C-4 Guyana Land Lease

[Editor’s notes: This document was transcribed by Kathryn Barbour. The editors gratefully acknowledge her invaluable assistance.]

[This document is 94 pages in length and represents the entirety of the section. The first three pages are handwritten notes, and very difficult to read.]

Min Acres           71591

Ronald Dinally    64398


March 11        Meeting March 11, 1974[?] re Lease:

M.R. Dynally, Mr. G. B. Matthews & E.C.

Mr. D reiterated that Min insists on a 3000 acre lease “lessee to be under some constraint,” c/p just allow areable. Insists we are not business & we have to cut out the plane area above the Kaituma branch.

25 // acre M+I: No Answer $ Time

Argument over cost. GBM sez $1800. Will not go down. Will not commit for a finish date: Seems that “resource area” is just a present political convenience. Don’t know how we might come out.

April 15 M. Dynally

  1. Boundaries confirmed.
  2. No new application needed.
  3. Ad w/b necess to do 2/3 in 5 yrs to keep 20,000 acres.

Write ltr re other 20 m/acres want commitment for reserve for balance.

He said # people & f__? came less than anticipated.

April 21 T/C Dinally: We do not need an additional logging permit so long as we stay on the lease area (3000+ acres) but we will have to: (1) Pay Royalty on all timbers shipped off the lease, (2) Get a logging permit for other areas.


Mtg w/GBM

(1) Kennard says 3,000 Gross Acres max.

(2) GBM wants to realign the tent boundaries set by Mr. Dinally and ourselves.

(3) The smaller acreage w/b OK w/him/ 4100 Acres

Army crews $320 – 350/day for crews.

2500 /±ft/day; the labor ?? to = $180.00
= about $650. mils  $  35.00

–  That can area to 5 miles @ $650 mile –     15.00

Does not control the access w/o survey $230.00

To control access w/b added mile  350.00

3250 + 650 = $3900  200.00
40.00 cw

(4)Configuration for upper creek to line to survey line                               < 50.
to lower creek gets all road for abt $2,750.                                          $3,250


(5) Modified no. 3.                                                                                               3.5

Including covering access. Reserve a line abt ½ mile from our housing center 3250


3600 acres


31,100 ft. $3,8e40.

1000 diagonal road off of line is another 250 acres

(6) diag for road
3000 ft
$35.00 T


Commissioner of Lands:


According to the lease [handwritten insert:A98901/2/3843] between the government [hw insert: of Guyana (Lands & Surveys Division)] and the Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission, (Sect.[blank]) [10,000] acres of the [3852   25,000] in the North West District leased to the Project are unusable. This was determined by the survey of this land done in [blank].  The land is not good for cultivating because of [blank].

Up to this time, we have been paying rent on the entire acreage. We would like to request a reduction in this rent


April 20

Report on Status of Lease

On about the 15 th Several of us talked with Mr. Dinnally, the Commissioner of Lands. He said that he was prepared to finalize the lease as soon as the survey was completed and handed in. He said that he was not in a position to keep the Provisional Lease in effect, and felt that it would not be in our best interest to do so because of the rental expense that we would assume as a result thereof. He showed us the file with the Ministers notes in it saying that the remaining area should be held in reserve for us. We said that we would like written confirmation because our plan covers the entire area etc.  He replied that that would be a political decision, and suggested that we write to him a formal letter request.  The attached letter followed in consequence.

Talked to B Matthews Thursday.  He said that the physical survey has been completed, and drafting work only remains to be done.  He had to go to P.K. to get the field notes (he did not do the work himself, an employee did it) and bring them back to town to complete the mathematics and do the map. He said that they would be ready to hand in at the end of the month.  Mr. Dinally has said that the lease wouldtake just a few days to issue once the survey is in.

Our idea, if we get written confirmation, is to have B. Matthews complete the work on the big survey, which consists of the math and map making – $2000 under our original contract, and to file it with the Commissioner of Lands. This is so that there should be no question about the boundaries of the area that will be held in reserve for us.  If this all works out we should have the balance reserved without the rent obligation.

This plan or arrangement will not give us logging rights over the whole area of the Provisional Lease.  To get these rights it would be necessary to make application to the Conservator of Forests in the Forestry Dep.  I do not forsee a problem as the Govt. is encouraging the timber industry in every way it can.


Mailed to U.S.A.                                                                                                   C-4-a-5

21stApril, 1975

Mr. Ronald Dinally,
Commissioner of Lands,
Ministry of Agriculture,
Lands Department, Brickdam,

Re:  Lease Application No. 1/2/3843

Dear Sir:

On 10thApril, 1974 we were issued a Provisional Lease for twenty-five thousand (25,000) acres.  Therefore, the entire area was surveyed.  In our recent meeting with the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Gavin Kennard, and yourself, it was determined that a permanent lease for a portion of the land held under the said provisional lease would be presently issued, and the remainder of said lands be held for our future expansion

It is our intention to occupy and develop the entire area covered by the said provisional lease.  It is our firm conviction that the entire area will be best developed by one coordinated development plan and our project is designed with that plan.

To date our rate of development has been considerably less than our capability.  Members of the Board of Trustees have been unwilling to commit our maximum resource until the legal aspects of the program (i.g. corporation , lease, etc.) were completed.

Accordingly, we are requesting written confirmation that the balance of lands included under said provisional lease will be reserved for us, and leases for parts thereof be issued therefore seriatim as each leased area is substantially developed.

Yours faithfully,
Eugene Chaikin

cc: Mr. Gavin Kennard, Hon. Minister of Agriculture
Mr. James V. Jones, Pastor of Peoples Temple Christian Church



In replying quote date
Hereof and No. 1/2/3843

Lands & Surveys Division,
22 Upper Hadfield Street,
Lodge, Georgetown, Guyana
15thJune, 1977.

Cde. Paula Adams,
121 Third Street,
P.O. Box 893,


Please note that thelease [hw insert: A9890] issued to Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ contains 3,852 acres of State Land situate on the Right Bank Kaituma River, therefore the rent would be $963.00 per annum for the first five years(i.e. 25 cents per acre per annum) and not $750.00 which was paid by you.

Yours co-operatively,
B. Easton,
For Commissioner of Lands & Surveys.


[Divider page, not numbered, but stamped with below numerals]



Port Kaituma, N.W.D., Guyana

F A R M      P L A N




1 General Summary
4 Development Schedule
6 Farm Organizational Structure
Organizational Chart
8 Financial Projection Through Phase One
10 Equipment Schedule
Land Clearing and Utilization Charts
Farm Plan Map



This project plan is intended to modify and supplement the plan heretofore submitted. It covers the first ten year program proposed by applicant for the development of the 25,000 (more or less) acres described in the map on file.  All areas situate at 60 foot contour and below will not be used due to risk of flooding.  All lands having a gradient of 15 degrees or more will not be used due to erosion problems. These areas will be left as “greenbelts,” as will lands for 150 feet on either side of streams.  By this means it is hoped that climate, surface water and other ecological factors will not be adversely affected by extensive land clearing. Thus it is estimated that only 50% of the total land will be used for agriculture, the remainder retaining its natural state.

Site development has begun with the construction of a road along the east-west ridge which forms the backbone of the leasehold.  This same ridge forms the divide for watershed between the Barima and Kaituma rivers.  The road extends for three miles into the center of the proposed lease area.  One half mile off of the ridge, an irregularly shaped 60 acre area is being developed as a town site.  Here will be constructed housing, a large all purpose building (dining, church, meeting, recreation, etc.), administrative offices, laundry, cold storage, infirmary (cottage hospital), barns, repair sheds, dairy, pig and poultry houses, wood and metal shops, water and fuel storage facilities, an electrical generating plant, and sewage treating and disposal plant.



Agriculture and livestock development began last Autumn with the clearing of approximately 110 acres.  The Fall was very wet so that we did not obtain a good burn, but we did plant over 60 acres.  Most of the planting materials needed for future production are not growing on the farm.  At the conclusion of the Spring planting season over 180 acres will be planted, including 60 acres designated for pasture.  The basic agriculture development will be expanded at the rate of 300 acres per year, weather and labor supply permitting.

Pig rearing will begin in the Spring of 1975 with two boars and 20 brood sows.  The plan is to expand the total population to 300 animals in 18 to 20 months.  This would permit an ongoing monthly production of 5,500 lb. live weight.  All animal feeds will be raised on the farm, and only vitamin and medicinal supplements will be imported.

The dairy herd will be introduced in the summer or early fall of 1975 as soon as pasture is sufficiently developed to accommodate the animals.  We will use legumes, sugar cane, corn and provisions as food supplements. Our present plan is to acquire local dairy cattle and to upgrade the herd by selective breeding techniques, though we do intend to expand the initial herd to 50 cows by purchase.  From the fresh milk produced by the cows, dried milk and butter will be produced. Later, a beef cattle herd will be developed from the culls of the dairy cattle, and bred toward a beef line.

Land clearing has commenced as indicated above. As much acreage will be cleared as weather and utilization permit.  Our benchmark is 300 acres per year.  Hand labor is being used to clear, and only areas to be ultimately devoted to tree or row crops are subsequently winrowed by bulldozer.  We hope to utilize techniques which will reduce the use of machinery to a minimum.



We will strive to fell and burn a maximum amount of land, but will defer the stumping and winrowing processes.  We will use the  newly burned land for catch crops, then for pasture over several years until much of the remaining wood has rotted.




PreliminaryJanuary 11974 to August 11974.  In this period the following events took place:  site location, preliminary planning, leasehold application, commencement of incorporation procedure, arrangement for housing for the first workers group, procuring initial equipment, initial clearing, survey and road building.

Phase One August 1, 1974 to March 1, 1976. Toward the beginning of this period the work force will be brought up to about thirty persons to be increased gradually thereafter according to our capability of absorbing them into the project, and the work load.  All of the basic machinery and equipment will be brought in.  (See schedule of machinery and equipment.)  Of the facilities described in the Summary, all will be constructed except for 40% of the housing.  Agriculture will be carried out as indicated in the land clearing and utilization charts.  Much of the clearing and planting at this stage will be done with contract labor.

