[Editor’s note: While the FBI deleted the name of the University of California professor who provided the bureau with this analysis, it is almost certainly Dr. Richard Ofshe, an expert in the subject of coercion in small groups. He was also a colleague of the late Dr. Margaret Singer. The deleted information – designated by brackets – which is known to the editor has been indicated by red type.]
0 161823Z JAN 79
FM SAN FRANCISCO (89-250) (P) (SQ. 10)
Re BQMRA teletype to FBIHQ, WFO and SF, dated January 11, 1979, captioned, “RYMUR”.
San Francisco has received the results of the interview with [Richard Ofshe] and has reviewed it for the purpose of future interviews.
For the information of FBIHQ, FBI, San Francisco has been in frequent contact with [Richard Ofshe] PhD (Psychology), University of California, Berkeley (UCB) concerning the PT members living in San Francisco at the time of the incident and those returning from Guyana. San Francisco
PAGE TWO SF 89-250
concerns include the potential danger of the members which is discussed on a continuing basis with the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), whose responsibility it is to protect the citizens of the community and with United States Secret Service (USSS) because of their protective responsibilities. In addition [name deleted] is in continual contact with SFPD and has been in direct contact with USSS.
[Name deleted], National Institutes of Health, travel to San Francisco at USSS request and met with [name deleted] on January 10, and 11, 1979, to discuss the potential danger of the members.
[Name deleted] has been appointed by San Francisco Mayor Diane [Dianne] Feinstein as her personal representative to the PT and make frequent reports to her regarding the potential for violence.
SAC McKinnon and United States Attorney G. William Hunter have met personally with Mayor Feinstein during which she requested the SFPD be supplied with information relative to the potential danger which might come to our attention. She was assured it was being and would continue to be done on a timely basis.
Members of SFPD have been in our command post and compared lists of those persons who have been identified as potentially dangerous.
In order to preclude any oversights, twelve special agents have been assigned to review the current six volumes of FD-302s to list those names of persons who someone else has indicated is dangerous, a hit person, and “Angel”, etc. This compilation will then be forwarded to the SFPD which will then document information previously furnished.
“Armed and dangerous. Suicidal tendencies”.