Serial 102

212141Z NOV 78
FM SAN FRANCISCO (89-250) (70) (SQ. 10)

Information was received by Director [William] Webster from DEA Director [Peter B.] Bensinger that a vessel known as the Cudjoe had shipped arms from San Francisco to Guyana.

[Deleted name], Special Agent, United States Coast Guard, Intelligence and Law Enforcement Branch, San Francisco, California provided the following information:

The Cudjoe is a 335 horsepower, oil screw rig, wood-hulled vessel, gross tonnage 90, net tonnage 61, 68.1 feet in length, 20.3 feet in breadth, 8.8 feet in depth. It was built in St. Augustine, Florida in 1965 and purchased in 1974 by and registered to the corporation People’s Temple Disciples of


Christ, Jimmy B. Jones, President, 7600 East Road, Redwood Valley, California. Its Coast Guard documentation number is [deleted number] and its homeport is San Francisco. It is licensed as a fishing vessel, and its SEC radio call sign is [deleted number].

The master (Captain) of the Cudjoe is listed as Timothy J. Carter, additionally listed (possibly aka) Timothy M. Swinney, 3747 Road B, Redwood Valley, California.

There is no current listing for the Cudjoe on the El Paso Intelligence Center Network maintained by the Coast Guard concerning suspect or wanted vessels. The current location of the vessel is unknown. As of this date, U.S. Coast Guard units are initiating a “category two” lookout for the Cudjoe, which consists of an alert to report location and maintain discreet surveillance of the vessel. [Deleted name] advised that sightings will be attempted on both U.S. coasts and said that if he received additional information he would contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

FBI HQ is requested to forward this information to Guyana as the location of the vessel is unknown. If in Guyana, a search of the vessel should be conducted.