Phase TwoMarch 1,1976 to September 1, 1977. The remaining housing will be built and over this period of 18 months additional people will come.  Many of these will be the wives and children of the workers who came previously.  Some will be professional and semi-professional persons such as nurses and school teachers, as well as persons skilled in agriculture. Additional lands will be cleared and utilized as set out in the charts.  A reservoir will be built as shown on the map and an irrigation system developed.  During this period the food processing plants will be completed, including:  butter and dried milk plants; small cassava starch and cassareep manufacturing plant; an animal food production plant.



Phase Three and Subsequent September-1977 and thereafter.  The basic farm plan will be expanded in those areas which have proved successful. Land will be cleared as fast as weather, available labor, and utilization will permit.  The basic population of the town will be expanded primarily by the inclusion of those Guyanese persons who choose to join the community and are willing to participate with respect to its goals, lifestyle, and economic structure.  Social and educational programs will be developed and integrated with those of the local community, including a school and sports center.  We hope to build a small hospital or a nice size clinic and will do so unless there are economic limitations.




The farm will be operated by a five person committee which will serve as the executive head of the farm operation.  The members will be as follows:

CHAIRMAN, Eugene Chaikin, Trustee of the Church, Member of the Project Head Committee of Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission in Guyana, Member of the Board of Trustees of Peoples Temple Christian Church.  Mr. Chaikin has 5 years Supervisory Administrative Experience, and is admitted to the Bar in Federal Courts and Courts of the State of California, in the U.S.A.

FARM MANAGER, Mr. Ray Jones.  Mr. Jones has 20 years of farming experience in the Mid West, U.S.A. primarily in row crops such as corn, soya beans, etc.

MEMBER, Mr. Jim Bogue.  Mr. Bogue has eighteen years experience in the cattle industry both in beef production and in the dairy industry. For eight years he was the general manager of a large dairy herd.

MEMBER, Mr. Tom Grubbs.  Mr. Grubbs has 15 years experience in Agriculture, primarily in orchard crops.  He has had several years of experience in nursery management with speciality in orange and other citrus.

MEMBER, Mr. Russel Mouton [Moton].  Mr. Mouton has a college degree in agriculture, with a speciality in Agricultural Economics.  He is now taking specialized courses in Tropical Agriculture.

EX OFICIO MEMBER   We would like to include as an ex oficio member the local Agricultural Officer, to whom we will look for invaluable local experience.



The day to day operation of the farm will be under the control of the Farm Manager. Each of the principal sectors will be supervised by an Assistant Farm Manager for that sector.  They will include:

Assistant Manager for Animal Production, Mr. Jim Bogue, who will be responsible for meat and dairy animals and poultry;  Assistant Manager for Orchard Crops, [hw edit, Mr.] Tom Grubbs, who will be responsible for orchard crops; Assistant Manager for Row and Garden Crops, initially Mr. Ray Jones, who will be responsible for row crops, vegetable gardening and all “home consumption” agriculture.  Each Assistant Manager will have such personnel assigned to him as he may require.  Some of the personnel will be church members and some will be local Guyanese who will be employed by the church.

Farm economics and long term planning will be handled primarily by Mr. Mouton with help from other members of the committee, and in laison with the Manager of the Distribution Section.




(January 1974, Through February 1976)

The sum of $1,900,000 (calculated at U.S. $1 – G.$2.20) has been spent or is budgeted to be spent on the project through the first phase.  Unspent funds are now held in liquid form in U.S. and Canadian Banks. These expenditures will be made, roughly, as follows:


  1. Land Development
    1. Survey                                                           30,000
    2. Road                                                                 7,000
    3. Clear 520 A @ $385                                   200,200
    4. Incorporation Expense                                    3,000            240,200
  1. Construction                                                 620,000
    1. Equipment (See Equipment Schedule)
    2. Construction                                               178,000
    3. Farming                                                       113,000
    4. Fishing & Transportation                          108,500
    5. Lumber Mill                                                  96,000
    6. Water, Power, & Disposal (Portable)          25,000
    7. Maintenance                                                  50,000            570,500



  1. Agriculture (370 Acres Planted)
  2. Crop & Pasture
  3. Tree Crops (170 A)

(a)    Citrus (20 X 20)   90 A @ $238.      21,420

(b)   Coffee  20 A @ $77   (12 X 12)          1,540

(c)    Avocado (25 X 25)   60 A @ $200  12,000

    1. Pasture  100 A @ $160                             16,000
    2. Row Crops & Suckers – (Excluded on Basis
      Sale Price Will Equal Production Costs)
    3. Animals
    4. 22 Pigs                                                          2,500
    5. 10 Cows, 1 Bull                                           13,500           66,960
    6. Household & Medical Expense180,450
    7. Transportation From U.S.A.    123,200



  1. Farm Income – Excluded, See 4As above
  2. Saw Mill – Cash Receipts over Disbursements and Reserve for Depreciation

June 1957 [1975] through February 1976, 8 mos. at $15,000 per  month         120,000






  • A. Construction

CAT D6C Bulldozer                                   88,000
KG BLADE                                                  10,000
Case 580B Backhoe                                 21,000
Blockmaker                                                 9,000
Diesel Storage Tank                                   2,000
Mixer                                                            2,000
Mobile Drag Line*                                   16,000
Truck, 5 Yard Dump, 4 Wheel Dr.*       16,000
Misc. – Small Equipment                        14,000


  • B. Farming

2 IH 574 Tractors                                30,000
1 Plow                                                     2,300
1 Disc. Harrow                                       1,700
2 Marvel Tree Cutters                           5,000
1 Trailer                                                  4,500
1 Post Hole Digger                                1,600
1 Planter Fertilizer*                               5,500
1 Small Harvester*                                9,000
2 Sprayers                                               1,000
1 Kubota D6000 Tractor                       5,500



1 Kubota Rotary Plow                                       1,500
1 Kubota Tool Bar Set                                           500
1 Root Harvester*                                              4,500
Small Misc. Equipment                                         400
Processing Equipment*

  1. Dairy, Butter, dried milk                  20,000
  2. Cassava                                                5,000
  3. Animal Feed                                      15,000



72 Trawler                                                       101,000
1 Balahoo*                                                            7,500

  • SAWMILL (Complete & Set Up)                       65,000

Tractor & Winch                                              22,000
Sleigh Winch                                                      4,500
Timber Trailer                                                   2,500
Misc. Equipment                                                 2,000



2 Generators                                                    10,000
1 Generator with pump*                                   7,000
Diesel Composter*                                              8,000           25,000




Note:   All items not marked with * are now on hand

All items marked with * are scheduled for purchase in 1975



[handwritten note]

Met Mr. Lloyd Cox, surveyor, Lands Division. He says that your lease is being up with Mr. Howard, it will be hung up a long time – that Mr. Dynally will not push him.

  So… if no lease in a few days please speak toBertie & if no luck, a letter to the Deputy C.


[draft letter on PT letterhead, with 2 handwritten (“hw”) edits shown in italics –kb, t]

Dear Dr. Reid:

We are well pleased with the cordial reception we have received in Guyan a. Past or Jones, upon his return to th U.S. has had fine thing s to say abou t this country and its Government .  Last weeken d these comments were received by the Mayor of the largest cit in California, who attended our services.

There are two poin ts which relate to our program in Guyana which we feel need your help. The first is simplyspeed in administrative handling.  Due to inflation we need to order equipment at the first available momen t.  You are undoubtedly acutely aware of the current impact of inflation upon our buyin g power.  Upon acceptance [crossedout word(s)] we will immediately beginn implementation of our plan .

The second point relates to the proceedure [procedure] for obtaining permanent residence visas.  Regulations require a police report from the area of residence.  We have the best of relations with local police, however, as Pastor Jon es may have told you, we wish to make this transition with as little publicity as possible.  This is because our economic base inth e U!S! would be sub stantially impaired if our intended move were to be publicized.  Further, a few unscrupulous newspaper reporters might use the information to injure our ministry.  Should requests for reports be sent covering several hundred persons, as our plan indicates, the information in the hands of clerks and petty officials would surely leak out.  We therefore wish to have this provision waived, and substitute therefore the personal endorsement of Mr. Timothy Stoen, Assiatant District Attorney, Mendocino County, California, or other suitable endorsement.  We feel that the manenance of the confiden tiality of our moove is essential, and it is for this reason that this request is made.

Of course the U!s. government is fully informed concerning our activities.  We describrd our planned agricultural mission to the Consulate and they were warmly receptive.  They requested that we keep them informed of our progress, and we shall do so.

Th ank you for your help and your sympathetic consideration of these matter.  We regret having to write, and thus taking your valuable time.  An attempt was made to meet with you but we did not suceed [succeed].[hw:] have not yet been able to do so Should you have any question about these matters we would be pleased to meet with you at any time.

Very troly [truly] yours,

for the Peoples Temple Guyana
Agricultural Mission

Post Office Box 214  Redwood Valley, California  95470   Telephone: (707) 485-7219


[handwritten letter draft]

Do Part of National Dev and & Regional Events
The Cooperative Republic of Guyana

RE: Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission in Port Kaituma – Matthews Ridge Area

(20,000 acre Agricultural Lease

Gentlemen :

We submit [crossout] our Plan of Development together with a specimen lease. A map of the subject area has been prepared by Mr. Bernie Matthews and delivered separately.  The legal description will be compiled at a later date.

Peoples Temple does request, in connection with this project, that all agricultural goods, including construction supplies be allowed to enter duty free.  In addition we require a five year tax holiday as to real property, personal property and earnings.  We do not expect [words crossed out “to be operational on a”] our earnings to exceed our expenses for the first four to five years.

Respectfully submitted,
Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission
by           _____________________


[page of handwritten notes]


SURVEY  (partial) Reg 19(2) pwc Comm may direct that only a part / may be made where tract bounded by creek or other well defined limits

TERM  Reg 34  P 32

Lease for agri purposes for large areas may be made for 99_? years with the right of renewal

CONDITIONS  Reg 37  – President may [illegible] the “standard” condition.

– Note std cond.

a.Rent 20¢ / acre over 500 – President many nemy

b  [illegible] :  4/5 for 2 years,  ,  3 yrs ¼,

– Reg 39, 5000 acre max for grazing, level a/c altered by the President

– at end 4/5 years have 2/home 2 lg nth (5 acres

(means 4,000 herd @ 5 years.)                               800      3200

– fence ¼ w/in 2 years; all w/in 5 years.


