Serial 1602

FBI Airtel

Date (none listed; reference to 1/8/79)

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)

ReNYtelcall to SF, 1/8/79.

Enclosed for SF are an original and two copies and for the Bureau two copies of FD-302s pertaining to Aurora Rodriguez Martinez and transportation of evidence.

Armed and dangerous. Suicidal tendencies.

[Page 2]

[Carbon copy of page 1]

[Page 3]

[Photocopy of manila envelope]

[Page 4]


Federal Bureau of Investigation

Date of transcription 1/5/79

On December 29, 1978, at approximately 7:20 PM, Aurora Rodriguez nee Martinez, was interviewed at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFKIA), concerning the assassination of Congressman Leo J. Ryan by Special Agent (SA) [name deleted] of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Also present during this interview was Secret Service Agent [name deleted].

Aurora Rodriguez was appraised of the nature of the interview and the identities of the Agents.

Rodriguez did not request the presence of an Attorney during the interview.

Standard procedure during past interviews was that the individuals returning from Jonestown were searched by officers of United States (US) Customs prior to interviewing by the FBI. In view of the fact that this procedure was not followed on December 29, 1978 and due to the overall complication of this case, it was deemed necessary to conduct a patdown of Rodriguez. Rodriguez gave her consent and was patted down by SA [name deleted] in the presence of Secret Service Agent [name deleted].

Rodriguez advised that in November, 1969, she first heard of Reverend Jones through her sister-in-law, [name deleted]. Rodriguez was impressed with Reverend Jones’ attitude towards senior citizens and children.

According to Rodriguez, Jones did have personal bodyguards but they did not carry guns. Rodriguez stated that she could not remember the names of these bodyguards. Rodriguez advised that there was a security force guarding the entrance to the compound.

Rodriguez stated that she worked all day in the sewing room making dresses for the little girls. Then, for two months, she was the head cook for the basketball team in Georgetown.

[Page 5 of serial; page 2 of FD-302]
BQ 89-495

Rodriguez advised that her youngest daughter, Gloria Rodriguez Carter, died in Jonestown. Rodriguez’s other children, [names deleted] are not members of the People’s Temple.

When Rodriguez left San Francisco for Jonestown on June 1, 1977, she brought her three grandchildren with her. Their names are Lisa Whitmeyer [Whitmire], age 12, Aurora Mae Stewardd [Aurora May Stewart], age 11 and Terry Steward [Stewart], age 9. These three children were killed in Jonestown.

Rodriguez advised that there was a People’s Temple in Los Angeles located on Alvarado Street. Rodriguez could not provide any further information and at this point the interview was terminated.

The following background information was obtained through observation and interview:

Name Aurora Rodriguez nee Martinez
Race Mexican
Sex Female
Date of Birth (DOB) September 13, 1925
Place of Birth (POB) Rockdale, Texas
Height 5 feet
Weight 135 pounds
Build Medium
Hair Black
Eyes Brown

[Page 6 of serial; page 3 of FD-302]
BQ 89-495

Scar Bridge of Nose
Residence 1210 Cacique Street, Space 58-B, (Trailer)Santa Barbara
Telephone 966-0103
Occupation Housewife
Education Adult Education, High School Diploma
Marital Status Married, Gregorio Rodriguez-Garcia,
DOB – November 28, 1919
Social Security 467-26-9056
Driver’s License California, D 483043
Destination Point 1806 Mississippi Street, Baytown, Texas

[Page 7 – 9]

[Carbon copy of Rodriguez FD-302]

[Page 10]


Federal Bureau of Investigation

Date of transcription 1/5/79

On December 28, 1978, Special Agents (SAS) [names deleted] of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) received 11 containers labeled as evidence at the cargo hold at Pan-American Airways flight 228, John F. Kennedy Airport, Queens, New York (NY). Pan American Airways ground crew produced Pan Am Air Bill Number 02678929815.

Upon receiving above containers, seven were marked for shipment to San Francisco and transported to United Airlines cargo area, where uniform airbill number 86250183 was filed. The seven containers were placed in a sealed transport container number AVR7322UA. This container was then transported to United Airlines flight 21 at John F. Kennedy Airport, United Airlines terminal, for departure at 9:30 PM, December 28, 1978, scheduled to arrive at San Francisco, California, at 11:50 PM.

SA [name deleted] accompanied container number AVR7322UA to the United airlines aircraft and observed this container loaded and locked into the aircraft cargo hold and the aircraft depart on its scheduled flight.

SA [name deleted] accompanied for containers at the Pan-American terminal, and upon arrival of SA Rooney from United Airlines, SAS [names deleted] transported four containers to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office, 95-25 Queens Boulevard, Rego Park, NY, where they were placed in a locked room.

[Pages 11 and 12]

[2 carbon copies of FD-302]