Serial 740

FBI Airtel

Date 12/4/78

TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)
FROM: ADIC, NEW YORK (89-495) (P) (212)

Re Brooklyn-Queens MRA teletype to Bureau, dated 11/30/78.

Enclosed for San Francisco is the original letter mailed to [name and address deleted], NY, NY. It is postmarked in Guyana with a return address of “P.O. Box 893 Georgetown, Guyana, S.A.”

Enclosed for information of FBI HQ are two copies of this letter.

The post office markings are illegible, but the letter was received by [name withheld] on 12/1/78. It therefore may have been mailed just prior to mass suicides at Jonestown. The letter gives no indication of conspiracy or attempt to assassinate Congressman RYAN. The letter is signed by MARION CAMPBELL. Retel notes CAMPBELL survivor of PT who is now residing in Los Angeles.

[name withheld] advised the NYO [New York Office] on 12/2/78 that she is a Bible minister and gave a contribution to Reverend JIM JONES several years ago after hearing him give a sermon at a NY church. [name withheld] does not know any PT members. Periodically, she received

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NY 89-495)

solicitations for donations to PT but threw them away unanswered. She does not know MARION CAMPBELL.

The letter is forwarded to San Francisco for whatever use San Francisco deems necessary.


[Text of letter]

Dear [name deleted]

Pastor Jim Jones has undertaken a great work for humanity. His one-thousand (1000) member community of Jonestown, Guyana, South America is showing the world a model of cooperation and love. Here, every desire is being realized, the hand of hope is reaching out in love to care for the needy to bring relief to the oppressed. Everyone who comes to the miracle community of Jonestown has marveled at what Pastor Jim Jones has accomplished in such a short time. Yes, a miracle of faith, work and determination – an inspiration and help to all in need.

Though literally hundreds have been reached by the miracle of this healing ministry, much more needs to be done. Our free medical clinic is now serving many in the immediate area of our district, and we would like to reach even more of the outlying areas and add to the appreciable number of orphans that we already have.

Pastor Jones asks you to help sow the seeds of love with practical assistance. The jungle blooms with hundreds of plants and acres of vital, organic foods. Can you catch the lovely fragrance of this beautiful land? A reminder of how wonderful our lives are here, as we follow the higher path of service to mankind with Pastor Jones.

What you help in this great effort, assist us to build the foundation for a new world, extend the great chain of compassion across the seas to unite mankind [illegible word] of universal cooperation? The special number of faith this month for Jonestown is $50.33. Your generous gift, as always will be a blessing to others and by the higher laws of life, your giving will return to bless you. The scriptures of every great faith proclaim this to be so.

From this beautiful community of love, Pastor Jim Jones sends to you in advance, his Personal thanks and Meditations for health, well-being and prosperity.

Sincerely in His Service,
Marion Campbell

P.S. – No cash. Make donation payable to: People Temple Agricultural Mission, P.O. Box 893, Georgetown, Guyana, S.A.