[handwritten notes]


4 drawer file cabinet with pentaflex system

20¢      40¢

pocket knife

(Assume Tot [1500 crossed out] 2500 Agri)

ditto  [5,250 crossed out] 5500 not suit – [2,000 crossed out] 1750 in cult

Agri Lease:

1      Cost  25¢ x 2500 = $6,250

506 x  ditto = 12,500

100 x ditto = 25,000.

2      1/5 W/in 2 yrs = 2500 Acres = 1250 yr / [___? illegible letters, maybe erased]

1/10 per yr                             = 1250 yr / [___? illegible letters, maybe erased]

after 5 years ½ “cultivated & beneficially occupied”

– less areas not suitable [three dots in form of a triangle – math symbol?]

– obligation to drain & irrigate as per govt plans

3      – Govt has it to specify cons / ch ___? [illegible] / < . ,

– fence                                    D’Agri ___? [illegible]

8      – Note occupancy for town site delete. ___? [illegible]

10    – note minerals – reserve it = desire to [copy illegible]

utilize minerals for agricultural purpose.



¶ 2 (4) “immediately” bring into count to [__ __?] as pasture when the irrig is complete.

¶ 3 (1)obligation to fence w/in 2 years  “natural” fence 2 /K.

¶ 8      [? copy faint] desent event “vill ___? [illegible]

¶ 10    [? copy faint] modify to gri ___? [illegible]

___? [illegible]Ages, ___? [illegible]

¶ 13 (eg   recond, renting, thrift, con .._? [illegible]


[printed letterhead] Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission

Port Kaituma, N.W.D., Guyana


Mr. J.A. Orderson, Permanent Secretary
Ministry of National Development and Agricultor
Ulissincen Road and Regent Street
Georgetown, Guyana

RE:      Peoples Temple Agre. Miss.
Jonestown, N.W.D.

Rough Farm Plan

Oct. 1974 through Feb. 1976

Dear Mr. Orderson

We have the pleasure of enclosing our rough farm plan for October 1974, through February 1976, as recently requested by you.

We would appreciate any comments you would care to make concerning our plan.

Yours faithfully,
Eugene Chaikin,
for the Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission

c.c.       Dr. The Hon.  P.A. Reid Min. of N.D.&A.
Mr. C. Mercurius, P.S.(Regional Dev.)
Mr. B.W. Carter, C.A.O. Min. of N.D.&A.
Mr. C. St. Romain, R.A.O.(Dist. No. L)
Bishop J. Jones Peoples Temple of/the Desciples of Christ
Redwood Valley, Calif.


10/74 – 2/76

This planting and reaping schedule is predicated upon sufficient dry weather both this fall and next spring to get sufficient burn to plant newly cleared land.

F A L L  P L A N T I N G





Corn 20 3/75 36,000 lb.
Blackeye Pea 20 3/75 36,000 lb.
Bitter Cassava 10 7/75 80,000 lb.
Sweet Cassava   5 7/75 50,000 lb.
Pigeon Pea 10               5/75  onward 8,000 lb.
Yam   5 8/75 30,000 lb.
Sweet Potato   5 3/75 50,000 lb.
Red Kidney Bean   5 3/75 9,000 lb.
Banana 12 10/75 65,000 lb.
Plantain 18 10/75 170,000 lb.
Avocado Pear 20 1979
Citrus 30 1979

S P R I N G  P L A N T I N G
(Total Complied Acreage)

Corn 20 10/75 36,000 lb.
Blackeye Pea 40 10/75 36,000 lb.
Bitter Cassava 10 12/75 80,000 lb.
Sweet Cassava   5 12/75 50,000 lb.
Pigeon Pea 15 10/75 12,000 lb.
Yam   5 11/75 30,000 lb.
Sweet Potato 10 2 acres per mo. begin 7/75 100,000 lb.
Red Kidney Bean 10 10/75 18,000 lb.
Sugar Cane 10
Pasture 60
Banana 12


(first yield)   2/76

(secondyield)               “

130,000 lb.
Plantain 18


(first yield)                         “

(secondyield)                    “

340,000 lb.
Avocado Pear 20 (total40)                  1979/80
Citrus 30 (total60)                  1979/80
Coffee 20





Starting with a population of 100 we intend to built up to a population of 2,000 mixed layers and fryers.  This is intended as primarily a home consumption industry and will not be expanded into a commercial enterprise unless a market is readily evident and adequate transport is available.


Starting with a population of boars and 20 sows total population of 300 animals will be reached in about 15 months.  The population will be stabilized at that level for the foreseeable future.  This will enable us to ship about 30 animals per month, or 6,000 lbs., live weight.


We contemplate raising both dairy and beef cattle. The dairy will be started first, probably with 35 animals in the fall of 1975, the population to be built up primarily as we when we have developed sufficient power and refrigeration to handle substantial amounts of dairy products.  This should be completed beyond the scope of this plan.

Notes on Certain Crops:

Corn, some blackeye peas (low grade), sweet cassava, some pigeon pea (low grade), sweet potatoes (rejects), banana and plantain (rejects) will be used in the manufacture of animals feed, as well as the sugar cane.


In addition to the enumerated crops we will be planting a large home consumption garden and test crops of a variety of plants such as soya bean, ginger, turmeric, tomato, sorghum, and others which are not specifically mentioned because they have no commercial importance at this time but may be planted in the future in commercial quantities when tests prove that they are both biologically and economically viable.


100 Fourth Avenue,
16thNovember, 1974.

The Commissioner,
Lands Department,
39 Brickdam,

Dear Sir,

I beg to bring to your attention that under Contract dated the 21st February, 1974 I have been retained by The Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ to Survey and Demarcate the area of State Land held by them under State Land Lease DL 1/2/3843 and situated on the right bank Kaituma river; this Lease falls on State Land and as such I would be most happy if you may grant the necessary permission, under the State Lands Ordinance, for me to execute the Survey and Demarcation.

Attached for your information is a print showing the proposed boundaries of the area to be surveyed; it is intended to use the information from the 1:10 000 Topographic Sheets produced by Terra Surveys (Plan No. 15013) and the 1:50 000 Topographic Sheets 4 SE and 5 SW to plot the completed Original and Duplicate plans to a scale of 1:25 000 while the area would be obtained by planimetric methods.

Hoping for your co-operation in the foregoing.

Yours co-operatively,
Bernard Matthews
Sworn Land Surveyor.

cc: The Peoples Temple of the
Disciples of Christ,
Port Kaituma,
North West Region.


[topographical map showing Mathews Ridge Railway to Port Kaituma, Barima and Kaituma rivers, and elevations, with heavy line outlining area to be surveyed] Transcribed is label in lower right-hand corner, reading:


Showing bordered in red the proposed boundaries of the area held
under State Land Lease No. 1/2/3843 by the Peoples Temple of the
Disciples of Christ, situate on the Right Bank Kaituma River.

An Iron Paal GLD is shown thus                                          €
Vehicular Roads are shown thus                                         [wavy dashed line]

SCALE . . .
RF 1 : 50 000

[handwritten, over typed initials, crossed out]



[divider, taped together, stamped number at bottom shown in pg # position here]






Page Number

I Preamble 1
II Description of land to be taken up 1
III Form of taking and holding land 1
IV Land Use 2
A. Green areas
B. Flooded areas
C. Water storage
D. Livestock
E. Agriculture
V Land clearing 4
VI Equipment schedule 4
VII Construction and development schedule 5
VIII Social structure and integration with the community 8[?]
IX Conclusion 9[?]

Map marked Schedule One
Pro Forma Lease marked Schedule Two


I Preamble:

We wish to extend our appreciation to all branches and personnel of the Government, and to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana for the opportunity to present this plan; and for their generous cooperation, assistance and hospitality without which its development could not have been possible.

It is our desire and intention to work with the Government toward the fruition of the FCH Program and the development of the Kaituma area.  We are fully aware that it will only be through our joint effort and cooperation that this plan will succeed.

II Proposed description of land to be taken up:

A tract of approximately twenty thousand (20,000) acres bounded on the south by the Port Kaituma-Matthews Ridge Railway, on the east by existing surveyed lands, on the north by the Kaituma River and on the west by a line to be determined. The property is outlined on a map which is attached to this plan, and marked Schedule One.

III Form of Taking and Holding Land:

The land is to be taken and held in an agricultural lease.  The Peoples Temple Church shall be registered in Guyana and shall be the lessee.  This form of holding is preferable because the church corporation is the depository



of the collective assets of the congregation, and because the laws of the State of California, and the United States of America restrict the use of funds for individual purposes. A copy of a suggested lease form is attached for reference and marked Schedule Two.

IV Land use:

The ultimate use of any specific area will, of course, depend upon contour, elevation, soil type and area size, so that specific details of use must await clearing and soil testing.  We will, of course, be heavily guided by advice from the Ministry of Agriculture.  Certain preliminary guidelines, however, are established.  For the purpose of implementing guidelines we have divided the land into the following categories:

  1. Green areas: To preserve rainfall and soil moisture large sections must be left as green areas in untouched condition.  These will be the ridge areas, watershed of year-round streams, and areas of steep contour, and will aggregate roughly twenty-five percent or more of the tract.
  2. Flooded areas: Certain areas will be too subject to flooding to make their use practical under present conditions.  These are defined as areas below the sixty foot contour line.  Flooded areas may be developed at a later time , when large drainage and water control projects become feasible. We estimate flooded areas to cover about twenty percent of the tract.



  1. Water storage: One or more natural basins should be damned up to provide for water storage in case of drought, for fish farms and recreational activities.  Specification of locations which will be suitable must await geological investigation.
  2. Livestock: By far the greatest portion (ratio of 4:1) of useable land will be devoted to the raising of cattle on planted and fenced pasture lands. Preliminary information gathered at Matthews Ridge indicate ratios of one cow per acre or better are obtainable. Plans are to acquire an initial herd of two hundred to two hundred and fifty animals within the first two years, depending on the availability of good cattle for purchase, and to expand the herd as fast as natural reproduction and available pasture will permit.  Raising of goats for meat and milk will also begin when a suitable breed can be obtained.  Commercial poultry and fish farming will be instituted as storage and transportation facilities become available.
  3. Agriculture: The remainder of the area will be allocated to tree crops (citrus and avocado pear), etc., and to mechanized annuals.  The crops to be grown are those specified by the Department of National Development and Agriculture for the area.  Also, an attempt will be made to grow garlic and onions, and a variety of green vegetables for the Georgetown market. Additionally an effort will be made to mechanize the cultivation of ground provisions.  Traditional tropical crops of banana,


plantain and cassava will also be planted.  Emphasis, however, will be placed on high protein crops such as peanut and legumes.  Extensive soil development programs will be implemented.

