on the question of being taken off Premarin, as Larry Schacht has never had the time to give me an appointment.  Joyce said she didn’t see any reason why I should continue to take it. She said she would speak to the pharmacist.

Jim was giving the news and having people in the pavilion take up the places mentioned on the maps.

At about 7.30 I announced a meeting of my adult reading class; however, there were several events proceeding at the same time. Steering Committee, counseling (Ann and her friend were not mentioned), movies including a Russian short which Jim wanted everybody to see. 

Jim had already told high school students he wanted a two-page summary of the news from them. Now he added that he wanted every other member to turn in one page.  I felt very discouraged as I thought I might as well give up on my adult class. Several of my class members told me of their intention to attend one of the other activities and I was sure I would not have any sizable number, so I told the few who were there that I was canceling the class.

I watched the Russian short on “Red Square.”  The next picture was a Spencer Tracy gangster film, so I decided to go home.

I read Introduction to African Civilizations I until I went to bed at 10.30.


20 April 1978 – Thursday
After breakfast I decided not to get treatment for my foot as it seems to be getting better and one has to wait so long at the medical office.

Did my washing. Esther lent me two buckets.  I used them at the benches near the faucet at the end of our row of cottages.

Went for lunch at 1.30.  Stopped at the Christian’s cottage to see Vernetta as she had said I could get a list of the news items which she has been writing up for posting.  But then, however, she was helping with inspections and I could not see her.

At lunch I met with the adult reading class.  I asked them if they could appreciate using the entire period for studying news items, as Jim is now requiring three pages on news and the Russian movies from high school students and two pages everyone else.  They voted in favor of this.  I explained three news items, wrote the names, places and facts involved with each news item. Of course, most of them had a great deal of difficulty understanding.  Nancy Clay can’t write at all.  Several have trouble with their eyes, couldn’t see to write and couldn’t see what I put on the board.

Michaeleen Brady I have seen several times since she was released from the isolation box. Her face looks very haggard and her eyes fearful.  She seems drawn to me. She had spoken to me about attending my class. She has been put in the custody of Ruby Carroll, who brought her to my class.  I don’t know whether she benefited from it.

I took my shower.

Started to draft a letter to my sisters and Lor.

Went to the central area to register for treatment of my foot at 4.00, hoping to get through early, since I had socialism teachers’ meeting at 6.30 and the Rally after that.  I had to wait a long time as usual, got a plate and ate dinner and waited again. Then found that my name for some reason had been passed up.   I had Sue Jerram again to treat me and she was slow and clumsy.  I did not get out of the clinic until 6.40.

I had to put on socks and get my pillow so I went home.

When I came back there were only about 15 minutes of the class left. A large number of visitors, no doubt seeking help on their news events reports, were present. I did not see either Don Jackson or Jann Gurvich.  Rob Christian was giving the news events.

Lee Ingram called the meeting to order and made announcements.

Marcy reported firm announcement about parents who didn’t pick up their children on time on Sunday. She also said to black members to empathize with white members who have trouble with the sun, Pam Bradshaw in particular because she is not a hypochondriac.

Notices will be given to households who have to clean up before the next Rally.

Rev [Edward] Moore sang.

Agricultural Reports: Gene Chaikin presiding.
Jan Wilsey on beans, rice, sweet potatoes.

Tina Turner, cassava.

Shirley Smith, garden.  Discussion about kohlrabi spoiling in the fields. Question about where collard greens should be planted. Sue Noxon reported nematodes on okra.  Russ Moton will look at it. Rob Gieg reports nematodes on cassava.  Alleane Tucker objects to decision on not planting collards.  Was told to take it up in analysts meeting.

Danny Kutulas. Bananas.  Lesley Wagner asked why bananas in shed are allowed to rot.

Eva Pugh says no waste, used for banana bread. Green ones should be fried, says Gene Chaikin.

Shirley Fields  Herbal garden.  Questions about using papayas.  48 avacadoes.  Are we going to use them?  Possible using them for worms in chickens.  Jim wanted to know why chickens not dewormed? None then but full of them now.  Cut their growth, remedy is to paralyze the worm with a drug.  Staff did not reorder before they were out.  Jim said must think more extensively about medical supply which is going to be short all over the world.

Herbs (continued). Named some herbs they are using.

Peanuts. Eartis Jeffrey.

Sorrell & Bricks.  Jack Barron.  Have built a kiln. Are making and drying some bricks now.  Sorrell has diseased roots, is pulling plants.

Natural insecticides. Betty Moore. Becky Flowers made mixture which kept flies away and had effect on maggots but didn’t kill them.  Some other experiments reported on.

Hay-making equipment. Guy Mitchell. Need hay for rainy season. Chaikin thinks we need information we don’t have, have to get it.

Danny Kutulas.  Safety program.  Starting tomorrow three gratitudes from each person daily.  Five minutes safety inspection or scrutiny.  Safety captains elected on each crew.  All accidents that need nurse’s attention must have a written report.  Meeting tomorrow of all supervisors after Political Enlightenment classes.

Follow ups
Piggery: John Harris. Sugar rice sacks torn, stored wrong know must be moved, platforms built.  Jim insists on moving food to Jonestown.  Joyce Touchette says present warehouse won’t hold it.  Space will be found.  Problems pigs eating their manure can be handled. Mud on hoofs of horses, cows. Will use pasture and foot bath.  Maggots destroyed by used oil, didn’t have enough oil to finish.

Praises, for those who worked on break. Katherine Domineck for beautifying toilet area.  Jim on rest rooms for guests: don’t mention others.

Coordinators of cleaning, including Willie Malone, cleaned out eyesores.

Jair [Baker] doing well with Grover Cleveland, who is retarded.

Jamal Baisey, on Learning Crew.  Irvin Perkins Jr., same.  Mary Griffith up for stealing. She has numerous articles with other people’s names.  No clear proof she stole them. Dismissed. 

Janice Johnson. Question of lying about her glasses to get out of project for preschoolers, says she has no relationship, case dismissed.

Ronny Bahrman [Ronnie Berryman?] in preschool says he wants out of program.  Doesn’t do what he is supposed to do.  He is one of few men in program.  He says Diane too passive with children. Marcy will have a meeting about this.

Rumor that Elihue [Ellihue] Dennis and Sharon Kislingberry are interested in each other.  They say not true.  Jim says they play a little coquette game.  He’s tired of people who play around about sex, especially since Sharon had to have attention before.

The case of a young man who previously molested little boys and had recently been guilty of molesting seven of our little boys in Jonestown was dealt with.

Jim gave his conclusions on the isolation box.  He does not think it has proved any purpose except to isolate the wrong doer from the group.  He has no evidence to indicate change of consciousness in the individual.

Security announced new rules requiring that the presence of all Jonestown residents be verified 4 times a day: at rising time in the morning, at lunchtime, at close of work, and at lights out, each living unit has a house-mother to whom each resident is accountable. The reason for these regulations is to prevent anyone from leaving the area and making contact with an enemy.

Jim has been having increasing trouble with high blood pressure, which increases at times of strain during meetings. Tonight he told us in some detail of the final stroke suffered by Lenin, as if history might be repeated.  I was for the first time open to the thought that he may not live much longer and aware that he had purposely been alluding to the possibility.

