Serial 964



To: SAC, Baltimore
From: Director, FBI

Enclosed for Baltimore is the original and one copy of authorization for autopsy on the remains of Reverend Jim Jones which has been executed by the sons and daughter of Jim Jones.

Baltimore, at Dover, Delaware, provide same to appropriate authorities of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology at Dover Air Force Base.

Enclosures (2)

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Date: December 7, 1978
At: Queens, New York

I/we request and authorize the physicians in attendance at The Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Delaware, to perform a complete autopsy on the remains of Reverend Jim Jones. I/we understand that the autopsy may include an examination of the head, eyes, spinal cord, chest, abdomen, and extremities. I/we authorize the removal and retention or use for diagnostic, scientific, or therapeutic purposes of such organs, tissues, and parts as such physicians deem proper.

I/we represent that I am/we are the legal next of kin of the deceased and entitled by law to control the disposition of the remains.

Signed: Suzanne Jones (Cartmell)
Timothy G. Jones

Witnessed by: [name deleted]