V Land clearing:

There is obviously much debate as to the most effective method of land clearing.  Our progress will naturally depend upon our ability to utilize the cleared land at once, the weather, land contours, and other factors.  It is our intention to keep twenty to thirty persons occupied with clearing, and two caterpillar deisel tractors equipped with KG blades, as weather permits.  A minimum of five hundred acres should be cleared and put into production per year, and we hope to do far more.

VI Equipment Schedule:

The following is a partial schedule of the equipment which we expect to have operative within the first twelve months of the project:

2          D 7 tractors with KG blades, pusher blades, electric winches

1          D 4 tractor with KG blades and electric winch

1          45 to 65 HP deisel tractor with Rome plow, disc plow, harrow, front end loader, trailer, combine, seeder, rotary slasher, post hole



digger, chain-drive trencher

1          4 wheel drive deisel dump truck

2          Land rover station wagons

1          D 326 Caterpillar deisel engine with generator set, or similar equipment

2-3      Small “garden” tractors with rake, harrow, slasher

Carpentry, mechanics, and machinist equipment

VII  Construction and development schedule:

The total plan includes construction of group residential facilities for over five hundred persons; group dining and meeting facilities; mechanical, repair, and carpentry shops, storage facilities; generating facilities; poultry sheds, and animal barns; extensive roads over the area; and a railroad spur.  The total plan will take several years to complete.

I Pre-occupancy 60 to 90 days 3 to 5
II Initial 120 to 150 days 25 to 35
III Intermediate Development 1 year 70 to 100
IV Substantial Project Development 2 years -500-
V Ongoing Expansion 500plus



The initial twelve months, however, are planned around the following schedule:

I  Pre-occupancy:

The work to be done includes:

Area review, site location, legal and administrative work; preparation of plans, obtaining administrative approval; obtaining work permit and timber permit; listing and procurement of equipment and supplies; ordering prefabricated housing; construction of initial roads and temporary housing; clearing and leveling of a building site area, and preliminary clearing of approximately one hundred and thirty acres.  Construction, building and clearing to be done by local contractors.

The following work will be done with regard to agriculture:

Designation of perennials and initial ordering from government nurseries; designation of initial crops and ordering seeds and settings. Preliminary soil testing and ordering initial supplies of lime and fertilizers.

The following work will be done with regard to animal husbandry:

Designation of initial types of animals in the following categories:  chickens for egg and meat production,



and cattle for dairy and meat purposes.

II Initial Occupancy:


The work to be done includes:

Completing prefabricated housing for forty persons; beginning additional construction of permanent facilities including residential and meeting structures, shops, storage facilities, water system, corrals, chicken house, barn and permanent deisel electric power generating plant.


Delivery and storage of needed equipment and supplies.

Agriculture for internal consumption

Clear and plant orchard; clear and plant garden; drainage systems where needed.

Animal husbandry for internal consumption:

Clear and seed pasture; put on dairy cattle; build and operate chicken house.

Commercial agriculture

Clear and plant test fields of basic designated crops; extensive soil development and conservation procedures.



Commercial animal husbandry:

Develop pasture and fence; develop animal feed; begin initial cattle herd with breeding stock.

Schools and other community services:

Make available teachers for local schools; make available nurses and medical equipment for local hospital and infirmary.

Ongoing Expansion:

Clearing additional land as time and weather permits.

VIII Social structure and integration with the community:

Peoples Temple is a collective.  We are able to undertake this project, not because we are sponsored by a wealthy person or corporation, but because many people have combined their strength and economic resources to put them collectively at the service of humanity.  It is a tribute to our Pastor Jim Jones that the organization exists to make this possible. We intend to live in centrally located multiple unit housing, with community dining facilities available. Our children will attend public schools. We will have teachers available to supplement the Port Kaituma staff, should the Department of Education desire, and trained paramedical personnel



available to work in the area as needed.  Full participation in this plan will be open, and encouraged, to any Guyanese person who wishes to participate in the group lifestyle and discipline. We hope that the community will develop in such a manner that we can teach, and learn from Guyanese agriculturalists.  We fully intend to participate in the activities of the larger Port Kaituma-Matthews Ridge area.

IX Conclusion

This plan represents the thinking of the Peoples Temple Team in Guyana, based upon information currently available.  We would appreciate suggestions as to how it may be improved or corrected.  Peoples Temple is committing its strength, in human resources and finances to this project. We come to stay and succeed.  We feel that our project is a Guyanese project. Our dream is the Guyanese dream, to become effective as cooperative man.

Respectfully submitted,
Archie J. Ijames
Eugene B. Chaikin
Paula J. Adams



[divider page]


[handwritten] Copy of lease application filed 5/2/74                                     FEES PAID
[2-page Form: typed entries                                                                         Filing Fee…. ________
are in Bold type]                                                                Survey Fee…. ________

Under the State Lands Regulations

Name and address of applicant

If applicant is not applying on his own behalf an authorisation must be attached,

Area Description




Clearing and

estimated cost





Drainage and
estimated cost







I or  We Archie J. Ijames and Eugene B. Chaikin of Port Kaituma, North West District

do hereby apply in accordance with the State Lands Regulations Chapter 175 on behalf of The Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ to lease for 25 years for Agricultural/(Mixed Farming) purposes, a tract of 25,000acres of State Land situate in the Port Kaituma Area, North West District and as shown on the attached map.

The following information must be given:

1.  State the amount which it is proposed to be invested in the development of this land.

G$1,000,000 over the first two-year period

2.  (a) Does the applicant have this whole amount?

(b) If Not, state how it is proposed to finance the project.

Yes, whole amount available now.

3.  (a) State by what means will the land be cleared

By manual and machine methods.

(b) Estimated cost of clearing  $300 per acre

4. State the type of agricultural machinery owned by the applicant.  See attached proposed plan.

5. (a) Show on a sketch plan, at back hereof proposed means of drainage and irrigation and state the estimated cost of external drainage where such is necessary. Area undulating hills, drainage and irrigation unnecessary.

(b) State the estimated cost of internal drainag [copy cut off]

Not applicable.

6. State the means of ingress and egress to land.  Kaituma River and Matthews Ridge/Port Kaituma Public Road.















Family Structure



7. State crop of crops to be planted. See attached Proposed Plan.

8. State the number of cattle now owned by the applicant.
Not applicable

9. State where the cattle are not pastured   Not applicable.

10. State the occupation and earnings of applicant and applicant’s children, if any are employed.   Not applicable

11. (a) State the acreage and situation of lands which the applicant now holds and/or occupies:-

(a) By Transport            Nil

(b) Under Lease            Nil

(c) By rental                  Nil

(d) Occupied (other than (a), (b) or (c)


(b) State if applicant lets or sub-lets any of the lands listed above and to whom       Nil

12.  State the purpose for which the lands held and/or occupied by applicant is now used.   Nil

13.  State name and age of each member of the applicant’s family


14.     State the number of persons it is proposed to be employed by the applicant.

(a)     for development.   50 for first two years

(b)    for occupation or cultivation of this land

100 for first two years

5 February                19 74.                 ……………………………………………………………………………..

Trustees for and on behalf of the Peoples Temple
of the Disciples of Christ.


(see attached map)


Port Kaituma,
North West District.
5th February, 1974.

The Commissioner,
Lands Department,
39 Brickdam,

Dear Sir,

Attached for further action by you are the following:-

  1. An application for a State Land Lease, together with a map, over a tract of 25,000 acres of State Land situate in the North West District.
  • A photocopy of the Articles of Incorporation of The Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, State of California, United States of America.
  • A photocopy of Resolution No. 73-5 authorizing the establishing of a Branch Church and Agricultural Mission in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.
  • A photocopy of the Agricultural Development Plan for a Twenty Thousand Acre Site in the Port Kaituma Area by The Peoples Temple Agricultural Mission. and
  •  A Specimen Lease Form.

Item b. above has been submitted for your perusal and eventual return; all other documents are for your records.

  1. This application has been discussed with the appropriate Technical Staff of the Ministry of National Development and Agriculture and with the Hon. Dr. Ptolemy Reid and the Hon. Regional Minister Fitz Carmichael; we have also visited and inspected the area applied for accompanied by the Hon. Carmichael and Mr. G. B. Matthews, the Sworn Land Surveyor presently executing the cadastral _? surveys for the Government of the adjacent areas.
  2. As can be seen from the attached Specimen Lease form we have suggested certain changes and additions; it should be noted that we would be engaging in mixed farming, both crops and cattle; as such we have calculated the rent payable on the ratio of occupancy which each type of farming would be engaged in.As such we have calculated the rent payable on the ratio of occupancy which each type of farming would be engaged in.  As such over a total acreage of 25,000 acres it is assumed that nearly 10,000 acres would not be used either because of flood conditions, unsuitable terrain or because of the necessity to provide green areas; the remaining 15,000 acres is set up on a basis of a four (for cattle) to one (for crops) ratio. This would therefore mean 12,000 acres at 10¢ per acre ($1200.00) and 3,000 acres at 25¢ ($750.00) for a total rent of $1950.00


per year for the first five years.  The second Five Year Period would then cost $3900.00 per year while the Third Five Year Period would cost $7800.00 per year.

  1. In compliance with the Laws of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana we have made the necessary arrangements to have our Body duly incorporated (in Guyana) by an act of Parliament; in the mean while we would hope that urgent action could be taken to have our application finalized so that work could commence as soon as possible on the area chosen.

Thanking you for your kind co-operation in the foregoing.