The meeting was dismissed at 12:45 and I was home at 1:15.  Versie Connesero, our house mother, discussed with us the enforcement of the rules on check-in.

We had some discussion on cleaning up and beautifying our cottage and yard, in which Inez took a leading part.  I offered to scrub the floor tomorrow.  Talking behind each other’s backs is to be avoided. There was no clarification about the responsibility of the other residents, as leisure time before the arrival of guests on Saturday is very limited. Anitra began to act normal towards me and both she and Ann started to borrow from me again.

I went to bed at 1:45.


21 April 1978 – Friday
This was an extremely hard day for me.

We were on a two-hour late schedule, went straight through until 7:00 with out lunch. I waited again a long time for my foot treatment.  Magnolia [Harris] finally realized I should have priority as a teacher after field workers and before seniors.  I worked on my journal while waiting but had difficulty because people are so concerned about their assigned news item paper that they sought all kinds of help: the writing itself, paper, pencils.

For the second time someone stole the news items which should have been typed up and posted on one of the dining area buildings when I left the area I went to the Christian’s cottage to see whether I could get a copy or read a copy of the news which she types.  She was not home but I saw her on the path. She told me Inez had a copy and was making more.  I went to the Book Depository and read the copy Inez had making notes for use in my adult class.  Announcements were made for Pepsi to be obtained from the agricultural office. 

A large number of people attended the adult reading class.  I planned to spend, as yesterday, the whole hour on news events but ended by teaching for two hours.  I had to get books for people to write on, hand out paper and pencils, deal with special problems such as those who have trouble with their eyes, questions of all kinds.  I explained several important news events and wrote short summaries on the board, hoping that they would be put into people’s own words.

Ruby brought Michaeleen Brady to participate and the Learning Crew on which Willie Malone is now a coordinator approved his sitting in on the class, but I am not sure how much either one benefited.

I scrubbed the cottage floor having borrowed a bucket from Ruby Carroll’s housekeeping unit.  I used soap and then rinsed.

Took a shower, washed my hair and put it up.

Typed up my own paper to turn in at the political enlightenment class.  As a teacher I may not have had to write one, but I wanted to, as required.  I included as well a page of news items with comments, a page on the Soviet movies and a page on what I want to do for the cause.  In the letter I emphasized teaching English to young and old, writing my own memoirs and other material, perhaps for sale and a few other activities and expressed a willingness to die for the cause, should it prove necessary

Dinner was excellent. We had curried chicken with chickens’ necks and pork bones, rice, pumpkin as a vegetable, with a roll.  The meals are lately much more varied.

Went home and changed clothes, wearing the pants which Alma Thomas fixed for me.

Don Jackson is in Georgetown so I had to conduct political enlightenment class alone.  I collected the required papers very carefully, using a list of names and terms about the news, events on the board. The class members discussed the week’s news. Participation was excellent.  Jim at the end of the period on the p.a. system expressed disapproval that some had copied from others’ papers. (I hope he was not referring to the seniors who copied what I had written.) And he said next week the teachers would give a written test in class. Class was from 7.30 to 9.00.

Went home, very tired, and read my book, Introduction to African Civilizations.  Anitra’s attitude to me seems normal. Ann pays me no attention except to borrow my mirror.

I was told Jim at the end of the class had said he had a dream that there was radioactive fallout over Ethiopia and that when he had had a dream like this in the past, it proved to come true.

Versie told me that she didn’t see me nor Patty at dinnertime and had to report it.  At bedtime security came to check on us. We have to leave word at the Dispatch Office if we don’t see our housemother at the appointed times.

Versie told us she would be awakened several times during the night by people checking in.  Laura Johnston and Ann Edwards had security shifts during the night.

I went to bed at 11.00. I was awakened at 2.00 by Ann, who turned on the light and talked.


22 April 1978 – Saturday
Slept so soundly that I did not awake until the alarm rang at 7.30.  I usually awaken Patty when I get up but this is too late for her. She nevertheless would not get up though I called her twice.

Saw Inez for a few minutes at the Book Depository. She was disturbed several times by people checking in with Versie and said she was in a bad mood.

After breakfast, I waited a long time for my foot treatment. Dale Parks took care of me and I discussed the nature of the infection.  He said it was a type of fungus different from the usual athlete’s foot, related to ringworm. A considerable number of our people have ringworm infections on different parts of their bodies. He said I should come in for treatment several more days, as the fungus is stubborn, though the fungicide we’re using is “strong stuff.”

I worked on a draft of my letter to my sisters and Lorraine, modifying and adding to the one I wrote previously. 

Went for lunch.  We had peanut butter on fresh bread and a banana.

I borrowed a broom from neighbors and swept the cottage out.  The front porch was all muddy again.

Washed my hair.

Finished my draft letter.

At 3:00 I went to the clinic where I had an appointment with Shanda Oliver to have my teeth cleaned.  She had been very casual about the appointment and I did not expect her to be there and the wasn’t.  No one knew where she was. I waited until 4.15 and left her a note.

Took a file in the big bag given to me by Chuck Beikman, which was inconvenient for me to carry. The straps on my Indian bag are getting very worn and I want to prepare the other to carry my supplies for teaching. To take with me my clipboard, with paper I need for teaching, sometimes a book, water, comb and so on.

Went to dinner at 6.00.  I had tried to check in at the Dispatch Office but they said I had to speak to Eleanor Beam, who wasn’t there. I saw her later in the dining room pavilion.

Went to the pavilion at 7.00 for the rally.

P.E. broadcast of Jim. Very serious. News and admonitions which had been delivered previously.

Jim entered during this broadcast.

Different people called to volunteer to give a point from Jim’s broadcast. Most chose a news event.

Brenda Parks, in response to a question from Jim, said she was having a hard time getting used to the heat. Her friend Chris tried to explain her.  Joyce Parks said she had always kept her apart from the other teenagers.  Jim: under cybernetic planning all people with handicaps will be destroyed. Both Brenda and Chris get instruction in socialistic criticism, more reports from volunteers.  Jim on anyone who tries to get any message out.  Try to start something and we’ll all die.  Charles Marshall good tribute on how our waste killed our people through taxes.  Partak talked about castrating our children. Thanked Jim for bringing us over.

Jim asked for questions. Some samples: (1) SALT investigations. (2) What is apartheid? (3) Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, relationship to Union of South Africa and Ian Smith.

Harvey Milk says San Francisco is dead. No one will dare protest anything since we left.

Hue Fortson involved in sex.  Supposed to represent the Temple in Council of Churches.  Didn’t go.  Conspiracy infiltrated another who introduced measures that made the Temple look bad.  Jim thought to inquire and learned what had happened. Fortson will have to answer for this.  He may have maneuvered to get over sooner.

Lee Ingram on Jim’s sex sacrifice with relation to himself and Sandy Ingram Bradshaw.

Agricultural reports
Livestock. Pigs over diarrhea.  Making improvements.  Warehouse reorganized will start moving bags.  Inquiry made as to why he doesn’t pick up corn and pea pods for stock feed. Marcy wants him to start making lists.  Woman asks why we feeding the cows as they don’t give milk and we can eat them.  Marshall Ferris asks why we feeding horses when we can’t work them. John Harris said we run a dude ranch for old horses and cows.  Someone else added, “because we are known to be kind to animals.”  Guy has referred first question to farm analysts and second, we do use the horses sometimes.

