FBI Airtel
Date 12/14/78
TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (89-4286)
ReNYtelcall to San Francisco, 12/13/78.
Enclosed for the Bureau are two (2) copies of FD-302s of interviews of the following individuals:
[Guy Mitchell] | 12/2/78 | Survivor |
[Ruby Neal Johnson] | 12/2/78 | Relative |
[Dawn Gardfrey] | 12/3/78 | Survivor |
[Bea Orsot [Grubbs]] | 12/3/78 | Survivor |
[Name withheld] | 12/3/78 | Survivor |
Beatrice Grubbs | 12/3/78 | Survivor |
[Suzanne Jones Cartmell] | 12/3/78 | Relative |
[Name withheld] | 12/3/78 | Relative |
[Sonya Evans] | 12/6/78 | Survivor |
[Andrea Walker] | 12/3/78 | Survivor |
Enclosed for San Francisco are the original FD-302 and two (2) copies of these interviews. San Francisco note that [name deleted] FD-302’s have minor revisions.
Also enclosed for San Francisco are original FD-302’s of interviews of:
Madeline Brooks
Grover Davis
Hyacinth Thrash
Marian Campbell
BQ 89-495
Raymond Godshalk
Alveray [Alvaray] Satterwhite
Caroly [Carolyn] Young
Conducted at New York on 11/29/78
Copies of these FD-302’s directed to the Bureau and San Francisco in New York airtel dated 11/29/78.