Yours co-operatively,
Eugene B. Chaikin
Archie J. Ijames

Hon. Ptolemy Reid
Minister for National Development & Agriculture
Vlissengen Road

Hon. Fitz Carmichael, Regional Minister
North West Region
Port Kaituma
North West District


[handwritten title at top:]

Body of petition to be introduced to Parliament

  1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ Church (Incorporation) Ordinance.
  2. In this Ordinance-
    “the Church” means the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ Church in The Cooperative Republic of Guyana;
    “the parent Church” means the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, a California non-profit corporation, in the United States of America;
    “the Board of Directors” or “the Board” means the Board of Directors of the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ in The Cooperative Republic of Guyana appointed in conformity with this Ordinance;
    “successors in office” means the persons from time to time filing the offices of the Pastor, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the parent Church, The Pastor, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Church and any persons appointed by the parent Church to be members of the Board of Directors.
  3. The Pastor of the parent Church, the Vice President of the parent Church, Eugene Bernard Chaikin, Esquire, and any persons appointed in addition to, or in substitution for, them by the parent Church to be members of the Board of Directors, and their successors in office, shall be a body corporate and shall have the name of the Board of Directors of the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ Church in The Cooperative Republic of Guyana, with perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall have full power to purchase, take, hold, enjoy, sell, transport, mortgage, lease, take on lease, invest and otherwise deal with and dispose of all property movable and immovable, of what nature or kind soever, subject, however, to any trust upon which that property has been acquired, and may sue and be sued in any court of the Republic.The powers of the Board to distribute the property of the Church are limited as follows:


no property of the church may be distributed to or for the benefit of any individual person or corporation.  Upon the dissolution of this church all property of the church that is subject to transfer must be distributed to the parent Church.

  1. In the event of the death or absence from the Republic of any member of the Board of Directors, all or any of the powers conferred on the said Board by this Ordinance may be exercised by the surviving or remaining members, provided, however, that such powers may not be exercised by less than three persons acting jointly.
  2. All property movable or immovable of what nature or kind soever hereafter bequeathed by will or otherwise given to the Church shall be deemed the property of the Board.
  3. All property vested in or hereafter acquired by the Board shall be held by the said Board for the use and benefit of the Church.
  4. In all matters not specially provided for by this Ordinance, the Board shall, so far as may be practicable, possess and exercise the like power and authority as are now or may in the future be possessed and exercised by the parent Church, and its proceedings shall be governed by the laws, regulations, processes and practice of that body in so far as they are not repugnant to, or in conflict with any Ordinance or law in force in the Republic.
  5. A statement that any person named therein has been appointed a member of the Board of Trustees, purporting to be signed by the President and Secretary of the parent Church shall be prima facie evidence of the said fact.
  6. All process which is required to be served on the Board shall be deemed to be sufficiently served if served at the residence



in the Republic of any one of the members of the said Board and a copy thereof published in the Gazette.

  1. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to affect any right of the Republic, or of any body politic or corporate, or of any other person or persons except such as are mentioned in this Ordinance and those claiming by, from, through, or under them.



[printed form with typed entries, this and next pg. typed characters are designated by Bold type]


in replying quote date hereof and No. 1/2/3843



10th April, 1974.

Permission is hereby granted to THE PEOPLES TEMPLE OF THE DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, of Port Kaituma, North West District,

under Regulation 7 (1), (2) and (3) of the State Lands Regulations,   to occupy and commence work on the tract of 25,000 acres of State Land situate on in the Port Kaituma Area, North West District, and being bounded on the North by the Kaituma River, on the South by the Port Kaituma/Matthews Ridge Railway Reserve, on the East by the Aratabaka Village, on the West by the Water Shed between the Kaituma and Barima Rivers.

applied for on the 5th February, 1974 under lease for Agriculture; Mixed Farming purposes.


  1. The  lease  when issued shall be deemed to have commenced from the date of this Permission, and the conditions attached to such lease shall be deemed to have been in force as from the date hereof.
  2. [entire paragraph is crossed out and there are no entries, but it reads:] The Permittee shall in each year during the continuance of the Permission commencing from theday of            pay to the Commissioner of Lands and Mines or other Officer duly authorised by him, a minimum royalty of [blank] cents for every acre of State Land comprised in this Permission amounting to $ [blank] per annum; Provided that where the royalty paid on articles removed from the tract during any one year equals or exceeds the minimum royalty aforesaid, then such minimum royalty shall not be payable and where the royalty paid during the year is less than the minimum royalty aforesaid then the difference only between the amount paid and the minimum royalty shall be payable.
  3. This Permission may not be transferred before the tract is surveyed and all accumulated fees, rent and minimum royaltyof any excess area paid.
  4. Permit book No            issued

Note:   This permission is granted without any obligation on the Commissioner of Lands and Mines to issue a lease

Commissioner of Lands and Mines


[exact duplicate copy of page C-4-a-21a]


[exact duplicate copy of page C-4-a-21b]


Ministry of National Development & Agriculture,
P.O. Box 1001,
25th March, 1974

[in box, top left] In replying quote date hereof and No. DL: 1/2/3843

Mr. Eugene B. Chaikin,
Port Kaituma,
North West District.


ReApplication by the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ to lease 20,000 acres of State Land situate in the Matthews Ridge area.

I have to refer to the application made by you on behalf of the abovenamed organisation and to inform you that the programme furnished by you is not sufficiently detailed to permit an accurate assessment being made of the developmental plans of the area.

In the circumstances, I shall be grateful if you will furnish me as quickly as possible with –

(a)       a phased development plan;

(b)      a management plan indicating the technical competence of the management committee;

(c)       a financial or investment plan including the financial capability of the group.

Yours faithfully,
for Permanent Secretary


Ministry of National Development & Agriculture,
P.O. Box 1001,

10th April, 1974

[in box, top left] In replying quote date hereof and No. ___


The People’s Temple of the Disciples of Christ has been permitted by the Government of Guyana to undertake Agricultural Activities in the Kaituma Area of the North West District of Guyana.

A. Orderson
Permanent Secretary


Ministry of National Development & Agriculture,
P.O. Box 1001,

10th April, 1974


The People’s Temple of the Disciples of Christ has been permitted by the Government of Guyana to undertake Agricultural Activities in the Kaituma Area of the North West District of Guyana.

Yours faithfully,
for Permanent Secretary


[Handwritten note in upper right corner: “Specimen copy; duplicate was filed w/application”]


Issued under Section 3 (b) of the State Lands Ordinance, Chapter 175.


In the name and on behalf of the State of Guyana, hereinafter called the “Lessor” which term whenever the context permits or requires shall be deemed to include the successor or successors in the said office and the person for the time being performing the functions of the said office, do hereby in consideration of the covenants, provisions and rents hereinafter reserved, and subject to the State Lands Ordinance, Chapter 175 and the State Lands Regulations made thereunder lease unto


herein termed the “Lessee”, which term shall be deemed to include his/her/their heirs executors, administrators, representatives and assigns and the said


do hereby take on lease the piece or parcel of State Land situate on the

in the County of [blank] in Guyana and more fully described as follows:

containing approximately 30,000 acres acres as shown on the diagram by Government Surveyor, dated the [blank] day of [blank] Nineteen Hundred and [blank] hereunto attached, a duplicate of which diagram together with a duplicate of this lease is on record in the Office of the Department of Lands and Mines, Georgetown, Demerara.


[divider page]


[annotated printed lease form w/ additionsand strikeouts]

TO HOLD the said premises for twenty-five years commencing from

upon the following terms and conditions :


1. (1) Subject as hereinafter provided the lessee shall pay to the Commissioner of Lands and Mines (hereinafter referred to as “the Commissioner”) or to any officer duly authorised in that behalf an annual rent for the land hereby leased as follows :

$__? 25 cents per acrefor the first 5 years
$ __?50 cents per acrefor the second 5 years
__?$1.00 per acrefor the third 5 years.

(2) Thereafter the rate at which rent is payable shall be liable to revision by the President of Guyana at five yearly intervals during the currency of the lease.

2. The lessee shall within two years from the date of the commencement of this lease cultivate and beneficially occupy at [crossouts] of the land hereby leased and shall thereafter annually increase the cultivated and beneficially occupied area by not less than one-tenth part of the area of the land hereby leased until at the end of five years he shall  have not less than one half part of the area of the land hereby leased cultivated and beneficially occupied, and shall be bound at all times during the continuance of this lease to maintain the said cultivation in good order and in a husbandlike manner to the reasonable satisfaction of the Commissioner or such Officer as may from time to time be deputed by the Commissioner to inspect the said cultivation:

Provided that where the Commissioner is satisfied from the nature of the land or the composition of the soil or for any other cause that the cultivation of any portion of the land hereby leased is impracticable or uneconomical he would deduct the area of such portions from which the lessee is required to improve and cultivate.

(2) The lessee shall be bound at all times to:

(a) comply with any directions given by the lessor for the preparation and submission of plans for the drainage and irrigation of the land hereby leased; provided that such plans are jointly agreed upon by lessee and lessor.

(b)  carry out at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Drainage and Irrigation Board all drainage and irrigation works as may from time to time be specified by the said Board, as approved in sub-paragraph (a).

(3) The lessee shall be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all works and shall immediately remedy any defect therein all to the satisfaction of the Drainage and Irrigation Board.  If the lessee fails to remedy any such defect it may be remedied by the Commissioner or by the Chief Words and Hydraulics Officer of his agent and the cost recovered from the lessee without prejudice to the liability of the lease to forfeiture under clause 18 hereof in consequence of the lessee’s failure to remedy such defect.

Good Husbandry

3.The lessee shall be bound at all times to :

(a) cultivate and maintain in a husbandlike manner all or any crops that may from time to time be specified by the Lessor;
(b) take all necessary steps to control pests, diseases and weeds on the land;
(c) keep his livestock under proper control and for that purpose may be required by the Lessor to erect and maintain such fences either by himself or together with an adjoining tenant or tenants, as may be necessary.


4.The lessee shall not sub-let or give possession of the land hereby leased or any part thereof.

Transfer and Mortgage

5.The lessee shall not transfer or mortgage his interest in the lands comprised in this lease or any part thereof except in accordance with the provisions of the State Lands Regulations for the time being in force.