Report from radio: danger of invasion. Cuban troops going to be brought in to defend the border.

Discussion about advisability of having cattle at all. Sylvester Fair, says Holsteins won’t survive. Have mixture which don’t give enough milk to pay for feed.  Jim wants farm analysts report. Talks to local experts who are coming in.

Poultry. Rob Gieg. We are developing chickens; beginning incubation of a chicken cross between Leghorn and Old Red.  Inquiry as to building of chicken house. Seems to be left off Steering Committee list. Tish says steering committee can meet tonight and put it where it belongs.

Chris Talley. Report on small animals. Be careful that dogs do not drink water that has been sprayed. One got cut with a cutlass.

Citrus: Gene Chaikin.  Some of the citrus is fruiting. Question of planting citrus along the road. Theft occurs. Trees near bush don’t do as well as others; insects eat the leaves.  A new field is ready to plant with trees when we get enough rain. Planting papayas next couple of months. Lost some coffee in last hot spell. May be able to graft tomatoes on bora beans.

Report on short wave. Maria Katsaris’s voice recognized. Thinks it’s Jack Arnold.  Enemy may be on our territory. Jim orders roving security.  Jim orders food brought up to central area tonight.

Richard Janaro says get orders in on time. US boycotts being put on. He doesn’t have time to deal with emergency orders.

Agronomy report. Russ Moton.

On chicken house, Tish says it is on the list but priority probably too low. Gieg says he has cost figures and will get them in.

Insecticides: Ernestine Blair.  Shortage of volunteers. Marcy inquired whether job crewis putting time limit on sprayers. Marcy saw Mike Lund still spraying and without a mask.  He is only sprayer we have. Every crew was supposed to come up with a sprayer but they haven’t done it, previous explanations for delay. Marcy pins them down to tomorrow. Turn names into Lisa for medical protocol.

Senior gardens. Selika Bordenave.  Report

Children’s Garden: Martin Amos, Wayne McCall.  

Marcy asks whether we can sell anything to visitors on Sunday who want to buy things. Senior garden used for seeds. Might sell some bananas. Bread or bakery goods will sell if not too sweet.

Handling the visitors who are due tonight–one is the doctor who is an associate of Dr. Pap of the “Pap smear” who is bringing costly medical supplies and Yvette Muldrow’s mother, among others–was discussed. No one not cleared to talk with them is to do so.  Do not try to give them any messages.

Suddenly shots from an automatic weapon rained in. People started to climb under benches and were told to keep down. The lights were put out. The children were remarkably good. Others had to be admonished to stay down and keep still. The lights went out. There was some delay in getting out the light over Jim’s head, of which he complained as it targeted him well.

Jim remained in charge for some time, giving orders and explaining what was happening. He said he got down only because he was the leader. He wasn’t frightened. The defense groups were after the invaders instantly and Jim announced soon that we “got one of them.” No one on our side was hurt. Jim remarked that the attackers were crazy as they came when the moon was full.

Jim left the pavilion to investigate the action. He wanted to find out if the man we had hit was alive, as he might give us valuable intelligence.

I drew my pillow down to put my head on and was fairly comfortable. An elderly woman near me had to crouch, didn’t have room to lie down. I was most worried about my clipboard. I found some of my papers.

The shooting problem started around 12.00.  I thought we might be lying on the ground all night but the emergency ended in about an hour.  Flares were lit around the pavilion which I didn’t understand, but learned they were a signal the danger was over.  Jim said the man we hit was taken away by his companions. We didn’t know whether he was injured or killed. But he couldn’t get up the lights were put on.

Complaints were heard of those who had tried to save themselves but neglected children, didn’t follow instruction and so on. The greatest number were those who went to sleep. About these Jim was indignant and put them on Learning Crew unless they had a record of extra work.

If our guests report military action in what they say when they go back, this could do us more in harm, so how to handle them with much discussions.  We will tell them we will go hunting if we have an alert.

Other behavioral complaints were heard. Many got on Learning Crew. Praises were also given.

I fully expected we would be called back to the pavilion tomorrow morning. If not required to stay there all night. Versie did receive instructions that we were to have our clothes ready to put on.

Jim dismissed the meeting at 2.30, giving us a two-hour delay in the morning, working through until 3.00, though many would have preferred to get up as usual at 6.00 and get off at 12.00.

Some cottages got a demerit but ours passed muster. 

I went to bed at 3.00.


23 April 1978 – Sunday
No alert sounded during the night and I slept peacefully until 8.00.

For breakfast we had sausage and biscuits with syrup.  We usually have coffee on Sunday but today we had tea.

Had my foot treated.

Wrote in my journal.

Continued work on my tote bags. The straps on the Indian one I bought at Cost Plus had become frayed.  I covered them with plastic taken from the other bag and reinforced the jointure spots.

Took my shower.

The day was hot and muggy with no rain.

Gave Rita Tupper the draft of my letter to my sisters and Lor.  Rita told me she slept in her clothes last night, expecting an alert, as she didn’t want to have to dress in a hurry.

Went to dinner at 6:00 but had to wait a half hour or so before service was started. I was behind Edith Cordell, who speaking of how much laundry she does, revealed that Mark still wets the bed. He is 4-1/2. She didn’t seem to worry about emotional problems he may have.

For dinner we had rice, okras, fish cake and a bun.

I worked on the bag for an hour or so longer and I finished it.

Inez lent me her electric hair curler.  My hair is getting longer with curling at the ends and gets straggly towards the end of the week.  If I cut off the curl, it will be worse.  I am trying to find a way to keep it in order, as I can’t get a new permanent.

The boat came in.  Besides the visiting doctor and Yvette Mowbury’s [Yvette Muldrow] mother and Georgia Lacy with her two adopted children, Donna and Tony Linton [Lacy] arrived. She had had a great deal of difficulty getting the children here but with Jim’s help finally succeeded.

An entertainment program was arranged for the guests, consisting of some of the pieces presented in Georgetown.  I stayed until almost the end. Cake was handed out, this week’s treat.

I went home about 10.00, finished reading Introduction to African Civilizations by John G. Jackson with introduction and bibliographical notes by John Henrick Clarke.  I read a few pages of The Man Who Cried I Am, by John A. Williams.

Went to bed a little after 11.00.


24 April 1978 – Monday
At breakfast had a conversation with Tom Grubbs who with Dick Tropp is back from Georgetown. Tom said seminar was boring, couldn’t understand dialect of speakers well and content not impressive.

Got my foot treatment quickly.

Prepared and sorted materials for classes; trying to get all in order for starting high school again and for handling large numbers of people I expected a socialist class at noon.

Wrote yesterday’s journal entry.

We had visitors to the Project so people weren’t permitted to form lines for lunch until they were gone.  Children got lunch first as they had been waiting since 11.00 and had to start school at 12.00.  Consequently I was a little late to my adult class. 

As expected, a large number came in for instruction on news events, but situation not unmanageable. I took a vote on whether I should start with issue reading practice. Greatest number wanted time spent on news, as they are apprehensive about test in enlightenment class.

Distribution of paper, pencils books to write on took time.  I had notes taken at Saturday Rally and told them of three events putting main details on board; they seemed very grateful.

