United States Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Date: 11/21/78
To: Mr. Adams
From: D.W. Moore
Subject: RYMUR
PURPOSE: To advise of the identities of Agent and support personnel traveling to Georgetown, Guyana, to assist the Guyanese National Police in the investigation of the murder of Congressman Leo J. Ryan.
RECOMMENDATION: None. For information.
DETAILS: RYMUR Is the Bureau-assigned code name for the Bureau special of our investigation of the 11/18/78, slaying of Congressman Leo J. Ryan of California in Jonestown, Guyana. The following Agent and support personnel from the Miami Division are being directed to Guyana by way of military transport to assist the National Police of Guyana in this investigation:
SAC Bill D. Williams
SA [name deleted] (A Black female with experience as a police officer)
SA [name deleted]
SA [name deleted] (who will serve as coordinator of crime scene search)
[name deleted], SecretaryGS-6
All of the above are volunteers.
LFS:pdh (7)
Moore to Adams Memo
In addition, by way of serving an additional request of the Government of Guyana, Relate to the FBI by the U.S. Department of State, SA [name deleted], Ballistics Unit, FBI Laboratory, will travel with the above personnel to assist.
The Agents will be armed with their assigned revolvers.