[paragraphs renumbered from #6 to 7, etc, here on out]

6.7. The lessee shall bear, pay and discharge:

(a) all existing and future rates, taxes, assessments and outgoings imposed or charged upon the land hereby leased by any local or other statutory authority or in accordance with the provisions of any Ordinance.
(b) the cost on a pro rata basis or on such other basis as may, from time to time, be decided upon by the Lessor or such local or other statutory authority, the cost of all or any improvement works carried out at public expense or by such local or other statutory authority, and in the event of the failure of the lessee to pay, such amount may be recovered by Parate Execution or any other process of Law.

Boundary Paals

7.8. The lessee shall be bound during the continuance of this lease to keep the boundary lines of the land hereby leased clear and open, to keep the boundary paals thereon in their correct positions and to place and maintain on the front of the tract at or near to each boundary paal a board on which shall be painted in legible letters and figures the name of the lessee and the number and date of this lease.

Reentry by Lessor

8.9. The Lessor shall have full power and authority at all times during the term of this lease, to resume and enter into possession of any part of the land hereby leased which he may deem necessary to resume for any tone site, village, railway, tramway, canal, telegraph line, road, wireless or radio station, or power transmission or for any other public work or purpose of public use, utility or convenience; or to sell, lease, licence or otherwise dispose of to any person or persons any part or parts of the said land for any purpose as aforesaid, without making to the lessee any compensation in respect of any part so resumed or sold, leased, licensed or otherwise disposed of :

Provided that the lands to be so resumed or disposed of shall not exceed one-twentieth of the whole of the land hereby leased;

And provided further that no such resumption or disposition of any part of the said lands upon which any buildings or works have been erected or carried out or which may be enclosed and in use for the more convenient occupation of any buildings shall be made without the payment to the lessee of compensation provided in Regulation 43 of the State Lands Regulations:

And provided further that where any part or parts of the lands comprised in this lease is or are disposed of as herein provided, this lease shall immediately determine over such part or parts and the rental reserved by this lease shall be proportionately reduced.


9.10.  (1) The lessee shall in the month of December, at the end of every fifth year during the continuance of this lease submit in writing to the Commission a report stating :–

(a) the total acreage under cultivation in respect of each crop grown :
(b) the condition of the total acreage not under cultivation and the reasons therefore,
(c) the amount of livestock reared.

Minimum Charge

(2) On the lessee failing in any year to submit the aforesaid report, or in the event of the said report being false in any material particular, the lessee shall on demand pay to the Commissioner, or to any officer duly authorised in that behalf, a sum of fifty cents per acre of the land hereby leased in respect of any inspection carried out in connection with such default under paragraph (3) of this clause:

Provided that such sum payable by the lessee shall not be less than $10.00 and shall not exceed $250.00.

Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to limit the right of inspection conferred by paragraph 3 hereunder.

(3) Any officer of the Government authorised in that behalf by the Commissioner shall be entitled to enter upon the land hereby leased at such times as may be reasonable to inspect the cultivation or stock and the works, boundary lines, notice boards, fences and paals thereon and to do all things necessary to ascertain whether the conditions under which this lease is held are being complied with.

10.11. This lease shall not confer on the lessee the right to any gold, silver, or other metals, minerals, ores, bauxite, rock, gems or precious stones, coal, mineral oil or radio-active minerals in or under the land leased which shall be saved and reserved to the Lessor with the right to enter upon any part or parts of the land hereby leased (whether by himself or by his servants or agents or by any persons authorised by him in that behalf) to search and mine therefor, subject, however, to the payment to the lessee of compensation as provided in Regulation 43 of the State Lands Regulations.



(1) All areas that are cleared and planted for pasture shall be suitably fenced, at the expense of lessee.
(2) The lessee shall be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all such fences to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.
(3) Within two years lessee shall have a minimum of 250 adult cattle upon the tract. That figure shall be increased, at the rate of a minimum of two head for each five acres cleared land planted for pasture.
(4) Lessee shall control and manage such livestock in a husband like manner and shall take all necessary steps to control pests and diseases on the land or among livestock; all to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

14(c) provided that lessor has given lessee written notice. of breach, specifying the grounds thereof, and a reasonable time to comply.


[blank form]


M.P. No.

Issued under Section 3(b) of the State Lands Ordinance (Chapter 175).

I,[blank space]

President and Commander-in-Chief of Guyana.
&c., &c., &c.,

in the name and on behalf of the State of Guyana hereinafter called the “Lessor” which term whenever the context permits or requires shall be deemed to include the successor or successors, in the said office do hereby in consideration of the covenants, provision and rents hereinafter reserved, and subject to the State Lands Ordinance, (Chapter 175), and the State Lands Regulations made thereunder in force at the date of the signing of this lease in so far as they are applicable to the same and not in conflict with any of the express or implied provisions of this lease, lease unto

herein termed the “Lessee” which term shall be deemed to include heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and assigns and the said do hereby take on lease the piece or parcel of State Land situate in the State of Guyana   and more fully described as follows:–

containing [blank] acres as shown on plan dated [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] Nineteen Hundred and [blank] by [blank] Government Surveyor, a duplicate of which plan numbered [blank] together with a duplicate of this lease is on record in the Office of the Department of Lands and Mines, Georgetown, Demerara.



TO HOLD the said premises for RESIDENTIAL purposes for a term of twenty-five years, commencing from [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] Nineteen Hundred and [blank] with a right of renewal upon giving three months’ notice in writing to the Commissioner of Lands and Mines for further period not exceeding 25 years subject to revision of the rental based on the value of the land apart from any improvements effected by the lessee as defined in the State Lands Regulations relating to assessment of compensation for improvements; yielding and paying therefore and in respect thereof the rents hereinafter mentioned, upon and subject to the following conditions:–

  1. The Lessee shall pay to the Commissioner of Lands and Mines or to any Officer duly authorised in that behalf an annual rental of [blank] dollars for the land hereby leased, such amount shall be payable in advance on the first day of January in each year without demand until the termination of this lease.
  2. The Lessee shall be liable for and hereby undertake to pay all rates and taxes levied by the Local Authority or other statutory body on the land hereby leased and any buildings which may be erected thereon during the continuance of this lease.On failure of such payment the Commissioner of Lands and Mines may and is hereby authorised and empowered to pay same and recover the amount so paid from the lessee.
  3. The Lessee shall at [blank] own expense drain and otherwise keep the land leased in good sanitary condition to the satisfaction of the lessor, the Government Officer of Health and the Local Authority and shall construct, erect and maintain all drain pipes connections  fittings and other erections which the Officer of Health or Local Authority aforesaid may from time to time require to be constructed, erected or maintained and shall otherwise comply with all notices requirements or directions received by [blank] or by the Lessor from the said Officer of Health or Local Authority.
  4. The Lessee shall not be entitled to transfer or mortgage [blank] interest in the lands comprised in this lease or any part of them save with the permission in writing of the Commissioner of Lands and Mines, and in accordance with the provisions of the State Lands Regulations for the time being in force relating to transfers and mortgages and oppositions to transfers.
  5. The Lessee shall not sublet the lands comprised in this lease or any part thereof except with the permission in writing of the Commissioner of Lands and Mines, and then only on such terms and conditions as may be approved by the President, and no such permission shall in any way relieve the Lesseefrom responsibility for non-fulfilment of any of the conditions of the Lease or prevent the forfeiture of this Lease for non-compliance therewith.
  6. The Lessee shall be bound during the continuance of this lease to keep the boundary paals visible and in good conditions and in their correct position.
  7. Any Officer of the Government authorised in that behalf by the Commissioner of Lands and Mines and any Government Officer of Health or Sanitary Inspector shall be entitled to enter upon the land hereby leased at such times as may be reasonable to do all things necessary to ascertain whether the conditions under which this lease is held are being complied with.



  1. This lease shall not confer on the lessee the right to any gold, silver or other metals, minerals, ores, bauxite, rock gems or precious stones, coal or mineral oil in or under the land leased which shall be saved and reserved to the lessor with the right to enter upon any part of the land leased hereby to search and mine therefor subject, however, to the right of the lessee to receive compensation for any loss or damage to buildings occasioned by such searching and mining, the amount of any such compensation to be assessed by the Commissioner of Lands and Mines.
  2. Any notice concerning this lease or otherwise required to be given to or served upon the lessee may be given or served or sent by post in a prepaid letter addressed to the lessee and it shall be deemed to have been received byon the day on which it would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post.
  3. On the expiry of this lease by effuxion of time and if this lease is not renewed by the lesseeor in its sooner determination by surrender or cancellation the lessee [blank] shall within three months of such expiry, surrender, or cancellation remove all buildings and erections and restore the ground to its original condition failing which all buildings or erections and all improvements on the land shall belong absolutely to the lessor.
  4. If any of the terms and conditions are not complied with or the rent is not paid within 3 months of the date on which it becomes due this lease may be cancelled.
  5. The Lesseepaying the rent and other sums of money hereby reserved, and performing all the covenants, and conditions to be by [blank] observed and fulfilled shall and may peaceably and quietly possess and enjoy the premises hereby leased without any undue interference by the lessor or any person claiming to be acting under him.

IN WITNESS whereof, the parties hereto have signed these presents at [blank] in the City of Georgetown on the [blank] day of in the year 19[blank], and at [blank] in the County aforesaid on the [blank] day of [blank] in the year 19[blank] in the presence of the under-mentioned witnesses.

Commissioner of Lands and Mines
for the President of Guyana, (Lessor).


Witnesses to the signature of the lessee [blank] this day of [blank] 19[blank]



[divider page]


Recorded this [blank] day of [blank] 19[blank]

Commissioner of Lands and Mines.

D.C.L/P.-63.0M [__?]

[no page number]

[blank form, with handwritten title top right:]                                                            SPECIMEN



Issued under Section 8(b) of the State Lands Ordinance

Chapter 175.

hereinafter called the “Lessor” which term whenever the context permits or required shall be deemed to include the successor or successors in the said office do hereby in consideration of the covenants, provisions and rents hereinafter reserved, and subject to the State Lands Ordinance, Chapter 175, and the State Lands Regulations made thereunder in force at the date of the signing of this lease in so far as they are applicable to the same and not in conflict with any of the expressed or implied provisions of this lease, lease unto

herein termed the “Lessee” which term shall be deemed to include [blank] heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and assigns, and [blank] the said [blank] do hereby take on lease the natural surface of all that piece or parcel of State Land situated on the [blank] in the County of [blank] and State aforesaid, and more fully described as follows:–

containing [blank] acres as shown on a diagram by Government Surveyor, dated

the [blank] day of [blank] Nineteen Hundred and [blank]

hereunto attached, a duplicate of which diagram along with a duplicate of this lease is recorded in the office of the Department of Lands and Mines, Georgetown, Demerara.