Took my shower.

Started to review and take notes from Teaching as a Subversive Activity, so that I can turn the book in.

Over the loudspeaker came a call for a teacher meeting at 3.00. Dick Tropp gave us a report on the happenings in Georgetown regarding the acceptance of our school into the Guyana system.  We are subject to their requirements which are very precise. We have to follow the objectives adopted. And present regular reports as to how they are being implemented.  Our students will take Guyanese tests. They will not pass into a new class nor graduate if their work is not successful. Attendance rules are strict. We have to keep careful records .  Our arrangement of classes will fit into Guyanese forms.  A meeting with students was proposed and adopted.

For their first class at 4:00, students came to the pavilion. Dick affirmed the new regulations and answered questions.  Some of the teachers starting with Harriet, Shirley Smith and Jann spoke, taking a hard line, which I thought threatening, about indiscipline and lofty expectations for the future.

The teachers then met their second period classes. I personally moved a heavy bench with no one offering to help so as to provide more seating.  Then I asked for help in moving another but no one heard me.  The class was noisy and persisted in its disorder for fifteen minutes.  I complained about being given no help and was told (a) I should have asked for help and (b) when I did I didn’t speak loudly enough.  After getting pencils and paper distributed, I read the class objectives aloud and explained them.  Class members gave news items.

I forgot that there was to be another meeting with teachers in 15-minutes. I put my materials away and went to the bathroom then found the dinner line was already long, probably because the menu was exceptional.

We had as well as rice and okra, a big piece of pineapple and a small mango. 

Taking my dinner plate with me, I found the teachers at last not in the pavilion as announced, nor in the school tent but in the rice tent.  The teachers were turning in the class lists to Dick and then commenting on the attitude of the class members. I told him mine were unruly, that I thought a ___ was made by the teachers who had located the students in the general meeting. He tended to agree with me.

I did not see Versie, was at a loss how to register my presence. The dispatch office will not register me unless Eleanor Beam is there. I went home to leave a note on Versie’s pillow.

Selecting my materials, I went over to the school tent.  When Jim was to begin giving the news, I announced my adult Language Arts class.  In a few minutes people streamed in.  I had to move several benches to take care of them.  I suggested that because of the difficulty of finding time for class meetings, we adopt a program of directed study or individual instruction to guide their reading, that I would give advice that I would give advice and help them find books.  They seemed to like the idea. I had them take a spelling test of the four words I had given them at the last meeting. I then introduced them to some of the available reference book in the library. Fowler’s Modern English Usage, Roget’s Thesaurus and Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations.

I had them look up simple words in each and showed them how to use the books.  They cooperated enthusiastically and several expressed their enjoyment of the lesson.  We stopped at 9.30.

At home I read The Man Who Cried I Am.

Went to bed at 11.00. The cottage took a long while to settle down. Then I was awakened at 4.30 by people checking in or out with Versie and or the SAT patrol, didn’t go back to sleep until there was further commotion at 5.00 and at 5.30.  Someone’s alarm in the loft went off.  I didn’t get back to sleep.


25 April 1978 – Tuesday
Teresa King in the Library last night had written on the blackboards news items taken from Jim’s broadcasts.  I stopped by and tried to get her copy but found she had written them from notes she thought would be undecipherable. I don’t have time to copy them from the boards there and knew the teachers would erase them when classes started.

Had breakfast. Did personal tasks.

Had my foot treated. The toes are doing well. Nurse didn’t put a bandage on, used a little ointment on it.

Jim has been indicating in his broadcasts that people who failed the test on the news event will be assigned to attend my class.  Then they will be given another test and if they fail that, they will go to Learning Crew.  Of course I have no idea how many people would be involved, what time of day the class would be, nor what facilities I would have.

Phyllis Chaikin who is coordinator of the medical department, told me the department wanted me to give a daily talk on current event. She apparently means an on-going basis, not just before the exam is given.  I told her I would come on Thursday at 2.00 this week; any further plans I would have to discuss with Dick Tropp.  The medical people are mostly confined during their working day and work long hours, so they have little opportunity to hear the news.

I worked on my journal entry.

I had lunch.

A large number of people attended the “news” class.  Some of Teresa’s news items were still on the board and the class members were copying them. In the time we had left, I explained a few more items and put details on the board.

Took my shower.

Copied the letter to my sisters, made one carbon. Will copy it again with another carbon.

My first hour class behaved well. We worked on news items.

The second hour class was unruly.  The trouble seemed to be that they resented having me assigned as their teacher, Jann having been assigned in the first place.  We got to work on news items and their attention improved.

I got my plate. The main dish was pastry cooked with a filling topped by a pineapple sauce.’’

Jann and I looked for Dick, as we’re supposed to have a teachers meeting with him every day at 5.45. We didn’t find him. I mentioned the attitude of my second period class to Jann, told her they resented being assigned tome, but that this was probably an excuse.  They are adolescents seeking an excuse to complain of adults.  We agreed that switching classes had not worked well. Later I went to the school office and found Dick there.  Told him I was having trouble with second period class.

Went to my cottage and changed clothes.

Attended the rally. Music.

Testimony of Tom Beikman.
Jim: Re has message on knowledge. Knowledge gives sensitivity. Sensitivity leads to commitment; commitment is necessary to achieve socialism.  Jerry Parks and Willie Malone growth shown. Willie as we were informed earlier on the p.a. system, had reported Tony Linton’s intention to get a gun and shoot Stephen Jones. Willie, though he had made a vow never to “rat” on anybody had decided loyalty to the group transcended a personal vow. As it turned out, Tony, who is an adopted son of Georgia Lacy meant no harm and was forgiven by Stephen.

Thing about ____ ____. Have people come in, source of names counteract lies.  ____ ____ Georgia Lacy;  tried to kidnap her son. She got the children in.
Children were selected to give more items from the news.

Jim:  We are buying a 20 ton ship that can go to Trinidad with Guyanese rice and bring back oil cheaply.  Give young people experience on the sea.  Jim bargained the scaled down ____ ___ ___ importing and shipping to and from Guyana ____.

Mom [Georgia] Lacy heard Harry Williams back in the Baptist Church preaching.  Had heard attack.

Jim’s description of 7 days war.  __ ___ to government representative left in country when leaders were away in ___.  He was former United ____ to get seniors away on boat that they ___ ___ junk, boat couldn’t keep afloat.

Ricky X kept silent while __ ___ fighting a fierce battle with political ____ even attacked Jim.  ____ ___ ___ which the special governmental __ ___ that Ricky __ ___ Jim hates __ ___ suggestions and alternates__ ___ ___ Pursley.  He a good__ ___ commitment questioned.  Be replaced by Michael Simon who doesn’t want to be there.  Jim said he not going on Learning Crew. Just could cry thinking about many others who know every piece of music but don’t have a single idea in your head about socialism or any news. How will you support the cause when I am gone? You people who like this music are just like the religious folk you make fun of.

Jim talked on expectations of students and teachers. Several students named for bad attitude especially Marcus Anderson. If students don’t do well on exams, they will have to attend Port Kaituma School.

Agricultural Reports. Danny Kutulas. On bananas.

Piggery: Guy Mitchell needs and gets extra help for cleaning it up for visitors.
Jim says give high priority to guest house, perhaps also a hotel.

