Serial 1094

United States Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Date: 12/6/78
To: Mr. Moore
From: W. D. Gow

Subject: RYMUR

On 12/6/78, ASAC Terry Knowles, Brooklyn Queens office (BQ) advised the following:

In the early evening, 12/5/78, a Mr. [name deleted] telephonically contacted BQ and spoke to Supervisor [name deleted], stating that he had been asked by William Kunstler to provide legal representation for the returning members of the Peoples Temple (PT) from Guyana. Mr. [name deleted] asked that Mr. Kunstler contact the BQ office in expressing his legal request.

Later in the evening, 12/5/78, William Kunstler telephonically contacted Supervisor [name deleted], BQ, and stated that he had been asked by Charles Garry to provide legal counsel for the PT members. He inquired if we had any arrest warrants for the returning survivors on Wednesday, 12/6/78. [name deleted] stated that we did not have any arrest warrants for these persons.

Mr. Kunstler stated that he would be in Kansas on 12/6/78 and would have an attorney represent his office, and this representative would be at the John F. Kennedy Airport Wednesday evening and would contact Supervisor [name deleted]. The identity of this representative has not been furnished by Kunstler to date.

Richard Brewster, Chief of the Criminal Division, Eastern District of New York (EDNY), was advised of the request of Mr. Kunstler, at which time Mr. Brewster furnished the following information:

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Memo to Mr. Moore

He stated that the FBI is under no obligation to advise the returning persons of their right to counsel inasmuch as these individuals are not the targets of the investigation based on the information known to date, and there are no outstanding arrest warrants for these persons. Further, he advised that we had no basis to know whether, in fact, Kunstler or any other counsel represents specific individuals who are returning to John F. Kennedy Airport. If during the course of the interview of person requests counsel, then that request would be honored at that particular time.

Mr. Brewster further advised that future contacts by William Kunstler, Charles Garry, or any of the representatives be referred to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, specifically to AUSA Richard Brewster, telephone 212-330-7071, Brooklyn, New York.

[Handwritten addition: “This matter discussed with AAG Phil Heymann USDJ and concurs. Heymann discussing subpoena question with Wm. Hunter, USA SF.”].