[blank form, cont’d]

TO HOLD the said premises for twenty-five years commencing from [blank] upon the following terms and conditions:-


1. (1) Subject as hereinafter provided the lessee shall pay to the Commissioner of Lands and Mines (hereinafter referred to as “the Commissioner”) or to any officer duly authorised in that behalf an annual rent at the following rate per acre of the land hereby leased:

cents per acre for the first 5 years
cents per acre for the second 5 years

(2)  Thereafter the rate at which rent is payable shall be liable to revision by the Government at five yearly intervals during the currency of the lease.

Provided that the Commissioner shall give to the Lessee at least six months notice in writing of any intended revision of the rent.

(3)  If any scheme is approved by the Government for empoldering or draining or irrigating any area of which, the land hereby leased forms part of the rate at which rent is payable shall be liable to be increased to such rate as the Government may determine with effect from the first day of January next following the notification to the Lessee of such increase.  If the Lessee gives to the Commissioner notice in writing of his refusal to pay the increased rent the lease shall be forfeited at the expiration of a period of six months from the date of the notification to the Lessee of the increase, and in such case the Lessee shall have the right within such period to remove any building or other erections existing on the land hereby leased and to receive compensation from a succeeding Lessee in the term of Clause 12 hereof.

(4)  Rent shall be payable in advance without demand on the first day of January in each year until the termination of the lease.

Works to be carried out.

2. (1) In this lease land capable of being drained means land from which water can be discharged into the sea or into any river, creek or other sufficient channel (whether natural or artificial) without the construction of any works outside the limits of the land hereby leased other than works for the purpose of discharging water across any adjacent reserve (or part thereof) or across the foreshore.

(2) Where at the commencement of this lease the land hereby leased is capable of being drained, the Lessee shall at his own expense carry out the works necessary for proper drainage of the land which works shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner within two (2) years of the date of commencement of this lease.

(3)  Where at the commencement of this lease —

(a) the land hereby leased is not capable of being drained, and
(b) the Chief Works and Hydraulics Officer has certified that in his opinion it is likely that the land will at some future date become capable of being drained by reason of the construction of new drainage works by any authority or otherwise, and
(c) the said Chief Works and Hydraulics Officer has prescribed that in such event drainage works necessary for proper drainage of the land shall be carried out by the Lessee within such period as is therein prescribed, and where at any future date the said Chief Works and Hydraulics Officer certifies to the Commissioner that the land has become capable of being drained, the Commissioner may serve upon the Lessee a notice in writing to that effect, and the Lessee shall thereupon carry out the said works within the prescribed period, which shall be reckoned from the date of service of the notice.


(4)Immediately upon the completion of any works required to be carried out by the Lessee under paragraphs (2) or (3) of this Clause, the Lessee shall bring the whole of the land hereby leased into a state fit for beneficial occupation as pasture land, and shall take all necessary steps to keep up, maintain and improve the pasture grasses thereon to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

Provided that if the Commissioner is satisfied that from the nature of the land or the composition of the soil or for any other cause that the utilisation of certain portions of the land as pasture land is impracticable or uneconomical he would deduct the area of such portions i.e. not fit for beneficial occupation from the area which the Lessee is required to improve and maintain as pasture land.

3. (1)The Lessee shall at his own expense enclose the whole of the land hereby leased with a fence to the satisfaction of the Commissioner and carry out such other works as may be reasonable for the control and management of livestock which fence and works shall be completed within two years of the commencement of the lease.

Provided that such fence may be erected jointly with an adjoining Lessee and provided further that the Commissioner may grant the Lessee exemption from fencing any part of the land which has frontage to a river or creek or other natural feature which in the opinion of the Commissioner serves the purpose of a fence.

(2) The Lessee shall be responsible for the up-keep and maintenance of all such fences and other works as aforesaid to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

(3) The Lessee shall —

(a) within five (5) years of the commencement of this lease have and thereafter maintain upon the land not less than two (2) head of livestock for each [illegible] acre of grazing land comprised in the area hereby leased (whether of his own stock or by way of agistment);* provided that he shall not being to receive livestock for agistment without the consent in writing of the Commissioner which consent shall not be given until after the whole of the land hereby leased has been brought by him into a state fit for beneficial occupation as pasture land;
(b) control and manage such livestock in a husband-like manner.
(c) take all necessary steps to control posts and diseases on the land or among the livestock; all to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

(4)This lease is subject to the right of any person lawfully entitled to use a cattle-brand or his representative to enter on the land hereby leased to search for strays, provided that no such person shall enter upon such land without first notifying the Lessee or his representative of his intention so to do, and that no stray shall be removed therefrom before it has been produced to the Lessee or his representative for inspection.


4. The Lessee shall not sub-let the land hereby leased or any part thereof.

Transfer and mortgage.
5. The Lessee shall not transfer nor mortgage his interest in the lands comprised in this lease or any part thereof except in accordance with the provisions of the State Lands Regulations for the time being in force.

Rates and taxes.

6. The Lessee shall bear, pay and discharge all existing and future rates, taxes, assessments and outgoings imposed or charged upon the holding by any local or other statutory authority or in accordance with the provisions of any ordinance.


Boundary paals.

7. The Lessee shall be bound during the continuance of this lease to keep the boundary lines of the land hereby leased clear and open, to keep the boundary paals thereon in their correct positions and to place and maintain on the front of the tract at or near to each boundary paal a board on which shall be painted in legible letters and figures the name of the Lessee and the number and date of this lease.

Re-entry by Lessor.
8. The Lessor shall have full power and authority at all times during the term of this lease, to resume and enter into possession of any part or parts of the Land hereby leased which he may deem necessary to resume for any town site, village, railway, tramway, canal, telegraph line, roads, wireless or radio station, or power transmission and generally for any works or purposes of public use, utility or convenience; or to sell, lease, licence or otherwise dispose of to any person or persons any part or parts of the said land for any purpose as aforesaid without making to the Lessee any compensation in respect of any part so resumed or sold, leased, licensed or otherwise disposed of:

Provided that the lands to be so resumed or disposed of shall not exceed one-twentieth part of the whole of the land hereby leased;

And provided further that no such resumption or disposition of any part of the said lands upon which any buildings or works have been erected or carried out or which may be enclosed and in use for the more convenient occupation of any building shall be made without the payment to the Lessee of Compensation as provided in Regulation 43 of the State Lands Regulations;

And provided further that where any part of parts of the lands comprised in this lease is or are resumed, or possession taken of or sold, leased, licenced or otherwise disposed or as herein provided, this lease shall immediately determine over such part or parts and the rental reserved by this lease shall be proportionately reduced.


9. (1)  The Lessee shall in the month of December at the end of the second year and thereafter at the end of every fifth year during the continuance of this lease submit in writing to the Commissioner a report stating :-

(a) the length, width, depth and condition of each trench and drain and the length, width, height and condition of each dam constructed or erected;

(b) the total area not under beneficial occupation as a pasture, the condition and reasons therefor;

(c) the total area fenced, and the nature and length of the fence used;

(d) the total number of livestock kept with respect to each kind of livestock;

(e) the state of pests and diseases and the steps if any taken against the same.

(2)On the Lessee failing to submit the aforesaid reports as required or in the event of the said report being false in any material particular, the Lessee shall on demand pay a sum of [blank] cents per acre of the land hereby leased with a minimum charge of [blank] dollars in respect of any inspection carried out in connection with such default under paragraph (3) of this Clause:

Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to limit the right of inspection conferred by paragraph 3 aforesaid.

(3)  Any officer of the Government authorised in that behalf by the Commissioner shall be entitled to enter upon the land hereby leased at such times as may be reasonable to inspect the cultivation or stock and the works, boundary lines, notice boards and paals thereon and to do all things necessary to ascertain whether the conditions under which this lease is held are being complied with.



10. This lease shall not confer on the Lessee the right to any gold, silver or other metals, minerals, ores, bauxite, rock, gems or precious stones, coal, mineral oil or radioactive minerals in or under the land leased which shall be saved and reserved to the Lessor with the right to enter upon any part of parts of the land hereby leased (whether by himself or by his servants or agents or by any persons authorised by him in that behalf) to search and mine therefor subject, however, to the payment to the Lessee of compensation as provided in Regulation 43 of the State Lands Regulations.

Service of Notices.

11.For the purposes of this lease any notice shall be deemed to be duly served on the Lessee or the mortgagee as the case may be if sent to him by registered post or if service in this manner cannot be made by posting a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place on the land hereby leased.

Termination of Lease.

12. On the expiry of this lease by effluxion of time or upon the surrender or forfeiture thereof all buildings or erections and all improvements on the land hereby leased shall belong absolutely to the Government of Guyana.

Provided that if the land hereby leased is again leased within two years of the date of expiry, surrender or forfeiture as aforesaid the Lessee shall be entitled to receive from the succeeding Lessee the full value of all lawful improvements existing on the land computer as at the date of such renewal, and the amount of compensation payable in respect of such improvements shall be determined subject to the provisions of Regulation 43 of the State Lands Regulations and in the manner therein provided.

Breaches of terms and conditions.

13. (a) Where any instalment of rent payable hereunder is three (3) months or more overdue, the Commissioner may give to the Lessee notice in writing to pay the arrears of rent within three (3) months of the date of such notice. If the lease has been mortgaged in accordance with the requirements of the State Lands Regulations for the time being in force a similar notice shall be given to the mortgagee. If either the Lessee or the mortgagee complies with such notice the Lessee shall continue to hold the land hereby leased as if no breach had been committed. If neither the Lessee nor the mortgagee complies with such notice, this lease and the lands comprised therein and all improvements thereon may be forfeited forthwith.

(b) Where the Lessee has committed any breach of the conditions of Clause 3 of this lease, the Commissioner may give to the Lessee notice in writing to remedy the same within such period as the Commissioner may prescribe and if the Lessee fails to remedy the breach within such period this lease and the lands comprised therein and all improvements thereon may be forfeited.