Peanuts. Head of Burnham Institute coming in tonight. He doing well in peanuts.

Jim wants high priority to be given to soap project. Wants a break through.

Garden: Shirley Smith

Herbal Garden. Shirley Fields. mentioned senna tea as a laxative.  Jim mentioned Wing beans which could save world from starvation.  Papaya has many uses besides food: hypertension, laxative, contraceptive. Purslane: has higher count of iron than any other vegetable than parsley.

Sorrell and Bricks. Jack Barron.


Land Construction. Mike Touchette.

Natural Insecticides. Becky Flowers.

Fields. Jan Wilsey.  Children are picking up cutlass beans over the cottage area and fields. Should be warned they must not be eaten raw.

Child asked a question about citrus trees being eaten by bugs.  Chaikin explains cost program but not entirely to Jim’s satisfaction.  Jim emphasizes importance of answering child’s question, giving him dignity and with logic.

Various questions were asked and answered about projects, repairs. ___ __ equipment to be put when it arrives___ ___. ___ ____ when arrived recently, suggests that instead ___ ___ _construction of __ ___ __, we could get a portable sawmill that could be brought to the logs.  Jim explains precarious financial position.

__ ___ ___ ___ and take no land from production__ __be put on hill near Jim’s house__ ___ grow he says the ___ child has never bothered him.

At one point, Jim observed a lack of enthusiasm when he emphasized willingness to kill enemies and one woman had told him she wasn’t raised that way.  Jim said when Tim Stoen conspired to murder Chris Lewis and infected your mother with cancer, anyone who would not be willing to kill them does not deserve the name socialist.

Tractors.  Philllip Blakey.

In discussing __ ___ this weekend, Jim mentioned that the ___ ___ be disposed of__ __ ___ ___ Saturday night as___ __ ___ ___ Make money.

Melanie Kemp ___ ___ __ Jacksons told her to stay __ ___ ___ Jim very distressed because she wasn’t referred to doctor or practitioner in December.  Dee Dee Smith should have done this.

Al Tschetter, when he was studying shower room schedule, attendant ___ ___ Jim reprimanded her.

___ __ ___ __ ___

Jim says he was warned Saturday night. He won’t be bound, doesn’t believe in elitism, he will not go this time to Georgetown.  Jim says he doesn’t believe in indispensability, the moment you give ground to elitism, your god damned organization goes to hell.  Jerry goes to Learning Crew.

Robert Johnson teased Isaac Edwards, child who was healed by Jim about head injury.  Jim furious. Had to be restrained from attacking Robert.  This only second warning because he’s Ruby Carroll’s son.  Jim says because of his low blood sugar, his rage is triggered by teasing about color, defects, patterns of speech. Tom Grubbs says Robert has repeatedly tormented people.

Peter Wotherspoon will be returned to the classroom as he is a good teacher. He will not ever be alone with a child.  We as socialists believe in redemption.  His rehabilitation may take a long time.

Jim aroused to fury again when record on Garnett Johnson was inaccurate and no one would take the blame.  “Another thing I can’t stand is that no one can tell the truth.  I hope you do as well when you’re interrogated.” Record sent for. Turned out he lied.

Sue Jarom, worries too much about her food.  She took sugar and milk from nurse’s office.

William Klingman gets name “Jones” back.

Barbara Walker. Apparently had trouble with a man. Sent back to her usual role with the seniors.

The meeting ended at about 12.15.

I went to bed about 1.00.


26 April 1978 – Wednesday
Rising time and breakfast were two hours later.

I took my foot treatment.

Worked on my journal but did not finish yesterday’s entry.

Started to copy again the letter to my sisters.

Took my shower.

Had 50 adults in my noon hour class today because many wish to prepare for the test.  I showed how the different countries in Africa and in South America lived in differing categories as free, mostly socialist and capitalist or fascist.  Then I spoke of the principle events in the news pertinent to these countries.

Continued to work on the letters to my sisters.

In my first period class, Billy Jones was back from Learning Crew and he was part of the reason that the period opened with disorder.  I put my foot down and matters improved.  Dick brought new notebooks to the class members.  I used the categories mentioned as discussing world news events.

The second period class ___ ___ ___ at first __ ____ ____ ____ ____ they seemed to give __ __ __ __ to ___.  I was handicapped by having to compete with much compete with much ___ ___ ___ ___. Dick distributed notebooks to them.  I didn’t finish my CIA experiences.

Ate my dinner.

Jim was putting great emphasis on news broadcasts.  He has been mentioning that those who fail the test will have to attend my class and if they fail a second test, then will be put on Learning Crew.  I saw Dick Tropp and turned over my class attendance to him.  Went to the cottage and checked in with Versie.

There was a woman’s meeting at 7:45.  It was supposed to last for an hour, after which Steering Committee would meet.  Harriet Tropp gave a talk on women’s role in the discovery (she called it “revolution”) of agriculture.  Jim then came in and demanded a hearing and action on the “bitches” who had disrupted his leadership so that he did not have a single black male he could send to San Francisco.  “You women will not follow a woman, you know you won’t.” He withdrew. 

Ava Jones got on the floor and with Marcy, made vehement accusations against several women who had led Johnny Jones on to think he is a romantic hero, to neglect his Temple duties and his child. Two of those named were Yvonne Hayden and Stephanie Chacon.  Johnny seems to have no serious interest in any of them, but his relationship with Ava seems at an end.  Ava particularly resented the attitudes shown by the other women to her children, when they did not even care for their own children.  Marcy expressed her enduring affection for __ ___ __ .  Yvette Muldrow, who is Jimmy Jr’s girl friend, Some one had tried to attract him away from Yvette.  Likewise someone made a play for Tim Jones. It was remarked that women liked to get attention from Jones Boys.  Judy Ijames was questioned about unnecessary association with Joe Wilson in his loft in a pretense of giving medical treatment, other exercises then apparently cutting out her sister Robin, who was working _____ in SF.  Marcy among others denounced women who moved in on another woman’s man and said next time it happened there would be a penalty exacted.

The meeting went on ___ ___ __ __ __ ___ be a meeting of the __ __ class after the women’s meeting__ ___ it would not be given at that hour.  I walked down to the dining area with Mary Castillo and saw that the news items typed up by Vernetta Christian were posted.  It was too dark to read them, but I intended to look at them in the morning.

I read a very few minutes before going to bed.  I was very tired.


27 April 1978 – Thursday
Had a very difficult day.

After breakfast got my foot treatment.  Dale Parks told me I didn’t need to return. The blister is healed and the itching has stopped.

I intended to copy the news from the wall, but it had been taken away, no doubt stolen for someone’s personal advantage.  Numerous people were handicapped.

I didn’t get any writing done in my journal.  I made corrections on my letters to my sisters and Lor, addressed envelopes.

Went for lunch.

Met the adult class. A huge number of people came seeking help for tonight’s test. The test had been originally planned for Friday, but because the dentist is coming, the test is to be taken tonight.

I hoped to type up a few carbon copies of news events to distribute in such a way as to benefit the most people possible. I got a couple of pieces of carbon paper from Joyce Touchette.

As soon as a heavy rain was over, I took a shower.

