Serial 730

[Editor’s notes: This serial includes some of the language from the first three pages of Serial 300, the text of which may be found here, and from Serial 500, the text of which may be found here. The differences are substantive enough that the entirety of Serial 730 is presented here.]

[One of the deletions in this serial is the location of the residence of Ryan staffer James Schollaert. Other serials – e.g., Serial 715 – reveal that city to be Arlington, Virginia. That deleted information from the memorandum – designated by brackets – has been indicated by red type. Other information which remains withheld under the Freedom of Information Act has been denoted in green type.]

United States Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Date: 11/27/78
To: Mr. Moore
From: J. O. Ingram
Subject: RYMUR

Daily Summary

At 2:22 p.m. this date, San Francisco Office advised that San Francisco Mayor George Mosconi [Moscone] and City Supervisor Harvey Milk were shot and killed in the Mayor’s Office by an individual identified as Dan White. The shooting, which occurred at approximately 2:15 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, apparently is not related to captioned matter, but rather, is the outgrowth of a political argument over whether White could withdraw his resignation as City Supervisor and be reinstated by the Mayor. White, a city fireman, apparently became enraged at the Mayor’s decision to appoint another individual to take White’s place and shot both individuals. White is in local custody at this time. San Francisco is endeavoring at this time to determine if Dan White has ever had any association with the Peoples Temple.

[Name deleted], former member of the Planning Commission of the Peoples Temple, has furnished information to the San Francisco Office that the Peoples Temple is made up of four types of persons. These types include ex-members, current members, members of the Planning Commission, and “the Angels” or “Staff” who are the inner circle of the Planning Commission. The Angels have been characterized as the “hit men” by ex-members who have been interviewed. Ex-members have also indicated the existence of a contingency plan which would go into effect under the following conditions to include the following results:

If a public official attempted to expose the Peoples Temple, Angels were to kidnap the public official’s children, kill those children, kill their own children, and then commit suicide.

If the Church fell, the following persons are to be assassinated: San Francisco Mayor George Mosconi, the President of the United States, and the Governor of California. Also

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named were those in line to succeed to the Presidency. The foregoing information has been made available to local officials in California as well as the Justice Department, United States Secret Service (USSS), CIA, State Department, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, and the White House Situation Room.

Telephonic contact with Legat Robert Oglesby has revealed that the Guyanese Police have taken appropriate steps to preserve and protect all physical evidence in Guyana which includes 32 weapons issued by Guyanese and furnished to the FBI for NCIC checks. NCIC is negative re all weapons and this information is being relayed to Guyana for the information of local authorities.

It has been determined that the briefcase belonging to Congressman Ryan was given by DCM [Deputy Chief of Mission] Richard Dwyer, State Department Official in Guyana, to James Schollaert, a Committee Staffer for Congressman Ryan. Schollaert has returned to his home in [location deleted] [Arlington], Virginia, and is being interviewed by the Alexandria office.

Medical records and various unidentified tape recordings located at the Jonestown community are in the possession of the American Embassy at Georgetown, Guyana. The State Department intends to turn these documents over to the FBI unless the Government of Guyana insists upon retention of those items for prosecution in Guyana. In the latter event, all materials will be copied for the FBI before the originals are turned over to the Government of Guyana.

The current status of Americans in Guyana is as follows:

46 individuals are in residence at the Lamaha Gardens, Peoples Temple Headquarters in Georgetown, Guyana. This is the location where Sharon Amos and her three children were murdered at about the same time the mass suicide took place in Jonestown. It is recalled that the Lamaha Gardens is a Peoples Temple owned structure in Georgetown, Guyana.

29 individuals are currently housed at the Park Hotel. This group is composed of those formerly listed as the group who elected to stay at Police Headquarters before being persuaded to go to the hotel. Included in this group are

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two brothers named Carter and Michael J. Prokes who were at one time held by local police but who have since been released. Local authorities appear convinced that these individuals were not involved in either the airport incident or the mass suicide.

Two individuals are in a public hospital; one individual, Miguel DePina was allowed to return to the United States on a commercial flight due to advanced age and ill health. Mr. DePina is being interviewed at Los Angeles following his arrival there on this date.

Two individuals have been arrested by local authorities in Guyana. Larry Layton has been charged with murder. Layton was born on [January 11, 1946]