(c) Where the Lessee has committed any other breach of the conditions of this lease, the lease and the lands comprised therein and all improvements thereon may be forfeited forthwith.

Provisions as to waiver.

14. (1) The Lessor or Commissioner may exercise his right to enforce any condition of this lease notwithstanding that he may have omitted to exercise such right on any previous occasion.

(2) The receipt by the Commissioner (or by any officer duly auhtorised in that behalf) of any rent or other money payable by the Lessee shall not affect the right of the Lessor or the Commissioner to enforce the conditions of this lease in respect of any breach committed by the Lessee and whether or not known to the Commissioner before such receipt.

Quiet possession and renewal.

15. The Lessee paying the rent and other sums of money hereby reserved and performing all the covenants and conditions herein contained and to be by him observed and fulfilled shall and may peaceably and quietly possess and enjoy the land hereby leased without any undue interference by the Lessor or any person claiming to be lawfully acting under him and upon giving three (3) months’ notice in writing to the Commissioner shall be entitled to a renewal of this lease for a further period of twenty-five (25) years upon the same terms and conditions including this present condition but at the rent fixed by the Government under the provisions of paragraph 2 of Clause 1 of this lease.


IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have signed these presents at the City of Georgetown on the [blank] day of [blank] in the year 19[blank], and at [blank] in [blank] the State aforesaid of [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] in the year 19[blank], in the presence of the undermentioned witnesses.

Commissioner of Lands and Mines.


Witnesses to the signature of the Lessee this [blank] day of [blank], 19[blank].



Commissioner of Lands and Mines.


[divider page, unnumbered, stamped as follows:]





Pages C-4-a-30b – k duplicate pages C-4-a-17b – k]

Brief notes on alienation of Government and State Lands in the Republic of Guyana.

All applications for Government and/or State Lands in Guyana must be filed at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands, Lands Department, Ministry of National Development and Agriculture, Lot 39, Brickdam, Georgetown.

State and Government Lands in Guyana may be granted under Lease, Licence or Permission for Agricultural, Residential, Cattle-grazing and other purposes. Leases require the approval of His Excellency the President of Guyana and are issued for a term of 25 years with the right of renewal for a further period of 25 years.  Annual permissions to occupy State of Government Lands are issued by the Commissioner of Lands.

None of the titles issued under the State Land Ordinance, Chapter 175, give any right to extract minerals or mineral ores. Any mineral operation or extraction require separate leases issued under the Mining Ordinance, Chapter 196.

Leases, Licences and Permissions for the extraction of forest products only are issued by the Conservator of Forests over areas in Guyana which have been declared State Forests under the Forests Ordinance, Chapter 240.  Applications for the extraction of timber and other forest operations (including the operation of sawmills) within the declared areas must, therefore, be addressed to the Conservator of Forests, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Kingston, Georgetown.


– 2 –

The conditions of leases require definite minimum cultivation, livestock holding and/or other beneficial occupation of the land leased.  In the case of woodcutting leases and licences an annual minimum extraction is required for the payment of an annual minimum royalty on the basis of 10 cents per acre.  Conditions vary with the purpose for which the land is to be used.

Agriculture is concentrated mainly within the alluvial coastal belt which extends from the sea to about 30 miles inland where productivity is highest.  This region is low lying and subject to flooding during the heavy rainy seasons.  Control of water along the coast necessitates a system of canals, dams, sluices and sea or river defence.  In many areas pumps are needed to irrigate as well as to get rid of surplus water.

Agriculture, however, is extending further inland and there are large areas of State Land suitable for agriculture, cattle-grazing and other purposes.  Both the topography and the soil are different from the alluvial coast.  Communication in these inland areas is limited, but the possibilities are encouraging.

Cattle rearing on a large scale can be successfully pursued both on the Intermediate and Hinterland Savannahs.

Applications for areas in excess of 50 acres need to be supported by development plans before consideration can be given to them.


– 3 –

A lessee may transfer or mortgage his right, title and interest held in any State or Government Land provided the conditions of the title have been observed and the transferee or mortgagee is acceptable to the Commissioner.  In the case of a transfer a duty of 2% of the transaction must be paid on conveyance.

Where Government has established the necessary works for water control (drainage, irrigation, sea/river defence), a development charge is payable in addition to the normal rental.  This development charge varies from district to district depending on the volume of works which has been constructed and the cost of maintaining these works in a serviceable condition.  This development charge exists mainly in Land Development areas.  In acres where no services exist, the individual lessee will provide his own system of flood control and will not be requested to pay any development charge.

In a few developed areas State and/or Government land may be purchased.  The price varies with the locality, presence of adequate communication and the degree of development.  Any lessee who has fully developed a tract of State Land held under lease and have satisfied the other conditions thereof for more than twelve years may apply to have this converted to an absolute grant (free-hold).

The normal fees paid for use of State and Government Lands are: [this and the preceding sentence have a wavy vertical line (callout) drawn in right margin]

(a) Leases for Agricultural purposes.

Application fee – $5.00


– 4 –

Survey fees – the actual cost of the survey which has to be deposited at the time of notification of approval of the application as per schedule attached.


$2.00 per acre for the first five years.
$4.00 per acre for the second five years thereafter subject to revision at five yearly
$24.00 for residential lots along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.

(b) (i) Leases for cattle grazing purposes on Coastal Savannahs.

Application and survey fees as at (a).


$1.00 per acre per annum for the first five years and
$2.00 per acre per annum thereafter.

(ii) Leases for cattle grazing purposes on the Intermediate and Hinterland Savannahs.

Application fee – $5.00

Survey – actual cost.

Rent at $2.00 per square mile per annum.

Grazing permission for one year renewable on the 1st January in each and every year pay a flat rate of $15.00 per annum for blocks not exceeding 15 square miles.

(c) Residential Leases for land in certain townships and settled areas are issued on similar terms as agricultural leases.  In most cases the small farmer is permitted to reside on the land which he holds under a lease issued for agricultural purposes.  Rent however may vary according to land values in the locality.

(d) Licences for Woodcutting purposes (including extraction of timber and other forest products) are issued for areas not exceeding 5,000 acres.  Royalty is payable on the timber and other articles removed.  Rates as per schedule attached.  In the areas adjacent to private property, the woodcutter must pay for a survey of the perimeter of his tract which he must also mark on the ground by cutting boundary lines.  Leases are required for areas in excess of 5,000 acres.


(e) (i) Permissions – (Agricultural and Cattle grazing)
are issued at the same rental and fees required for leases for the same purpose.  No survey fees are payable as the boundaries are not defined. Occupation is at the applicants own risk.

(ii) Woodcutting Permissions are issued for a period of six months with a right to renew for only one further period of six months.  These permissions are for specific small quantities.

Application fee – $5.00
Royalty paid on the articles removed.

(f) Licences to collect balata, rubber or substances of a like nature may be issued by the Commissioner of Lands over an area not in excess of 50 sq. miles on payment of a fee of $10.00 and an annual rental of $40.00.  Any applicant for a licence to collect balata or rubber must give security in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars.  Royalty is also payable as per schedule attached.

No Lease or Licence is granted over lands within 300 yards of the frontiers of Guyana.

[signed] R. Dinally

Commissioner of Lands.



Office Fees

$      ¢

  1. For filing any application for a Grant, Lease, Licence of Occupancy, Licence
    to Cut Wood, Licence to Quarry Stone or Permission or for renewal, transfer
    of or extension of the same…………………………………………………………………………….. 5.00
  2. For filing any application for a licence to collect rubber or balata or renewal
    of the same………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10.00
  3. For Permission to collect gums (other than rubber or balata)………………………….. 5.00
  4. For Permission to collect orchid…………………………………………………………………… 10.00
  5. For Permission to sublet any tract or part thereof…………………………………………… 1.00
  6. For Certificate to Registrar of Deeds of existence of title………………………………….. 1.00
  7. For Certificate of approval of mortgage…………………………………………………………… 1.00
  8. For registering mortgage on small agricultural lease holdings not executed
    before a judge………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.00
  9. For recording of Mortgage Debt……………………………………………………………………… 1.00

Survey Fees

Tracts of                   1      acre   to           15   acres – Estimated costs                            –            $204.00

”         ”            15       acres ”            30      ”    –       ”            ”                  –     $250.00

”         ”            30       acres ”            50      ”    –       ”            ”                  –       330.00

”         ”            50       acres ”            60      ”    –       ”            ”                  –       412.00

”         ”            60       acres ”          100      ”    –       ”            ”                  –       500.00

”         ”          100       acres ”          200      ”    –       ”            ”                  –       660.00

”         ”          200       acres ”          300      ”    –       ”            ”                  –       740.00

”         ”          300       acres ”          500      ”    –       ”            ”                  –       990.00

”         ”          500       acres ”        1000      ”    –       ”            ”                  –     1150.00

”         ”        1000       acres ”        5000      ”    –       ”            ”                  –     2470.00

Soeadyke/Linden Highway Plots

Agricultural Lots                                                                $75.00

Residential Lots                                                                 $30.00


It should be explained to applicants that notwithstanding the deposit of the estimated cost of survey, either wholly or by instalment, they will be required to pay the excess when the actual cost of survey is determined to be more than the fees deposited and similarly where the actual cost of survey is less they will be entitled to a refund of the difference.

Inspection Fees (Woodcutting tracts)

Less than 100 acres … $25.00

101 acres to 500 acres … 30.00

501 acres to 1000 acres. … 60.00

Every additional 500 acres or part thereof in excess of 1000 acres. … 20.00


Timber … 8,5, and 3¢ per cu. ft. depending on classification

Shingles … 65 cts. per 1000.

Paling Posts (less than 6″ in diameter) … 30 cts. per 100 lin. ft.

Charcoal …   6 cts. per 100 lbs.

Firewood or Tonwood … 30 cts. per cord or 12 cts. per ton.

Balata, Rubber or other gums …  2 cts. per pound.

Orchids (for export) … 25 cts. each.

Sand, Gravel or substance of like nature … 15 cts. per ton.

Shell … 25 cts. per ton.

Kaolin and other clays (excluding Bauxite) … 25 cts. per ton.

Stone and any substance of a like nature … 25 cts. per ton.

Minimum Royalty on Quarry Licences …  $1000.00 for every five acres or part thereof.