Rushed to the Medical Office where I had been asked to give an hour’s talk on the news at 2.00.  The building is still being repaired and rearranged so the departmental meeting was held in the dining pavilion.  It was very hard to talk with hammering going on and at the same time a heavy rainfall.  Also, other groups were talking around us.  I pointed out the chief areas of conflict between the capitalist and communist forces and reviewed the main events which have happened this past week or so. The response to my talk was good but not as enthusiastic as the adult class.

I prepared for my afternoon classes. I had hoped to do some typing on the news events but didn’t get time.  Shanda (Oliver) James asked if she could use my typewriter and I let her use it in the cottage.

My first period behaved satisfactorily except for Billy Jones, who had to be individualistic.  I corrected work on the news events.

The second period class was again obstreperous.  I started on the news at their request, because of the test tonight.  I was writing items on the board and going into the background when they saw Jann lecturing on the news and deserted me for her.

The high school classes have their daily socialism class at 5.30 and as they gathered for that, I saw Stephanie pummeling her brother Billy on a table.  I told them it was very undignified.  I asked them if it would not be bad if a Guyanese official walked in at that moment, saying to Billy that he behaved as if he owned the place.

I got my dinner.

We had a teachers’ meeting and discussed problems, including mine with Stephanie and Billy.  Dick called in Stephanie to speak to her, possibly because she is a teaching assistant.  She shed some light on my class’s attitude. She said Jann gave the faster than I did. She indicated the students resented having me for a teacher after they had been scheduled to have Jann.

I went home and made preparation for the meeting of the socialism teachers in the school tent at 7.00 with Rob Christian as chairman.  Questions were drafted for the test on the news. They are to be turned over to Jim for any revisions he cares to make.  In the midst of a great deal of turmoil, we suggested 15 questions for those under 65 and 15 questions for those over 65.  We finished just before 8.00 o’clock when the socialist meetings were to start.

Jim dictated the questions, giving them from two categories, alternately. He used the teachers questions but varied them slightly and giving them explanations that made them easier. However, he read them rather fast. People could answer questions from both categories and gain extra credit. Those who could not write were to give their answers to the monitors who wrote them down but I heard later this didn’t work very well as the monitors could not cope with the number who needed help.  I wrote the questions on the board.  After Jim was through with the questions I tried to answer numerous inquiries about specific questions.

I took the tests over to Christian in the pavilion. There I found Willie Malone who had not been able to write the answers nor find anyone willing to do it for him.  He could either take the test tomorrow with those who had been working tonight or get me to do it. Although I was very tired and doubtful how much Willie knew, I consented to do it.  I found that he did know a surprising amount and understood some events very well.

Went home about 10.00 walking with Lisa.

Read for a few minutes. A conversation with Inez and Laura interrupted me.

Went to bed at 11.30.


28 April 1978 – Friday
Met my adult class at noon. A large number came.

Washed my hair.

In the first hour class, I gave a spelling and vocabulary lesson from an eighth grade spelling text.  Willie did well on the meaning of words.

The attitude of the second class was not good when they entered. The noise of the band rehearsing for Georgetown appearances made speaking and hearing extremely difficult. I decided to put the terms used in intelligence on the board. Some of the students questioned why we were learning these. I remember particularly an almost hostile tone of Donna Ponts and Anitra Green.  The general feeling was not cooperative; others kept silent, but looked worried. I decided to abandon the CIA topic, gave the class an assignment from the spelling book used in the former class.  They consented to this.

Got my dinner.

The teachers met with Dick Tropp.  After determination of who was to get praises or reprimands, I told Tropp that I had had trouble with the second period class, that I thought basically they were upset by being made to feel as second class citizens when we decided to switch classes.  Tropp decided to go into the class Monday and find out what was wrong.  He said I could go into his class.

Opened up with group reports.

Agricultural Reports
Orchards: Becky Flowers. Garden

Jim had seats moved into a part of the center section which was empty, then the seniors moved in.

Small Animals: Chris Talley. Female started laying eggs. Have a baby Macaw.

Livestock: Guy Mitchell 16 sows are being bred; 2 boar hogs good supply of wheat. Have pregnant heifers. Planning to have horses with carts to save fuel.

Chickery Tommy Keaton. 1800 chickens. 700 which are 8 weeks old 3 chicken meals in 2 weeks.

Senior Gardens. Selika Bordenave ____ __

Soap factory has begun production. Jim: if we could get supply coming in, we could solve our problem as government has to buy soap abroad. Have to mass produce soap.

Insecticide Control: Ernestine Blair.  Two new people are working today. Needs applications for eight sprayers.

Agronomists: Russ Moton.  ___ projects:  15 acres planted;  30 acres planting (2000 lb per acres; 90  pounds of peanuts; 3 acres, at least 8 in July.___ ___ ___ peanut butter out of  ___ ___ __ 40 to 70  ____ ____ shelled ___ ____ an acre.  Barrel of peanut butter  $1,025.  Good source of protein.  Need barrels ___ ___ are ordered.  1  – 40 barrels.  $34,000 ___ ____ better.  20,000 lbs.  ___ ___ ___ 30,000 lbs.  Shelled 20000 lbs …

 [Note at side of page: This section superseded except in general terms – more figures next page/below may have replaced the ones that are above and mostly unreadable]
…11 barrels.  each 500.  1,625  –  $32,500 per 1000 lbs.
$65,000 worth of peanut butter.  Mike Touchette asks cost for growing peanuts:
 [Figures here, in italics below, are a summary of costs listed in this entry to clarify what she was enumerating. Much of the discussion of costs — listed in paragraph form in Edith Roller’s Journal seem jumble and hard to reconcile numbers given. Farm Planning reports and Analysts’ reports are much clearer. -ed]

$  4,200 seed peanuts (30 acres  X  70 lb peanuts/acre  X  $2/ lb)
$  8,400 for fertilizer (30 acres @ $280/acre for new ground) 
$12,600 costs

$65,000 – $12,600 = $52,400 profit for peanut butter from 30 acres peanuts.

Discussion developed that top yield has never been had on any of our crops. May get only $700.

Prokes asked for a mechanic in Georgetown, a van mechanic. Difference between planting in rows and beds was discussed.  Bedding system has to be used in wet weather.  Other costs. Triple super phosphate $105 an acre; $3,150 –$46,650 ??
2 out of 3 crops could be in bed. Fuel 3 hrs. work an acre $1.47 gallon.  $3.00 an acre $90 [for 30 acres]

Boat 350 tons.  12 times our present boat of 30 tons. We can take rice to Trinidad and can buy Trindad oil which is cheap and sell it in Guyana.

Discussion on liberated brothers and sisters to sail on boat $45,560

With insecticide $121,870.

Acres for planting crops.   500 acres cleared; 140-150 acres to 230 acres planted. Half could be planted in peanuts. 484,000.  For spraying time.   $479,000. Drums. Charlie Touchette says we might make more money selling unshelled peanuts. $2.00 a pound mentioned.

Chaikin makes a point about drying cost. Our dryer is not effective. Charles Touchette says manufacturer does not recommend using it with wood. The dryer according to Chaikin and others has parts scattered around in several different places. He will take a crew and locate the parts.  Jim says we must see that someone coordinates all machinery, where it is stored and moved; who should be responsible and every department must be checked with before anything is moved. Protecting the dryer from weather discussed. Price of tarps.

Peanuts shelled according to Charlie Touchette will bring more. At $2.00 a lb, we probably have estimated too high a price. Suggests $1.75 a lb.

If you go into Georgetown with thousands of peanuts, price will be depressed is a comment from Jeff Carey.

Bananas. Danny Katulas.

Gardens. Shirley Smith. Have to expand our garden because family has grown. Jim requested her to sing her report which she did, setting a precedent for all who followed, including Jim who sang his comments and who were later put on the floor.

Agronomy and compost. Russ Moton. Like Shirley, Russ sang his report, as did

Shirley Fields, herbal gardens.

Mike Touchette, land construction, says that site is ready for construction of his own house.

Also sang: Barbara Simon reported sleeping on night duty at Dorm 1. Put on Learning Crew.

Louise Shavers reported talked about women’s meeting. Children reported her in song.

Marcia Simon charged with leaving sloppy mess in cottage. Edith Cordell sings for her defense.

People who were late to work brought up. All sang. One sang she had ring worm in the crotch (to the amusement of the crowd).

People on Learning Crew were asked to sing their wishes.  Sue Jerram ate a biscuit which was on the ground. She cooperated, was released from Learning Crew.

Meeting ended late. But we voted to have a normal schedule tomorrow.


29 April 1978 – Saturday
Did my laundry. Had a difficult time finding a bucket.  Also there was no space to hang any clothes on the line in back of our cottage and I had to go over and find empty spaces on the lines in the area near the toilets.

Worked on my journal.

Took notes on the news.

Tropp issued a call for English teachers to meet at 3.00. He had plans for good writers among junior and senior high students to write essays on the Soviet documentary films we have been seeing.  The teachers are to correct and edit them and after being rewritten, the essays are to be sent to the Soviet Embassy as a public relations gesture and also to help in securing more Soviet films, including full length feature films.  A list of names was prepared and requested to meet with us tonight at 7.00 to view the films and draft their papers. Some of the junior high students have already written such papers.  Jann and others had reservations on the amount of time all this would require.

I read Man Cried.

At 7.00 we met in the rice tent with the students who had been selected.  Jann did not come. The plan was explained to the students. We saw some Soviet films, one I had not viewed previously on progress in the Soviet Union, which showed several generations.

The community was waiting for a Rally to start with the arrival of guests from Georgetown.  The dentist, Dr Costa came with members of his family.  They were fed dinner.

I went to bed and slept from 11.00 to 1.00.
At that time we were awakened to attend the Rally.

Benches were moved into the pavilion. The meeting had to be conducted without a loud speaker as the Doctor was in the radio room.

Jim gave a description of two healings: Cassandra [space to be filled in later] and Dr Costas’ wife had a heart attack and is all right now.

Jim explained the reason for the late meeting.  It has proved valuable to confront people right away on arrival.  Hugh Fortson arrived tonight. Was put on the floor.  He was asked about accepting the petition presented by our enemies on the steps of the Temple.  Hugh describes the circumstances. Hugh was also requested to talk about his not attending the meetings of the Council of Church, his sexual involvement with another woman while his wife Rhonda was in Jonestown.  His behavior made it necessary to pull him out of San Francisco leaving Jim without black minister in San Francisco.

The meeting ended about 3:00.


30 April 1978 – Sunday
We had a late day. Got up at 8.00 or 9.00

Breakfast consisted of rice with gravy, sweet potatoes and two frosted doughnuts, tea. Bea Orsot told me there would be no coffee for several months.

Teresa had put some news items up on the chalkboards in the library.  A number of people were copying them.  I made notes for myself, listened to Jim’s broadcast in the morning and made more notes.

Expected a call from Tropp for the English teachers to read the themes written by the junior and senior high school students on the Soviet films but didn’t hear from him.

I worked today on resumes of people with college and or teaching experience. I have to organize different material from documents given to me by Clara Johnson which proved time consuming. I typed it and Chaikin’s which was easier.

Two or three times rain fell today.

I took a shower.

Went to the central area to see whether I could find Tropp but saw no sign of him.

Meds were arranged in the pavilion for the dentist, Dr Costa and his family, Jim himself and other conferees.  I learned from Gerry the guests were going to the piggery. I passed Jim once on the path near the Radio Room where he was talking to Dr Costa and was introduced.  He has been very kind and helpful and lent his car for our use in Georgetown.

At dinner, as usual when we have guests, we didn’t get in lines, but were asked to sit down. Selika Bordenave and other woman served us. We had rice with stewed chicken and gravy, sweet potatoes and a tossed green salad with lettuce.  The first I have had here.  I had brought my raincoat with me as it looked like more rain and I left it somewhere.  I went back to look for it but didn’t find it.

Walked around the garden for exercise looking at vegetables we have. Saw some cutlass beans and eggplant which looked particularly good in the field through which I take a shortcut to the central area. Some wing beans are growing high on stakes.

Returned to the cottage. Inez was asleep and no one else was there. I read Man Creek  and then tried to take a nap too, but couldn’t get to sleep.  We were waiting for the guests to finish their dinner, expecting the usual Sunday evening entertainment to begin, but we heard nothing.

At about 9.30 Inez went up to the pavilion and I followed shortly, hoping to get my treat. We were promised peanut butter candy. And then I would go home again.

Two films on dental care brought by the dentist were shown.  One was an American film, the other made in Jamaica, both from Colgate-Palmolive products. I was sitting by Kay Rosas. We didn’t see that candy was being passed out in the back. I suspect no announcement was made because it might seem strange to the dentist that we gave candy to the children after showing films which emphasized the harmful effects of sweets on the teeth.

Kay and I sat through the film, “Airport” with Burt Lancaster.  It was very long. Helen Hayes had an amusing small role.

I went down to the bakery with Kay to see whether we could get our candy.  They didn’t have any left out.  Kay works in the kitchen nights. She told me the young men in security take special privileges, getting extra food, at night from the kitchen.  Poncho (Garry) Johnson is the worst and he has a weight problem.  I suspect this may be true.

I was home at 1.45.


April 1978 Journal References
S= survived 11/18/78; N= not Temple member;
GT= Georgetown; JT= Jonestown; SF= in San Francisco; RV= in Redwood Valley

Temple / Members (Guyana unless noted)
Paula Adams [S]
Tom Adams [SF S]
Christa Amos
Martin Amos
Sharon Amos
Jerome Anderson
Marcus Anderson
Marice Anderson
Ricardo Arterberry
Jair Baker
Jamal Baisey
Christine Bates
Jack Barron
Jack Arnold Beam [S had left temple]
Joe Beam [Helle]
Rheavianna Beam
Chuck Beikman [S]
Tommy Beikman [S]
Ronnie Berryman
Julia Birkley
Ernestine Blair
Phillip Blakey [S]
Edith Bogue [S]
Harold Bogue [Cordell] [S]
Juanita Bogue [S]
Tommy Bogue [S]
Selika Bordenave
Pam Bradshaw
Wesley Breidenbach
Brother Bridgewater
Donna Briggs (Lacy)
Jerry Geraldine Bailey
 Michaeleen [Brady]
Jean Brown [SF S]
Jocelyn Brown [Carter]
Yolanda Brown
Dorothy Buckley
Terri Buford  [Had left Temple 9/78 S]
Chlotile Butler
Marion Campbell
Jeff Carey
Ruby Carroll
Mike Carter  [S]
Tim Carter  [S]
Patty Cartmell
Don Casanova [Scheid]
Mary Castillo
Gene Chaikin
Phyllis Chaikin
Patti Chastain [SF]
Rob Christian
Vernetta Christian
Nancy Clay
Stanley Clayton
Grover Cleveland
Leona Collier [SF S]
Moms Mabley [likley Bertha Cook]
Barbara Cordell
Edith Cordell
Versie [Connesero Perkins] [S]  
Newhuanda Darnes
Bob Davis
LC Davis [LA]
Ellihue Dennis
Ronnie Dennis
Katherine Domineck
Rev. James Edwards
Isaac Edwards
Shirley Ann Edwards
Sylvester Fair
Shirley Fields
Dawnyelle Fitch
Don Fitch
Becky Flowers
Hue Fortson
Rhonda Fortson
Rob Gieg
Stanley Gieg
Mark Gosney
Vern Gosney
Anitra Green
Amondo Griffith
Mary Griffith
Tom Grubbs
Jann [Gurvich]
Magnolia Harris
John Harris
Liane Harris
Magnolia Harris
Emma Hill
Judy Ijames
Alice Inghram [RV in Apr 78; went to Guyana 5/78]
Lee Ingram  [S]
Sandy Ingram Bradshaw [in SF S]
Bruce Oliver
Don Jackson
Margaret James
Shanda (Oliver) James
Marvin Janaro
Richard Janaro  [S on Temple boat Albatross, Trinidad]
Eartis Jefferies
Debbie Jensen [Schroeder]
Clara Johnson
Garnett Johnson
Janice Johnson
Poncho Johnson
Robert Johnson
Laura Johnston  [S]
Ava Jones [Brown Cobb]
Billy Jones [Dean]
Johnny Jones {Brown]
Larry Jones [Tupper] [S]
Stephan Jones [S]
Dessie Jordan
Maria Katsaris
Tommy Keaton
Anita Kelley
Melanie Kemp
Carol Kerns
Penny Kerns
Teresa King
Sharon Kislingberry
[Martha] Ellen Klingman
Mike Klingman [SF  S]
William Klingman
Danny Kutulas
Georgia Lacy
Tony Linton (Lacy)
Pearl Land
Carrie Langston
Carolyn Layton
Larry Layton  [S]
Lisa Layton [died JT before Nov 18, 78]
Karen Lendo
Rita [Lenin Tupper]
Janet Lenin [Tupper]
Tish Leroy
Chris Lewis [in states, died prior to Nov 78]
Beverley Livingston
Vincent Lopez [Touchette]
Helen Love
[Lovie] Jean Lucas
Christine Lucientes
Dov Lundquist
Mike Lund [Rozynko]
Magaline Lyles
Willie Malone
Lillian Malloy
Marceline Marcie Jones [aka Mother]
Alfred March
Charles Marshall
Irene Mason
Cassandra Minor
Guy Mitchell
Betty Moore
Jim Morrell [Bogue] [S]
Minnie Morrell [Buckley]
Russ Moton
Esther Mueller
Yvette Muldrow
Lela Murphy [died in GT hospital Feb 78]
Wayne McCall
Patty McCoy
[Joyce] McIntyre
Ray McKnight
Rose [Pearson] McKnight
Keith Newsome
May Nichols
Sue Noxon [Jerram]
Chris O’Neal
Billy Oliver
Shanda (Oliver) James
Brenda Parks  [S]
Dale Parks [S]
Jerry [Gerald] Parks [S]
Tom Partak
Robert Paul
Beulah Pendleton [LA  S]
Irvin Perkins Jr.
Richardel Perkins
Donna Ponts
Mike Prokes [S]
Eva Pugh
X Pursley
Jim Randolph [SF  S]
Kenny Reed
Ricky X
Mark Rhodes
Kathy Richardson
Professor [Edith] Roller
Margarite Romano
Gloria Rosa
Santiago Rosa
Kay Rosas
Dr. Larry Schacht
Louise Shavers
Rose Shelton
Mike Simon
Andy Silver [SF  S]
Barbara Simon
Michael Simon
Jim Simpson
DeeDee Smith
Shirley Smith
John [Stoen]
Bobby Stroud  [S]
Daisy Stroud [Lee]
Chris Talley
Alma Thomas
Al Touchette
Joyce Touchette
Mike Touchette [S]
Dick Tropp
Harriet Tropp
Dana Truss [N]
Al Tschetter
Robin Tschetter [S]
Alleane Tucker
Rita Tupper
Tina Turner [Bogue] [S]
Eric Upshaw [SF]
Inez Wagner
Leslie Wagner [S]
Mark Wagner
MIchelle [Wagner] [SF]
Barbara Walker
Shirley Williams
Walter Williams
Jan Wilsey
Jakari Wilson [S]
Dorothy Worley
Christine Young [Cobb]

JT Places/Activities
Book Depository
Dispatch Office
Job Change Comm
Learning Brigade
Medical Office
Political Enlightenment Class
Port Kaituma School
Radio Room
Steering Comm
White Night
Woman’s Revolutionary Socialist Movement

Concerned Relatives
Liz Forman
Vicki Moore
The Olivers
Tim Stoen
Mr. Tupper
Rosemary Williams

Non Temple Names
Guyanese Defense Force
IMF: International Monetary Fund
Patriotic Front (Rhodesia)
Social Security
US Consul
US Embassy
Young Socialist League

Amos Brown
Thad Brown
Prime Minister Forbes Burnham PM Guyana]
John Henrick Clarke
Eldridge Cleaver
Dr. Costa, dentist
Angela Davis
Rep. Charles Diggs
Charles Garry
Carlton Goodlett
[Pres] Carter
Helen Hayes
 [Dr. Cheddi] Jagan
Victor Jara
John A. Jones
Burt Lancaster
Huey Newton
Madeline Murray O’Hare
Dr. Pap
Toni Steven
Andrew Young

Edith’s Sisters/Relatives
Lor, Edith’s sister
Lor = Lorraine de la Fuente, Friend working at SF State.

Bechtel / People / Edith Work

Fowler’s Modern English Usage
Roget’s Thesaurus
Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations
Teaching as a Subversive Activity, by Neil Postman &Charles Weingartner, 1969, Dell
The Man Who Cried I Am, by John A. Williams
Introduction to African Civilizations by John G. Jackson, 1937.
Introduction to Socialism Huberman & Sweezy, 1968.
Why Johnny Can’t Learn and Ivan Can by Mike Davidow

Port Kaituma
Burnham Institute

Belgian Congo
Canary Islands
South Africa
South America
Soviet Union
Spanish Sahara
Trinidad USSR
West Germany

Film: Russian short: “Red Square.”
Film: “Children of the Damned”
Soviet Film: “Great Revolution”
Film: Airport
Song: “Rebel Girl” by Joe Hill

Tass (Soviet News Organization)

San Francisco
SF Third Baptist
SF Chronicle
Cost Plus, SF
Baptist Church, SF
Council of Churches

Colgate Palmolive
Premarin (Edith’s prescription)
Genocide pact
Neutron bomb


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